Tarot Readings for You for June 16, 2015 Tuesday©
GUIDANCE We are about those troublemakers again. They don’t respect anyone. They don’t pay their bills. It’s not fair – the no class neighbors, the relatives, the toxic corporations … all of it. Having no part of them pays off, and that’s our good news.
Here is another classic post while Emily finishes a new project. We would love to hear from all of you, please feel free to comment! (If you are using an android or IOS device please scroll down to bottom and click READ MORE, this will take you to a text box. Please don’t be shy! (Diana)
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People love this place! Our site is divided into three sections: Guidance, Group Tarot Cards Readings, Learn Tarot by Observing and Learn Tarot by Pictures.
So what do you want to do? –
Did you come here for YOUR PREDICTIONS? – daily trends? –
*Then you read the summary above, titled GUIDANCE,
*Then you read the one-sentence readings below titled GROUP TAROT CARDS READING – and you’re done: See you tomorrow. Invite your friends. At the very bottom are comments.
GROUP TAROT CARDS READING is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.
Four of Cups – Ten of Pentacles – Six of Pentacles
“Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.”
Headings [So you can choose which belongs to you]
Tarot Readings: Financial Troubles (Ten of Pentacles and Six of Pentacles)
Tarot Readings: Not Fair; No Respect (Four of Cups and Six of Pentacles)
Tarot Readings: Just Say ‘No’ to Trouble (Four of Cups and Ten of Pentacles)
Tarot Readings: Financial Troubles (Ten of Pentacles and Six of Pentacles)
They have no financial troubles.
We are paying people we want no part of, people who are the problem.
The relatives refuse to chip in.
I refuse to pay the bastards!
It’s their problem, and I’m not going to pay for it.
You don’t make a profit selling to contentious people.
I am not like my clan; I pay my bills fair and square.
Make the payments, and there won’t be any trouble.
They have no money, and they have no class.
Don’t give that sleazy company your money.
I am not going to pay for something that is just causing problems.
I don’t donate to political causes.
Don’t give the mob your money.
Don’t buy from toxic companies.
They’re family, so they are not going to pay.
Tarot Readings: Not Fair; No Respect (Four of Cups and Six of Pentacles)
These people have no respect.
I am not part of the problem; I am the one who deals fairly with people.
No way is this messed-up situation fair!
I haven’t been fair with the relatives.
No way is the family being fair to me.
Power people never get their just deserts.
No, I’m not giving those sonsofbitches what they richly deserve.
I get no respect from the dysfunctional relatives.
The family disowns you for doing what is right.
I disown the family over a matter of justice.
You don’t get the respect you deserve from neighbors.
Tarot Readings: Just Say ‘No’ to Trouble (Four of Cups and Ten of Pentacles)
Staying out of other people’s problems pays off.
Don’t let them make trouble: Buy them off.
Saying ‘no’ gives them a problem.
You refuse the treatment, you have problems.
They give me trouble, I say ‘no.’
Unwanted attention from politicians.
Don’t accept input from organizations.
Opt out of membership and dues.
Now, Part Two,
Did you come here to ACCESS YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS? –
*Then you read HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS – resonates with your subconscious awareness! – and you’re done.
Did you come here to RESEARCH CARD MEANINGS? –
*Then you go to LEARN TAROT BY OBSERVING and
LEARN TAROT BY PICTURES for single card meanings and for what those cards say today as they get along with their companion cards, which is important for Tarot Verbatim™.
*Then you go to Now we show where each of the phrases in each of the sentences comes from: for phrases individual cards make in the day’s sentences. This applies the knowledge.
*Then you read HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS – resonates with your subconscious awareness! for language created by each pair of Rider Waite Tarot cards, in Tarot Verbatim™. Now you are done, if you chose to do it all. Comments are at the very bottom.
Did you come for combined meanings of other cards than these?
*Then you can put names of any two cards into Google, and get their combined meanings.
Four of Cups – Ten of Pentacles – Six of Pentacles
.……..…….. As regular visitors to Tarot Verbatim™ Land know, Ten of Pentacles in Tarot Verbatim™ is people who are a problem or people who have a problem, and is the mob or power people in a pejorative way, as well as those troublemaking neighbors, relatives (or other bunches of people). (We have lots of cards that flatter those guys, don’t you worry!)
And here Ten of Pentacles is in the center of our story. To its left is: No way! – not having any of that – Don’t – Not gonna … and any other such sentiment. That’s Four of Cups, you know. To the right is Six of Pentacles, which divides the stories into different categories. So we have money exchanges regarding troublesome people (or trouble); we have paying respect regarding those no-class folks; and we have refusing input from groups we consider pests. We have these stories – lots of them – in detail.
Four of Cups……….Four of Cups is one of the first cards you learn. It says ‘No!’, and says it as many times as it takes. No way, Jose. What part of ‘no’ don’t you understand – the ‘N’ or the ‘O’? He is seated. He has arms and legs crossed. He is looking away from the offered chalices. Four of Cups doesn’t have to be that level of rejection, though; it can simply refer to ‘having no (whatever).’ Of course it means ‘to refuse’ and ‘there won’t be any,’ and similar phrases like ‘Don’t’ and ‘not going to.’ Here are other translates for this Four of Cups card for today’s sentences: won’t be any, haven’t been, never, I get no, disowns, staying out of, don’t let, unwanted, opt out.
Ten of Pentacles………..Ten of Pentacles is the dysfunctional (sleazy, criminal … any bad thing you can think of) bunch of people. Those nogoodniks. Those pests. THEM. Yeah, ‘them’ is the perfect short title for Ten of Pentacles. Ten of Pentacles is the trouble and the troublemakers and the people who endure either or both. It can be the ghetto or the boardroom, the street gang or the elite gang.
Six of Pentacles……….Six of Pentacles, what’s a Nice Card like YOU doing in a place like THIS? Six of Pentacles is giving and/or receiving, an exchange (usually of money or attention or treatment, including medical treatment). Six of Pentacles is respect; is paying your bills; is being fair and square and living up to your part as the other side of the exchange does the same. Six of Pentacles is giving them what they deserve (which, yes, can be revenge), and getting what you deserve. ‘Getting what’s coming to you.’
Remember that Four of Cups and Six of Pentacles say ‘Pay no attention’ or ‘not paying attention’ as well as ‘Get no respect’ and ‘Have no respect for.’ And Ten of Pentacles and Six of Pentacles are those ‘slows’ who don’t pay their bills.
Well, some people just aren’t worth giving the time of day to. Some people are trouble, and we had best pay no attention to them. How vividly we describe this scenario today. Ain’t no other way to interpret it – over and over, with different variations on the same theme. They’re out there today. Best stay home, unless, of course, that’s where yours are today.
Now we show where each of the phrases in each of the sentences comes from:
They have no FOUR OF CUPS financial SIX OF PENTACLES troubles TEN OF PENTACLES.
We are paying SIX OF PENTACLES people we want no part of FOUR OF CUPS, people who are the problem TEN OF PENTACLES.
The relatives TEN OF PENTACLES refuse FOUR OF CUPS to chip in SIX OF PENTACLES.
It’s their problem TEN OF PENTACLES, and I’m not going to FOUR OF CUPS pay for it SIX OF PENTACLES.
You don’t FOUR OF CUPS make a profit selling SIX OF PENTACLES to contentious people TEN OF PENTACLES.
I am not like FOUR OF CUPS my clan TEN OF PENTACLES; I pay my bills fair and square SIX OF PENTACLES.
Make the payments SIX OF PENTACLES, and there won’t be any FOUR OF CUPS trouble TEN OF PENTACLES.
They have no FOUR OF CUPS money SIX OF PENTACLES, and they have no class TEN OF PENTACLES.
Don’t FOUR OF CUPS give that sleazy company TEN OF PENTACLES your money SIX OF PENTACLES.
I am not going to FOUR OF CUPS pay for SIX OF PENTACLES something that is just causing problems TEN OF PENTACLES.
I don’t FOUR OF CUPS donate SIX OF PENTACLES to political causes TEN OF PENTACLES.
Don’t FOUR OF CUPS buy from SIX OF PENTACLES toxic companies TEN OF PENTACLES.
They’re family TEN OF PENTACLES, so they are not going to FOUR OF CUPS pay SIX OF PENTACLES.
I am not FOUR OF CUPS part of the problem TEN OF PENTACLES; I am the one who deals fairly with people SIX OF PENTACLES.
No way FOUR OF CUPS is this messed-up situation TEN OF PENTACLES fair SIX OF PENTACLES!
I haven’t been FOUR OF CUPS fair SIX OF PENTACLES with the relatives TEN OF PENTACLES.
No way FOUR OF CUPS is the family TEN OF PENTACLES being fair to me SIX OF PENTACLES.
Power people TEN OF PENTACLES never FOUR OF CUPS get their just deserts SIX OF PENTACLES.
No, I’m not FOUR OF CUPS giving those sonsofbitches TEN OF PENTACLES what they richly deserve SIX OF PENTACLES.
I get no FOUR OF CUPS respect SIX OF PENTACLES from the dysfunctional relatives TEN OF PENTACLES.
The family TEN OF PENTACLES disowns FOUR OF CUPS you for doing what is right SIX OF PENTACLES.
I disown FOUR OF CUPS the family TEN OF PENTACLES over a matter of justice SIX OF PENTACLES.
You don’t FOUR OF CUPS get the respect you deserve SIX OF PENTACLES from neighbors TEN OF PENTACLES.
Staying out of FOUR OF CUPS other people’s problems TEN OF PENTACLES pays off SIX OF PENTACLES.
Don’t let FOUR OF CUPS them make trouble TEN OF PENTACLES: Buy them off SIX OF PENTACLES.
Saying ‘no’ FOUR OF CUPS gives them SIX OF PENTACLES a problem TEN OF PENTACLES.
You refuse FOUR OF CUPS the treatment TEN OF PENTACLES, you have problems SIX OF PENTACLES.
They give me SIX OF PENTACLES trouble TEN OF PENTACLES, I say ‘no.’ FOUR OF CUPS
Unwanted FOUR OF CUPS attention SIX OF PENTACLES from politicians TEN OF PENTACLES.
Don’t FOUR OF CUPS accept input SIX OF PENTACLES from organizations TEN OF PENTACLES.
Opt out of FOUR OF CUPS membership TEN OF PENTACLES and dues SIX OF PENTACLES.
resonates with your subconscious awareness!
Four of Cups and Ten of Pentacles They have no troubles.*** People we want no part of, people who are the problem. The relatives refuse to …. I refuse to _ the bastards! It’s their problem, and I’m not going to …. You don’t … contentious people. I am not like my clan. There won’t be any trouble.*** They have no class. Don’t … that sleazy company. I am not going to … that is just causing problems. I don’t … political causes. Don’t … the mob …. Don’t … toxic companies. They’re family, so they are not going to …. Those people have no __. I am not part of the problem.*** No way is this messed-up situation _. I haven’t been _ with the relatives. No way is the family …. Power people never …. No, I’m not giving those sonsofbitches …. I get no __ from the dysfunctional relatives. The family disowns …. I disown the family …. You don’t get the respect you deserve.*** JUST SAY ‘NO’ TO TROUBLE Staying out of other people’s problems.*** Don’t let them make trouble.*** Saying ‘no’ … a problem. You refuse _, you have problems. … trouble, I say ‘no.’ Unwanted _ from politicians. Don’t accept _ from organizations. Opt out of membership. x
Four of Cups and Six of Pentacles They have no financial _. We are paying people we want no part of. Refuse to chip in. I refuse to pay. I’m not going to pay for it. You don’t make a profit. I am not like _; I pay my bills fair and square. Make the payments, and there won’t be any _. They have no money. Don’t give your money …. Don’t give that _ your money. I am not going to pay for …. I don’t donate to …. Don’t give __ your money. Don’t buy from …. … so they are not going to pay. NOT FAIR; NO RESPECT _ have no respect. I am not _; I am the one who deals fairly with people. No way is this fair!*** I haven’t been fair …. No way is … being fair to me. … never get their just deserts. No, I’m not giving _ what they richly deserve. I get no respect.*** _ disowns you for doing what is right. I disown _ over a matter of justice. You don’t get the respect you deserve. Staying out of _ pays off. Don’t let _ …: Buy them off. Saying ‘no’ gives them …. You refuse the treatment.*** They give me __; I say ‘no.’ Unwanted attention.*** Don’t accept input from _. Opt out of dues. x
Ten of Pentacles and Six of Pentacles FINANCIAL TROUBLES Financial troubles. We are paying people who are the problem. The relatives chip in. Pay the bastards! It’s their problem, and I’m paying for it. It’s their problem, and I’m _ going to pay for it. Make a profit selling to contentious people. Like my clan, I pay my bills fair and square. Make the payments, and there’s trouble. They have money; they have no class. Give that sleazy company your money. I am going to pay for something that is just causing problems. Donate to political causes. Give the mob your money. Buy from toxic companies. They’re family, so they are going to pay. Those people have _ respect. I am part of the problem; I am the one who deals fairly with people. This messed-up situation is fair! I have been fair with relatives. The family is being fair to me. _ never get their just deserts. Giving those sonsofbitches what they richly deserve. Respect from the dysfunctional relatives. The family _ you for doing what is right. I _ the family over a matter of justice. You get the respect you deserve from neighbors. Other people’s problems pay off. … other people’s problems pays off. … them make trouble: Buy them off. … gives them a problem.*** … the treatment, you have problems. They give me trouble. Attention from politicians. Accept input from organizations. Membership and dues. x
Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U. S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U. S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U. S. Games Systems, Inc.
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