Tarot Readings for you for October 26, 2014 Sunday©


GUIDANCE     The handwriting on the wall here is: The downsides are just another phase, so zone out while you wait for the next bus. We paint the scene of routinely disregarding the bad stuff in a devil-may-care way, and we paint the scene of making it through the night intensely immersing ourselves in the bad stuff with a good cry. Life is but a dream with intermittent nightmare, and we need not take these dreams so seriously.


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If you just want your daily look ahead, Guidance and Tarot Readings are all you need. ‘Guidance’ (above) is a summary of what the cards are telling visitors to be aware of this day.

‘Group Tarot Cards Reading’ (just below this) is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you.  They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself.

Did you come here for your predictions? – You are done now – See you tomorrow. The family of commenters here would love for you to join in (the very last thing, at the bottom).


Fool – Moon – Two of Pentacles



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Headings [So you can choose which belongs to you]

Tarot Readings: Lighthearted Routines (Fool and Two of Pentacles)

Tarot Readings: Making It Through the Night (Fool and Moon)

Tarot Readings: I Keep Dreaming (Moon and Two of Pentacles)

Tarot Readings: Another Awful Day (Moon and Two of Pentacles)


Tarot Readings: Lighthearted Routines (Fool and Two of Pentacles)

Don’t worry; be happy – repeat the process.

To get through the worst, assume the best.

Be lighthearted even as you go through the worst of it.

Have such an open mind I am silly at the wrong times.

I’m crazy, I might do anything at all.

Upbeat about the downside habitually.


Tarot Readings: Making It Through the Night (Fool and Moon)

I just zone out of the down cycles.

To get through the worst, assume the best.

Blunders are part of the progress.

Keep ignoring the dirty place.

Once again, I don’t catch the flu.

Damn the torpedoes – keep moving.

Whenever it gets ugly, be not there.

I routinely disregard consequences.

It doesn’t hurt anymore – I’m so free of that.

I get to my bliss by wallowing in despair.

Subconscious: It frees and it enslaves.


Tarot Readings: I Keep Dreaming (Moon and Two of Pentacles)

Haunting dreams come out of nowhere every once in a while.

I keep dreaming I’m young.

I keep having dreams I don’t remember.


Tarot Readings: Another Awful Day (Moon and Two of Pentacles)

To get something off my mind, I have this addiction in fits and starts.

No one knows the troubles I am going through.

I get through this, aware that I have weathered worse.

New phases come like waves to shift us out of hell.

Today is the first day of the rest of my miserable life.

I make it through the night singing ‘Who cares?’

One problem after another until I just don’t think of them anymore.


Now, Part Two,

Do you want to know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim™ thing works? If so,

*Go to Learn Tarot by Observing section below. This tells about the combined three pictures in the Tarot Readings – the pictures above here.  It explains how these three cards get together in your mind to make the messages. HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONSis a stream-of-consciousness bridge to your subconscious if you use it regularly – people report.

*Go to Learn Tarot by Pictures.  It is what each of the three cards, by itself, has to say.  It shows you how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in today’s Spread. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.

You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim™ works.

This is a group reading, with no Questioner and no Question to limit what the cards say, so there’s more variety – even contradictions – and also the pronouns are more flexible. If it feels like it’s yours, and it says ‘he,’ and you’re a ‘she,’ feel free to adopt it anyway.



Fool – Moon – Two of Pentacles




……………….……………………    In-ter-es-ting! We have lighthearted Fool, untouched by physical reality. We have doom and wallowing in your misery in Moon. And Two of Pentacles says ‘could go either way.’ Fool is beginning, and Two of Pentacles is a cycle. Fool and Two of Pentacles are both lighthearted – Fool doesn’t worry and doesn’t pay attention, and Two of Pentacles is silly, acting up, and doing its comic routine. We have these two lighthearted Tarot fellers with the melancholy moon in the middle.

………………………..    Fool is the zero. You are Fool when you zone out of physical-mindedness and run on the reflexive consciousness (subconscious). People say ‘Anybody home?’ or ‘Earth to Nancy,’ or ‘A penny for your thoughts.’ Fool is not paying attention and is being optimistic like youth – possibly heedless like youth as well. Fool is having a clear mind, and being untouched by surroundings. It even means not being present, as in ‘wasn’t there when ….’ Today we use the ‘damn the torpedoes’ optimism spectrum of Fool, mostly. Personally, I like that gear.

………………………..    Moon is not even a ‘nice place to visit.’ Moon is, as they say, the shitty end of the stick. It is the ‘Left-hand Path’ esoterically speaking, or the road to hell, as Ace of Pentacles is the Right-hand Path or ‘the straight and narrow’ of Christian culture. Moon represents insanity, depravity, pain, despair – represents the impossible. You see a swamp, a purple lobster embarking on a land journey, and a coyote and dog together who are enemies, with a frowning moon face looking down upon them. The twin towers there are symbols of evil.

………………………..    Two of Pentacles is about cycles and timing, and is also about silliness (juggling, in a goofy costume). It depicts repetitive reflexive action (juggling) that puts a person into a zoned-out autopilot mode: juggling (and dancing while juggling, even). Its main application today is ‘going through,’ as in ‘making it through the night.’ Two of Pentacles shares Fool’s levity and lightheartedness … and instability, kind of.

………..…………..    Fool and Moon   Fool is free of, disregards, ignores, is lighthearted and doesn’t worry. Moon is enslavement, obsession, morbid and tormented. Put these two together, and you get a whole long list of not worrying about this, that and the other, and not being concerned about any kind of dark side or downside. They even say ‘I don’t catch the flu’ and ‘Damn the torpedoes.’

With Moon meaning dreams, Fool and Moon have dreams they don’t remember. They also say ‘No one knows the trouble.’

………..…………...     Fool and Two of Pentacles   Fool and Two of Pentacles most frequently here translate: to go through, to get through, to get to – and so on. Two of Pentacles’ meanings regarding the repetition you see in the picture are many and varied. Today we have repeat, keep moving, once again, cycles, routinely, every once in a while I keep __ing, keep having, fits and starts, phases like waves and one after another.

..  These two cards express reflexive mode (‘autopilot,’ people say) very well: Fool being the mindless ignoring, and Two of Pentacles meaning repetitive, including repetitive actions that get you into ‘autopilot.’

……………………    Moon and Two of Pentacles Moon and Two of Pentacles, without Fool to say its ‘free of’ and its ‘ignore’ words, we now get morbid, because Moon tends to be that way and Two of Pentacles means things like continuing, over and over, another, habitually and routinely. So in our last batch of sentences we have some awful and sardonic remarks. Reading these makes you want to cheer up and ‘not be like that’ today.




Making it through the night. Making it through the night by shrugging off the troubles and zoning out optimistically in reflexive mode. Making it through the night by immersing ourselves in the misery – having a good cry – to be of good cheer in the morning. Sometimes one way, sometimes the other way, but we are making it through to the upbeat shift in the cycle.



resonates with your subconscious awareness!


………..…………..       Fool and Moon   Don’t worry, be happy. … the worst, assume the best. Be lighthearted … the worst of it. Have such an open mind at the wrong times. I’m crazy … anything at all. Upbeat about the downside. Making It Through the Night I just zone out of the downside. … the worst, assume the best. Blunders are part of …. … ignoring the dirty _. I don’t catch the flu. Damn the torpedoes. … it gets ugly, be not there. Disregard consequences. I am free of the hurt. Hurt anymore – I’m so free of that. … my bliss by wallowing in despair. Subconscious: It enslaves. Haunting dreams come out of nowhere. I am dreaming I’m young. Dreams I don’t remember. To get something off my mind, I have this addiction. No one knows the troubles …. Aware that I have weathered worse. New … out of hell. Today is the first day of my miserable life. … through the night singing ‘Who cares?’ Problems until I just don’t think of them anymore. x..

………..…………..       Fool and Two of Pentacles   Lighthearted Routines   Don’t worry … repeat the process. To get through … assume the best. To be lighthearted even as you go through …. Have such an open mind I am silly. I might do anything at all. Upbeat habitually. I just zone out of the _ cycles. To get through __, assume the best. __ are part of the progress. __ are part of the process. Keep ignoring. Once again, I don’t catch __. Damn the __ – keep moving. Whenever it … be not there. I routinely disregard. It doesn’t __ anymore – I’m so free of that. I get to my bliss by …. Subconscious: It frees and __. … come out of nowhere every once in a while.** I keep __ I’m young. I keep having __ I don’t remember. To get something off my mind … in fits and starts. No one knows the __ I am going through. No one knows what I go through. I get through this, aware that …. New phases come like waves to shift us out of __. Today is the first day of the rest of my …. I make it through __ singing ‘Who cares?’ One _ after another until I just don’t think of them anymore. x..

……………………   Moon and Two of Pentacles … worry … repeat the process. To get through the worst …. As you go through the worse of it. I am silly at the wrong times. I’m crazy; I might do …. … about the downside habitually. Out of the down cycles. To get through the worst. Blunders are _ of the process. Keep __ing the dirty place. Once again, I _ get the flu. Damn the __ – keep moving. Whenever it gets ugly …. I routinely __ consequences. It doesn’t hurt anymore. Wallowing in despair.** … It __ and enslaves. I Keep Dreaming Haunting dreams every once in a while. I keep dreaming. I keep having dreams. Another Awful Day I have this addiction in fits and starts. The troubles I am going through. I get through this … weathered worse. Phases come like waves to shift us out of hell. The rest of my miserable life. I make it through the night. I make it through the night singing ___. One problem after another. x..







Fool ……… Fool today is lighthearted. There are many chapters to the book of Fool I could write. You can dive into Fool and splash around and go deep too. You see a youth on a trip by foot with scant provisions who is skipping to the perilous edge of a cliff. The underlying meaning is that Fool will not fall off the cliff because this person lives in the ‘out there’ spiritual reality and that’s why he/she is heedless. “God protects fools and drunks,” remember? Some people do live charmed lives. Do you dream of being one of them; and if so, do you have the gift of disregarding physical realities?


Moon …………. Moon is being lost in chaos and miasma. Moon is when everything is catywampus and out of place. Moon is evil places, evil times, the inmates taking over the asylum. Moon is ‘the road to hell’ or ‘Left-hand Path. Moon is a mistake or blunder. Moon is illness, mental and physical. Moon even represents the rot of death. Moon is immersing yourself in despair, hopefully to bounce up (like we do today) after we hit bottom.


Two of Pentacles  ………… Two of Pentacles says it can go either way – either/or, neither/nor. Cycles and timing. Two of Pentacles is also lighthearted levity – antics, cutting up, being the comic. These ideas are held in place for this Two of Pentacles card by a juggler dressed in a silly costume who is dancing back and forth while he juggles.




Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U. S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U. S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U. S. Games Systems, Inc.

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