Our Daily Spread for Mar. 18, 2011



There’s earth-plane realities that you know, and foo-foo things that you assume

Seven of Cups
Fool, Page of Pentacles, Queen of Wands

Family Life and Romance Perspective:
Thinking of how much he doesn’t know about his wife.
He thinks of this woman as his wife, never mind the other miasmas.
He knows what a mess he is, his wife/mother doesn’t even know him.
He doesn’t even have a wife/woman, he is confused about his identity.
Never mind all the other stuff, he knows his woman is sensible.

He speculates, that’s all, about why he isn’t at home with his wife.
Things fell apart and he doesn’t know why he isn’t home with his wife.
His wife/mother has no idea how out-of-control his life is.
He had no idea how insane his sensible wife/mother was.
The situation is shocking that he doesn’t know who his mother is.
He knows ‘Don’t even think about scrambling mama’s head.’

Business Perspective:
All the company knows is, things are out of control, so a sensible manager is in place now.
May as well not even think of all the messes the manager has set in order.
You can look but there won’t be any disorder in her record.
She, the manager, is in the real world; they have all sorts of assumptions and theories.
She knows how to manage mixed-up young people.

Personal Perspective:
She is very sensible in a very crazy way: Don’t even think about this!
She is a sensible person; she had no idea things get this crazy.
I can assume all sorts of things but know down-to-earth ones.
Sees things that aren’t there, imagines things, but he knows a down-to-earth woman.
There’s earth-plane realities that you know, and foo-foo things that you assume.
You know how to hold things together, you don’t know when or how they fall apart/’go boom.’
Her perspective is pragmatic on fanciful theories.

Well, well, what is the Queen of Wands, the very straight hands-on pragmatic manager of hearth and commerce, doing here? She stands for orderly, she stands for pragmatic, practical and down to earth – for the earth-plane, even … and is in the company of the very theoretical Fool who assumes and ignores, and the insane out-of-control foo-foo very miscellaneous totally unfocused and disorderly Seven of Cups. And right in the middle is someone (a young person, like the Fool) thinking and viewing this.

Advice? It amounts to “Look at this in a sensible way; your world has gone crazy.” Contrast is the order of the day in this Rider Waite spread. Even the business advice has to be about straightening out a dizzy situation. (Of course everyone’s world has gone crazy; it’s a presidential edict, isn’t it?)

Meanings and Illustrations:

Fool: “What, me worry?” This is the person who causes wrecks but is never in them, a blithe assumer of happy foo-foo theories that he blunders through life blindfolded with, and has a great time. He goes so well with the Seven of Cups; that is where he comes from. The illustration shows a young person running away from home provision-less, accompanied by his pet, about to stride off a cliff on a sunny day with great faith in the good life. (He is on Facebook. I see him there a lot.)

Page of Pentacles: He is the onlooker here. He thinks, he knows, he sees. ‘His identity’ is one of the phrases the Page of Pentacles brings up today as well. He is illustrated as a thoughtful young person.

Queen of Wands: She has no toys. She runs the place, whether it be domestic or commercial or both. She knows what is going on and doesn’t let it. Hers is an orderly sensible pragmatic tidy world, a tight ship. Illustration shows an upright lady with a schoolmarm expression and a big stick.

Seven of Cups: Well, here is the mess for the lady to work on. Seven of Cups is the sorcerer’s apprentice story of things out of control, lots of unrelated miscellaneous pieces that won’t be put back together … except by the Queen of Wands and her type. Illustration shows fragments of unrelated things in cups, planted in a heavy cloud.


She can do these things because she never feels the pressure

Magician, Eight of Pentacles, Nine of Wands

Business Perspective:
He is under pressure to get the work done; she has nothing to do with it.
The work she does, she is never under pressure.
She keeps doing the job others are nervous about doing: She is Teflon.
She is unaffected by the tension in the workplace, just does the job.

He was injured doing this guard job to keep the women safe.
A guy can get wounded on this job; girls aren’t allowed to do it.
He stays on the dangerous job he does because of gorgeous women.
Women wouldn’t have him unless he did this dangerous work.

Other Perspective:
She isn’t scared of people who do that kind of thing.
She keeps putting herself in danger and no one will attack.
She can do these things because she never feels the pressure.
She is the last person you would think would do one scary thing after another.
Guys who do that kind of thing are scared of her.
What these guys do every day is hurt people, but not women.

*Here are three guy-cards in a row to begin, all kinds of easy stories to make of them … but then the World card overlooking them is the spoiler; you gotta work her into the narrative. So she is the focal point. World refers to being ‘a master of both worlds,’ which means you are so spiritual the monsters fear you. It boils down to a woman who is immune, insulated, Teflon – that sort of thing, or to that state of being for anything. Often ‘she is not affected by’ is the language.

*The Rider Waite Tarot card that means fear and apprehension is next to her – which calls for the language of contrast. *Then the first two cards are a man doing the work, or doing something regularly. Those are the pieces to the puzzle of today’s message.

Advice is that just because there is something scary or dangerous, you don’t have to be scared; you can be above it all or immune to the risk in some way. It suggests this is the case.

Meanings and Illustrations:

Magician: He, the man, does. ‘Work’ is next to him, so he does the work. His illustration shows him at work with the tools of his trade, bringing something about. The next card also shows a man working with the tools of his trade.

Eight of Pentacles: Work. Workman. He is doing work, or is regularly doing something. Illustration shows the carpenter making one identical product after another at his bench.

Nine of Wands: He has a dangerous job; he was injured on guard duty, and is still hanging in there. Of course he has some fear; of course he is nervous and apprehensive. See the head injury and the way he is looking over his shoulder?

World: I will just copy what I said above, because I said it all, at least as far as today’s message is concerned. World refers to being ‘a master of both worlds,’ which means you are so spiritual the monsters fear you. It boils down to a woman who is immune, insulated, Teflon – that sort of thing, or to that state of being for anything. Often ‘she is not affected by’ is the language.

