How you say it. It’s all in how you say it. That is what we are about today. Spouting off when you’re angry, you may later find yourself explaining and peacemaking about whatever it was. Talking nice to people, praising them, you are accepted as a good guy. Here we have a fellow who has a rep as an angry man, and he ponders being charismatically agreeable instead. We notice that parallel between love feelings and being healthy, too.
Page of Pentacles
King of Wands – Star – Ace of Cups
3 Tarot Readings: He is in Love; Love the Guy (King of Wands and Ace of Cups)
He is in love, picturing himself as the husband, thinking of telling her all about it.
I am crazy about the wild man, I love who he is.
Feeling good about being a loving husband and being loved.
I love the guy, am getting carried away thinking of him as a husband.
Passionate man is getting an idea of how to confess his unconditional love.
I tend to love an uninhibited guy who confesses his love enthusiastically.
Oh, the love talk this guy does in passion, he really knows how.
He finds himself going with the flow of his feelings, uninhibited and feeling good about it.
Tarot Readings: What People Say, His Outburst (King of Wands and Star)
People say good things about this workingman, that he’s a good person.
People like you when you say good things to them, the uncouth fellow is realizing.
He recalls that angry outburst to his loved one.
He finds himself elaborately confessing love when he is hot.
I’m so mad, but I have in mind a nice way to say what I feel.
Think first, whether they will be irritated or agreeable, before you express yourself.
I have an idea I’m just going to impulsively blurt out to see if you agree with it.
When you’re the angry irritated type, you know how to confess and make peace.
Tarot Readings: This Type of Guy (King of Wands and Page of Pentacles)
He is feeling so good, so energetic, so healthy – He can think!
This is one hands-on, enthusiastic, agreeable guy.
He can talk and think as a common man, we love him for that.
People see him as common because he talks so much about God.
This plainspoken guy is a thinker and means no harm.
He’s so agreeable to what you say, and he’s the edgy type.
I think peaceful thoughts when I get mad, to watch what I say.
Angry man wants to be lovable to people, is picturing himself charismatic and upbeat.
King of Wands, the uninhibited impulsive edgy wild and angry man, is back, and in an introspective mode as Page of Pentacles. What brings this out in him is love: Both Star and Ace of Cups are love cards. Star is confessing love, gushing or blurting out feelings, and feeling good all over. Ace of Cups’ main meaning is love. It also means cooperation, easy, God, harmless or safe, good health, and flowing.
Star is enjoying a bath, pouring something into the water, and singing. Feelings are flowing here as well as the water. Star is upbeat, enthusiastic, crazy about, feeling good and being very healthy. Ace of Cups also means good health. Notice how good health and love feelings are conjoined here, in these two?
Page of Pentacles is a person, often male, is about identity and self-image, and also is about thinking or the idea itself. A guy is thinking about himself, seeing himself in a certain way. Often Page of Pentacles is an indication thinking about it is all – that no is action is afoot.
How you say it. It’s all in how you say it. That is what we are about today. Spouting off when you’re angry, you may later find yourself explaining and peacemaking about whatever it was. Talking nice to people, praising them, you are accepted as a good guy. Here we have a fellow who has a rep as an angry man, and he ponders being charismatically agreeable instead. We notice that parallel between love feelings and being healthy, too.
King of Wands The fact he is a redhead; the actual salamander next to his seat; and the salamander design on the swag behind him … all mean he is ‘fiery,’ or excitable, ill-tempered, angry or edgy. People in the Middle Ages believed salamanders produce fire. This is the husband in the Tarot Verbatim(TM) system (not in others). This is the passionate man, the uninhibited, impulsive, edgy wild and angry man, the live wire fella with the lampshade on his head at the party. Sometimes the man with the violent temper, too. He is a workingman, a hands-on feller, and the macho man. Your choice.
Star is confessing love, gushing or blurting out feelings, and feeling good all over. Star is enjoying a bath, pouring something into the water, and singing. Feelings are flowing here as well as the water. Star is upbeat, enthusiastic, crazy about, feeling good and being very healthy. She is also a shapely woman, of course. This is a love card that emphasizes saying ‘I love you.’
Ace of Cups’ main meaning is love. It also means cooperation, easy, God, harmless or safe, good health, and flowing. Ace of Cups also means good health. Notice how good health and love feelings are conjoined here. The flow out of the fountain harkens to the five senses or five ‘humors’ (body fluids) being innervated by Holy Spirit and flowing to the world, making the God meaning for the card.
Page of Pentacles is a person, often male, is about identity and self-image, and also is about thinking or the idea itself. A guy is thinking about himself, seeing himself in a certain way. The picture is of him studiously regarding an object he holds before himself. (As a matter of fact, ‘himself’ is a frequent translation for him.) Often Page of Pentacles is an indication that thinking about it is all – that no is action is afoot.