Our Daily Spread for Mar. 29, 2011



He talks so politely to his bosses, it makes them feel powerful

Ace of Swords
King of Cups, Star, Emperor

Romantic Perspective:
He feels good all over, he feels in control of those feelings, he is a winner.
The man who is absolutely crazy about you is The Rock of Gibraltar.
This controlling man has got to talk sweetly to you, or else.
Here he is confessing his love like he is your honey – him, the lord and master of you!
He feels he has to be the boss but he is adoring you, spilling his guts.
Love has got the best of him, turned the controlling man into a pussycat
The affectionate man wins her heart over the powerful man.

Business Perspective:
The senior man orders the vice president around, a lot.
He talks so politely to his bosses, it makes them feel powerful.
High praise from the head man for the gentleman.
What the accountant says forces the president’s hand.
Oh, the reports you have to make to the federal government!

Bureaucrat tells you you have to comply, he is the supreme authority.
The bureaucracy announces the finalist, the winner.
He is a diplomat the way he softens the commander’s orders.
The junior man talks like he is the ultimate authority with the final say-so
Being emotionally insecure makes him talk like he is a VIP.

Two men are here:  The Emperor who is the commander, the controlling and possibly tyrannical authority; and the King of Cups, the gentleman, bureaucrat, vice presidential deferential fellow who can be an accountant and can be the affectionate companion.  The Star is between them:  a lot of talk, or confessing love.  Both the King of Cups and Star refer to affection.  Then over all is the Ace of Swords:  orders, force, and have to – the winner as well.

Advice seems to be to defer to authority, and seems to be that the man with the soft touch is the one who wins her heart over the man who would order her around.

Meanings and Illustrations:

King of Cups: Here is the Mild-mannered Man, the diplomatic man, the conciliatory affectionate bureaucratic pencil-pushing fellow.  He is shown surrounded by water which means emotion in Rider Waite as well as other systems.

Star: More water.  Gushing those emotions mentioned earlier.  Talking, confessing, reporting.  Picture shows, in Rider Waite, a naked figure pouring water or maybe perfume into a pond, probably to bathe.

Emperor: This is easy:  The rigid, constipated personality, the supreme commander.  Daddy, the federal government.  Shown is a rigid looking bearded one looking regal on a stone throne.

Ace of Swords: Makes, forces, orders, the winner, ultimate, total, have to, got the best of:  These are phrases the hand with the sword that has the laurel of victory crowning it suggest.



The company that is in a scary situation will be all right: Your wish is granted

Nine of Cups
Hierophant, Four of Wands, Nine of Swords

Business Perspective:
The company that is in a scary situation will be all right:  Your wish is granted.
The company made a big profit and is worried about looking respectable.
The company is worried about just looking profitable.

Other Perspectives:
The rich respectable members of the community are up nights over this.
Worries about being accepted by the community he wants to be a member of.
That organization wants more than anything to be respectable, and they are very nervous about this.
I am entitled to be rich because my family is, so I am very upset.
Everyone who wants a clean record has something to worry about.

Wants a decent house, agonizes over that.
Satisfied with a middle-class neighborhood
Up nights wishing he/she lived in a house that was in good shape.
This neighborhood keeps you up nights wishing you lived in a safe one.
Wants to own a home officially in his/her name, has fears regarding this desire.

Enjoys upsetting members of that church.
Wanting to be one of those upright people annoys you, doesn’t it?
Members of the church want to be in a building of their own:  This is the problem.
Really wanted to be a member of that church, and now look what happened …
The family wants him in a safe place, he is endangered.
Life is so normal in this place, he/she wants something to worry about.

Everyone in that family has a very high level of anxiety.
You are anxious but everything is fine, is the way you want it to be, with everyone in your circle.
Wants to commit to a marriage but is scared.
All wrought up about having the church wedding of his/her/their dreams.
Wants to be married in the church, and is so overwrought about this.

The only similarity in these four Rider Waite Tarot cards is Hierophant meaning ‘respectable’ and Four of Wands being the prominent members of the community.  Well, you could say the ‘wealth’ vibe of the Nine of Cups refers to the wealthy/prominent member of the community.  Hierophant is church or churchy and Four of Wands is a wedding.  Nine of Swords is fear/nervousness/dread/anxiety, etc.  (Do you remember some of these obvious cards by now?)

Advice, to me, would be to shed the fears that having to be respectable cause you.  There is a feeling or a suggestion that everything is all right regarding what you are worrying about, as well.

Meanings and Illustrations:

Hierophant: This card sits next to the leading families of the community here, so its ‘respectable’ spectrum of meanings is highlighted, along with its ‘churchy’ spectrum since the Four of Wands is an organization or building, as well as a family or families.  The pope is pictured, and this card also calls forth the idea of the official, on-paper reality, what is fit to print.

Four of Wands: Like I said, this is family, organization, any kind of group.  It is a building.  It can be a wedding.  That is what is pictured on the Rider Waite Tarot.

Nine of Swords: Worry, worry, worry, anxiety, up nights, fear and apprehension.  Oh, wah!  Up nights with the head in the hand.

Nine of Cups: Got it all, wealth, what you want more than anything.  In the picture, he ate the whole thing and he looks like he can believe it and is mighty satisfied with having done so.  See how it stands for ‘a high level’ even when the high level is of something NOT desirable.  That happens.  That’s how Tarot Verbatim™ works.Fleur.gif

