Tarot Readings for You for February 24, 2013 Sunday(c)

High Priestess

Devil Judgement Seven of Wands
High Priestess
Devil – Judgment – Seven of Wands



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Your life has a spiritual dimension, a spiritual aspect, that can pop up unexpectedly and present you with something you fight for … or fight against.  Spiritual growth sprouts on the battlefields of our life most often – on the recurring crises that face us.  To get to our inner peace, our spiritual life, we are forced to overcome our attachments.  Often, it’s our attachments to people that either bless or impede our personal development or spiritual growth.



Could This Be You?

Picture this: You look at the cards in your spread.
You immediately get an idea because you know a few of them intimately.
AND you know a system that works because you have had a few
Tarot Email Training emails from Emily.
You Are on Your Way.



Are YOU here for the first time? Welcome.

Come in! People love this place! Tarot talks to you here.

Use the navigation bar above to access the sections of our site. Use the links below to navigate your way through this page. Let me tell you about this page with these links:

GUIDANCE Did you come here for Your Daily Predictions? Good! Guidance provides your predictions in a summary. It is the Guidance received for you through three Rider Waite Tarot™ cards, using Tarot Verbatim™.

GROUP TAROT READINGS Here are several one-sentence readings that are predictions for you and the people around you for today and the days around it. Here Tarot is talking to you: These sentences express word-for-word, verbatim, the meanings of those three Tarot cards. You choose which sentences apply to you, and you choose whether to encourage them or not.

LEARN TAROT CARDS BY PICTURES Are you ready to begin learning Tarot Verbatim™? Here your in-depth meanings come alive for each of the three cards! In Tarot Verbatim™, pictures make the meaning, so each card is like a person you know and remember.

WITHOUT THE PICTURES For the true seeker of Tarot knowledge, here is what you need to know about how the three cards in today’s spread affect one another, and how to apply Tarot Verbatim™. Here too the cards come alive, together.


The Rider Waite Tarot™ deck is a data bank in mass consciousness that your subconscious can communicate with. Tarot Verbatim™ is the Rosetta Stone that makes that communication easy because it is a bridge between conscious and subconscious thought. When both your levels of awareness focus together, you think intuitively in real time in ‘the real world.’

Bon voyage!




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Group Tarot Card Readings

Here is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.


“Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.”


High Priestess

Devil Judgement Seven of Wands
High Priestess
Devil – Judgment – Seven of Wands



Tarot Readings: Resisting Desire, Fighting Attachment (Devil + Seven of Wands)

Devil  Seven of Wands

As much as he tries to resist, his attachment to the lady is back.

He is resisting the addiction and has a new life with a spiritual dimension.

This lady overwhelms him with desire again.

Once again, an evil woman is pressuring him.


Tarot Readings: Spiritual Battle (Devil + High Priestess)

Devil  High Priestess

He is resisting the addiction and has a new life with a spiritual dimension.

Difficulties I am presented with force spiritual awareness upon me.

I have a whole new quiet life because I faced a terrible problem bravely.

Your spiritual growth is happening where your issues are recurring.

A spiritual reawakening has me resisting evil.

I forced myself to get over the enemy inside me.

Am forced to realize a spiritual battle.

A deep awareness I am wrong hits me in the face.

A new spiritual life has me resisting my shadow side.

Vices pop up unexpectedly when you let your guard down.

To get to our inner peace, our spiritual life, we are forced to overcome our attachments.


Tarot Readings: The Shadow in my Face (Devil + Seven of Wands)

Devil  Seven of Wands

Being afraid of change is what forces me to stay put.

The sickness she fought off is coming back.

The problem recurs when you aren’t doing anything to combat it.

She hates it, and she’s not going back there.

She isn’t about to tell him off rudely.

Vices pop up unexpectedly when you let your guard down.

This idea she is ugly comes back overwhelmingly.

He will not accept a woman telling him he is wrong.


Tarot Readings: Thug, Brute, Hell-raiser (Devil)


The thug is surprised.  She is an expert at self-defense.

He is breaking her door down raising hell again.

This time, she can defend herself against the brute.




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Devil has a spectrum of meanings.  Obviously, this can be the bad guy, wrong, evil, force, brute or thug, the dark or shadow side (of anything).  But it also means things like desire and attachment.  The loose chains around the necks of the couple say the attachment (to what is wrong) is voluntary.  It can refer to an attachment to a document, even.  It means physical, too.  It refers, of course to sexual desire, whether to the level of ‘lust’ or not.  It also represents disease, illness, problem or difficulty, guilt, fear, and a really bad feeling like ‘I’m worthless’ – the type of feeling clinical depression can force upon one.  As a matter of fact, ‘wrong use of force’ is one of its general, philosophical definitions.




Judgment refers to a whole new life, a new level of awareness, a revelation, life after death (any kind of death), a recovery or rejuvenation. These meanings arise directly from the angel with the horn that awakes the dead on Judgment Day.  In Tarot Verbatim(TM), Judgment also means ‘to return, or go back to’ the way things were.  The dead are returning to being alive again in the illustration.  ‘A new life’ and ‘returning to the way things were’ presents a potential contradiction you have to watch out for with Judgment.


Seven of Wands

Seven of Wands

Seven of Wands is presented with an issue or an assault he is not ready for.  Ready or not, here it comes.  He is going to win against the odds because he is defending his own.  But he is overwhelmed and in the midst of combat at the moment we catch him in the illustration.  His neighbors intend to take his place and are assaulting him.  Seven of Wands is about being under pressure, resisting, and taking a stand today.


High Priestess

High Priestess

High Priestess is the main spiritual Tarot card, since it means the spiritual realm or plane.  It stands for the feminine principle of receptivity, esoterically speaking – illustrated with the figure of a seated woman.  It is a Kabbalah-based card:  The pillars with ‘B’ and ‘J’ are about the mercy versus justice concept that I think is central to Kabbalah.  In a more ‘real life’ application, High Priestess is a woman, a quiet woman, a wise or expert woman, a lady (passive), she who understands, the woman who waits.  It means staying in place, ‘to stay put.’   It is advice to sit back, wait, and not do anything.





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Now Without The Pictures

Three of our four Rider Waite Tarot cards at our conference table here, in Tarot Verbatim(TM) refer to spiritual life.  The fourth is about being under pressure, resisting, taking a stand – that sort of thing, and that is Seven of Wands, of course.  So we are going in deep, today.

Devil has a spectrum of meanings.  Obviously, this can be the bad guy, wrong, evil, force, brute or thug, the dark or shadow side (of anything).  But it also means things like desire and attachment.  It can refer to an attachment to a document, even.  It means physical, too.  It refers, of course to sexual desire, where to the level of ‘lust’ or not.  It also represents disease, illness, guilt, fear, and a really bad feeling like ‘I’m worthless’ – the type of feeling clinical depression can force upon one.  As a matter of fact, ‘wrong use of force’ is one of its general, philosophical definitions.

When Devil intersects with Seven of Wands, any number of things happen. Since Devil refers to force (in a bad way), and since Seven of Wands is EITHER pressuring someone or being pressured – is either intruding or being intruded upon – and is resisting … well, you have lots of stories there, even before you add the elements the other Tarot cards contribute to those stories.

Back to the fact we have three spiritual cards on our plate today. Judgment refers to a whole new life, a new level of awareness, a revelation, life after death (any kind of death), a recovery or rejuvenation.  Recovery of disease is Devil + Judgment – two cards that have all sorts of meanings, like a vice pops up unexpectedly, getting over an attachment or addiction, even telling someone (he) is wrong or a realization ‘I am wrong.’  Devil + Judgment is a fascinating study.

Since Judgment also means ‘recur,’ something happening again … well, you have a contradiction every time.  To get over it, or it comes back … or both.   (In real life, the question and the questioner would frame these meanings one way or the other.  That is how Tarot functions.)

The third spiritual card in the spread is High Priestess, of course.  It means the spiritual aspect – of anything.  It means the spiritual plane or realm.  The symbols – especially the two pillars labeled with ‘B’ and ‘J’ – are from Kabbalah.  High Priestess stands for the female principle of being receptive (not doing anything, but knowing everything) esoterically.  So this is the spiritual card.

In a more ‘real life’ application, High Priestess is a woman, a quiet woman, a wise or expert woman, a lady (passive), she who understands, the woman who waits.  It means staying in place, ‘to stay put.’   It is advice to sit back, wait, and not do anything.  (Look for Four of Swords to echo this advice.)

Seven of Wands is presented with an issue or an assault he is not ready for.  Ready or not, here it comes.  He is going to win against the odds because he is defending his own.  But he is overwhelmed and in the midst of combat at the moment we catch him in the illustration of Seven of Wands.

Your life has a spiritual dimension, a spiritual aspect, that can pop up unexpectedly and present you with something you fight for … or fight against.  Spiritual growth sprouts on the battlefields of our life most often – on the recurring crises that face us.  To get to our inner peace, our spiritual life, we are forced to overcome our attachments.



Tarot Readings for You for February 22, 2013 Friday(c)

High Priestess

Wheel of Fortune   Three of Pentacles   Seven of Wands
High Priestess
Wheel of Fortune – Three of Pentacles – Seven of Wands



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Behind the scenes is where we’re at today.  We look at how doing your homework makes your miracle.  We observe how powerful the subtle influences of the spiritual realm are in actual events on earth plane.  We note the female principle – of not taking direct action – can overwhelm how things end up happening in the real world.  Without her doing a thing, the people who were against her case are leaping to her defense when they actually get together..



Could This Be You?

Picture this: You look at the cards in your spread.
You immediately get an idea because you know a few of them intimately.
AND you know a system that works because you have had a few
Tarot Email Training emails from Emily.
You Are on Your Way.



Are YOU here for the first time? Welcome.

Come in! People love this place! Tarot talks to you here.

Use the navigation bar above to access the sections of our site. Use the links below to navigate your way through this page. Let me tell you about this page with these links:

GUIDANCE Did you come here for Your Daily Predictions? Good! Guidance provides your predictions in a summary. It is the Guidance received for you through three Rider Waite Tarot™ cards, using Tarot Verbatim™.

GROUP TAROT READINGS Here are several one-sentence readings that are predictions for you and the people around you for today and the days around it. Here Tarot is talking to you: These sentences express word-for-word, verbatim, the meanings of those three Tarot cards. You choose which sentences apply to you, and you choose whether to encourage them or not.

LEARN TAROT CARDS BY PICTURES Are you ready to begin learning Tarot Verbatim™? Here your in-depth meanings come alive for each of the three cards! In Tarot Verbatim™, pictures make the meaning, so each card is like a person you know and remember.

WITHOUT THE PICTURES For the true seeker of Tarot knowledge, here is what you need to know about how the three cards in today’s spread affect one another, and how to apply Tarot Verbatim™. Here too the cards come alive, together.


The Rider Waite Tarot™ deck is a data bank in mass consciousness that your subconscious can communicate with. Tarot Verbatim™ is the Rosetta Stone that makes that communication easy because it is a bridge between conscious and subconscious thought. When both your levels of awareness focus together, you think intuitively in real time in ‘the real world.’

Bon voyage!




Learn Tarot

Group Tarot Card Readings

Here is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.


“Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.”


High Priestess

Wheel of Fortune   Three of Pentacles   Seven of Wands
High Priestess
Wheel of Fortune – Three of Pentacles – Seven of Wands



Tarot Readings: Relationship with the Lady (Three of Pentacles + High Priestess)

Three of Pentacles  High Priestess

He is keeping himself from his destined relationship with the lady.

She wonderfully ignores him when he hollers; that’s her doing her part.

He isn’t about to let a relationship happen with another woman.

There’s no way she is going to be with him:  It’s not happening!

He is overwhelmed by a lady he just coincidentally met.

It’s just his luck that he met a woman he isn’t ready for.

She waits until she happens to meet up with him, and pushes herself.

They forbid him to have a relationship with that woman

The relationship happens with that woman when they get forbid it.


Tarot Readings: Events of the Spiritual Plane (Wheel of Fortune + High Priestess)

Wheel of Fortune  High Priestess

Events on the spiritual plane broke through:  That’s what happens at the meeting.

Let’s keep this from happening, spiritually.

Miraculously, the people who were against her position come to her defense when they all meet.

Get together on the spiritual plane to keep this from happening.

A person who meets on the spiritual plane forces events to happen.


Tarot Readings: Knowing (High Priestess)

High Priestess  

She knows what has to happen to get them moving.

These people get together in secret and make stuff happen.

She knows how events will overwhelm people she knows.

She is so lucky the people she knows are in disbelief.

She knows people who make their fortunes by force.


Tarot Readings: She Cashes in, is Rewarded, (Wheel of Fortune + High Priestess)

Wheel of Fortune  High Priestess

They come to an agreement in which she cashes in, against their wishes.

No matter how they protest, she is getting a big settlement in the lawsuit.

She is richly rewarded for how she pushed herself to get the closing done.

She presents her case so well she wins the lawsuit.


Tarot Readings: Miscellaneous

She is the quiet type but these people give her the chance to express herself.

She is against gambling, but they get together to do it.

Coincidences keep her from meeting with them.




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Wheel of Fortune

Wheel of Fortune

This illustration is an idea graph.  It depicts how the nonphysical realm affects the physical strongly through coincidence, and through the influence of otherworldly critters.  In the center is a roulette wheel what has the four Hebrew letters of the Name of God, interspersed with four letters that spell ‘Rota,’ which is an occult word that ‘Rotarian’ derives from.   Wheel of Fortune means destiny, karma, it happens, an event, coincidence, luck or lucky, the influence of the spiritual realm, definitely including the dark end of that realm, but overall represents a miracle.


Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

The contractor, traditionally an architect, meets with his clients, blueprint in hand, to demonstrate he followed it, and is therefore entitled to his major payment, the last draw.  So Three of Pentacles is a meeting, a relationship, people who deal with one another, doing one’s part, settling up or closing a deal, any kind of contract, agreement, legal process or action.


Seven of Wands

Seven of Wands

Seven of Wands, there’s a dichotomy to his main meanings.  One of those sides is to defend oneself against intrusion; the other is the pushy adolescent type personality who wants the world, wants it now, and you’re the one to deliver it.  (All Tarot cards apply to both sides of any action they portray, this is no exception – it’s just more dramatic than most.)  Being defensive, pushing yourself, pushing it through – these are Seven of Wands’ phrases.  Raising hell, sometimes, too.


High Priestess

High Priestess

A seated woman means ‘passive’ in occult lore.  This one is surrounded by the pillars of mercy and severity (justice), represented by the ‘B’ and the “J,” and other things from Kabbalah.  High Priestess is deep spiritual knowledge, a woman’s intuition, the spiritual plane itself, one who is very knowing, intuitive, knowledgeable, expert, a secret or secret knowledge, a lady, a female, a woman – since it means the feminine principle itself.  This card represents ‘the other woman’ – probably combining ‘a woman’ and ‘secret.’  It is also one of the waiting cards since she is not active, stays in her place, is quiet, is not doing anything.  It actually means ‘the passive role’ or passive.  It advises to not do anything.





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Now Without The Pictures

High Priestess and Wheel of Fortune address the spiritual plane in different ways:  

Wheel of Fortune means destiny, karma, it happens, an event, coincidence, luck or lucky, the influence of the spiritual realm, definitely including the dark end of that realm, but overall represents a miracle.  

High Priestess is deep spiritual knowledge, a woman’s intuition, the spiritual plane itself, one who is very knowing, intuitive, knowledgeable, expert, a secret or secret knowledge, a lady, a female, a woman – since it means the feminine principle itself. This card represents ‘the other woman’ – probably combining ‘a woman’ and ‘secret.’  It is also one of the waiting cards since she is not active, stays in her place, is not doing anything.  It actually means ‘the passive role’ or passive.  It advises to not do anything. 

Seven of Wands, there’s a dichotomy to his main meanings.  One of those sides is to defend oneself against intrusion; the other is the pushy adolescent type personality who wants the world, wants it now, and you’re the one to deliver it.  (All Tarot cards apply to both sides of any action they portray, this is no exception – it’s just more dramatic than most.)  Being defensive, pushing yourself, pushing it through – these are Seven of Wands’ phrases.  Raising hell, sometimes, too. 

Three of Pentacles is a meeting, a relationship, people who deal with one another, doing one’s part, settling up or closing a deal, any kind of legal process or action.  Combined with Wheel of Fortune, the settlement is a windfall, or the lawsuit is won. 

Behind the scenes is where we’re at today.  We look at how doing your homework makes your miracle.  We observe how powerful the subtle influences of the spiritual realm are in actual events on earth plane.  We note the female principle – of not taking direct action – can overwhelm how things end up happening in the real world.  Without her doing a thing, the people who were against her case are leaping to her defense when they actually get together.





Our Daily Spread for September 10, 2011 Saturday ©


High Priestess Seven of Wands Two of Cups
High Priestess – Seven of Wands – Two of Cups



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Advice is all about behind-the-scenes influences, undeclared interests, about someone who wants ‘a piece of the action on the q.t.’ Undeclared influences from the dark side include spiritual ones, greedy ones, even the temptress who overwhelms him with his vices. There is expertise in spiritual combat. When you face your worst fear, it is a spiritual plane encounter. Overcoming addiction is spiritual combat.



Could This Be You?

Picture this: You look at the cards in your spread.
You immediately get an idea because you know a few of them intimately.
AND you know a system that works because you have had a few
Tarot Email Training emails from Emily.
You Are on Your Way.



Are YOU here for the first time? Welcome.

Come in! People love this place! Tarot talks to you here.

Use the navigation bar above to access the sections of our site. Use the links below to navigate your way through this page. Let me tell you about this page with these links:

GUIDANCE Did you come here for Your Daily Predictions? Good! Guidance provides your predictions in a summary. It is the Guidance received for you through three Rider Waite Tarot™ cards, using Tarot Verbatim™.

GROUP TAROT READINGS Here are several one-sentence readings that are predictions for you and the people around you for today and the days around it. Here Tarot is talking to you: These sentences express word-for-word, verbatim, the meanings of those three Tarot cards. You choose which sentences apply to you, and you choose whether to encourage them or not.

LEARN TAROT CARDS BY PICTURES Are you ready to begin learning Tarot Verbatim™? Here your in-depth meanings come alive for each of the three cards! In Tarot Verbatim™, pictures make the meaning, so each card is like a person you know and remember.

WITHOUT THE PICTURES For the true seeker of Tarot knowledge, here is what you need to know about how the three cards in today’s spread affect one another, and how to apply Tarot Verbatim™. Here too the cards come alive, together.


The Rider Waite Tarot™ deck is a data bank in mass consciousness that your subconscious can communicate with. Tarot Verbatim™ is the Rosetta Stone that makes that communication easy because it is a bridge between conscious and subconscious thought. When both your levels of awareness focus together, you think intuitively in real time in ‘the real world.’

Bon voyage!



Learn Tarot

Group Tarot Card Readings

Here is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.


“Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.”



High Priestess Seven of Wands Two of Cups
High Priestess – Seven of Wands – Two of Cups



Tarot Readings: Romance: He resists that wicked female

He must not let the relationship with the other woman influence him now.

He vigorously denies any part in a sexual scandal with that woman!

She is the temptress who overwhelms him with his vices.

Quiet women are the most lustful, are the ones who won’t take ‘no’ for an answer.

As hard as he fights that thing he most fears, he is falling under a woman’s spell.

Sex with that female scares him more than anything he has ever faced.


Tarot Readings: Spiritual Perspective

Passively resist evil influences.

With knowledge of the occult, you defend yourself against the dark side.

When you face your worst fear, it is a spiritual plane encounter.

The addiction sucked you in, but you fought it off and are at peace now.

The culture of black magic overwhelms you unless you are secure in your knowledge.

An expert in battling black magic is a calm person.

Stand up – by holding your ground – to anyone or anything that has an agenda to ruin you.

She is not about to let adverse circumstances impinge up her life to keep her housebound.

No matter how impossible they are to resist, she isn’t letting herself be affected by them.

He pressures her to get involved with him and his black magic, but she knows better.

She has expertise in spiritual combat with evil spirits.


Tarot Readings: Miscellaneous Influences

A lady refuses to be talked into a sordid affair.

The pervert pressures the lady to get involved with him.

He is a roue fighting off the influence this lady has upon him.

The back-door criminal influence behind the scenes is difficult to keep out.

When he is under the influence of alcohol, he pushes her around.


Tarot Readings: Miscellaneous

She insists she is the expert but her source is all wrong.

Stay in the disaster zone to defend your place from looters.




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High Priestess

High Priestess

High Priestess as the female principle, receptivity, stays behind the scenes, is associated with the spiritual plane and the occult. Staying, sitting, refraining from activity or being passive, quiet, being the lady, being knowledgeable, wise or expert – these are its associations. It also can be a mystery, as in the occult being the unknown; and further becomes The Other Woman through (I guess) that back door route.

Its illustration of course shows a seated female (passivity or ‘receptive stance’ plus the female principle). Symbols from the Kaballah abound on the card, such as the ‘B’ and the ‘J’ which stand for the opposite pillars of ‘mercy’ and ‘severity.’

Seven of Wands

Seven of Wands

Seven of Wands resists the incursion of neighbors onto his land in its illustration. This most frequently speaks of resisting pressure or influence – or, conversely, pressuring or influencing another. Think ‘Get out of my face.’


Two of Cups

Two of Cups

Two of Cups is the invisible, unknown or undeclared influence or upon a transaction, person or situation – and not a good influence but a sneaky one, a a rule. It is about getting someone to do something that benefits you instead of them, but making them think ‘something’s in it for me.’ The con, in other words. Or a tax. Or an advertisement. Or propaganda. Or a dude who wants a piece of you. Or a kickback or ‘inducement.’

Its illustration shows a couple announcing their engagement (‘pledging their troth’ with the wine, a ceremony out of the Middle Ages) and a symbol of malefic spiritual influence, the caduceus, is above them to indicate one or both of them ‘have a use for’ the union (like marrying for money or whatever). Many psychics miss this symbol and use this card for romance … which it is, but …



Moon is called ‘the worst card in the deck’ because it means ‘evil.’ As I said, it shows ‘The Left Hand Path’ which is magic’s term for evil magic. We civilians just call it wrong or evil. Pictured on the card are some towers that signify that meaning, as well as a lobster, purple, going on a land journey, and a dog palling with a coyote (unnatural, and bad for the dog). The face in the moon shows some kind of pain or concern, ya think?




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Now Without The Pictures

Three of four of our Rider Waite citizens today relate to the spiritual or occult. The remaining Seven of Wands means to fight off, to resist, to pressure or be pressured.

So our spread is about resisting unsavory influences, and is about the spiritual plane.

High Priestess and Two of Cups are unknown or invisible influence, are behind-the-scenes factors.

Two of Cups and Moon both refer to malefic spiritual influences a/k/a evil spirits, or a simple bad influence.

Moon and High Priestess are directly occult cards. Moon is ‘The Left Hand Path’ in occult parlance, which we normal folk call evil; High Priestess is the spiritual plane itself and the female principle as an occult concept.





Our Daily Spread for July 28, 2011 Thursday ©

Advice is describing two people: the hell-raising uninhibited and funloving guy and the quiet girl who enjoy a happy life. She stays home with the child, he struggles for their good life. He can also be the mouthy dude she is relieved to be alone from, the pushy fella. And she can be the one who pushed and struggled and fought for her dream-come-true. Another scenario today is the struggle about who gets the house.


Nine of Cups

Sun High Priestess Seven of Wands
Nine of Cups
Sun – High Priestess – Seven of Wands


Is this the first time you come here? Well … what to do:

*Go to Daily Message Tarot Analysis below. At least one of those sentences has something to say to you. Pick those out. They are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. (It is a group message like a horoscope, except Tarot isn’t based on someone else’s birth data, so it can be specific, accurate, detailed and direct. Our experiment here is “How much more accurate is it?”)
The Question for weekdays is: “Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.”

The Question for weekends is stated right on top on those days.

(Some days are ‘keep an eye open for’ and some days are ‘green light, go fast.’)

*Go to Advice to apply what those sentences say (in the best way) for you. (Advice is everyone’s favorite part.) Did you come here for your predictions? – You are done now – See you tomorrow.

Without a question to focus the answer, four cards can mean contradictory things especially when the Spread has a card that negates other cards. Without a question also the pronouns in a group reading are more flexible, especially in some of these Rider Waite Tarot spreads. When a pronoun is in parentheses, feel very free to substitute. The question in a ‘real’ individual reading supplies at least half the information!

Do you want to know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim ™ thing works? If so,

*Go to the first Meanings and Illustrations section below. This tells about the combined four pictures in the Daily Spread – the pictures above here. It explains how these four cards get together to mean things. Then you can

*Go to the second Meanings and Illustrations. It is what each of the four cards, by itself, has to say. It describes how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in this Spread.

You can put all this together and see yourself how Tarot Verbatim ™ works.



DAILY MESSAGE TAROT ANALYSIS Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.

Romantic Perspective: His Story

His supreme effort to make her a happy woman.

He goes all out to please the lady and make her happy.

His struggle to give his woman and child the good life.

He insists on moving but she wants to stay put.

He is out there struggling for the good life when she is at peace home with the child.

The hell-raising guy and the quiet gal enjoy a happy life.


Romantic Perspective: Her story

She gets her dream man who uninhibitedly beats her door down.

She wants to be the girl and have the guy be the aggressor in their enjoyable times.

What she really wants is the fella that beats her door down and charms her without her having to do anything.

She is happy and satisfied: It was worth the effort.

He wants to stir things up. She is at peace since she got away from that.

She is happy to stay home with the baby: This is what she fought for, this is what she wants.

The baby she wanted is a hellion.

She makes the effort to get the happiness she wants.


Real Estate: Who gets the house

She isn’t about to leave the house, she is staying: This is what she wants.

He raises hell to get her out of the house because he wants it.


The struggle to be free

She is making a big effort, she wants to get free of the restrictions.

It’s a struggle when a woman wants to be free.

Peace and happiness are yours when you get out of the pressures of the rat race.



Meanings and Illustrations: Observation of the Spread

Sun is leaving the place; High Priestess is staying put.

High Priestess is passive; Seven of Wands is aggressive.

Nine of Cups and Sun both involve happiness.

Nine of Cups says one party (at least) is totally satisfied. The lady High Priestess is not acting, Sun is having fun, is free, and is a child or baby; Seven of Wands is pushing and struggling. These are the elements out of which we spin our story for the day.



Meanings and Illustrations: Individual Rider Waite Tarot Cards

Sun is a kid having fun recklessly, uninhibitedly, is free and charming. Illustration in Rider Waite show a child on a smirking pony at high noon out in the back yard naked with a huge banner flag in one hand.

High Priestess is knowing, is passive, stays put, is a lady. Her illustration in Rider Wait Tarot shows all the trappings of Kaballah, the book of knowledge in her lap, and her serene alert expression. She sits upright.

Seven of Wands struggles, pushes, protests, raises hell. Those are its meanings we use today anyway. He is pictured defending himself against several neighbors who are invading his land.

Nine of Cups is the ‘Your wish is granted’ Tarot citizen. This is the dream come true, this is what you want. Illustration shows a heavyset fella looking mighty satisfied, he seems to have drunk all those huge cups on his mantle, to have stuffed himself, and has that feeling we get on Thanksgiving in the U. S.

Our Daily Spread for Jan. 22, 2011

Tarot reading 1-22-11

He marries his sweetheart no matter what gets in the way

Page of Pentacles
Seven of Wands, Six of Cups, High Priestess

When he thinks of committing to his sweetheart, he resists.
He is in love, he is committed, and he is not ready for this.
He is in love as he should be, defending his sweetheart.
His struggle to give her what he should.
Personally, he does NOT want to be friends with lawyers.
He protests in court about what he has to give his children.
He knows what a struggle his kids have just to be normal.
He protests that he is being fair to the children.
His childhood struggles give him the idea to be fair.
His childhood struggles are what made him a lawyer.
His thinking is correct to be against giving the kids that.

The Seven of Wands is one of those cards that: The illustration says it all. Protest. Struggle. Not let. Pushy. No way! Doesn’t want. The next card is about romance, sweetness, children, giving. Then the Justice card which is obvious, and which means ‘should’ and anything to do with courts or with people who are associated with the justice system: judges, lawyers, police – anyone. The last card is ‘thinking,’ self, ‘he,’ ‘his,’ opinion, concept, identity, ‘the thought,’ etc. They go together in the ways I have listed above, and in ways you can imagine further.

Note: Due to some computer problems this post is very late. It would however, in hindsight, be very interesting to see how your day has gone and if any of the possibilities applied to you or someone you know.  — Stef
