Our Daily Spread for April 9, 2011


The question for this weekend is: How pleased will you be with your life for the next 6 months?


You are making major changes to do the sensible things that make you healthy

Eight of Cups, Hermit, Eight of Pentacles

Business Perspective (Work):
They avoid telling the truth at work.
To tell the truth, (Person) avoids work.
Looking for work, you abruptly find a job that makes you happy.
You are happy at work but looking for a change there.
You are sincerely praised at work, for a change.

Looking for happiness, you change jobs.
Person knows the shortcuts on the job and tells you, helps you.
The fact is, (Person) quit work to have a good time.
You can see that being an entertainer is anything but a steady job.
No glory comes from being honest at work.

(Person) is all talk – avoids honest work.
Things take a turn for the better in the job search.
Tell you to report for work immediately.
A shorter commute on the job makes you happy.

Happiness Perspective:
Working on a change in your life path seeking happiness.
You see a major change, a new course, and you are happy doing what you are doing.
You observe he isn’t busy making you happy anymore.
You see yourself not being busy making another happy anymore.
You can see how he avoids doing what would make you happy, every time.

Health Perspective:
You are making major changes to do the sensible things that make you healthy.
You quit doing something you always do, seeking to be healthy.
Your doctor keeps making changes until you are feeling really good.
Suddenly you see what really works for health and feeling good.

Romance Perspective:
All of a sudden, he keeps sincerely confessing his love.
He is making an honest effort to confess his love, finally.
Keeps saying “I love you” and is being honest for a change.
Abruptly acting how he really feels.

Hermit and Star both are sincerity and warm feeling. Hermit and Eight of Cups both refer to a journey walking – and one is a pilgrim and one is a monk. We begin with Eight of Cups which in Rider Waite commonly means: avoid, abruptly, change, quit, drop everything and immediately, suddenly. Then we have the Hermit, whose common meanings are to look, to seek, to find, to observe, sincerely, knows, the fact, honest. Then the Eight of Pentacles which is about work and what you are doing. We close with Star which is about talk, confessing love, praise, being happy and healthy, and even a performer.

The comment for your six months says things go well at work, things change for the better, and love is sincere. I’ll drink to that … after Lent.


Meanings and Illustrations:

Eight of Cups: Common phrases for this guy are: avoid, abruptly, change, quit, drop everything and immediately, suddenly. The picture shows what is supposed to be a pilgrim turning a forced corner in his course.

Hermit: He too is out at night walking on a journey. Hermit usually means to look, to seek, to find, to observe, sincerely, knows, the fact, honest.

Eight of Pentacles: Here’s the guy crafting one item after another. He is busy working at his bench. This is often about a steady effort and calls up phrases involving the word ‘keep’ and ‘keeping.’

Star: Health, happiness, to talk, to confess love, feeling good. The illustration shows a nude figure pouring something into a bathing pond.

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