It’s Wednesday when someone’s real life email reading is our post. Today an elderly lady who doesn’t have a treating doctor (and doesn’t want one!) asks whether to visit an ordinary doctor for her swollen knee, or whether to go to a functional medicine doctor like her friend suggests. The answer is interesting.
By the way, I have run out of email readings! Would someone please ask one (and hopefully be a willing donor of it)? Please! What you see here is what what yours would be like. The navigation tab up there at the top tells you all about it.
Hey, the people who are in Tarot Email Training – the email lessons that train your subconscious to chat with your deck through its pictures – are in the 40th week. It’s unanimous that Tarot Verbatim™ blends with the system you use, and enriches it. People who do astrology-based Tarot are still using astrology in their use of the deck, for instance.
And there’s always telephone readings. My experience (25-plus years full-time, and began developing Tarot Verbatim™ in 1980) allows me to find the right question, the phrasing, that cuts the time very short and makes the answer very clear. Besides that, I often can show you the funny side of your fix.
NEWS Yes, SHORTCUT is getting tech attention. By the time this post is published, I expect it to be live. But I got my fingers crossed.
And here’s a shout out to all of you who subscribed and provided your email to Tarot Verbatim™ over the years: If you want me to have you on the list, please subscribe again because it seems a tech who was maintaining my site decided they were his and sent them to a secret email on WordPress, so I don’t have them. Click on “Join our Newsletter” under the ‘GET THEM NOW’ bar. I have not been sending newsletters for many months – so don’t worry, you don’t get frivolous email from me – only if it’s good for you.
Until Next Wednesday when we meet here again, I’m glad you are here –
Question: I haven’t walked normally for weeks now because my knee is very swollen and painful. I am 84 and have never been sick, people think I’m sixty-something. A friend told me about how different functional medicine doctors are, and found some. One is a mature woman not far from my home. These doctors are expensive and tend not to take insurance. Should I sacrifice to get this treatment, or just go to an ordinary M. D. that takes Medicare? And yes you can use this on your site if you want to.
Emily: The question is: Will this be worth the trouble and the extra money? Let’s see what Tarot tells you.
Strength – Six of Pentacles – Six of Cups
The treatment you are given will prevent attacks or problems.
The treatment – Six of Pentacles
will prevent trouble in the future. – Strength
[Six of Cups appearing for the ‘given’ indicates you and the doctor will have a warm bond.]
Fool – Nine of Wands – Star
Don’t worry, you are in good health.
You have some robust health – Star
to be afraid of. – Nine of Wands
Three of Swords – Queen of Wands – Seven of Cups
Travel to the one with a lot of seniority to recover.
Get on the road to – Knight of Wands
the one that has all the experience – Emperor
and get back to the way you used to be. – Judgment
Nine of Swords – Four of Pentacles – Ten of Cups
Don’t worry so much, you are one of the normal people.
You don’t have that much – Four of Pentacles
to be concerned or fearful about – Nine of Swords
– you are in the normal group of people. – Ten of Cups
Ace of Cups – Hierophant – Four of Swords
Your health is good enough that you don’t have to do that.
Your health is good – Ace of Cups
that you don’t have to do that. *- Four of Swords
Magician – Nine of Pentacles – Three of Wands
You will be in control of your personal life by doing that.
You are going to – Three of Wands
have a comfortable life in control of your circumstances – Nine of Pentacles
if you do that.* – Magician
[The ‘do that’ refers to your question of whether to go to the more expensive doctor.]
It looks like Tarot says you will do fine either way because your underlying health is robust. Tarot is likely suggesting that the advantage in going the functional medicine route is the prevention of future need of treatment. Since functional medical professionals take copious notes and do lots of tests to get a profile of each patient, that makes sense. You might get advice that prevents something.
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Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U. S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U. S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U. S. Games Systems, Inc.
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