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HOW TO USE THE MATERIAL WE HAVE FOR YOU HERE. Read the sentences, and pick out the ones that seem to apply to you, to the people around you. They are a Tarot analysis of your day’s circumstances. As the day (or several days) unfolds, you may find the information is relevant. Some of this information refers to a longer time period. The question is: “Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.” Often, your adopting the attitude you feel in the blog works for your day!
Without a question to focus the answer, four cards can mean even contradictory things. Without a question also the pronouns in a group reading are less specific, more flexible, especially in some of these Rider Waite Tarot spreads. Especially when a pronoun is in parentheses, feel free to substitute.
The Advice section sums up a general meaning of all the sentences.
Remember to share your experience with a comment here if you have words for it … I spend two or more hours a day writing to you, after all!
Photos of the animals that the people who call me support are in with the articles I wrote for you. Enjoy them too! Stefanie is the one who has posted the few we have here. She did not do much with a hundred or more I sent her.
And you can call me at the 800 99 3 6 9 12 number from Eastern 1 p. m. to Eastern 1 a. m. at least, every day. I analyze business situations accurately too. (Testimonials are on the web site.)
Three of Cups, Five of Swords, Three of Wands
Meanings and Illustrations:
The meanings of the four cards read as follows succinctly: (1) Three of Cups – The girls support one another, have a good life. (2) Five of Swords – The guy who takes advantage or bullies. (3) What will happen, money coming in. (4) What the man does. So rivalry between the genders is one topic.
Three of Cups: This is one of our frequent-flier cards – one that shows up a lot here. The girls. The girls share. The girls share the profit. The girls get together. Girls’ night out. The girls’ happiness. The girls who have money. Dating, enjoying life, getting together.
Five of Swords: To take advantage of, or to be taken advantage of: Action of Tarot cards goes both ways, and any character in the story can be featured. Five of swords is the guy with the angles, the one with the Cheney smirk who’s gonna ‘get his,’ who takes his half of the road down its middle. It can be about revenge, it can even be about bully-bashing. This is the attitude of outsmarting, short term. The illustration shows, yes, the smirking bully who tricked his friends into losing their swords to him.
Three of Wands: If you have been reading us for a few weeks, you will know this is ‘ships coming in.’ That is what the illustration shows, and usually this Rider Waite Tarot card means income, future, waiting, good times are coming. Sometimes it instructs the reader to put the sentence in future tense.
Magician: Conjugate the verb ‘do.’ Act, make, behave, bring about, bring down. Any word referring to male or men. The idea behind this simple card is ‘the active principle’ in magic. It refers to action as opposed to thinking. It is opposite to the High Priestess, who is the female principle. Look for ‘what he does’ applications. Illustration shows a magician with the tools of his trade designed to make things happen.
Advice is to be aware of the male and the female roles that are built into our existence because we will be dealing with situations in which these roles are a factor. Do you prefer equality? – then you have to learn ‘la difference’ in order to ignore, appreciate or counterbalance the advantages and disadvantages. Being brought up by a parent of the same gender or of opposite gender can be an overlooked factor in romantic life.
TAROT ANALYSIS: [Note: 3 of cups can be girl’s or girls’ – plural or singular. Keep that in mind.]
Men’s Attitudes Perspective:
He makes the money, girls take his money.
The girls enjoy life, the boys struggle for a living.
He makes the ladies happy for money; that’s his schtick.
The women in his life force him to bring money in.
He will do things to get even with women for their privileged status.
What he is going to do is horn in on the girl’s green pasture.
He will be intimidating women.
Enjoy the company of the ladies is what he is going to do.
Women’s Attitudes Perspective:
He is the one with the bad attitude; we are the ones who stick together to make one another happy.
Women band together to do something about constantly being bullied.
Yeah, we ladies get ripped off by guys who act like him, but we are still happy to date them.
These girls get together and make the boys earn the money for them to enjoy.
Girls know what this bad-boy will always be doing, and they share his services.
We women enjoy and profit from what the guys do on the battlefield.
When it comes to income, the girls get taken advantage of by the boys.
Women can enjoy the rivalry men will always have for their charming company.
Other Perspectives:
When you have been taken advantage of, you will hang together and do for one another.
He makes money unethically and parties with it.
He will do daring deeds for his women.
The battle between the genders will always go on.
Adopting a tough-guy attitude is what will allow him to make it with the ladies.
What he does for a living is get ladies who have some money together for an enjoyable activity.
Men will always have rivalry for the company of fun women.
He is the man who aggressively produces income for the women in the club.
Girls will always be happy to date guys who act like bad boys around them.