Two Card Combinations For Two of Cups


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Two of Cups represents one’s grand passion for another, represents the love bond, the irresistible attraction, between two people. The fact that Two of Cups appears, and not one of the many other cards about love, affection, or passion may also indicate that ‘there’s something else to the story.’ Two of Cups doesn’t team up with cards that mean harm very often, but when it does … look out! This is a list of pairs of cards that seldom pair up, so we have this collusion-corruption-causing- harm themes. Now watch as Two of Cups corrupts a larger group with its self-interests.



Two of Cups and Major Arcana

Two of Cups Magician

Two of Cups High Priestess

Two of Cups Emperor

Two of Cups Hierophant

Two of Cups Lovers

Two of Cups Chariot

Two of Cups Strength

Two of Cups Wheel of Fortune

Two of Cups Temperance

Two of Cups Tower

Two of Cups Moon

Two of Cups Judgment

Two of Cups World


Two of Cups and Cups

Two of Cups Ace of Cups

Two of Cups Three of Cups

Two of Cups Eight of Cups

Two of Cups Nine of Cups

Two of Cups Ten of Cups

Two of Cups Page of Cups

Two of Cups Knight of Cups

Two of Cups Queen of Cups



Two of Cups and Pentacles

Two of Cups Ace of Pentacles

Two of Cups Two of Pentacles

Two of Cups Three of Pentacles

Two of Cups Seven of Pentacles

Two of Cups Eight of Pentacles

Two of Cups Nine of Pentacles

Two of Cups Page of Pentacles

Two of Cups Knight of Pentacles

Two of Cups Queen of Pentacles

Two of Cups King of Pentacles


Two of Cups and Swords

Two of Cups Ace of Swords

Two of Cups Two of Swords

Two of Cups Four of Swords

Two of Cups Six of Swords

Two of Cups Seven of Swords

Two of Cups Nine of Swords


Two of Cups and Wands

Two of Cups Three of Wands

Two of Cups Four of Wands

Two of Cups Seven of Wands

Two of Cups Eight of Wands

Two of Cups Knight of Wands

Two of Cups Queen of Wands

Two of Cups King of Wands


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