Tarot Verbatim: The Story Behind the Method


The Laws of Random Distribution are ironclad statistics that control whole industries (anything to do with prediction: risk management, insurance prices and policies, gambling, weather, etc.). There should be NO exceptions. Ten or eleven times, I forget which it is, that something happens that COULD produce a disaster, that disaster will happen ONCE, AND risk managers rely on this religiously. If a cargo door blows off in flight, that COULD down the airplane, the risk manager is likely to ground ALL the planes of that type until the situation is fixed, once a door has blown off, say, three times.

Professor found five exceptions to the Laws of Random Distribution in ’80, four of which were industrial processes. His experiment on Tarot went twenty years. He passed out new decks to each person in the very first class of his, but dismissed anyone who ever HEARD OF Tarot.

Classmates were asked to think of the history of the deck and choose seven cards. Their choices violated the Laws of Random Distribution provably. THIS is what got me interested in Tarot.
I think I figured out why we as readers observe the same cards appearing when we ask a line of questions about the same thing: The subconscious knows all. It knows where each card is as you shuffle. Once whilst inebriated, I said ‘I’m going to choose the World card from the deck on the table on the first try.” I did. So I am convinced of that.
The fact people chose the same seven against the odds IS a puzzle that, to me, indicates there’s some intrinsic meaning to at least some of the cards. (Other events also convince me of this, against my expectation.)

As you learn, the subconscious pays attention to what you think a card means. (This is why even the worst Tarot systems work for their adopters.) When you are thinking later of that same subject, the subconscious produces that same card. But the connection between the two mental levels is not perfect, so the process has its bad days. As you do Tarot more, you train the two sides of your mind to work together, and, voila, produce Tarot miracles.

So say I.


Tarot Concept: Temperance

Temperance applies pouring water and wine together to the blending of two into one (not to moderation or abstinence in alcohol). Two parties who are...

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