Tarot Readings for You for November 15, 2017 Wednesday©
You read these wise articles about how to get ahead at work – the crafty strategies and the virtuous strategies. In real life, though, it’s often little coincidental things that trigger a person’s career path onward and upward. One little conversation, maybe from months ago, does it. Well, that’s our Querant’s question today: the next step in her career, and how is it looking? Tarot tells her a tale that is like those coincidental trigger points. She knows what traits of hers propel her to glory now.
I always have the permission of the person whose reading this is. This is the same sort of reading you will receive if you click on the Email Reading navigation tab and put your question in. You can research meanings displayed here further for yourself by entering the card or a pair of cards into the search bar on the Search Page.. This will access the archives of this site for you.
My question is: What is my next step in my career? How is the path looking?
Chariot – Eight of Pentacles – Six of Cups
You get ahead at work the old-fashioned way.
You get ahead – Chariot
at work – Eight of Pentacles
the old-fashioned way. – Six of Cups
Seven of Swords – Two of Wands – Magician
You are doing something daring, and it pays off.
You are doing something – Magician
daring – Seven of Swords
and it pays off. – Two of Wands
King of Wands – Death – Nine of Swords
An aggravating man does not aggravate you.
An aggravating man – King of Wands
does not – Death
aggravate you. – Nine of Swords
Ten of Pentacles – Five of Wands – World
People are disgruntled and querulous; you’re not one of them.
People are disgruntled – Ten of Pentacles
and are fighting – Five of Wands
but you are not one of them. – World
Six of Swords – Three of Pentacles – King of Cups
1. Your association with a bureaucratic man gets you on your way.
2. A government contract involves you traveling (over water?).
Your association with – Three of Pentacles
a bureaucratic man – King of Cups
gets you on your way. – Six of Swords
A government – King of Cups
contract – Three of Pentacles
involves you traveling (possibly overseas). – Six of Swords
Lovers – King of Pentacles – Eight of Wands
A man who is in power speaks up for you to be with him.
A man who is in power – King of Pentacles
speaks up – Eight of Wands
for you to be associated with him. – Lovers
And She Whose Reading This Says: This is great news Emily! Many Thanks.