Our Daily Spread for May 14, 2011



Is this the first time you come here? Well …

HOW TO USE THE MATERIAL WE HAVE FOR YOU HERE. Read the sentences, and pick out the ones that seem to apply to you, to the people around you. They are a Tarot analysis of your day’s circumstances. As the day (or several days) unfolds, you may find the information is relevant. Some of this information refers to a longer time period. The question is: “Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.” Often, your adopting the attitude you feel in the blog works for your day! Some days are ‘keep an eye open’ and some are ‘green lights.’

Without a question to focus the answer, four cards can mean even contradictory things. Without a question also the pronouns in a group reading are less specific, more flexible, especially in some of these Rider Waite Tarot spreads. Especially when a pronoun is in parentheses, feel free to substitute.

The Advice section sums up a general meaning of all the sentences. It is the favorite of most of us.

Knight of Wands

Six of Cups, Sun, Mag

Meanings and Illustrations: Observation of the Spread

Another bunch of happy Tarot citizens together here. Two happy spreads in a row. Is this going to be a great weekend for us? We begin with the two cards that feature children and are associated – in very different ways – with ‘home.’ Sun is about escaping the restrictions of house rules, being reckless, uninhibited, having fun like a kid, whereas Six of Cups is a sentimental card about childhood generally.

We have two Tarot fellas here that mean ‘to leave home.’   That would be Sun and Knight of Wands. Yes, in different ways. Knight of Wands is a ‘get out of there’ card, whereas, as we said

above, Sun is to get out, have fun, escape.

The other card is the Magician, male who is doing, which is also the fourth card in this spread that features a male person.

Meanings and Illustrations: Individual Rider Waite Tarot Cards

Six of Cups: Home sweet home. Children or child or sibling(s). Romance. Gift. Boy gives girl ____. An old fashioned quaint house or neighborhood. House hunting? – this is the one with the good vibe. It means good atmosphere.

The sky is blue, and the little boy is giving his sweetheart little girl flowers in front of an apartment building or a mansion. Colors are pastel, lines are curvy. This is one of the most pleasant illustrations in the Rider Waite Tarot deck.

This is an entirely good card, with an entirely good feeling to it. This is a yes to those girls’ questions about ‘Will he give me.’ It stands for birthday, too. Six of cups is about memories, nostalgia, the past, the good old days. It is about a gift (valentine and birthday, especially). It is about one’s own childhood; about being a good girl or good boy. It means innocent or innocence or being naïve. It indicates Spring if you have asked ‘when.’

Sun: Several meanings here, which – as usual with the Rider Waite Tarot Verbatim system – grow out of the illustration. Story there is: Unclothed and uninhibited boy-child escapes from the home and its rules to cavort upon a mischievous evil-eyed pony . ‘Tis a sunny day and flowers are blooming in the summer. Where did the kid get the banner flag? He is having a very short-lived good time, the little brat is. The pony has enough of this nonsense. (The character of the pony does not get expressed in the meanings of this Tarot card.)

Meanings for Sun are: a brat, a boy child, a child or childish person, to be free of restrictions, to be free or freedom, fun, vacation, escape, to leave the house or home, uninhibited, ‘let your hair down,’ to be happy. Sun indicates joy, being young, sunshine (which shows up in medical questions), getting out, getting out in the sun, being reckless, being a player, breaking the rules.

Magician: male who acts, is doing, brings about, takes initiative, makes, starts up, brings down. Magician means any form of the words ‘to do’ or ‘make’ or ‘bring about,’ ‘bring down’ or ‘initiate’ or ‘start.’ It can instruct the reader to place the sentence in the form of a command.

The first four Rider Waite Tarot cards have a heavy occult significance that creates some meanings of Magician. Magician stands for the male principle.

Illustration shows a magician with the tools of his trade: sword, cup, pentagram/pentacle, wand. He is doing a spell, making something happen.

Knight of Wands: Boogety-boogety outa town. He is in a hurry in either pursuit or flight. This card could be the ‘hot pursuit’ of police parlance. This is often the fellow pursuing the girl. Or fleeing the girl. The illustration supports fleeing more than pursuing, but in action the card will mean each. (Remember, I observe the Tarot Verbatim meanings; I don’t create them.) Haste. Speeding (with Chariot = speeding vehicle).

Illustration is a knight on a horse galloping. Knight is not brandishing his weapon (Yeah, a board.) but is hurrying. He seems young and has an uncertain look on his face. This drawing suggests a retreat more than pursuing, but in actual use this card is about moving, getting on, travel on the road and pursuing something as well as ‘gettin’ out of dodge.’


Advice: We asked what we should best pay attention to. This is the second day the answer is ‘Pay attention to, put your energy and effort into, enjoying: enjoying life, fun things, getting out in the sunshine and moving around. “Get out and make some happy memories” is my favorite. These four cards say these same things emphatically, and say nothing more! Read the list!



Personal Perspective:

Get out and make some happy memories.

Go back to being a kid and do something reckless and uninhibited.

Feeling young and pursuing a fun time is what to do.

Go on the road with the kids and make yourself enjoy that.

Take the initiative, Guy: Chase a sweet li’l gal.

Go back to a place you used to enjoy as a child: Hurry!

Go out of your way to enjoy yourself in old fashioned ways.

Faster progress if you get out in the sun like you used to do.

Put energy into doing what makes you feel mellow and light-hearted.

Get out of the house and into the sunshine: Get yourself moving.

Get the kids out of town and you have some romance.

Moving out of your old house is what to do.

Move out of town, leaving the old places behind, and start something new.

Go to a quaint place and do something you enjoy.

Get out of the house and do something fun.

Hurry up and do something fun at home.

Get out of town and do something romantic and enjoyable.

Give yourself a gift: Get out and get moving.

Get going on a trip to surprise your sibling.

Get away out of town from the kids for something to do.


Tarot Readings for You for May 13-14, 2020 Wednesday-Thursday©

It’s not always a person you fall in love with. Wild enthusiasm can focus on a thing, an idea, a feeling, an activity, a movement, an ambition, and even oneself – and this focus can be just as extra-rational as love. The love bug is only one of many other bugs, but he gets all the publicity, all the press, most of the attention. Myself, I have been smitten by a few of these, and mostly recovered before it was over. How about you? Are you infecting anyone these days?

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