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How You Read Tarot


Since each card has a large spectrum of meanings, when you are expert enough to know a few hundred for each card, your Tarot responses are detailed and nuanced enough without reversals. Different readers have different applications of their reversals, and some readers...

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What deck should I begin my Tarot work with?

Rider Waite is the original. It accesses mass consciousness by virtue of the fact an esoteric society spent many years developing it and used it only for themselves: did not publish it; it was stolen by Mr. Waite. The major cards reflect esoteric principles; the minor...

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I quit clarifiers.

I quit clarifiers. . If something isn't clear, while the same question is being read, I lay a fresh card--or several cards if several cards are not clear-- and read that. . The most frequent cause of not being able to read, once you are proficient at reading, is: You...

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Position names or cards modifying one another?

I observe two general methods of reading: position names and the cards modifying one another. Letting the cards blend, letting them modify one another, frees you from having to use designated position names. The disadvantage of designated position names (spreads in...

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The distinction between cards that (intrinsically) mean a particular thing and cards that merely support that particular thing can be important. I call those 'support cards' for that subject. We find this out in practice, those of us who are avid about our Tarot,...

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The Beginning and the Ending: WORLD and FOOL

    Both World and Fool 'don't have a care in the world' because they are spiritual. World is spiritually mature and Fool is innocent of the physical world because he is just starting his physical experience at zero. World A spiritually mature human repels trouble...

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Tarot Concept: Four of Swords

He is the Tarot guy who reminds us that we don't have to answer the phone or the door, that we don't have to be part of what's going on around us at all. We can just sleep through it. Don't join in, don't react to rudeness. He also means to stay or remain, to just be...

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Tarot Concept: Temperance

Temperance applies pouring water and wine together to the blending of two into one (not to moderation or abstinence in alcohol). Two parties who are very close, who are intimate, is a main application for this pouring back and forth, and so is responding, including...

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Tarot Concept: Queen of Cups

Queen of Cups principally is the woman or wife who understands her man when it is being a person. Otherwise, it is likely to very broadly refer to a woman who knows, because she is studying that funky Cup so intensely as a flood is rapidly developing right where she...

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