Ace of Wands
Hierophant, Four of Swords, Two of Pentacles
Other Perspectives:
You have to let sleeping dogs lie; sometimes that is the thing to do.
It’s OK not to do anything, but sometimes you have to.
The main thing is to keep up the appearance of normalcy by not responding.
Has an active role in the church, must keep up that routine.
He just has to rock the boat, but it’s OK, nothing’s going to happen.
The most important thing is to not do anything physically.
Have to get regular normal sleep.
Keeps asserting itself but it’s harmless, it doesn’t do anything.
You should not do anything but keep making the point.
You are safe, do not respond to one threat after another.
It has to stay like it is each and every time.
Make the point over and over and people do nothing: That’s the way it is.
Let the status quo be: It has to go on like this.
If you don’t do anything, things have to go on as they are.
You’ve got to rock the boat when people are lulled into inaction by the appearance of normalcy.
Sexual Perspective:
Just leave things as they are and keep having sex.
Somehow have sex and get the sleep you should, too.
Have to behave yourself and not keep doing that.
Sexual rhythm is pretty tame … just lies there.
Keeps making the point ‘I’m behaving’ because of what I don’t do.
Well, the love aspect has hit a bit of a snag here for somebody. And it’s time to play it straight and even refrain from action in real life. And sleep. Yeah, sleep figures into this advice. Like I said, I don’t make these things up. This should prove it?
Meanings and Illustrations:
Hierophant: It’s the thing to do, it’s OK, the appearance of normalcy and things as they are. It means church, and it means physically, harmless, and should. Oh, and safe. It means you are behaving yourself, Of course it means all these sorts of things: It has a picture of the pope on it, and we are to presume that person behaves himself that way in spite of all the news reports.
Four of Swords: He is behaving himself, huh? He isn’t doing anything there asleep in the church. These two first cards really mean ‘Ain’t misbehavin’.’ He is not responding. Nothing’s going to happen.
Two of Pentacles: The juggler with ships tossed on the sea behind him. It speaks of cycles of all sorts. Here we use the ‘sometimes’ and the idea of rocking the boat, and ‘go on and on’ as well as to keep doing something. The ‘cycle’ meaning sometimes is expressed as rhythm – hence ‘sexual rhythm’ next to that penis-looking thing.
Ace of Wands: There’s that hand with the board in it that sometimes means a pen or a penis. Making the point, asserting, have to or must, a threat.
Knight of Swords, Seven of Pentacles, King of Cups
Romantic Perspective:
He thinks he loves you and wonders how to come back after he broke up.
So why did he leave, and break up when he was feeling affectionate?
Why did I think breaking up with the one I loved would make her come running?
Very emotionally asking himself “Did I leave; did I break up?”
Your honey doesn’t know whether he is coming or going since he broke up with you.
He was drinking when he broke up with you, he figures he will be right back.
He figures he will quit running back and forth and be the good loving man.
It came as a shock to him that he was feeling so loving, so he ran away. Now what?
Feeling very emotional. What if I quit and just left in a hurry.
If I were really such a good guy, would I have broken up so abruptly?
This spread is very much about a man who abruptly quit or broke up and dashed away because he was emotional, and now he is wondering about that. It could be a job he quit but is more likely a love relationship.
Meanings and Illustrations:
Knight of Swords: The illustration shows a knight in hot pursuit … or desperate flight … his weapon brandished. He has his armor on. You have to check the cards around it to see whether it means pursuit or flight, or both – because it also means a quick turnaround, even a quick trip there and back. Here, he left in a hurry and is also wondering whether he should come back.
Seven of Pentacles: He wonders, he ponders, he puzzles, he asks himself why or how or what, or ‘Did I?’ What to do? He gazes quizzically upon his plants, wondering whether they will bear fruit.
King of Cups: This is the emotional man. He is pictured surrounded by water with a boat behind him, sitting on a throne on a cement slab. Wishy-washy changeable susceptible dude. A drinking man, maybe. An affectionate man, often. He is her honey.
Tower: This is one of the divorce cards. It means breaking up often. In this company, it is pretty much limited to that. It shows the Tower of Babel story, the people falling out of a stricken building.