Rare Two of Wands Combinations


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Two of Wands and Emperor

Two of Wands

Here we have money and power, we have the future and old age. Both of these cards are establishment, conservative, entrenched.


Old money.

Federal funds.

Head of a bank.

Retired old man.

Rich and powerful.

Money buys power.

Stable federal agency.

Stable federal government.

Conservatives are in power.

Federal government budget.

Financial planning for your old age.

Head of a family that’s well-established.

Have money enough to be autonomous.


Two of Wands and Devil

Two of Wands

Two of Wands is the future and a plan, and Devil is bad things. And that is the story when you see these two together.

Evil plan.

Will be mad.

Getting ugly.

Dirty money.

Crooked bank.

Crime will pay.

A costly bad habit.

Financial obligation.

They plan to force us.

Condemned real estate.

The worst is yet to come.

There’s gonna be trouble.

Bad things are gonna happen.

It’s going to be a big problem.

Plan for when SHTF (disaster).


Two of Wands and Queen of Cups

Two of WandsQueen of Cups

Queen of Cups translates both ‘naive’ and ‘knows,’ but when Two of Wands joins her, she knows the future and is a knowledgeable investor.

She knows the future.

She will figure him out.

She watches the bank account.

She knows she has the money.

She’s going to know all about it.

She is a knowledgeable investor.

Keep a lookout and pay attention.

She will always be your loyal wife.

He is absolutely sure she is naive.

The blue-eyed blond in your future.

She believes, and the best is yet to come.

She has been paying attention and has a plan.


Two of Wands and Ten of Swords

Two of WandsTen of Swords

Two of Wands is financial and Ten of Swords is failure. Two of Wands is a plan, so these two can talk about planning ahead in case of failure.

Plan to fail.

Failed to plan.

Disaster plans.

The bank fails.

Rainy day fund.

Economic crash.

Financial disaster.

Gonna be a bad day.

Got rich in the crash.

Made money going bankrupt.

Insurance that pays off for catastrophes.

Invest ‘when there’s blood in the streets.’

“Been down so long it looks like up to me.”


Two of Wands and Ten of Wands

Two of WandsTen of Wands

Two of Wands and Ten of Wands are both about long term or a long time. Two of Wands is a lot of money, and Ten of Wands is a lot (or too much) of anything.

Slow but sure.

Long term plan.

Money is slow.

Too much too long.

Long term security.

Long term investment.

There will be a lot of it.

Extremely conservative.

It will pay off eventually.

It’s gonna be exhausting.

Plan to do it all in one load.

Waiting for the payoff to come.

This is going to take a long time.

As long as you go slowly, it is stable.

A business it’s had to make a profit in.

Wages: The slow way to make money.



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