Tarot Readings for You for January 16-17, 2017 Monday-Tuesday©


GUIDANCE    There’s a time frame to change that, when you don’t make the change, the bus leaves without you, and you end up staying.  When it’s over, it’s time to leave, in other words: This is our meditation for the day.



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People love this place! Our site is divided into three sections: Guidance; Group Tarot Cards Readings; Learn Tarot by Observing and Learn Tarot by Pictures.

So what do you want to do? –

Did you come here for YOUR PREDICTIONS? daily trends? –

*Then you read the summary above, titled GUIDANCE,

*Then you read the one-sentence readings below titled GROUP TAROT CARDS READINGand you’re done: See you tomorrow. Invite your friends. At the very bottom are comments. New! – the black boxes to the right as you scroll down allow you to comment right there.

GROUP TAROT CARDS READING is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you.  They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.

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Two of Swords – Eight of Cups – Four of Swords


Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.


Tarot Readings: Two of Swords and Eight of Cups

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Do nothing: Don’t go out of your way.

This couch potato has not changed its ways.

Not interested and that’s not changing.

Is staying with it, not giving up.

Don’t quit meditating.

Take a breather but don’t drop out.

Don’t go anywhere; stay right there.

It doesn’t change – get used to that.

I don’t leave because I can put up with it.

You haven’t given up yet, you are putting up with it.

Do nothing: Don’t go out of your way.

Nothing changes if I don’t do anything.

Isn’t participating and that’s not going to change.

They aren’t going to leave where they’re comfortable

There’s no immediate change, that’s just the way it is.

The deceased is not leaving so abruptly.

Tune out but don’t be a no-show.

Can’t get out of here so I’m staying put.


Tarot Readings: Two of Swords and Four of Swords

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Out all night, not getting sleep.

Gone without notice, and I never get used to it.

It’s the wee hours, and you are not asleep yet.

Suddenly the wait ends.

On the night shift, not getting your sleep.

Meditates, then doesn’t abandon course.

Don’t just stay with the status quo: Get out now.

I never get used to these abrupt departures.


Tarot Readings: Eight of Cups and Four of Swords

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Don’t let your sleep be disrupted.

Meditating on not getting off the path.

Remission – suddenly it’s over.

Waiting to detour around this roadblock.

It’s not over yet just because nothing is being done.

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Now, Part Two,

Did you come here to ACCESS YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS? –

*Then you read HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS – resonates with your subconscious awareness! – and you’re done.

Did you come here to RESEARCH CARD MEANINGS? –

*Then you go to LEARN TAROT BY OBSERVING and LEARN TAROT BY PICTURES for single card meanings and for what those cards say today as they get along with their companion cards, which is important for Tarot Verbatim™, whose expertise is combinations of Tarot cards’ meanings.

*Then you go to Now we show where each of the phrases in each of the sentences comes from: for phrases individual cards make in the day’s sentences. This applies the knowledge.

*Then you read HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS – resonates with your subconscious awareness! for language created by each pair of Rider Waite Tarot cards, in Tarot Verbatim™. Now you are done, if you chose to do it all. Comments are at the very bottom.

Did you come for combined meanings of other cards than these?

*Then you can put names of any two cards into Google, and get their combined meanings. You can also write in one card followed by ‘Tarot Verbatim,’ and get paragraphs of meanings for it.







Two of SwordsYou can sense this is one of the negator cards (cards that modify neighbors negatively). These cards most frequently mean negative words, of course, words like don’t has not, that’s not, not, doesn’t, haven’t, not going to, there’s no, and I never, ends. ‘ Roadblock,’ says Two of Swords, and ‘it’s over.’ And that’s what Two of Swords is doing here.


This card resembles High Priestess, a seated woman with the sliver moon, and it too is a 2. Here’s a picture of impasse, of nothing happening (as Four of Swords is). It’s night time and she is in a sleeping gown or underwear, sitting with her back to the water, sitting on a stone bench, and she holds onto heavy double-edged swords, blindfolded, in such a way they are counterbalanced.

Eight of Cups A picture of a fellow (a pilgrim, really) who is detouring on his way to his intended destination – his journey disrupted by a mountain and a river. Presumption is that he will resume his course when he can. The full and sliver moon stuck together designate a beginning-and-ending theme, and also bring us a night scene.


As a matter of fact, all three of our Tarot cards show night scenes today.


Eight of Cups has many words and phrases to its name, but its theme is well-defined:

a change of course (detour, going out of one’s way, disruption, dropping out or turning off);

aborting course (quitting, giving up, canceling, getting off the path or running off the road);


leaving (outta here, leave without notice; abrupt departure)

suddenly (abruptly, unexpectedly);

and the ‘not yet’ meanings that arise from the two moons (over with before it begins).


And Eight of Cups can mean the wee hours, or in the middle of the night, or night travel (Hermit does the night travel too).

Four of Swords He is lying on the sarcophagus or coffin cover of the relic (bones or body parts of a saint or hero of the culture) in the cathedral. He meditates on his life purpose as a knight, to report that to the bishop. This is part of the ceremonies that make the son of a knight a knight.


So Four of Swords is a ‘time out’ card. ‘Not participating’ is the common title of Four of Swords, and its meanings center around that theme. Not participating brings phrases like ‘couch potato’ and ‘just because nothing is being done’ or ‘not doing.’ Four of Swords means ‘not interested’ as well as ‘not doing.’


Here are other meanings along the line of not doing: staying, used to, put up with, status quo, sleep, rest, waiting, dormant, remission, and even ‘the deceased.’


The ‘rest’ meaning expands to being at ease, comfortable, and ‘relax.’





               LEARN TAROT BY PICTURES..

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This is funny. All three of these cards mean, in different ways, that nothing is happening or that something isn’t happening. And all three of these Tarot cards are night scenes. Eight of Cups even can translate ‘in the middle of the night’ or ‘the wee hours’ because of the two moon phases that mean ‘a beginning and an ending.’ So Eight of Cups is the night shift sometimes.


So what do you do with three Tarot cards that not only mean the same thing, but mean nothing is happening? Well, I squeezed quite a few sentences out of them once I got started. Two of Swords and Eight of Cups make most of the sentences, and they do it by Two of Swords, a negator, negating the various meanings of Eight of Cups. Absorbing this, you will make use of it – here’s a partial list as an example:

don’t go out of your way

has not changed its ways

not changing

not giving up

don’t quit

not getting off the path

don’t drop out

don’t go anywhere

it doesn’t change

suddenly it’s over

don’t leave

don’t go out of your way

nothing changes

that’s not going to change

not going to leave

no immediate change

not leaving so abruptly

not over yet

doesn’t abandon course

don’t be a no-show

can’t get out of here.


Another useful pair is Two of Swords and Four of Swords meaning ‘never get used to it’ or ‘not used to that.’ Two of Swords is ‘no way’ and ‘not’ and Four of Swords is the status quo, or being used to or inured to something. Four of Swords is also doing nothing, not responding, not participating …


Notice how few sentences Eight of Cups and Four of Swords make. Eight of Cups is a change or disruption, and Four of Swords is nothing happening – which could say a lot until you negate that with Two of Swords. Then it gets awkward with ‘It’s not over yet just because nothing is being done.’ Ha-ha. At least we have ‘Don’t disrupt my sleep.’


The general theme here contrasts staying the same and changing. ‘Don’t stay, leave’ or ‘Don’t leave, stay.’ This is what happens when you turn negator cards loose without the discipline of a question, or knowns, or their being set in a larger spread that would ‘break the tie.’

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This is funny. All three of these cards mean, in different ways, that nothing is happening or that something isn’t happening. And all three of these Tarot cards are night scenes. Eight of Cups even can translate ‘in the middle of the night’ or ‘the wee hours’ because of the two moon phases that mean ‘a beginning and an ending.’ So Eight of Cups is the night shift sometimes.


So what do you do with three Tarot cards that not only mean the same thing, but mean nothing is happening? Well, I squeezed quite a few sentences out of them once I got started. Two of Swords and Eight of Cups make most of the sentences, and they do it by Two of Swords, a negator, negating the various meanings of Eight of Cups. Absorbing this, you will make use of it – here’s a partial list as an example:

don’t go out of your way

has not changed its ways

not changing

not giving up

don’t quit

not getting off the path

don’t drop out

don’t go anywhere

it doesn’t change

suddenly it’s over

don’t leave

haven’t yet

don’t go out of your way

nothing changes

that’s not going to change

not going to leave

no immediate change

not leaving so abruptly

not over yet

doesn’t abandon course

don’t be a no-show

can’t get out of here.


Another useful pair is Two of Swords and Four of Swords meaning ‘never get used to it’ or ‘not used to that.’ Two of Swords is ‘no way’ and not’ and Four of Swords is the status quo, or being used to or inured to something. Four of Swords is also doing nothing, not responding, not participating …


Notice how few sentences Eight of Cups and Four of Swords make. Eight of Cups is a change or disruption, and Four of Swords is nothing happening – which could say a lot until you negate that with Two of Swords. Then it gets awkward with ‘It’s not over yet just because nothing is being done.’ Ha-ha. At least we have ‘Don’t disrupt my sleep.’


The general theme here contrasts staying the same and changing. ‘Don’t stay, leave’ or ‘Don’t leave, stay.’ This is what happens when you turn negator cards loose without the discipline of a question, or knowns, or their being set in a larger spread that would ‘break the tie.’

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Waiting for something that never happens, and getting used to it not changing. But I never get used to these abrupt departures … gone without notice. It’s the wee hours, and I’m not asleep yet. I don’t leave because I can put up with it. Nothing changes if I don’t do anything. I meditate and I’m not getting off this path. But where I’m not interested, that’s not going to change. This couch potato is not changing its ways.








Tarot Readings: Two of Swords and Eight of Cups

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Do nothing FOUR OF SWORDS: Don’t TWO OF SWORDS go out of your way EIGHT OF CUPS.

This couch potato FOUR OF SWORDS has not TWO OF SWORDS changed its ways EIGHT OF CUPS.

Not interested FOUR OF SWORDS and that’s not TWO OF SWORDS changing EIGHT OF CUPS.

Is staying with it FOUR OF SWORDS, not TWO OF SWORDS giving up EIGHT OF CUPS.


Take a breather FOUR OF SWORDS but don’t TWO OF SWORDS drop out EIGHT OF CUPS.

Don’t TWO OF SWORDS go anywhere EIGHT OF CUPS; stay right there FOUR OF SWORDS.

It doesn’t TWO OF SWORDS change EIGHT OF CUPS – get used to that FOUR OF SWORDS.

I don’t TWO OF SWORDS leave EIGHT OF CUPS because I can put up with it FOUR OF SWORDS.

You haven’t TWO OF SWORDS given up yet EIGHT OF CUPS, you are putting up with it.

Do nothing FOUR OF SWORDS: Don’t TWO OF SWORDS go out of your way EIGHT OF CUPS.

Nothing TWO OF SWORDS changes EIGHT OF CUPS if I don’t do anything FOUR OF SWORDS.

Isn’t participating FOUR OF SWORDS and that’s not TWO OF SWORDS going to change EIGHT OF CUPS.

They aren’t going to TWO OF SWORDS leave where EIGHT OF CUPS they’re comfortable FOUR OF SWORDS.

There’s no TWO OF SWORDS immediate change EIGHT OF CUPS, that’s just the way it is FOUR OF SWORDS.

The deceased FOUR OF SWORDS is not TWO OF SWORDS leaving so abruptly EIGHT OF CUPS.

Tune out FOUR OF SWORDS but don’t be a TWO OF SWORDS no-show EIGHT OF CUPS.

Can’t TWO OF SWORDS get out of here EIGHT OF CUPS so I’m staying put FOUR OF SWORDS.


Tarot Readings: Two of Swords and Four of Swords

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Out all night EIGHT OF CUPS, not TWO OF SWORDS getting sleep FOUR OF SWORDS.

Gone without notice EIGHT OF CUPS, and I never TWO OF SWORDS get used to it FOUR OF SWORDS.

It’s the wee hours EIGHT OF CUPS, and you are not asleep FOUR OF SWORDS yet TWO OF SWORDS.


On the night shift EIGHT OF CUPS, not TWO OF SWORDS getting your sleep FOUR OF SWORDS.

Meditates FOUR OF SWORDS, then doesn’t TWO OF SWORDS abandon course EIGHT OF CUPS.

Don’t TWO OF SWORDS just stay with the status quo FOUR OF SWORDS: Get out now EIGHT OF CUPS.

I never TWO OF SWORDS get used to FOUR OF SWORDS these abrupt departures EIGHT OF CUPS.


Tarot Readings: Eight of Cups and Four of Swords

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Don’t TWO OF SWORDS let your sleep FOUR OF SWORDS be disrupted EIGHT OF CUPS.

Meditating FOUR OF SWORDS on not TWO OF SWORDS getting off the path EIGHT OF CUPS.

Remission FOUR OF SWORDS – suddenly EIGHT OF CUPS it’s over TWO OF SWORDS.

Waiting to FOUR OF SWORDS detour around EIGHT OF CUPS this roadblock TWO OF SWORDS.

It’s not over yet TWO OF SWORDS and EIGHT OF CUPS just because nothing is being done FOUR OF SWORDS.

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resonates with your subconscious awareness!


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…. Two of Swords and Eight of CupsDon’t go out of your way. Has not changed its ways. That’s not changing. Not giving up. Don’t quit. Don’t drop out. Don’t go anywhere. It doesn’t change. I don’t leave. You haven’t given up yet. Don’t go out of your way. Nothing changes. That’s not going to change. Not going to leave. There’s no immediate change. Not leaving so abruptly. Don’t be a no-show. Can’t get out of here. Out all night, not … Gone without notice, and I never …. It’s the wee hours, and you are not …. Suddenly ends.*** On the night shift, not getting …. Doesn’t abandon course. Don’t …: Get out now. Never … these abrupt departures. Don’t be disrupted. Not getting off the path. Suddenly it’s over. Detour around this roadblock. It’s not over yet. x

…. Two of Swords and Four of Swords Do nothing: Don’t …. This couch potato has not …. Not interested, and that’s not _. Is staying with it, not …. Don’t _ meditating. Don’t meditate. Take a breather, but don’t _. Don’t …, stay right there. It doesn’t __ – get used to that. I don’t _ because I can put up with it. You haven’t …, you are putting up with it. Do nothing: Don’t …. Nothing _ if I don’t do anything. Isn’t participating, and that’s not …. They aren’t going to _ where they are comfortable. There’s no …, that’s just the way it is. The deceased is not …. Tune out, but don’t be a _. Can’t _, so I’m staying put. Not getting sleep.*** I never get used to it.*** You are not asleep.*** The wait ends.*** Not getting your sleep.*** Meditates, and then doesn’t _.*** Don’t just stay with the status quo. I never get used to …. Don’t let your sleep be _. Meditating on not …. Remission: It’s over. Waiting to _ this roadblock. It’s not __ just because nothing is being done. x

.. Eight of Cups and Four of Swords Do nothing: _ go out of your way. This couch potato has changed its ways. Not interested … changing. Is staying with it, _ giving up. Quit meditating.** Take a breather but _ drop out. _ go anywhere; stay right there. Change – get used to that. … leave, because I can put up with it. … given up yet, you are putting up with it. Do nothing … go out of your way. … changes, if I don’t do anything. Isn’t participating, and that’s going to change. … leave where they’re comfortable. Immediate change … that’s just the way it is. The deceased is leaving abruptly. Tune out … be a no-show. … get out of here, so I’m staying put. Out all night .. getting sleep. Gone without notice … It’s the wee hours, and you are asleep. Suddenly the wait _. On the night shift, _ getting your sleep. Meditates, then abandons course. Just stay with the status quo: Get out now. Get used to these abrupt departures. … your sleep is disrupted. Meditating on getting off the path. Remission – suddenly it’s _. Waiting to detour around this _. It’s not _ yet just because nothing is being done. x

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Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U. S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U. S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U. S. Games Systems, Inc.

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NOTICE – Anyone found copying Tarot Verbatim’s™ website or using Tarot Verbatim’s™ trademarked/copyrighted text and/or images without Tarot Verbatim’s™ express written consent by Emily Sandstrom will be reported to their billing company, their hosting company, and any other related companies or necessary parties for account closure. Tarot Verbatim™ will also follow with a copyright infringement lawsuit in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).


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Two of Wands - Judgment a good solid future in her new life, her life after death a good solid future - Two of Wands in her new life, her life after...

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