So you’re thinking about an Email reading….

email reading

Advantages of Email Reading

‘No, she didn’t just repeat what I said.’
‘I only pay $18.75, that’s it.’
I can’t get carried away.
It’s in writing: I can’t forget.
Forward it to a friend, or parts of it.
I get the picture, I can Google the meanings.
PayPal has my credit card, not a psychic –
She doesn’t even know my phone number.
Maybe I won’t give my own name out.
Can ask about someone without naming them.
It’s impersonal: No voice for her to go by.
No spirits involved, no energy reading here.
(See Sample Reading Below)




Disadvantages of Email Reading

It’s not a live conversation.
I have to give one specific question.
What if I don’t know how to apply this information?
I might have to wait for the answer.
I want more!

Advantages of a Phone Reading

I get to vent, to explain.
I get to know the type of person I’m talking to.
I can build one question upon another.
I call; she answers; we’re on.
I don’t have to set up another payment; I’m a customer.
I get useful information that isn’t in my question.



Emily does not need names, birthdays, or any background to give you a direct detailed answer. The category of life, and the gender (if it’s not obvious) is all she needs from you, and one specific question. You can give whatever information you want, of course – your choice, but not necessary.
Is the question about a love interest, a relative, someone on the job, parties to a lawsuit or business deal? – that kind of thing. That’s it. (You can say whether a love interest is married, if you like. That way, if marriage cards show up, it’s easier to interpret.)



Email readings have to wait for a quiet calm time, so you may wait a few days.  You will get an answer within a week.  Sometimes the same day, but do be patient.

Here Are Some Good Questions

* How does this person see the situation; what is his perspective and attitude toward me and/or toward our relationship? (Specify the gender:  If it’s a woman you ask about, write ‘What is her perspective …?’  This question gives you general detail. We are in the other person’s head and heart.

* For a question dealing with more than one person or a group of people: What is their perspective and attitude toward me and/or the relationship, transaction or situation we are in?  (Specify what you are asking, don’t just copy all the choices – the relationship, or the transaction, or the situation, not all the above!

* What will I see this person/these people actually do in the real world in the next, say, three months? (Specify which it is – this person’ or ‘these people.’  This question is from your point of view, using your definitions of the words. (‘Love’ means different things to different people, for instance.) This question is action – ‘do’ – not thinking and feeling.

* If you ask about whether a person loves you, specify whether you mean in the other person’s definition, or yours.

* Tell me about my business in the next, say, three months: How pleased will I be with it? Will I make a profit? Will it pay its bills?

* The joint view (of me and my competence) of all the people at work who have a say in my getting ahead there. (Of course, you do not have to know who these people are.)  A sister question to this is: Will I get a raise; will I be promoted?

* If I leave this job, six months down the road, will I feel that was a good move?  If I move away from this town (or neighborhood, etc.), how pleased will I be that I did that, in the next (whatever time period you want to address)?  This is an all-encompassing question; the answer can include factors you don’t know about now, so may be unexpected.

* Who should I be, and how should I act, to make something (Name the goal here.) happen the way I want it to?

* I have some choices here. How will I feel looking back (say, six months) from now if I choose Number One? – Number Two? – Number Three? (This question is best over the phone, but it can be done as an Email. As an Email reading, if you pay $18.75 for EACH choice, your reading will be in more detail because each question will have all the cards to itself.  Paying for one reading, each question will have three or six cards, depending on how many questions there are.

Tarot Verbatim™ is language-based and literal. Your Answer will be based on your exact question. ‘What’s up?’ isn’t a question for Tarot Verbatim™. The free Ebook on this site will explain that fully.

If you pay $18.75 and ask more than one question in you will receive the answer to the first question you ask.

General Information about phone readings:


If you want to ‘know it all,’ it is cheaper to telephone and pay by the minute. Emily’s experience reduces the time.

The charge for telephone analysis of your situation is $3.75 per minute.
The telephone number to call is in Idaho:   1 (208) 993 1897.

Of course you don’t pay for the time it takes to verify your credit card; and you can use PayPal if you prefer. (Emily has been an American Express and other credit cards merchant since 1993.)  Unless you prefer not to, Emily will ask you what you want to know and how much you want to pay, and there is no charge for that.  That procedure saves you money, usually.  Your reading begins with the first question, and Emily will announce when your reading time begins, fear not. You can say to end it any minute.  You are the boss.

Even by telephone, writing out and organizing your questions usually saves money and minutes. You can end the session at any minute you choose, and be billed only for the time talked. Remember you are paying while YOU are talking as well as when you are getting your answer.

A reading doesn’t have to be long. Long-time clients call for updates, asking a single question or two, for as little as two or three minutes. You’re the boss; you know (1) what you want to know and (2) how much you want to invest in the information. If you announce those two things at the beginning, Emily will tell you how that can be accomplished (if it can). We will have a plan.

Best hours to call are, every day including holidays:


Eastern Time 1 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Central Time Noon to Midnight
Mountain Time 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Pacific Time 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.- but you can usually catch Emily in before that and after that.


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So You’re Ready For A Tarot Verbatim™ Reading?

Sample Reading

Question: I want to find out if my business will flourish again financially and with new and better clientele. The last year and a half has been a struggle and though I would love to throw up my hands, I don’t want to lose my business.

High Priestess – Two of Wands – Wheel of Fortune
Sit tight, because for sure financial security will happen: a big opportunity is ahead.

High Priestess

High Priestess – Stay in place and don’t do anything. Wait.

Sit tight.

Two of Wands Two of Wands – Your business has a solid outlook. Look ahead for a sure thing:
Wheel of Fortune Wheel of Fortune – a wonderful opportunity, big stroke of luck (even a miracle).
Practical observation: This is probably a new, good, client that happens because of what you have already done, or what your business already is.

Knight of Wands – Sun – Page of Pentacles
You see fast progress and you get out from under the things that hold you back.

Page of Pentacles Page of Pentacles – is you looking at your situation, your view of it. What you see is
Knight of Wands Knight of Wands – your fast progress (moving on out, moving on up),
Sun Sun – and what you feel is the joy of escaping from the restrictions that held you back. There’s fun, free time, and even a vacation.

Ten of Pentacles – Nine of Pentacles – Six of Pentacles
The very things and people that are complications now, that are trouble now, will pay off for you. Out of the problems grows income enough for you to be content.

Six of Pentacles Six of Pentacles -Here’s you collecting money and paying the bills fair and square,
Ten of Pentacles Ten of Pentacles – and the situation has its problems, its problem people, its complications and troubles … it’s messy, yeah, but
Nine of Pentacles Nine of Pentacles – it’s your business, you own it, and you are comfortable, content, beholden to no one: self-reliant.

Eight of Pentacles – Six of Cups – Seven of Pentacles
Work somehow is sweet. Doing business with someone from the past, or with someone you have known a long time, but not as you would expect. Doing business with someone you trust, too.

Eight of Pentacles Eight of Pentacles – Here you are working at it like you always do – doing business –
Six of Cups Six of Cups – with an old friend, with someone you trust (and can trust), with someone you have known a long time or who is from your past in some way …
Seven of Pentacles Seven of Pentacles – Who’d a thunk it? Unexpected, not predictable or probable. How about that? You wonder ….

Six of Cups is a romance card and it also may involve a favor or gift. Hearken back to Wheel of Fortune (the stroke of luck, the miracle) above, and we could be talking about someone who contributes in some way to your business, maybe even an old love interest or someone you grew up with. Note we have no partnership cards (and Rider Waite is full of them). So Six of Cups can be someone you hire who contributes to the business; someone an existing customer refers; it could be word of mouth about how well you dealt with someone’s difficulties.

This reading is very positive, which isn’t what I expected based on your report. The beginning spread that says ‘Sit tight’ is definitive. The other spreads support that notion. That doesn’t mean ‘Don’t do anything, wait for Santa’ of course; it means that past efforts are what bring the shift about.

Oh Emily!!!! You won’t believe it!! Upon the arrival of this email…I was invited by a friend to assist as a guest to an introductory course of brokers and realtors!!! I accepted her invitation unknowingly of your incoming tarot verbatim reading!! Oh God…I got goosebumps while reading this email!!!

I have a B.Sc. in Chemistry and through the years I went back to college and finished an M.A. in I/O Psychology but haven’t had the chance to work as a chemist neither as an industrial/org psych here in my country. I kept struggling for years in order to become employed as a chemist (because I LOVE science) but the dream never came to be. I do not like what I do for a living now and was considering to make a radical change in my life but didn’t know what else to do. I’m a mature woman searching for my own economical stability and security. And while doing so…I want to give back to my country…to my people! I want to be of service to them.

Of course you can post this reading!! And THANK YOU Emily for your marvelous tarot verbatim!!. Love and Light for you and your family.

