Our Daily Spread for April 15, 2011



The inspiration to deal with what you most dread

Three of Pentacles
Ace of Wands, Nine of Swords, Hanged Man

Upset when (he) realizes he has to do his part.
Intense fear when he/she realizes he/she has to be in this relationship.
Very nervous when you realize you have to do this deal.
Sexual relationship is very scary.
Know (you) have to perform the contract, no matter how awful that is.
Intensely nervous about this one most important meeting.

Upset when you realize they involved you in their business.
Afraid when they threaten, you know who you are dealing with.
A realization that you are dealing with your biggest fear.
You dread meeting them, they give you a big headache.
Your main nervousness about this deal comes when you realize what your part in it is.

The inspiration to deal with what you most dread.
Strong feeling this is one scary meeting.
A premonition that the three of you share one big worry.
You have to deal with your most intense fear.
A scary vision that the three of us have to get together on this.
A consultation with a psychic about the thing that worries you most.

In the middle, we have fear, worry, a scary dreaded thing that keeps you up nights, that you cry about, the Nine of Swords. To the left is ‘one big’ and ‘has to’ or ‘threat,’ the Ace of Wands … again. To the right is Hanged man – intense feeling, premonition, realization, a vision, a psychic knowing. Eek! And over it all is doing business, a meeting, usually of the three of us, and/or a relationship. So, gee, we do have something to worry about. But, notice: This is not about an action that happens, this is about the apprehension that something may happen. So all we have is the dread … the sizzle, not the steak. And maybe we can just leave this steak in the freezer.

Advice is to realize that this is a fear, a feeling – it’s only thinking about it. Why realize that? – because you may want to resolve the feeling before it gels into a fact.

Meanings and Illustrations:

Ace of Wands: You, gain, Ace of Wands! You mean the main one, the most, the biggest, important. You man ‘have to’ and you mean ‘threat.’ And your illustration is the hand with the board in it that is sprouting out of fertility, because you also mean sex and a penis.

Nine of Swords: Fear, worry, a scary dreaded thing that keeps you up nights, that you cry about. The illustration on this Rider Waite Tarot card says it all: what we dread.

Hanged Man: There’s a song ‘Hung upside down,’ that is about this card. When you realize what you have known all along, you are discombobulated, you are feeling upside down. That is what this Rider Waite Tarot card is all about: The realization that strikes you upside the head and disorients you.

Three of Pentacles: A meeting of three people. Doing business, having a meeting, a contract, a relationship. The architect in the illustration is attending the inspection of his work by the owners, prior to getting his last draw, the major profit of the construction.

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Suddenly realize there’s no bond with this person anymore, you’re free

Lovers, Knight of Swords, Page of Pentacles

Romantic Perspective:
He knows he is going to get free and go back to the one he loves.
She knows she is going to get free and go back to the one she loves.
He/She knows his/her loved one will get free and come back.
The thought strikes of being uninhibited in love.
Suddenly he/she is free to think of love.

Happiness comes and goes but love is a bond.
He feels like a kid again with her.
She feels like a kid again with him.
He changes his mind and leaves home to be with the one he loves.
She changes her mind and leaves home to be with the one she loves.
He feels free to be in love again.

Oh, to be young and in love again.
Now that I think about it, I’m going back to the lover I left.
When he leaves home, he knows he is coming right back to his loved one.
When she leaves home, she knows she is coming right back to her loved one.
Has escaped a restrictive love relationship and is a different person.

Got out of that love affair and is now free and happy.
Suddenly realize there’s no bond with this person anymore, you’re free.
He is thinking of being a free spirit again in his love life.
I am a different person since I got away from that connection.
His view of love has changed, he is happy again.

Other perspectives:
Person who thinks of being free,
Person who is having fun reconnecting.
Person who is happy to be in contact again.
Person who is reconnecting with his/her youth.
Person who recklessly switches sides.

Personal freedom is breaking free of attachments.
Free to change your mind in this connection.
Oh, happy day, (he) is a partner and is on his way.
He/She will get back to you on that when he/she is free.
He is the type of person to be a partner, but he is too young, it is too sudden.

*A change of perspective frees you from the attachment.
Suddenly he is himself, free of being a couple with her.
He was a partner there and he got out Scott-free.
The free thinker reconnects with God.
He gets his son back on his side.

The son he loves is coming back.
He changes his opinion: It’s his kid after all.
He re-thinks the side he is on and frees himself.

Both the Knight of Swords and the Sun speak of breaking free. The Knight of Swords in this Rider Waite system means to hurry there or to hurry back or to whiz back and forth; it means a quick change of direction. The Sun is leaving home, especially a restrictive environment, and being happy. It also stands for fun and for a son or child.

To the left, the Lovers card means a connection, a bond or attachment, a love relationship or connection, including a connection to God. To the right, is him being himself, the Page of Pentacles, which means to think, to feel, to have an opinion, and so on.

Advice is to rethink your feelings of being connected, to rethink what you identify yourself with, to be aware of bonds both emotional and mental within yourself, because when you are aware of some, you might want to be free of them.

Meanings and Illustrations:

Lovers: This drawing depicts a connection, a bond or attachment, a love relationship or connection, including a connection to God. There is bold depiction of the sun behind an angel with outstretched wings Why are they red?) and arms protectively over Adam and Eve, who also have the volcano of passion between them. The snake in the fruit tree is on Eve’s side, of course.

Knight of Swords: The Knight of Swords in this Rider Waite system means to hurry there or to hurry back or to whiz back and forth; it means a quick change of direction. You look at other cards to see what the change of direction is, but for sure it is quick and he is in a big hurry. The illustration shows a knight on a charger charging with sword all ready and the horse in a lather.

Page of Pentacles: Pensive fellow, clean shaven and well dressed. He is. He thinks. He feels. And the pages can represent females sometimes. This card means to think, to feel, and to be as well – which of course has no gender.

Sun: Whee! Free of that, out of there, having fun, being a kid, recklessly. The euphoria of the informed, ignorance is bliss … Take a look at the look his horsey is giving the naked baby.


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