Tarot Talks ™ I ©


TAROT TALKS is about the two-card combinations and their meanings. It has photos of the cards next to the meanings so that one can subconsciously pick up the Tarot Verbatim (TM) system.               I feel like I am a new person whose life right here at home is a path for me. Judgment + Page of Pentacles: I feel like I am a new person. (Judgment is a new (whatever) and Page of Pentacles is a person who feels/thinks)

                                 Queen of Wands + Ace of Pentacles: whose life right here at home is a path for me. (Queen of Wands is the woman whose life is her home and Ace of Pentacles is one’s path.)

New consciousness puts a pragmatic woman on a whole new path. Judgment + Page of Pentacles: New consciousness (Judgment is new and Page of Pentacles is consciousness.)

                                                                  + Queen of Wands + Ace of Pentacles: puts a pragmatic woman on a whole new path. (Queen of Wands is a practical/pragmatic woman and Ace of Pentacles is one’s path. The ‘whole new’ also expresses Judgment.)

Thinking of the change in my daily life that money would make. Judgment + Page of Pentacles: Thinking of the change (Judgment is a change and Page of Pentacles is thinking.)

                                        +       Queen of Wands + Ace of Pentacles: in my daily life that money would make. (Queen of Wands is daily life and Ace of Pentacles is money.)

Suddenly getting it that as a woman you can be successful too. Judgment + Page of Pentacles: Suddenly getting it (Judgment is suddenly and Page of Pentacles is getting it, understanding.)

                 Queen of Wands + Ace of Pentacles: that as a woman you can be successful too . (Queen of Wands is the woman/housewife and Ace of Pentacles is successful.)

Thinking of the money is new to her, she was ‘just a wife.’ Page of Pentacles + Ace of Pentacles: Thinking of the money (Page of Pentacles is thinking of and Ace of Pentacles is the money.)

             Judgment + Queen of Wands: is new to her, she was ‘just a wife.’ (Judgment is new and Queen of Wands is her, she was ‘just a wife.’)

She considers herself an overnight success. Page of Pentacles + Queen of Wands: She considers herself (Page of Pentacles is to consider and is oneself; and Queen of Wands is, of course, a ‘her.’)

                                               Judgment + Ace of Pentacles: an overnight success. (Judgment is a sudden change, hence ‘overnight’ and Ace of Pentacles is a success.)

It’s a whole new life for him, his wife being the one with the money. Judgment + Page of Pentacles: It’s a whole new life for him (Judgment is a whole new life and Page of Pentacles is a ‘him.’)

Queen of Wands + Ace of Pentacles: his wife being the one with the money. (Queen of Wands is the wife and Ace of Pentacles is possession of money.)

He ponders whether it is correct to say that to a married woman. Page of Pentacles + Ace of Pentacles: He ponders whether it is correct (Page of Pentacles is he ponders and Ace of Pentacles is correct.)

Judgment + Queen of Wands: to say that to a married woman. (Judgment is to say, speak or announce and Queen of Wands is a married woman.)

Now that he thinks about it, what his wife said was right. Judgment + Page of Pentacles: Now that he thinks about it (Judgment is suddenly or a sudden realization and Page of Pentacles thinks about it.)

Queen of Wands + Ace of Pentacles: what his wife said is right. (Queen of Wands is the wife, and Ace of Pentacles is right.)

He contemplates a new life with her as his wife, and it feels right. Judgment + Page of Pentacles: He contemplates a new life and it feels (Judgment is a new life and Page of Pentacles contemplates and feels.)

Queen of Wands + Ace of Pentacles: with her as his wife and it (feels) right. (Queen of Wands is the wife and Ace of Pentacles is right. The ‘feels’ is from Page of Pentacles.)

Copyright © 2012 – Emily Erickson-Sandstrom. All rights are reserved. You may not distribute this written material in any way. You may not sell it, or reprint any part of it without written consent from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.©


Tarot Talks™ III ©

Tarot Talks February 10, 2011 Friday©     Okay, guys: Feedback, please. Is this a better format than putting the meaning of the cards after every...

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Tarot Talks ™ II ©

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