Our Daily Spread July 30, 2012 Monday©


Blog Our Daily Spread July 30, 2012 Monday© Jmt 10p 4c QS

Guidance Women are the police of the family, and often they take that philosophy out into their worlds. Women complain about feuding and unfairness. Some women have standards they unconsciously or consciously expect everyone to live up to. Some women make people ‘behave’ just by being present. This attitude can cross into being the dictator of the family or other group, being what we call the Mean Matriarch in today’s message.



Is this the first time you come here? Well … what to do:

*Go to Guidance (above ) which is a summary of the Messages. (Guidance is everyone’s favorite part.)

*Go to Group Analytical Tarot Cards Reading below.  One or more of those sentences has something to say to you.  Intuitively pick those out and decide whether to encourage or suppress them They are about you and the people around you.  They are about today and the days around it.  (It is a group message like a horoscope,  except Tarot isn’t based on someone else’s birth data,  so it can be specific,  accurate,  detailed and direct.  Our experiment here is  “How much more accurate is it?”)

Did you come here for your predictions?–  You are done now –  See you tomorrow.

Without a question to focus the answer,  four cards can mean contradictory things,  especially when the Spread has a card that negates other cards.  Without a question also the pronouns in a group reading are more flexible,  especially in some of these Rider Waite Tarot spreads.  When a pronoun is in parentheses,  feel very free to substitute.  The question in a  ‘real’  individual reading supplies at least half the information!




Queen of Swords

Judgment – Ten of Pentacles – Four of Cups




Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.




Tarot Readings:  She Expects Much of Us (Ten of Pentacles + Queen of Swords)


They are no trouble; they live up to her expectations again.


Speaks up about what she is expecting: that they not fight amongst themselves.


Goes back to the woman who expects much of him so his home life won’t be dysfunctional.


They have no trouble with him going back to his ex-wife.


Mama tells us we are not a family that feuds.


Widow longs for him to come back from the grave; she just cannot deal with the family.


What she has been doing without is being restored to her without a big fight with them.


Like mama keeps sayin’: Stay out of other people’s problems.




Tarot Readings:  People Don’t Make Trouble (Ten of Pentacles + Four of Cups)


What a change from putting up with the old restrictions she endured: Those people don’t make trouble for her.


There’s a big change in the old lady; she doesn’t aggravate us anymore.


A newly militant woman doesn’t let them make trouble.


She expects him to change and not cause the family any more trouble.


She expects a change, a new life, and she will not be part of the problem in the family.




Tarot Readings:  She Has Nothing to Do with These Misfits (Ten of Pentacles + Queen of Swords)


An older woman suddenly makes herself a whole different life; she refuses to be the type of people her kin are.


She wants nothing to do with these defective units, and she goes back to where she came from.


All these low-class people annoy the woman who has such high standards, and they aren’t going back where they came from.


Mama nags the family about her high standards, but they refuse to change.


She is mad and says other people caused all those problems, not her.




Tarot Readings:  Mean Matriarch Says (Judgment + Queen of Swords)


The relatives, for once, are not hearing what the mean matriarch of the family has to say.


“She expects you to get your butt back here or you’re not family.”


In her angry-old-woman’s voice, she barks that we should not have combative feelings in the family.


Don’t make trouble for her or she will turn into a bitch.


He tells his stern mother he isn’t in, or isn’t a member of, the suspect group.


He tells the angry woman he has nothing to do with them, “they’re not my family.”


Mother is mad that he dissed the family in public.


He does not acknowledge he belongs to a dysfunctional group of people when mama confronts him.




Tarot Readings:  Business Related Problems (Ten of Pentacles)


He tells the victim, publicly, that he has no part in the interpersonal rivalries or fights.


She is angry at that company and publicly complains about its refusing to do something.


Does not ever want to deal with the complaining public again.



Tarot Readings:  Miscellaneous


He does not go back to his wife because the family wants nothing to do with him now.


Saying ‘no’ again will be a problem; she is disgruntled with this repeating pattern.


Now, Part Two,

Do you want to know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim ™ thing works? If so,

*Go to Learn Tarot by Observing section below. This tells about the combined four pictures in the Daily Spread –  the pictures above here.  It explains how these four cards get together in your mind to make the message.

*Go to Learn Tarot by the Pictures.  It is what each of the four cards,  by itself,  has to say.  It shows you how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in this Spread.

You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim ™ works.

Say hello back!  Comment!  Remember to share your experience about our experiment here if you have words for it.  Read others’ comments.

Call 800 99 3 6 9 12 from Eastern 1 p. m. to Eastern 1 a. m. at least, every day. I analyze business situations and personal relationships accurately from both Tarot and practical perspectives.  (Testimonials are on the web site.  https://EmilysInsight.com.)







Queen of Swords

Judgment – Ten of Pentacles – Four of Cups





When you see Queen of Swords with Ten of Pentacles, you are dealing with group rivalries or problems and a woman who is any of the following: strong, stern, victim, complaining, the mean matriarch type, the bitch, the demanding woman (which isn’t necessarily negative, you look at the context for that), the woman who has standards she expects of others, or someone who is a widow or has been doing without what is rightfully hers. She is the Mama sometimes. She is the ex-wife. You can count on this card to strongly mean these things.


Ten of Pentacles is trouble in the group, or a group that is trouble, all the way from the rotten kids next door to the juvenile gangs on wall street or across the street. It is family trouble, family politics. Of course it is political politics too, same processes.


These two cards conjoin in their disgruntledness in our spread today. Their combativeness is also conjoined by Four of Cups, which refuses to deal with it, and isn’t any part of the contention over there.


Judgment, the remaining Rider Waite Tarot card, is to speak up or say, to recover, to go back to a former place or condition or situation, and a change.


So our story today is a drama of interpersonal issues involving a group or family. Judgment gives us some happier meanings, with its ‘change’ category of meanings.






Judgment The main meanings of this Rider Waite Tarot citizen are: to speak up or say, to recover, to go back to a former place or condition or situation, and a change. They all arise out of the angel’s horn (to speak up), people arising from the coffins (a change, and to recover), and of course the restored humans’ bodies have gone back to their former state, being alive. So Judgment also means a new life, a new phase, a new level.
Ten of Pentacles Put a bunch of humans together, and they become ‘us and them.’ There’s always that. There’s grandpa’s entitlement to another baby out of a struggling couple, things like that. People gang up into power groups from street punks to political and corporate punks. It’s all over. Ten of Pentacles depicts it as the family quarrel.
Four of Cups says ‘no.’ Doesn’t accept, isn’t going along with it, wants no part of whatever. No way. However many times it’s offered, I don’t want any. It is one of the simplest cards to read, so our eyes go to it first when we figure out what the Tarot group is talking about.The person averts head, crosses both arms and legs, for the fourth time.
Queen of Swords is a woman who is any of the following: strong, stern, victim, complaining, the mean matriarch type, the bitch, the demanding woman (which isn’t necessarily negative, you look at the context for that), the woman who has standards she expects of others, or someone who is a widow or has been doing without what is rightfully hers. She can be an old or older woman. She is the Mama sometimes. She is the ex-wife. You can count on this card to strongly mean these things. Her illustration has an unsmiling woman with her sword resting on the arm of the throne and her other hand outstretched as if to say “Now would be good.”







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Tarot Readings for You for May 13-14, 2020 Wednesday-Thursday©

It’s not always a person you fall in love with. Wild enthusiasm can focus on a thing, an idea, a feeling, an activity, a movement, an ambition, and even oneself – and this focus can be just as extra-rational as love. The love bug is only one of many other bugs, but he gets all the publicity, all the press, most of the attention. Myself, I have been smitten by a few of these, and mostly recovered before it was over. How about you? Are you infecting anyone these days?

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