Our Daily Spread for Feb. 19, 2011


Rider Waite Tarot-2-19-11a

He is thrilled about his exciting idea about his money

Hanged Man Star, Page of Swords, King of Pentacles

Business Perspectives: He is thrilled about his exciting idea about his money. His hopes and his fears are intense re his ability to accomplish his purpose here. He really feels he is a VIP: He says so, and he will defend that position against all comers! He has intense fears about the news from the politician(s). He has intense hopes about the politician(s) invasion of his privacy. He has intense hopes about the banksters’ threatening his rights. He understands the news and is paranoid about the mobster(s)/politician(s)/bankster(s). Realize that politicians make a lot of promises and be on your guard. Realize he has so much money and power he is a threat to your enjoyment of life. He is so manipulative that he flatters you when he realizes you are on guard. When the man with money is trying to sell you on his bright idea, beware. What he hears makes him realize his wealth is threatened. Sense/Realize that he is making all these threats to manipulate (you). He relates to the exciting performance and has the idea to be its investor/backer. He knows instinctively how to manipulate you with threats and promises. A rich man realizes his health is imperiled. He knows he has the power but is afraid of what people will say. Romantic Perspectives: He is so crazy about you he fears for his own power. A naked woman is an intense threat to his personal power. He is such a studly dude, and here he is so in love he is intensely nervous. His studly instinct has him all hot and bothered, confessing his feelings. He is in love and very much afraid of being perceived as a studmuffin. The feeling of being so instinctually in love is a challenge to a man who is used to being in control of his situations. She senses he is a great lover and feels the all-over good feeling, the excitement. He knows instinctively how to manipulate you with threats and promises. Told him he is manipulative, he feels very defensive about that. Both the Star and the Page of Swords are about excitement, and the Hanged Man is about instinctual or subconscious realization … and there’s the Studly Dude himself, whose meanings are about money-power-politics. So there are ANY number of scenarios this brew can conjure up, aren’t there? – maybe some you can think of that I haven’t, here. While this King is often a powerful person, even a powerful villain, he is placed here in a Tarot environment that emphasizes feelings, including defensive, nervous feelings. These messages are letting you know you are next to the heater, get close enough to warm up, but not so close you need calamine lotion. Excitement is definitely in the air.

Meanings and Illustrations:

Star: Feeling good, being very healthy, being in love, confessing, confessing love, having a lot to say/gushing, and performance (as in music). Being the star, enthusiasm. The illustration shows a naked woman presumably bathing, pouring jugs of liquid into water, with stars, in daylight, all around. A large bird is in a tree. Page of Swords: Being thrilled or threatened, or paranoid. He stands – weapon upraised defensively – on the high point of a flat prairie, feeling ‘something is out there.’ He is nervous, excited, hyped or riled up, apprehensive, paranoid, in fear, imperiled. Beware! King of Pentacles: This fellow is often full of himself, throws his weight around whether he has any or not. He is flamboyant and manipulative, often has political power of some sort and/or wealth of some sort. He definitely has the sizzle and may have the steak. I love the face on the illustration: That kind of character is well depicted. The orb in his right hand reminds me of a lollipop, and the grapes all over him remind me of some Italian or Italianesque dudes who have statues with grapes on them in their offices. In this spread he is the studly dude because the preceding cards are a naked woman that means feeling good and love (Star) and then a card that in the Rider Waite Tarot means excitement. Hanged Man: This illustration describes the psychic or eureka realization, the way you feel when a thought strikes and you may realize ‘I always knew that, but … ” Here it means ‘intense feeling,’ intense, to know, realization, to sense or feel. It has the ‘feeling’ meaning in common with the Star card as well as the Page of Swords. (If you took the King of Pentacles out of our four today, there would be ALL kinds of meanings coming to the fore.)

Rider Waite Tarot-2-19-11b

Husband pulls off an honest relationship with his intimate partner

King of Wands Temperance, Five of Swords, Hermit

Romantic Perspectives: When it is clear to him he is in an intimate relationship, his pushy angry self takes over. He knows he is being taken advantage of as the husband in this close relationship. Husband’s considerate, helpful, kind nature gets the best of him with his partner. He is dealing with people who take advantage of him because he is an humble common man. Looking for a bad-boy with a temper to have a close relationship with. This relationship calms him down; he is the edgy pushy type. Watching a close relationship between two guys who are combative types. On the husband’s side, helping him show (her) who’s boss. Husband is a bully but also supportive, kind and truthful in their relationship. Being the husband of an equal makes him be understanding. Husband knows he tends to bully his partner. Husband sees his bad attitude and is healing it. Husband is monogamous in his relationship but has ‘an attitude.’ Husband pulls off an honest relationship with his intimate partner. Business and Other Perspectives: A counselor deals with men who are angry. Counsels husbands who are in abusive relationships. He is so even tempered, he gets along with bad-tempered other men. He knows he is being taken advantage of as the husband in this deal. He is an angry man, so he calms himself down when he is ripped off in a deal. An honest workingman drives a hard bargain. He is angry, he will come to your aid and fight on your side. On the side of helping the common man who is being taken advantage of. On the husband’s side, helping him when he has been pushed around/ripped off/taken advantage of. He goes out looking for a fight one-on-one when he is angry and frustrated. He tends to be arrogant, so he looks to be the husband of someone who can deal with that. Look at all the different stories these four tell! Two of them, the King of Wands and the Five of Swords, are about angry abusive men, and the other two are about making peace and a good relationship. The picture we paint here is of an edgy dude who knows and counterbalances his tendency. There is also a theme of helping and understanding. The ‘honest workman’ theme is where the Hermit intersects with the King of Wands. The Hermit is also the counselor. Note that the Five of Swords’ bullying/taking advantage of main meaning can be applied either as the perp or the victim. The message I would carry away from this is that a fellow who is ‘difficult’ is also trying not to be and is in an honest relationship with his partner.

Meanings and Illustrations:

Temperance: Close relationship, intimate relationship, one-on-one relationship, direct one-on-one dealing, with an equal. This card has some similar meanings to the Three of Pentacles. It shows an angel pouring what is supposed to be wine, mixing it with water. Its meaning traditionally is literally ‘Temperance,’ as in W omen’s Christian Temperance Union. In the Middle Ages, adding this made the deck more respectable. I don’t find that kind of meaning expressed by this card at all, ever. Healing is one of its meanings. But today it’s all about relationship and deals. Five of Swords: The illustration shows a cruel guy who – the story goes – told his buddies ‘Let’s play at swords,’ and then, when he won, took theirs as if they were in a duel. So it is about bullying, taking advantage, trickery, and generally being a bastard. In our story today, paired with the King of Wands, a/k/a ‘the angry, irritated, frustrated lower-class man,’ this Rider Waite Tarot card is about being abusive or abused, taking advantage or being taken advantage of, pushing or being pushy, about having a bad attitude. Hermit: This pictures a monk, the polar opposite of the preceding card. The monk searches for people to help them at night on their travels. It means to understand, to know, to be kind and considerate and supportive, to go out and look or search for anything, and to be a counselor. Obviously, to be monogamous or ‘true.’ King of Wands: This, as I said, is the angry irritated frustrated ill tempered possibly lower-class lout, or the workingman, as well as being the main ‘husband’ card. On the illustration, he is a redhead, has the board in his right hand, and the left sort of looks like someone who is going to get up angrily. That lizard is a salamander, symbol of ‘fire’ or anger.

Hanged Man

Star, Page of Swords, King of Pentacles

Business Perspectives:

He is thrilled about his exciting idea about his money.

His hopes and his fears are intense re his ability to accomplish his purpose here.

He really feels he is a VIP: He says so, and he will defend that position against all comers!

He has intense fears about the news from the politician(s).

He has intense hopes about the politician(s) invasion of his privacy.

He has intense hopes about the banksters’ threatening his rights.

He understands the news and is paranoid about the mobster(s)/politician(s)/bankster(s).

Realize that politicians make a lot of promises and be on your guard.

Realize he has so much money and power he is a threat to your enjoyment of life.

He is so manipulative that he flatters you when he realizes you are on guard.

When the man with money is trying to sell you on his bright idea, beware.

What he hears makes him realize his wealth is threatened.

Sense/Realize that he is making all these threats to manipulate (you).

He relates to the exciting performance and has the idea to be its investor/backer.

He knows instinctively how to manipulate you with threats and promises.

A rich man realizes his health is imperiled.

He knows he has the power but is afraid of what people will say.

Romantic Perspectives:

He is so crazy about you he fears for his own power.

A naked woman is an intense threat to his personal power.

He is such a studly dude, and here he is so in love he is intensely nervous.

His studly instinct has him all hot and bothered, confessing his feelings.

He is in love and very much afraid of being perceived as a studmuffin.

The feeling of being so instinctually in love is a challenge to a man who is used to being in control of his situations.

She senses he is a great lover and feels the all-over good feeling, the excitement.

He knows instinctively how to manipulate you with threats and promises.

Told him he is manipulative, he feels very defensive about that.

Both the Star and the Page of Swords are about excitement, and the Hanged Man is about instinctual or subconscious realization … and there’s the Studly Dude himself, whose meanings are about money-power-politics. So there are ANY number of scenarios this brew can conjure up, aren’t there? – maybe some you can think of that I haven’t, here. While this King is often a powerful person, even a powerful villain, he is placed here in a Tarot environment that emphasizes feelings, including defensive, nervous feelings. These messages are letting you know you are next to the heater, get close enough to warm up, but not so close you need calamine lotion. Excitement is definitely in the air.

Meanings and Illustrations:

Star: Feeling good, being very healthy, being in love, confessing, confessing love, having a lot to say/gushing, and performance (as in music). Being the star, enthusiasm. The illustration shows a naked woman presumably bathing, pouring jugs of liquid into water, with stars, in daylight, all around. A large bird is in a tree.

Page of Swords: Being thrilled or threatened, or paranoid. He stands – weapon upraised defensively – on the high point of a flat prairie, feeling ‘something is out there.’ He is nervous, excited, hyped or riled up, apprehensive, paranoid, in fear, imperiled. Beware!

King of Pentacles: This fellow is often full of himself, throws his weight around whether he has any or not. He is flamboyant and manipulative, often has political power of some sort and/or wealth of some sort. He definitely has the sizzle and may have the steak. I love the face on the illustration: That kind of character is well depicted. The orb in his right hand reminds me of a lollipop, and the grapes all over him remind me of some Italian or Italianesque dudes who have statues with grapes on them in their offices. In this spread he is the studly dude because the preceding cards are a naked woman that means feeling good and love (Star) and then a card that in the Rider Waite Tarot means excitement.

Hanged Man: This illustration describes the psychic or eureka realization, the way you feel when a thought strikes and you may realize ‘I always knew that, but … ” Here it means ‘intense feeling,’ intense, to know, realization, to sense or feel. It has the ‘feeling’ meaning in common with the Star card as well as the Page of Swords. (If you took the King of Pentacles out of our four today, there would be ALL kinds of meanings coming to the fore.)



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