Tarot Readings for You for April 10, 2013 Wednesday(c)


Mainly, today is about getting out from under something, getting free, having reasons to be happy, being on your way or fast progress … an uninhibited and unimpeded pursuit of better times. We are upbeat, we are energetic, we are on our way, movin’ on out.

Eight of Wands

Knight of Wands – Sun – Six of Swords


I have many reasons to be happy today, I got out of something I don’t like, and am getting into something I pursue.

I have many (reasons) – Eight of Wands

to be happy today – Sun

I got out of something I don’t like – Six of Swords

getting into something I pursue – Knight of Wands

Throwing (my)self with great energy into several endeavors at once, as things get underway.

Throwing myself into – Sun

with great energy – Knight of Wands

several (endeavors) at once – Eight of Wands

things get underway – Six of Swords (and Knight of Wands, too, to a lesser extent)


Making such fast progress in each and every (subject), I will be graduating before I was supposed to.

Making such fast progress – Knight of Wands

in each and every (subject) – Eight of Wands

I will be graduating – Six of Swords

before I was supposed to – Sun


Enjoys getting out of the house and running around from one place to another.

Enjoys – Sun

getting out of the house – Sun

running around – Knight of Wands

going from one place to another – Six of Swords


A lot of fun things, some that I have done already and others I am running into.

A lot of – Eight of Wands

fun – Sun

things – Eight of Wands

some … and others – Eight of Wands

I have done already – Six of Swords

I am running into – Knight of Wands


Freedom is going through one thing after another and putting them aside.

Freedom – Sun

going through – Knight of Wands

one thing after another – Eight of Wands

putting them aside (behind) – Six of Swords


Happy talk that we got out of there and are on our way now.

Happy – Sun

talk – Eight of Wands

we got out of there – Six of Swords

and are on (our) way now – Knight of Wands


‘Pursuit of happiness’ includes avoiding unhappy things.

Pursuit – Knight of Wands

happiness – Sun

includes all the (other) things – Eight of Wands

avoiding unhappy -Six of Swords

things – Eight of Wands (as a pluralizer)


There’s talk of ‘Let’s put the past behind and pursue happiness.’

There’s talk – Eight of Wands

Let’s – Eight of Wands

put the past behind – Six of Swords (and Knight of Wands)

pursue – Knight of Wands

happiness – Sun




Putting all the cargo of the past behind in a hurry and getting out from under its restrictions.

Putting the cargo behind – Six of Swords

all – Eight of Wands

in a hurry – Knight of Wands

getting out from under its restrictions – Sun


With every ounce of energy I’ve got, I am on my way being free of all the things that held me back.

With every ounce of energy I’ve got, I am on my way – Knight of Wands

being free of things that held me back – Sun and Six of Swords (each, separately)

being free – Sun

leaving what held me back – Six of Swords

All kinds of reasons to be happy since I am on my way out of this miserable town/place.

All kinds of (reasons) – Eight of Wands

to be happy – Sun

on my way out of town – Knight of Wands

getting out of a miserable place – Six of Swords


Happy to leave the house, to put all the stifling things there behind and be on my way.

Happy – Sun

to leave the house – Sun

to get away from things that stifle – Sun

to leave, to be on my way – Knight of Wands

to put ‘there’ behind – Knight of Wands, Sun, Six of Swords (Yes, each means this!)

all the things – Eight of Wands


Everybody’s moving out of town to get ahead, to get out of a dead end and enjoy life.

Everybody – Eight of Wands

moving out of town – Knight of Wands (and Six of Swords)

to get out of a dead end – Six of Swords (and, to a lesser extent, Sun)

enjoy life – Sun



As impulsive and uninhibited as I am, I avoid headlong rushes into some things.

impulsive – Sun

uninhibited – Sun

avoid – Six of Swords

headlong rushes into – Knight of Wands

some things – Eight of Wands


Some things you get slowly out of, and some things you get out of fast.

Some things – Eight of Wands

get slowly out of – Six of Swords

you get out of – Sun

fast – Knight of Wands


‘You’re not fun anymore,’ he says on the way out.

‘You’re not __ anymore,’ – Six of Swords

fun – Sunday

says – Eight of Wands

on the way out – Six of Swords


He talks of leaving as he avoids leaving.

Talks of – Eight of Wands

leaving – Knight of Wands (or Sun or Six of Swords)

avoids – Six of Swords

leaving – Sun (or Knight of Wands)



Speeding used to be a lot of fun.

Speeding – Knight of Wands

used to be – Six of Swords

a lot of – Eight of Wands

fun – Sun


In a rush to get as many as possible out of the way.

In a rush – Knight of Wands

to get out of the way – Six of Swords

as many as possible – Eight of Wands

to get out – Sun



Eight of Wands

Knight of Wands – Sun – Six of Swords


Usually, when three of our four panelists mean the same thing, we don’t have many sentences, and it’s hard to phrase them. Not today.

Knight of Wands is to leave in a hurry (or to pursue).

Sun means to get out of the house, get out from under some kind of restriction. Well, it means fun and freedom and being impulsive, and a kid, too.

Six of Swords is leaving for better times ahead, and to avoid or put distance between.

The remaining Tarot citizen, Eight of Wands, is many, a list, ‘things,’ talk, and one after another.

Sun is happy, and in Six of Swords things will be better.

Both Knight of Wands and Eight of Wands are rapid, fast, quickly, in a hurry, etc.

Mainly, today is about getting out from under something, getting free, having reasons to be happy, being on your way or fast progress … an uninhibited and unimpeded pursuit of better times. We are upbeat, we are energetic, we are on our way, movin’ on out.


Knight of Wands See him run. He looks disconcerted, rattled even, as his horse rears and paws the air. He has the symbols of a ‘fiery’ nature (the reddish color and the salamander pattern). Knight of Wands is associated with ‘getting out of Dodge,’ and with pursuit, so it’s about pursuing or being pursued. He is energetic, ‘giving it all he’s got’ too.

Sun Baby boy sneaks out into the back yard to play, naked and bareback, on the surly pony. This is about being impulsive, uninhibited, free and having fun. The kind of adult who calls himself ‘The Kid.’ It can mean vacation, and often means getting out from under what stymies or restricts a person. Escape, busting free.

Six of Swords is getting out, putting something behind, getting over it, leaving, escape from a bad scene, and better times are ahead. Today, in its present company, it is upbeat. A mother and child huddle in an open boat on a gray day, with no baggage. They have help getting out of town; a fellow is paddling the boat.

Eight of Wands Limbs fly in the air, one above the other. The meanings have less connection with the illustration than usual for this Rider Waite Tarot card in TarotVerbatim(TM). It means ‘many,’ makes other cards plural, means ‘one after the other,’ as well as communication (written and spoken), sometimes means a list



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