Tarot Readings for You for February 12, 2015 Thursday©

GUIDANCE         Serendipity (everybody being happy and getting along as a group) is likely in a place whose leader who is respected and popular. We look at how likely this is when that leader is ‘a real man,’ an honorable respected figure. Such a man at ‘the top’ reduces friction ‘below.’ We observe a man who can be happy and loving if he is the authority in his home. We kind of say that, in the same way gals are looking for a strong male, people in general accept a strong male as leader. So today we salute the man who is responsible, who has stepped into that role.


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If you just want your daily look ahead, Guidance and Tarot Readings are all you need. ‘Guidance’ (above) is a summary of what the cards are telling visitors to be aware of this day.

‘Group Tarot Cards Reading’ (just below this) is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you.  They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself.

Did you come here for your predictions? – You are done now – See you tomorrow. The family of commenters here would love for you to join in (the very last thing, at the bottom).



Ten of Cups – Temperance – King of Swords


Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.


Headings [So you can choose which belongs to you]

Tarot Readings: A Happy Man (Ten of Cups and King of Swords)

Tarot Readings: Relationship with a Real Man (Temperance and King of Swords)

Tarot Readings: Dealing With and As the Authority (Temperance and King of Swords)

Tarot Readings: We Live Here (Ten of Cups and Temperance)

Tarot Readings: Friend of the Family (Ten of Cups and Temperance)


Tarot Readings: A Happy Man (Ten of Cups and King of Swords)

A grown-up man is happy in his close family.

In his family, everyone is happy to deal with him as the leader.

Your dealings, when you are a married man, are joint.

He is a strong man in his love relationship.

When he is the dominant party, he is into togetherness as a couple.

The manly man loves her as his equal partner.

He deals with his family as the decision-maker.

Being the head of the family is healing to him.


Tarot Readings: Relationship with a Real Man (Temperance and King of Swords)

Happy times is togetherness with a real man.

Relationship with a married man.

Her family is happy she has a relationship with a man like him.

Oh, to be home with a real man.

A close relationship with daddy makes you happy.

My spouse is happy to have me deal with his family.


Tarot Readings: Dealing With and As the Authority (Temperance and King of Swords)

We are happy to get together with the boss.

We all have one-on-ones with the boss.

He has such a forceful personality to be dealing with the public.

He is strong enough to make everyone he deals with love him.

Public relations has real authority here.

Everyone that I deal with, I am my own authority.


Tarot Readings: We Live Here (Ten of Cups and Temperance)

We live in a military neighborhood.

The house is jointly held with his spouse.


Tarot Readings: Friend of the Family (Ten of Cups and Temperance)

A powerful man is a friend of the family.

Military families are friendly with one another.


Now, Part Two,

Do you want to know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim™ thing works? If so,

*Go to Learn Tarot by Observing section below. This tells about the combined meanings of the three cards in the pictures in the Tarot Readings.  It explains how these cards get together in your mind to make the messages. HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONSis a stream-of-consciousness bridge to your subconscious if you use it regularly – people report.

*Go to Learn Tarot by Pictures.  It is what each of the cards, by itself, has to say.  It shows you how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in today’s Spread. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.

You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim™ works.

This is a group reading, with no Questioner and no Question to limit what the cards say, so there’s more variety – even contradictions – than a personal reading would give you. Also, pronouns are flexible: If the sentence feels like it’s yours, and it says ‘he,’ but you’re a ‘she,’ well, it’s yours.

*AND if you write names of any two cards into the Google search bar, it will give you meanings of those!



Ten of Cups – Temperance – King of Swords




……………….…………………… Ten of Cups and Temperance ‘go together.’ Ten of Cups is one happy family, a united group of people, being happy, and a good place (house or neighborhood) to live, not to mention meaning being married, including being married with children. Ten of Cups is any group of good people. Temperance is a close relationship, is dealing with a person or situation, is a pair of people, or ‘together,’ is ‘one-on-one,’ and is the ‘relations’ of ‘public relations’ when Ten of Cups joins it as ‘pubic.’ These two cards are serendipity itself. The other card is the masculine disciplined strong honorable leader, John Wayne … which makes our reading all about how we are happy to have such a man as our head of state, family or coffee shop.

………………………..  Ten of Cups, you can see, is the happy prosperous family. There’s the house on a large lot, mama and papa on a walk with the happily skipping kids – boy and girl, of course – even a rainbow over the home. Ten of Cups means a house or home, a good neighborhood, any size group of people or community. It means a circle of people or friends, and it means people united or at unity, getting along with one another. This Tarot card is upbeat; it doesn’t stand for anything downside.

………………………..  Temperance shows an angel with a healing symbol on his chest, and he’s pouring water and wine together. It’s one of the card meant to shield the deck from being ‘the work of the devil’ in medieval Europe. Its use doesn’t jibe with its picture that well. Yes, it can mean healing – in an incidental way. Its main function is relationship, dealing with or deal, reciprocating, a back-and-forth communication, intimacy, partners – hence intimate partners or intimate relationship.

..…………….………….  King of Swords is the card with the fewest meanings in Tarot Verbatim™. He is the John Wayne style of man, and he is authorities like police and daddy. He is the man who runs the place, and the place could be anything. The stereotype is: responsible adult man, leader, strong man, man with a strong personality, dominant man, manly man, real man, boss, military man (or military itself, or ‘militant’). King of Sword means the word ‘authority’ at times, and then it isn’t male. When King of Swords is a person or animal, it is male.

……….………….  Ten of Cups and Temperance   Ten of Cups and Temperance both mean togetherness. Ten of Cups and Temperance doubly say ‘happy together’ because both Ten of Cups and Temperance mean ‘together.’ They also doubly say ‘close relationship’ because both Ten of Cups and Temperance are relationship. They say close family’ and ‘deal with family’ too. Here are those sentences:

_ is happy in (his) close family.

In this family, everyone is happy to deal with (him) ….

Love relationship. _ is into togetherness as a couple.

Loves _ as an equal partner.

Happy times is togetherness.

Being with the family is healing to him.

Happy times is togetherness.

A close relationship makes you happy.

My spouse is happy to have me deal with family.

We are happy to get together with _.

Oh to be home with ….

_ family is happy _ has a relationship with ….

Relationship with a married _.

Temperance means to deal with, deal, and dealings, dealing direct, one-on-one and hand-to-hand deals, and so forth. Ten of Cups is family, the public, everyone. Ten of Cups, of course, is married, family, we all, the public, and everyone. Here are those sentences:

Your dealings, when you are married, are joint.

Deals with the family.

We all have one-on-ones with __.

Dealing with the public.

Everyone _ deals with loves _.

Public relations.

Everyone that I deal with ….

Ten of Cups is a neighborhood and is a house. Temperance is ‘we’ and ‘jointly.’ These are the sentences that use these particular meanings of our two cards:


We live in a _ neighborhood.

The house is jointly held.

Temperance is a friend, by way of its ‘closeness’ meaning. Ten of Cups means family. So yo have ‘friend of the family’ as well as ‘friendly families.’ Here are those sentences for this set of meanings:


Friend of the family.

Families are friendly with one another.x..

……….…………  Ten of Cups and King of Swords  Ten of Cups and King of Swords King of Swords is the grown-up man, the leader, the manly man, the strong man, the dominant party, a real man. Ten of Cups is the happy family, being happy with someone in the family, a love relationship, loves, and a couple. Here are the sentences these meanings bring us:

A grown-up man is happy.

A grown-up man is happy in his family.

In his family, everyone is happy with him as the leader.

The manly man loves ….

He is a strong man in his love relationship.

The manly man loves ….

When he is the dominant party, he is into … as a couple.

Happy times is … a real man.

Her family is happy she has a man like him.

King of Swords as the family man is the head of the family, the decision-maker; and King of Swords is a powerful man. Put him with Ten of Cups, and he is a married man. Here are those sentences:

with his family as the decision-maker.

Being the head of the family.

A powerful man is _ of the family.

Married man.

when you are a married man ….

King of Swords is the boss, a forceful personality, is strong, has real authority, is a real man, is ‘daddy.’ Ten of Cups is ‘we all,’ is the pubic,’ is the home, is being happy. Here are those sentences:

We are happy to … the boss.

We all have … with the boss.

He has such a forceful personality to be with the public.

He is strong enough to make everyone love him.

Public _ has real authority here.

Oh, to be home with a real man.

with daddy makes you happy.

King of Swords is the military man, the military, or anything military (or militant, too, actually). Put King of Swords with Ten of Cups, and you have a military neighborhood. Here are those sentences:

_ live in a military neighborhood.

Military neighborhood. Military family x..

……..…………   Temperance and King of Swords  Temperance and King of Swords King of Swords is the strong man, the leader, the dominant party, the manly man, the decision-maker, and the head man. Temperance is about relationship, togetherness, equal partners, dealing with, and healing. Here are those sentences:

Deal with him as the leader.

He is a strong man in his relationship.

When he is the dominant party, he is into togetherness.

The manly man and his equal partner.

He deals with … as the decision-maker.

Being the head of _ is healing to him.

Having a close relationship or togetherness is Temperance. King of Swords is a real man, and daddy. Here are the sentences about that:


Togetherness with a real man.

Relationship with a real man.

Relationship with a _ man.

has a relationship with a man like him.

A close relationship with daddy.

King of Swords is an authority, the boss, a forceful personality, is strong, and is a powerful man. Temperance is dealing with, getting together, being one-on-one, and is a friend of. And here we have an application of King of Swords meaning authority without being attached to a man: I am my own authority. Here are the sentences:


Get together with the boss.

One-on-ones with the boss.

He has such a forceful personality to be dealing with _.

He is strong enough to deal with __.

that I deal with, I am my own authority.

A powerful man is a friend of _.

Temperance means ‘joint’ as well as ‘dealing,’ so it means jointly held, joint dealings, etc. Here are those sentences:

Your dealings, when you are a _ man, are joint.

jointly held with his _. x..

How easily we accept a commanding male figure as authority; it’s part of our human background as a herd mammal, methinks, having been the owner and operator of a 500-acre sanctuary for game animals, especially elk, in a big way for many years. A man who takes responsibility and takes authority can step into leadership matter-of-factually. A popular leader tends to unite people behind him in such a way they have less conflict with one another, we say here.



resonates with your subconscious awareness!


……….………….  Ten of Cups and Temperance _ is happy in (his) close family. In this family, everyone is happy to deal with (him) …. Your dealings, when you are married, are joint. Love relationship. _ is into togetherness as a couple. Loves _ as an equal partner. Deals with the family. Being with the family is healing to him. Happy times is togetherness. Relationship with a married _.  _ family is happy _ has a relationship with …. Oh to be home with …. A close relationship makes you happy. My spouse ihappy to have me deal with family. We are happy to get together with _. We all have one-on-ones with __. Dealing with the public. Everyone _ deals with loves _. Public relations. Everyone that I deal with …. WE LIVE HERE We live in a _ neighborhood. The house is jointly held. FRIEND OF THE FAMILY Friend of the family. Families are friendly with one another. x..

……….…………  Ten of Cups and King of Swords  A grown-up man is happy. A grown-up man is happy in his family. In his family, everyone is happy with him as the leader. … when you are a married man …. He is a strong man in his love relationship. When he is the dominant party, he is into … as a couple. The manly man loves …. … with his family as the decision-maker. Being the head of the family. Happy times is … a real man. Married man. Her family is happy she has a man like him. Oh, to be home with a real man. … with daddy makes you happy. My spouse is happy. We are happy to … the boss. We all have … with the boss. He has such a forceful personality to be with the public. He is strong enough to make everyone love him. Public _ has real authority here. _ live in a military neighborhood. Military neighborhood. The house is … with his spouse. A powerful man is _ of the family. Military family. x..

……..…………   Temperance and King of Swords  A grown-up man is _ his close _. Deal with him as the leader. Your dealings, when you are a _ man, are joint. He is a strong man in his relationship. When he is the dominant party, he is into togetherness. The manly man … his equal partner. He deals with … as the decision-maker. Being the head of _ is healing to him. RELATIONSHIP WITH A REAL MAN Togetherness with a real man. Relationship with a real man. Relationship with a _ man. … has a relationship with a man like him. … with a real man. A close relationship with daddy. DEALING WITH, AND AS, AN AUTHORITY Get together with the boss. One-on-ones with the boss. He has such a forceful personality to be dealing with _. He is strong enough to … he deals with __. _ relations has real authority here. … that I deal with, I am my own authority. … jointly held with his _. A powerful man is a friend of _. Military _ are friendly with one another. x..




Ten of Cups ……….. Ten of Cups Well, here’s the happy couple with a happy family in a fine home in a happy prosperous neighborhood. Besides these things, this is one of the good marriage cards, and it means any sort or size of community. It means the good or decent people. It is the public, and it can join in a mass consciousness theme. Ten of Cups is togetherness as well as unity. It is normalcy, good times and good things; it never refers to the downside of life.


Temperance …………. Temperance is two people together, relating to one another or relating to others – relationship, togetherness, a couple, us two, or we, acting in concert, dealing with another person, or you and another person dealing with someone – or something. It is a ‘hand-to-hand’ deal sometimes, and it means to deal directly with. Healing is one of its meanings too because that angel has a symbol of healing on his chest. And speaking of angels, the angel in the picture can be taken literally.


King of Swords …………. King of Swords has few meanings. He is the manly man, the powerful man, the ruler or commander or boss, daddy, the authority, the dominant party, the manly man, the real man, the strong man, military man or military. He is John Wayne, the leader of the man pack. The silent type, the tall-dark-and-handsome type. This card can be a field cop (seldom a desk one), for instance.

Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U. S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U. S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U. S. Games Systems, Inc.

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Ten of Cups and Temperance, Ten of Cups and King of Swords, Temperance and King of Swords, Ten of Cups, Temperance, King of Swords, Ten of Cups Temperance King of Swords, relationship, love, learn tarot, guidance, tarot readings, tarot card reading, psychic, group readings, specific question, Rider Waite, Rider Waite Tarot, qualified reader, analytical Tarot, intuition
