Tarot Verbatim
Guidance There are pockets of places (still) where things are in order, are the way they are supposed to be, and where people do whatever they should. Often, these places are ruled by a traditional woman who has domestic managerial skills, who has that matriarchal presence. Her kids behave … is it out of self-defense? She has the genius to keep her corner of the world clean because she can, because it’s hers. She carries this presence of hers to the work world and the social world too. This woman has her own ways that she enforces irrespective of the zany world around her, which she largely disregards.
Are YOU here for the first time? Come in!
People love this place! Our site is divided into four sections: Guidance, Tarot Readings, Learn Tarot by Observation, and Learn Tarot by Pictures.
If you just want your daily look ahead, Guidance and Tarot Readings are all you need. ‘Guidance’ (above) is a summary of what the cards are telling visitors to be aware of this day.
‘Group Tarot Cards Reading’ (just below this) is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the four cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself.
Did you come here for your predictions? – You are done now – See you tomorrow. The family of commenters here would love for you to join in (the very last thing, at the bottom).
Queen of Wands
Hierophant – Three of Wands – Fool
Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.
Headings [So you can choose which belongs to you]
Tarot Readings: Being Proper, and Being a Wife (Hierophant and Queen of Wands)
Tarot Readings: Different Drummer Way of Life in the Real World (Hierophant and Fool)
Tarot Readings: You Will Behave Yourself (Hierophant and Three of Wands)
Miscellaneous Tarot Readings
Tarot Readings: Being Proper, and Being a Wife (Hierophant and Queen of Wands)
She will be his wife, on paper; you can bet on that.
She assumes there is a commitment that she be his wife.
Wait until he behaves himself before you are his woman.
Who needs a wife? – I have a decent salary.
Who needs to be a wife? – I have a decent salary.
Wife ‘knows without knowing’ he will behave himself.
I’m the wife, and I can assume everything’s gonna be as it should.
It just goes without saying that my wife will behave herself.
Going to be free of mama and her rules.
This woman has her own ways that she will enforce regardless of the accepted standard.
The wife figures things are always going to be the way they should be.
Will be looking respectable as a married woman, I suppose.
What they don’t know will not be hurting them: She’s a married woman now.
Tarot Readings: Different Drummer Way of Life in the Real World (Hierophant and Fool)
She is still living out of the box.
Whatever happens in the real world, she has her home.
Who knows what the future will bring, I just keep my place in order.
She is still oblivious to the physical part of keeping a house.
Tarot Readings: You Will Behave Yourself (Hierophant and Three of Wands)
Things are going to be the way they should be in her household.
You always behave when you are around a matriarch.
She is always going to be the down-to-earth no-nonsense decent woman, and that’s all there is to it..
You can be lighthearted and optimistic all the time in a normal household.
Miscellaneous Tarot Readings:
It’s her house but she is not physically present in it for a while.
You can assume no harm is going to happen when you are in your own house.
You always figure you are safe in your own house.
Now, Part Two,
Do you want to know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim™ thing works? If so,
*Go to Learn Tarot by Observing section below. This tells about the combined four pictures in the Tarot Readings – the pictures above here. It explains how these four cards get together in your mind to make the messages.
*Go to Learn Tarot by Pictures. It is what each of the four cards, by itself, has to say. It shows you how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in today’s Spread. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.
You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim™ works.
This is a group reading, with no Questioner and no Question to limit what the cards say, so there’s more variety – even contradictions – and also the pronouns are more flexible. If it feels like it’s yours, and it says ‘he,’ and you’re a ‘she,’ feel free to adopt it anyway.
Queen of Wands
Hierophant – Three of Wands – Fool
Hierophant and Three of Wands and Queen of Wands Nice normal things (Hierophant) are going to be happening (Three of Wands) in a nice orderly household (Queen of Wands). These are the core meanings of each of these Rider Waite Tarot Citizens that perfectly link together. So this is without a doubt our message.
Fool isn’t joining them. He isn’t a joiner, isn’t a member of anything. Fool is mainly assuming today, but he is famous for not paying attention, not being present, being oblivious, being free (or free of). Fool is lighthearted and optimistic.
Fool and Hierophant + Fool and Queen of Wands:
Fool is free of the rules or of the house rules
that Hierophant and Queen of Wands establish. Not that he rebels – that would be too much trouble; it’s that he is born free, is a free spirit, one of those maddening people who doesn’t get it because he is out in left field somewhere. Note that both Hierophant and Queen of Wands are about behaving oneself.
Fool and Three of Wands can always assume, will always be free, isn’t going to even think about it, and it’s just going to come. Fool’s meanings of ‘assume’ combine with Three of Wand’s focus on the future, which makes for ‘always’ and ‘going to’ phrases.
Hierophant Daddy used to say a clean nose indicates filth higher up. Hierophant is about keeping the nose clean, about the public face we, other humans, human groups and governments project, as contrasted to … oh, how we act when no one’s lookin’, when the cop car isn’t in sight on the road, when the politicians meet behind closed doors, about how lawyers keep jurors from knowing the very items they judge the value of a ‘case’ with. The official story is often an official pretense you have to believe if you’re a good guy. Hierophant, therefore, is about behaving yourself, respectability, about the rules or strictures that govern polite society. It is about doing no harm, being decent, meaning well. It also means ‘in the real physical world,’ ordinary or mundane, average, and acceptable. It’s kind of the realistic view of something, too.
How does this fit the illustration? – the contrast here is the public rituals and teachings of a church as opposed to what the theologians know and believe. ‘Hierophant’ means ‘pope.’
Three of Wands Your ships are coming in. This card today mainly refers to the future tense and to income. Money is coming in to the merchant on those ships in the illustration.
Fool “Oh, never mind.” Whatever. I’m off to see the wizard. Fool is not paying attention, not being present, being oblivious, being free (or free of), assuming. Fool is lighthearted and optimistic. Fool is free of the rules. The underlying meaning is the charmed life a very spiritual person leads. Things a spiritual slant on life lead you to do are foolish ‘in the real world’ (Hierophant world!), but work in that situation for that person. Hence, the fellow skipping off on a journey with no provisions, no luggage, and being mindless of the cliff nearby.
Queen of Wands But Queen of Wands makes the rules in her neck of the woods, in her home-place. Queen of Wands is also the main Wife card in Tarot Verbatim™. This is the Woman in Charge, whether home or business. She keeps her corner of the world clean, and you behave yourself in her house. Mama don’t allow … old folk song. This is the practical down-to-earth woman, the nurse or country woman maybe. The domestic assertive dame. She is pictured with a flower in one hand and a board in the other, and that alert look you associate with a schoolteacher or mama who knows what she is doing.
Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
The entire contents of this website are Copyright © 2013. All rights reserved. This site may not be copied in whole or in part except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review without the express written permission of the publisher. All violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
NOTICE – Anyone found copying Tarot Verbatim’s (TM) website or using Tarot Verbatim’s (TM) trademarked/copyrighted text and/or images without Tarot Verbatim’s (TM) express written consent by Emily Sandstrom will be reported to their billing company, their hosting company, and any other related companies or necessary parties for account closure. Tarot Verbatim (TM) will also follow with a copyright infringement lawsuit in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
Tarot Verbatim
Guidance We are about the strong woman, not only as wife and mother but as the businesswoman who ‘runs a tight ship.’ You just don’t do that in her domain; she does not allow it. She is pictured both as the working mother superwoman and as the free spirit who isn’t about to do the housework. Being practical all the time shuts out the subconscious. She isn’t one to mindlessly do the same thing over and over.
Are YOU here for the first time? Come in! People love this place! Our site is divided into four sections: Guidance, Tarot Readings, Learn Tarot by Observation, and Learn Tarot by Pictures.
If you just want your daily look ahead, Guidance and Tarot Readings are all you need. ‘Guidance’ (above) is a summary of what the cards are telling visitors to be aware of that day.
‘Group Analytical Tarot Cards Reading’ (just below this) is the actual word-for-word messages to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself.
Did you come here for your predictions? – You are done now – See you tomorrow. The family of commenters here would love for you to join in (the very last, at the bottom).
Queen of Wands
Eight of Pentacles – Four of Cups – Fool
Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.
Headings [So you can choose which belongs to you]
Tarot Readings: Woman in Management at Work (Eight of Pentacles and Queen of Wands)
Tarot Readings: Wife and Mother on the Job (Eight of Pentacles and Queen of Wands)
Tarot Readings: Woman is a Free Spirit (Fool and Queen of Wands)
Miscellaneous Tarot Readings
Tarot Readings: Mama’s House (Queen of Wands)
Don’t even think you can do that in her house.
Mama don’t allow you doin’ that in the house.
There is no time off from my work as a wife.
She is not ever absent from her house.
You can’t forget all the things wife/mama did/does.
(You) can’t keep being away from home/the house/the wife.
Mama won’t let you keep doing that – just forget about it.
Tarot Readings: Woman in Management at Work (Eight of Pentacles and Queen of Wands)
She is no lightweight; she is in charge of her department at work.
There is no way she is going to forget she has a job because she is a wife/mother.
She isn’t a woman to mindlessly do the same thing over and over.
A manager is not allowed to not be present at this workplace.
This managerial job is an offer you just don’t refuse.
Tarot Readings: Wife and Mother on the Job (Eight of Pentacles and Queen of Wands)
There’s no way she is going to forget she is a wife/mother because of this job.
A married woman doesn’t much care about being turned down for the job.
She works at home and has no time off.
Tarot Readings: Woman is a Free Spirit (Fool and Queen of Wands)
She is unemployed; she is free.
It did not work out, so she forgets about being his woman.
She isn’t about to do housework.
She refuses to incessantly be doing things; she is a free spirit.
She isn’t home; she is out doing what she usually does.
When she is off work, she doesn’t stay home.
Forget the chores; don’t be a stay-at-home.
She keeps forgetting she isn’t a married woman, that she is free.
Miscellaneous Tarot Readings
Suppress your good sense on this job and just be on autopilot.
A person/woman who has common sense just won’t do this more than once.
Being pragmatic all the time suppresses one’s subconscious.
Is in mama’s house and assumes he/she doesn’t have to work.
Now, Part Two,
Do you want to know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim™ thing works? If so,
*Go to Learn Tarot by Observing section below. This tells about the combined four pictures in the Tarot Readings – the pictures above here. It explains how these four cards get together in your mind to make the message.
*Go to Learn Tarot by the Pictures. It is what each of the four cards, by itself, has to say. It shows you how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in today’s Spread. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.
You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim ™ works.
This is a group reading, with no Questioner and no Question to limit what the cards say, so there’s more variety – even contractions – and also the pronouns are more flexible. If it feels like it’s yours, and it says ‘he,’ and you’re a ‘she,’ feel free to adopt it.
Queen of Wands
Eight of Pentacles – Four of Cups – Fool
Both Fool and Four of Cups share a ‘disregard’ or ‘ignore’ meaning. But Four of Cups is more to refuse to pay any mind, and Fool is to just naturally not pay any attention.
Fool also has many additional meanings – to be free, subconscious, to be young, optimism, to not be present, to not look where you’re going, a trip by foot, and many others we are not using today.
The other two cards do share a work meaning. They are Eight of Pentacles, work or repetitive routines as in ‘keep doing,’ and Queen of Wands as the woman who runs her house and/or her workplace efficiently. She is the manager. These two together also describe a competent woman who works at home.
Queen of Wands is the main card that means ‘wife,’ and she is also The Mama – a mother who watches and disciplines, who is a presence.
Our theme is a strong woman who handles ordinary life competently – no dreamer or glamor-puss.
Eight of Pentacles is the work, workplace, worker, employment, etc. It also means doing something repetitively, over and over, as in a routine. A carpenter is pictured in the Rider Waite deck who is making identical objects one after the other.
Four of Cups means to refuse, to turn down an offer, to not do something. So it ends up being a negative modifier at times, as in Four of Cups with Eight of Pentacles meaning unemployed rather than ‘refusing to work.’ The Rider Waite Tarot illustrates this idea by a seated fellow, eyes averted, arms crossed, head turned, as one cup after another is offered him.
Fool is oblivious. It is about being ‘out there.’ On planet earth, he is about to prance over a cliff with his pet, and is on a foot journey without provisions. I suspect this Tarot card is the source of the phrase ‘fool’s journey.’ The mood of this card is very lighthearted, suggesting his journey is ‘out there.’
Queen of Wands is the polar opposite of Fool: She is the down-to-earth, practical, no-nonsense woman who runs her house or her business efficiently. You see her with a big stick in one hand and a flower in the other, that ‘mama’ look on her face.
Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
The entire contents of this website are Copyright © 2013. All rights reserved. This site may not be copied in whole or in part except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review without the express written permission of the publisher. All violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
NOTICE – Anyone found copying Tarot Verbatim’s (TM) website or using Tarot Verbatim’s (TM) trademarked/copyrighted text and/or images without Tarot Verbatim’s (TM) express written consent by Emily Sandstrom will be reported to their billing company, their hosting company, and any other related companies or necessary parties for account closure. Tarot Verbatim (TM) will also follow with a copyright infringement lawsuit in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
Four Card Spreads, Our Daily Spread
Advice is about how women team up, complementing one another’s abilities to mutual success naturally, seamlessly. Women succeed quietly staying in one place even at home. Women bridge the divide between the spiritual mystic existence and the existence in the physical practical world seamlessly too. Girls’ night out is part of sharing. Being a Wife can be being an expert homemaker and teaching others the skill.
Is this the first time you come here? Well … what to do:
*Go to Daily Message Tarot Analysis below. One or more of those sentences has something to say to you. Pick those out. They are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. (It is a group message like a horoscope, except Tarot isn’t based on someone else’s birth data, so it can be specific, accurate, detailed and direct. Our experiment here is “How much more accurate is it?”)
*Go to Advice to apply what those sentences say (in the best way) for you. (Advice is everyone’s favorite part.) Did you come here for your predictions? – You are done now – See you tomorrow.
Without a question to focus the answer, four cards can mean contradictory things especially when the Spread has a card that negates other cards. Without a question also the pronouns in a group reading are more flexible, especially in some of these Rider Waite Tarot spreads. When a pronoun is in parentheses, feel very free to substitute. The question in a ‘real’ individual reading supplies at least half the information!
High Priestess, Queen of Wands, Three of Cups
DAILY MESSAGE TAROT ANALYSIS Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.
About Being a Wife
The wife lets him enjoy the company of the other woman, and other women.
Wife doesn’t care, she is out with her girl friends; she has her secret.
Her girl friends celebrate her being a wife, not knowing.
With the wife and the Other Woman, he has forgotten about partying with girls.
Girl, you may as well get out of the house and have some fun, (1) even if you are married (2) to become someone’s wife.
Her married girl friends stay home, there’s no one to go out and have fun with.
You don’t even know you are studying, she is such an expert homemaker it’s fun to learn.
Financial Perspective
Mother’s daughters stay at her house and share the wealth … why not?
She does a book related (or bookkeeping) business at home, is happy about the life it gives her, and the freedom.
The women pooled their resources to do a project, with one of them living on the land (or being present at the place) and they are so happy with the money they derive with nothing to worry about.
She is staying at Mother’s house, sharing the money that frees up.
This lady knows how to make a profit, she doesn’t even have to think about it.
Her share of Mother’s money gives her the freedom to acquire advanced education or learning.
The fact it is her girls’ team that is making the money is being ignored: They are expert.
You don’t get your share if the paperwork isn’t done: She is the record keeper here.
Spiritual Perspective
She is practical about spiritual knowledge, she shares it unconsciously.
She doesn’t know her spiritual expertise is bringing her prosperity in her earthly life.
You may as well share esoteric information with practical girlfriends.
She has gathered mystics as a circle of friends she mothers without even intending to.
While living in the mundane household world, she isn’t really here, she is in the spiritual plane sharing accomplishments there.
These women bridge the divide between the spiritual mystic existence and the existence in the physical practical world seamlessly.
The Girls’ Team
She is oblivious to practical life, she shares a bookish, scholarly interest with her team.
One of the girls on the team isn’t there, but the historian (or expert) and the manager are there.
Women team up, complementing one another’s abilities to mutual success naturally.
The women pooled their resources to do a project, with one of them living on the land (or being present at the place) and they are so happy with the money they derive with nothing to worry about.
They are the only expert management team, you don’t even have to think about it.
It could be either one of the three woman who are at that place.
Staying Home or Staying There
When she is learning she isn’t aware of her surroundings, she is so happy.
The girl friends are together at her house, so she just stays there; they travel, not she.
You may as well enjoy your life and your home, since that is where you are.
It could be either one of the three woman who are at that place.
It’s girls’ night out, and the two of us stay home.
She enjoys being home and stays there, feeling optimistic.
She is staying at her girl friend’s house with no restrictions or rules.
Share your practical knowledge – oh, why not?
Now, Part Two,
Do you want to know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim ™ thing works? If so,
*Go to Meanings and Illustrations: Observation of the Spread section below. This tells about the combined four pictures in the Daily Spread – the pictures above here. It explains how these four cards get together to mean things.
*Go to Meanings and Illustrations: Individual Rider Waite Tarot Cards. It is what each of the four cards, by itself, has to say. It describes how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in this Spread.
You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim ™ works.
Photos of the animals are in with the articles I write for you. Click the link. Enjoy them too! The people . who call me support these and other animals.
Say hello back! Comment! I spend two hours a day or more writing these to you. Remember to share your experience about our experiment here if you have words for it. Read others’ comments.
And you can call me at the 800 99 3 6 9 12 number from Eastern 1 p. m. to Eastern 1 a. m. at least, every day. (3-6-9-12 like a clock. It makes a pattern on the phone as well – easy to remember.) I analyze business situations and personal relationships accurately from both Tarot and practical perspectives, and even make it fun. (Testimonials are on the web site. Just click the link here.)
Today we have a lot of commonality. High Priestess and Queen of Wands are at home; they are competent, knowledgeable woman who have some social standing and maturity. High Priestess is bookish or spiritual; Queen of Wands is practical and manages people.
High Priestess is not active but more behind the scenes; Queen of Wands is out there watching and running the place.
Then we have the women who are together, who have pooled their resources (money, knowledge, whatever) toward a profitable venture, and succeeded so well they are celebrating the harvest: the girls’ team.
Over it all is the ambiguous freedom-loving Fool: never mind, don’t worry, being oblivious, free of any restrictions, unthinking, representing living a spiritual life which contradicts common sense. Fool and High Priestess refer to the spiritual life, in different ways. Together, they would mean that spiritual knowledge is not knowing in the physical world, being oblivious to it – which is true, just try it!
High Priestess is one of those people like the sober person at the drunken party: Knows all and doesn’t participate because she knows better. This is the mystic, spiritual person, bookish person, sedentary person, the quiet lady who isn’t promoting herself, the feminine “lady” woman or someone seen as that.
She can be a bookkeeper, librarian, secretary, writer, scholar, researcher, an expert at something or everything. She soaks up knowledge; she is receptive in the Tao sense, in the “be water” sense.
So she is pictured with all the occult symbols Arthur Waite could dream up … which are a lot … seated, holding a mystic book, the sliver moon at her feet, very calm.
Queen of Wands is the opposite personality to High Priestess. She lives in the physical real world. She is the keeper of the house or business, or both: the manager. She has house rules, she runs a tight ship, she is practical and competent and no-nonsense. Pragmatic, in a word. Stereotypical nurse. Your mama. The Wife. The black cat with the attitude tells you not to cross this woman, and gives her a ‘little something’ in common with her sister High Priestess. These two complement one another, make a good team.
Three of Cups are girlfriends, are women together, are women in a team, women sharing some project or enterprise, women who have some success to celebrate. They can be party girls (even prostitutes, if the question contains the idea) or debutantes, too.
Three of Cups stands for sharing, enjoying life, camaraderie, teamwork, lighthearted atmosphere. The illustration in Rider Waite shows three women who have pooled their resources to grow pumpkins celebrating the profits from the harvest, sharing freely.
Fool has a rep as the most ambiguous card in the deck. It exemplifies subconscious awareness as well as being oblivious to the obvious in the real world. The underlying meaning of this Tarot citizen is the fact that the spiritual life makes no sense in the physical world, but it doesn’t go around meaning that in any spread! It stands for the naivete of youth, faith (unfounded?) in whatever one has faith in, freedom, not being present, forgetting or being unaware, optimism or lightheartedness. Evokes the “oh, never mind” phrases, such as “Don’t even think about it.”
Now you know why Fool is pictured as prancing off a cliff with his puppy dog, and being on a journey with no provisions.
All the material on this blog is copyrighted. No use or copying of any part of this material is permitted without written permission of Emily, its author. ©
Four Card Spreads, Our Daily Spread
Advice is in praise of the strong woman, not only as wife and mother but as the businesswoman who ‘runs a tight ship.’ You just don’t do that in her domain; she does not allow it. She is pictured both as the working mother superwoman and as the free spirit who isn’t about to do the housework. Being practical all the time suppress the subconscious. She isn’t one to mindlessly do the same thing over and over.
Is this the first time you come here? Well … what to do:
The Question for weekdays is: “Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.”
The Question for weekends is stated right on top on those days, if there is one.
*Go to Advice to apply what those sentences say for you. (Advice is everyone’s favorite part.) Did you come here for your predictions? – You are done now – See you tomorrow.
Without a question to focus the answer, four cards can mean contradictory things especially when the Spread has a card that negates other cards. Without a question also the pronouns in a group reading are more flexible, especially in some of these Rider Waite Tarot spreads. When a pronoun is in parentheses, feel very free to substitute. The question in a ‘real’ individual reading supplies at least half the information!
Queen of Wands Eight of Pentacles, Four of Cups, Fool DAILY MESSAGE TAROT ANALYSIS Mama’s House Is in mama’s house and assumes he/she doesn’t have to work. Don’t even think you can do that in her house. Mama don’t allow you doin’ that in the house. There is no time off from my work as a wife. She is not ever absent from her house. You can’t forget all the things wife/mama did/does. (You) can’t keep being away from home/the house/the wife. Mama won’t let you keep doing that – just forget about it. Woman in Management at Work She is no lightweight; she is in charge of her department at work. There is no way she is going to forget she has a job because she is a wife/mother. She isn’t a woman to mindlessly do the same thing over and over. A manager is not allowed to not be present at this workplace. This managerial job is an offer you just don’t refuse. As a Wife and Mother on the Job There’s no way she is going to forget she is a wife/mother because of this job. A married woman doesn’t much care about being turned down for the job. She works at home and has no time off. Woman is a Free Spirit She is unemployed; she is free. It did not work out, so she forgets about being his woman. She isn’t about to do housework. She refuses to incessantly be doing things; she is a free spirit. She isn’t home; she is out doing what she usually does. When she is off work, she doesn’t stay home. Forget the chores; don’t be a stay-at-home. She keeps forgetting she isn’t a married woman, that she is free. Miscellaneous Suppress your good sense on this job and just be on autopilot. A person/woman who has common sense just won’t do this more than once. Being pragmatic all the time suppresses one’s subconscious. =============================================================
Now, Part Two,
Do you want to know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim ™ thing works? If so,
*Go to Meanings and Illustrations: Observation of the Spread section below. This tells about the combined four pictures in the Daily Spread – the pictures above here. It explains how these four cards get together to mean things.
*Go to Meanings and Illustrations: Individual Rider Waite Tarot Cards. It is what each of the four cards, by itself, has to say. It describes how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in this Spread.
You can put all this together and see yourself how Tarot Verbatim ™ works.
Photos of the animals are in with the articles I write for you. Click the link. Enjoy them too! The people . who call me support these and other animals. 100 photos of them are not posted here yet.
Say hello back! Comment! I spend two hours a day or more writing these to you. Remember to share your experience about our experiment here if you have words for it. Read others’ comments.
And you can call me at the 800 99 3 6 9 12 number from Eastern 1 p. m. to Eastern 1 a. m. at least, every day. (3-6-9-12 like a clock. It makes a pattern on the phone as well – easy to remember.) I analyze business situations and personal relationships accurately from both Tarot and practical perspectives, and even make it fun. (Testimonials are on the web site. Just click the link.)
========================================================================= MEANINGS AND ILLUSTRATIONS: OBSERVATION OF THE SPREAD Four pretty much unrelated cards. Both Fool and Four of Cups share a ‘disregard’ or ‘ignore’ meaning. But Four of Cups is more to refuse to pay any mind, and Fool is to just naturally not pay any attention. The other two cards are Eight of Pentacles, work or repetitive routines as in ‘keep doing,’ and Queen of Wands as the woman who runs her house and/or her workplace efficiently. She is also the wife, and also the mama at times. These two together of course suggest a competent woman who works at home. MEANINGS AND ILLUSTRATIONS: INDIVIDUAL RIDER WAITE TAROT CARDS Eight of Pentacles is the work, workplace, worker, employment, etc. It also means doing something repetitively, over and over, as in a routine. A carpenter is pictured in the Rider Waite deck who is making identical objects one after the other. Four of Cups means to refuse, to turn down an offer, to not do something. So it ends up being a negative modifier at times, as in Four of Cups with Eight of Pentacles meaning unemployed rather than ‘refusing to work.’ The Rider Waite Tarot illustrates this idea by a seated fellow, eyes averted, arms crossed, head turned as one cup after another is offered him. Fool is oblivious. It is about being ‘out there.’ On planet earth, he is about to prance over a cliff with his pet, and is on a foot journey without provisions. But the idea is blithe in the meaning of the card – is lighthearted, airy, etc. Queen of Wands is the polar opposite of Fool: She is the down-to-earth, practical, no-nonsense woman who runs her house or her business efficiently. You see her with a big stick in one hand and a flower in the other, that ‘mama’ look on her face. All the material on this blog is copyrighted. No part can be reproduced without permission.
Four Card Spreads, Our Daily Spread, Tarot Verbatim
There’s earth-plane realities that you know, and foo-foo things that you assume
Seven of Cups
Fool, Page of Pentacles, Queen of Wands
Family Life and Romance Perspective:
Thinking of how much he doesn’t know about his wife.
He thinks of this woman as his wife, never mind the other miasmas.
He knows what a mess he is, his wife/mother doesn’t even know him.
He doesn’t even have a wife/woman, he is confused about his identity.
Never mind all the other stuff, he knows his woman is sensible.
He speculates, that’s all, about why he isn’t at home with his wife.
Things fell apart and he doesn’t know why he isn’t home with his wife.
His wife/mother has no idea how out-of-control his life is.
He had no idea how insane his sensible wife/mother was.
The situation is shocking that he doesn’t know who his mother is.
He knows ‘Don’t even think about scrambling mama’s head.’
Business Perspective:
All the company knows is, things are out of control, so a sensible manager is in place now.
May as well not even think of all the messes the manager has set in order.
You can look but there won’t be any disorder in her record.
She, the manager, is in the real world; they have all sorts of assumptions and theories.
She knows how to manage mixed-up young people.
Personal Perspective:
She is very sensible in a very crazy way: Don’t even think about this!
She is a sensible person; she had no idea things get this crazy.
I can assume all sorts of things but know down-to-earth ones.
Sees things that aren’t there, imagines things, but he knows a down-to-earth woman.
There’s earth-plane realities that you know, and foo-foo things that you assume.
You know how to hold things together, you don’t know when or how they fall apart/’go boom.’
Her perspective is pragmatic on fanciful theories.
Well, well, what is the Queen of Wands, the very straight hands-on pragmatic manager of hearth and commerce, doing here? She stands for orderly, she stands for pragmatic, practical and down to earth – for the earth-plane, even … and is in the company of the very theoretical Fool who assumes and ignores, and the insane out-of-control foo-foo very miscellaneous totally unfocused and disorderly Seven of Cups. And right in the middle is someone (a young person, like the Fool) thinking and viewing this.
Advice? It amounts to “Look at this in a sensible way; your world has gone crazy.” Contrast is the order of the day in this Rider Waite spread. Even the business advice has to be about straightening out a dizzy situation. (Of course everyone’s world has gone crazy; it’s a presidential edict, isn’t it?)
Meanings and Illustrations:
Fool: “What, me worry?” This is the person who causes wrecks but is never in them, a blithe assumer of happy foo-foo theories that he blunders through life blindfolded with, and has a great time. He goes so well with the Seven of Cups; that is where he comes from. The illustration shows a young person running away from home provision-less, accompanied by his pet, about to stride off a cliff on a sunny day with great faith in the good life. (He is on Facebook. I see him there a lot.)
Page of Pentacles: He is the onlooker here. He thinks, he knows, he sees. ‘His identity’ is one of the phrases the Page of Pentacles brings up today as well. He is illustrated as a thoughtful young person.
Queen of Wands: She has no toys. She runs the place, whether it be domestic or commercial or both. She knows what is going on and doesn’t let it. Hers is an orderly sensible pragmatic tidy world, a tight ship. Illustration shows an upright lady with a schoolmarm expression and a big stick.
Seven of Cups: Well, here is the mess for the lady to work on. Seven of Cups is the sorcerer’s apprentice story of things out of control, lots of unrelated miscellaneous pieces that won’t be put back together … except by the Queen of Wands and her type. Illustration shows fragments of unrelated things in cups, planted in a heavy cloud.
She can do these things because she never feels the pressure
Magician, Eight of Pentacles, Nine of Wands
Business Perspective:
He is under pressure to get the work done; she has nothing to do with it.
The work she does, she is never under pressure.
She keeps doing the job others are nervous about doing: She is Teflon.
She is unaffected by the tension in the workplace, just does the job.
He was injured doing this guard job to keep the women safe.
A guy can get wounded on this job; girls aren’t allowed to do it.
He stays on the dangerous job he does because of gorgeous women.
Women wouldn’t have him unless he did this dangerous work.
Other Perspective:
She isn’t scared of people who do that kind of thing.
She keeps putting herself in danger and no one will attack.
She can do these things because she never feels the pressure.
She is the last person you would think would do one scary thing after another.
Guys who do that kind of thing are scared of her.
What these guys do every day is hurt people, but not women.
*Here are three guy-cards in a row to begin, all kinds of easy stories to make of them … but then the World card overlooking them is the spoiler; you gotta work her into the narrative. So she is the focal point. World refers to being ‘a master of both worlds,’ which means you are so spiritual the monsters fear you. It boils down to a woman who is immune, insulated, Teflon – that sort of thing, or to that state of being for anything. Often ‘she is not affected by’ is the language.
*The Rider Waite Tarot card that means fear and apprehension is next to her – which calls for the language of contrast. *Then the first two cards are a man doing the work, or doing something regularly. Those are the pieces to the puzzle of today’s message.
Advice is that just because there is something scary or dangerous, you don’t have to be scared; you can be above it all or immune to the risk in some way. It suggests this is the case.
Meanings and Illustrations:
Magician: He, the man, does. ‘Work’ is next to him, so he does the work. His illustration shows him at work with the tools of his trade, bringing something about. The next card also shows a man working with the tools of his trade.
Eight of Pentacles: Work. Workman. He is doing work, or is regularly doing something. Illustration shows the carpenter making one identical product after another at his bench.
Nine of Wands: He has a dangerous job; he was injured on guard duty, and is still hanging in there. Of course he has some fear; of course he is nervous and apprehensive. See the head injury and the way he is looking over his shoulder?
World: I will just copy what I said above, because I said it all, at least as far as today’s message is concerned. World refers to being ‘a master of both worlds,’ which means you are so spiritual the monsters fear you. It boils down to a woman who is immune, insulated, Teflon – that sort of thing, or to that state of being for anything. Often ‘she is not affected by’ is the language.