What Emily Can Do For You – Testimonies


What Emily Can Do For You?

Here is what some have to say about Emily and her incredible talents!

If you would like to leave a testimonial for this page please send an email to [email protected]
thanks for your kind replies on the Forum.The Forum is precious, really, and I’m learning a lot.
Maybe there’s no need to tell this, and it’s not actually important, I suppose, but I prefer to be honest and tell you that all the spreads and the questions I’m posting are about myself.
I’m quite sure you had got it already :D 

I’ve been learning to read Tarot by going to Tarotverbatim.com. Emily does a daily spread of three cards and does a reading for each card, each combination of two cards, and an overall reading. She taps into the subconscious and I always find something relevant to my life.
I’ve also gone to Emily for telephone readings for 8 years. Latest astonishing readings helped guide me through a gruelling “Dissolution of Marriage” process. Ex was asserting that pre-nup was invalid based on his allegations that I’d made fraudulent statements on my Financial Affidavits. Emily knew what the Judge’s attitude would be to my soon to be ex-husband’s conduct. Ex would beat himself up in front of the Judge and I wouldn’t have to say a word. Judge buried the punk.
The only way I could face the whole thing was because I had more confidence in Emily than in my Attorney (even though my Attorney said all the same things Emily said, after Emily had said them.) I’m a physician working in a highly political environment. Emily has guided me though many life crises.
Comment on my site

Emily has helped me many times, even when I did not solicit her for help or advice. I have phychic abilities, as she does, and I believe there are times when she get impressions about people that she must be compelled to share with us. I am always very grateful to her, for showing she cares, by taking the time to let me know, via her direct “gift” that she surprises me with. Great wisdom on this post, for sure.
Leslie Capel Werner

I THINK I’m on “The upswing of the cycle”.
Thanks for the best ever reading the other day. I’ve come to rely on your counsel when I get stuck in the mud. You dig deep.


“Don’t worry when your big thing goes boom”.
“I have utter faith in nothing at all, an iconoclast”. (the gentler version of that word, and I had to look it up, love your vocabulary Emily)
“It’s important to disregard a confrontational scene”. Gonna do that!
Thanks again… I love reading this every day.
A comment on my blog

This is perfect. I wanted to know his feelings.
I can’t believe what the cards were able to pick up. Geezuus!

We got into a general conversation about spouses and cheating. It was obvious where I stood on the matter. He appeared to agree with me except his motto was, “Never say never.” I don’t even know how we got talking about all of that. But, yeah…there’s something there between us. It’s palpable.

He talks to me like I’m a part of his life…it makes no sense…but there it is. And when he says good-bye, he reaches for my hand, like we’ve known each other for years. I got goosebumps with the first two spreads!

The third spread is spot on, too. Though I can’t be sure, based on our convo, I could almost see what he was thinking…

It’s all so accurate…I’m kind of speechless and you know I can write!! :)

Thank you, Emily.

Sincerely appreciate this.

G. M.

I keep a record of all my readings…and I am truly impressed with their messages. Thank you for being a great reader, for your insight and taking the time to answer my questions.
It’s been interesting to see things unfold.

The conversation today was really good and eye opening…


I’ve learned more from you in the short time I’ve known you than all the years I’ve studied Tarot. I can look at the cards now and get a general feel for them without feeling the need to dig deep, if that makes sense. I mean, the answer is right there. Of course, it’s learning how to see relationships and connections between cards…but by far, this system is ‘easier’ to understand and I FEEL the cards are talking to me as opposed to before when it always felt like there was a veil over them and between us.

G. S.

I keep a record of all my readings…and I am truly impressed with their messages. Thank you for being a great reader, for your insight and taking the time to answer my questions. It’s been interesting to see things unfold.


Thanks again for your amazing, thought-provoking and insightful readings. You always capture the essence of our dynamic. 


A big hearfelt thank you to Emily and the tarot reading she did for me. Emily gave me the clarity and confirmation that I needed. I now will take the next step which is a big step but will resolve a fraught personal situation. I would definetely reccomend Emily. Thank you again Emily.

On site

YES. She’s worth the $. I found out about her on here actually.

  • She only tells you the facts so even though the rate per min may seem steep she keeps small talk and chitchat to a minimum and you get a lot of value in a short amount of time
  • She is upfront about WHEN the call starts and WHEN it ends so that you aren’t charged for pleasantries like “Hi, how are you?” etc.
  • She’s good at strategic planning, and helping you how to solve your problems rather than just giving predictions of what your future looks like (but this is because I prefer to utilize spiritual pros for this purpose, she’s good at regular future predictions too)
  • I’ve referred her to 5 people and she was accurate for all of them.
  • She’s good at remaining calm, impartial, and unbiased even if you’re personally frustrated with your issue.
  • She accurately pinpoints tea about people like mental health issues, jealousy, fears, etc.
  • Accurately predicted I would randomly come into money that same day…prediction came through SIX hours later…completely unexpected and through NO planning on my end. In fact, the likelihood of me coming into that money randomly at the same DAY in the manner that it did was slim to none.
  • She’s non-judgmental towards adult workers & golddiggers and gives really great advice that work$$
  • Gave really good advice on how to get rid of a creepy sponsor I had that was stalking me and causing me great emotional distress.
  • Her site explains tarot well so you can actually just learn to do it yourself if you wish.

Pretty much all the sentences under the heading “She is content to stay in one place” apply to me. Right on… and it’s nice to get the feeling that it’s okay to have the life basics taken care of and to be content with that. And yes, I have achieved it on my own.
Hope Spring treats you well Emily.

A comment on my blog

Thank you, Emily.

This makes me feel good. Sounds very positive.


Thank you Emily, I feel like this is spot on. Getting laid off was the scariest blessing bc it was a toxic environment that was going down. I appreciate the guidance.


I’m going to stay on tarot verbatim for as long as I can afford it because it’s very cathartic for me to be able to use your intergalactic encyclopedia. I am very grateful to be able to learn from your wisdom and insight.

Deanna Easton

This is perfect. I wanted to know his feelings. I can’t believe what the cards were able to pick up. Geezuus! We got into a general conversation about spouses and cheating. It was obvious where I stood on the matter. He appeared to agree with me except his motto was, “Never say never.” I don’t even know how we got talking about all of that. But, yeah…there’s something there between us. It’s palpable. He talks to me like I’m a part of his life…it makes no sense…but there it is. And when he says good-bye, he reaches for my hand, like we’ve known each other for years. I got goosebumps with the first two spreads! The third spread is spot on, too. Though I can’t be sure, based on our convo, I could almost see what he was thinking… It’s all so accurate…I’m kind of speechless and you know I can write!! 🙂 Thank you, Emily.


I also want to give a shout-out to Emily for doing these daily spreads. Although nothing is ever written in stone, these spreads always ‘talk’ to me each and every day. I look forward to reading them especially after the day is done or a couple of days later to see the actual validations pop up right before my eyes. This is my way to know what to expect or work on each day.


For me, the summary at the bottom “nails it” regarding work. I can see my way out and am soooo glad.  I wouldn’t have made it through with so much perspective and wisdom without your readings. Thank you Emily!

A testimonial, from an old email

“I’ve been learning to read Tarot by going to Tarotverbatim.com. Emily does a daily spread of three cards and does a reading for each card, each combination of two cards, and an overall reading. She taps into the subconscious and I always find something relevant to my life. I’ve also gone to Emily for telephone readings for 8 years. Latest astonishing readings helped guide me through a gruelling “Dissolution of Marriage” process. Ex was asserting that pre-nup was invalid based on his allegations that I’d made fraudulent statements on my Financial Affidavits. Emily knew what the Judge’s attitude would be to my soon to be ex-husband’s conduct. Ex would beat himself up in front of the Judge and I wouldn’t have to say a word. Judge buried the punk. The only way I could face the whole thing was because I had more confidence in Emily than in my Attorney (even though my Attorney said all the same things Emily said, after Emily had said them.) I’m a physician working in a highly political environment. Emily has guided me through many life crises.

A comment on my site

I THINK I’m on “The upswing of the cycle”.
Thanks for the best ever reading the other day. I’ve come to rely on your counsel when I get stuck in the mud. You dig deep.


To me Emily is just the BEST BUSINESS ADVISOR ever. Her knowledge helped me to overcome huge crisis and win very difficult situation at work. She gave me the courage and power to make life changing decisions that I have a feeling will pay off for years. So, here is my story.

I have to warn you that it might look so fake as a testimony that people a paid for to sell whatever fast weight losing revolutionary shit, but actually mine story is 100% true and I have been given all the details of it by Emily before the events took place. Today I can hardly recall how I found Emily. I just remember it was some google and tarot word combination. Have been reading the blog for about 3 months, got hooked, than had 2 e-mail readings that cased real and empathetic contact with Emily and her wisdom so I felt welcome to come closer and try reading over the phone.

I did call when I was really desperate and stuck with extremely dangerous business situation. I had some project to be done. Had a partner Tom co-owner of the project on it. It occurred that he did secretly team up with other 2 people man and woman and wants to take over the project from me. What?! That was truly scary. The betrayal, I should, but I did not see coming. Being in debts, having no other projects, job proposals I felt like I am in danger of loosing everything. Have no clue how I did manage to ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS to Emily to find solution. This has saved me. During the process I had 3 readings with Emily.

During first one she confirmed that this very powerful people think what I have is a precious, unique thing and want to seal it by bullying me, trying to destroy me, dominate me. That they are not legible partners but just bad money people with ugly behavior. The problem is that I owe the project but they have money to make it happen. Big letters saying FRAUD where in the air.

Emily instructed me that If they see I ignore their tricky proposal, I do not talk to them, they will feel forced to found my project without overtaking, which I can make happen keeping the mantra: YOU DO NOT MAKE MY DECISION and are you ready to found my project with me being the boss? But even if I would do that ,when the project will be under way they will try to attack me again. Case they think of me as a little girl. The actual phrase Emily used was: They will fuck me over at the time when I have no choice to escape they will just wait for the opportunity – pretext. She warned me that I will become a victim of a situation and have a lawsuit with them, would have to use a lawyer and fight hard to enforce my contract. Here I panicked and thanks God I did ask the key question: Will I manage to get project finished without those invaders? The answer was absolutely clear – 9 of cups!!! Yes!!! YOUR WISH IS GRANTED! You will get what you want out of it.

I will be calm, cool and ready to be a partner with… 3 of cups meaning 3 parties – 3 musketeers. I will have the money and control over the money. I will be home owner. 3 musketeers will be helping me and putting a lot of effort to make it happen. The ex-partners will be out of the deal and very upset about that case they loose a very successful thing that has something unique that will sell. Next question was how will I find new partners. Emily said: networking among people form the business and that I WILL BE APPROACHED by somebody who is very polite. The guy, gentleman sweet and softy.

Assistant of someone who has the money. Those new people will meet my demands and I WILL BE SEDUCED by them. So I did hell of networking just having faith that it will work and as Emily said this people will come out of nowhere and find me. Nearly a month later after not talking much to first partners I got a written offer from them and started a series of meetings where they tried to force me to their vision of making business. After two meetings there was to be the key one – confrontation I was afraid of case I had to say no to very powerful people. Called Emily again and got her advice. She told me interesting detail: YOU WILL BE THE ONLY WOMAN IN THE ROOM. Why, is the other one already out? Very unexpected.

Emily was right again. She also predicted I will be threatened money cut of but it will be a BLUFF!!! Case they want it go ahead and make big money on it they already realized the project guarantees. Than I will have 3 more stages of negotiations ( yes, they took place 100% accordingly to details Emily described) and if I stick to my NO! I WOULD RATHER DIE THAN MAKE IT WITH YOU attitude GREAT STROKE OF LUCK because of it will happen ( Wheel of fortune). Those new partners will come to me. This will be a financial group entity with lost of connections and not the one I think of. Also not only them will approach me as I will become the talk of the town that gets people interested case “little people like me do not sand up to the big bulls like I had to deal with”. Emily said that it will be a big spiritual lesson a mile stone for me.

I would have to STAND UP AGAINST THE WORLD and have nerves of steel to achieve my goal and to grow as a person. So after the second reading I was first approached and than seduced by people I did not know before but they are the best and financially most influential professionals in my business and they are 3 of them – as 3 of Cups card said before. Also there are more people calling me giving the job, offering money case I become famous. Finally my third reading was on big task – splitting with Tom.

Emily calmed me down again saying MY WISH IS GRANTED and it is gonna be so quick and easy that I will even not think, nor remember about the guy. He would want to meet my demand and will loose everything. I will be IN CHARGE FREE & HAPPY. Yes, we seen each other only once: He wanted to be paid off, that I already knew from Emily and now we are done.

She told me I will be so glad at the result of the whole process and I can tell you I am already but have a feeling that this is just the beginning of a extreme change of my life, THANKS TO EMILY!


Emily . . . you ROCK!

The reading(s) you did for me the other night were amazing. I asked questions regarding 5 different people in under 25 minutes . . and you told me the WHOLE story. You nailed their histories, personalities, circumstance and past behaviors without me telling you any of that. Now I now know how to proceed to get a much more satisfying outcome in each situation.


Nice website and great “philosophy”, it’s been a long time since I practiced “Tarot” in the fashion you describe, it brings back memories to see your method illustrated and explained.

Happy “spring equinox” to you and yours…

Eso Man

I have been getting readings from Emily for a long time and to say that she is accurate is a gross understatement. Whether matters of the heart, business or just to get a read from a person.. try her you will be glad you did

Samuel Fennell

We just got preapproved for home financing and he is putting down the down payment. Prayers for a smooth home hunting process and closing but you were spot on because we’re growing together so beautifully his mom offered an additional 20k for the down payment

Charysa Rose

Emily you are such a wonderful prophetess. 2 months ago I asked you if my job would pay out my contract the way they promised and you told me I would have to fight for it. You said essentially I’d have to tell them they fired me by not hiring their word and not to continue until they rehire me.

Well yesterday I found they weren’t going to keep their word, magically I gave a schedule business trip to headquarters Monday and I felt so lost until you just sent this message and reminded me I’m a warrior and I earn all my achievements and I take pride in winning the right and hard way. Thank you for your gift and timing of messaging

Charysa Rose

I thank God everyday as soon as I wake up. That I called you from that Ad in Cosmopolitan Magazine so many years ago.


I called Emily with a relatively mundane question, and she gave me a deep and true answer that really helped me understand my role in a relationship. She and Tarot focused in on the core of the matter, and delivered the message with intelligence and foresight.


For me, getting your readings reduces my anxiety. How many times was TV right on the money with situations that I did not describe to you and then, your cards told the tale, to the point! I guess there were some times when it was not totally correct, but I don’t even really know.



You have no idea how much you already helped me in life. In 3 years I lost 3 members of my family (a 3 year old nephew, my mum and last Monday, my dad). My sincere gratitude for your beautiful work.

In this meanwhile, I have been trying to invest my efforts to rebuild my life after becoming unemployed from a high position in a career unfortunately faded to failure in Brazil lately: book industry.

That is why I am back to university studying in a Ph.D. program (And also trying to rescue a love from my past…)

I don’t know what i would have done without your amazing work with your site. I will be forever grateful to you, Emily.

Sorry for sharing so much…

Name Witheld

I asked Emily about a complex Criminal Court Case that I’m involved in. It’s very complicated and involves multiple defendants. I really had low expectations for this reading request as Psychics I used in the past seemed clueless about Legal questions. So, I was shocked when things came to pass this week exactly as she described in her tarot email reading! It was a WoW moment when I found out yesterday as I remembered your reading right away.

It is truly Amazing how she can read any situation. I highly recommend getting a reading from her.


Hey Emily, how’s going? I really hope you doing well my personal Diva, I love your website and love how you write and explain things. My words are nothing but the truth, you are Beautiful, take care


I had a reading from Emily, she confirmed alot of things that noone would know. She says. it as she sees it, I would recommend. her to anyone. I will. be. calling her again . Thank you Emily..

Thank you for everything. You are amazing.


There is a profound difference between your method and any other method I learned online or by book has taught me. You have done your research and I trust it.

Deanna Easton

You’ve read for me the last few days…and the cards show attraction and daydreaming on his part and that he wouldn’t dare cross any lines. So this reading’s message is definitely in keep with the previous messages.

Grazia M.

Omg in re reading this from 2 years ago, that is exactly what happened. I am in a completely new place making double what I made SOLELY because a new leader came in, recognized my potential and the hell hole and brought me with her to a new company that I just celebrated my 1 year and I am celebrated and cherished here 💕 


I guess one part of my brain was listening to you all this time. I can tell you that when the dude was telling me how he loves me, I just said, “thanks “

Lessons on life from Emily’s life are paying off!
Christina C.

Emily, I am enjoying your daily Forum newsletter. I try to figure it out before I read your interpretation. Baby steps. Learning a whole new way of reading Tarot through the interpretation of the images. Difficult to push aside what I already learned, but I think what’s coming through with my practices are more accurate…. 🙂 Thank you.

Dawn Marie

Thank you for your insights in my recent divorce/custody saga. You were able to see the big picture, as well as the issues going on behind the scenes. Your readings were better than therapy.

A comment on my site

I am the woman in Emily’s “Psychic Emergency: Life-saving Message”article. I was on the phone with Emily. My husband came home with a pizza. I hung up with Emily. I wasn’t hungry, and my husband ate half. I was running around doing things in my house. Emily called several times, and I was not able to answer the phone. Emily called again and yelled into my answering machine “I am trying to get your attention.” I finally called her back. Emily told me not to touch the pizza; that he had poisoned it. Emily gave me the idea of taking it to his mother’s house, who had a live in nurse; and to make sure that I told my husband, as soon as he got out of the bath, what I had done.

Upon his finding out what I had done, the blood drained from his face. He ran out of the house in, shall we say, his bath skirt. He ran into the front door of the mother’s house, grabbed the box of pizza, asked whether Mother had eaten any, and ran out the back door, box in his hands. The next day the nurse called and said “There is something wrong with his head. He ran over here half naked.” To this day, they still can’t figure out whatever made him do that.

When I first met Emily in l997 I was–I refuse to call myself stupid–naive. Thanks to Emily! She raised an already middle-aged woman. Due to her persistent effort, I benefited in many ways. Where do I begin telling you? Would you consider having your life saved as important? Well, Emily has saved mine several times. While I was on the telephone with Emily, all of a sudden there was a person on my roof! I was at a loss. I was angry. I was going out there.. Who are these people? Emily told me. “Just stay indoors! ” That was an order.. “The weather will take care of it.” The day had been very peaceful, quiet, sunny. The night, no threat of storms. Suddenly, very suddenly, there was a thunder Storm, and lightning struck the roof of my house. My house did not go on fire. But there was the sound of something sliding down the front of my pitched roof. There was a man whose shirt was on fire, when I looked out to see what dropped off of my roof. He then got on a bicycle and pedaled away very quickly. I am keeping this stuff short.

Emily told me late at night in a blizzard to go to a house I was afraid to be in, and take original papers that left me money out of the safe, copy them at Kinko’s, and put the copies back in the safe. She said my sister was going to forge the originals, to cheat me, which did happen. She forged copies! (LOL) Long story short, that one trip netted me $180,000, half of my parents’ house, after my father died, which my sister was going to claim he left all to her.

Then my father left me a money inheritance. For over a year I was trying to get it from the sister’s lawyer, who had it in trust for me…no success. Thanks to Emily’s knowledge and “gift,” I saw immediate results (to the tune of a $144,000 check) after Emily gave me the words “Writ of Bodily Attachment” –to give the head of the law firm’s secretary those words in a message. That was on a Friday.

Saturday morning there was just one envelope in my mailbox. The glue was still wet. A uncancelled stamp was on it. So not only has she saved my life several times,but I also gained $144,000, a total of $324,000 which I would have been robbed of.Emily lives in a mixed kingdom; Emily has many different animals and is able to have them live happily. Do you know I thought Emily’s geese were in her house?. Then I was told they were outdoors. Have you ever heard a bull elk bugle! The animals appreciate their lives thanks to Emily. She knows, she has a gut knowledge of what is needed. I take care of many birds, and I should have known I had a problem and I couldn’t figure it out. Emily did cards for me and told me to move one particular bird to a diferent place. The problem was resolved. Emily knows the potential of people. She asked me what my credentials were. I told her. She kept it up, for me not to waste my education.

How would being employed as a professor in a very prestigious university teaching microbiology and DNA research sound. nice salary.

thanks, Emily.


Emily Saves Lives!

When my youngest son was a baby, he was going “coding” & requiring cpr several times each day. The docs could not figure out what was happening. The Native Americans at a local pueblo did a sweat for my son. They were able to tell me something that would happen to his health, but we’re not able to tell what was going on with my son’s heart. Emily was able to tell me exactly what was wrong with my son’s heart & that he needed a pacemaker . I spoke to the docs about what she said. One doctor at the hospital was open to what Emily had told me & talked to the other docs to get a test ordered. The information showed up on the test to determine that my child did indeed need a pacemaker. At 4 months old, my son received the pacemaker. Today he is 9! Emily was right & because of her, my child is alive. Thank you so much, Emily! I can never express enough the gratitude in my heart for you.


You are a true inspiration Emily ! Your ability to integrate your insight with the spreads of your magical Tarot cards is admirable !I recommend you to any one who needs a more clear understanding about their lives and the choices they might have !Thank you for being a part of my life journey !

Jacob D

Emily you are always so accurate on what’s going on in my life. I especially enjoy my ONE ON ONE with you. What an amazing experience!!!You can bet Ill be talking to you very often.

Terrific visit last week. I only wish many others could find how your advice helps in the everyday adventures in life!!!

Ron Davidson

Emily is amazing! Thank you for all that you do and opening this world and unique tool to me. Tarotverbatim introduced me and kept me interested in tarot for the past 5 years- because it’s been surprisingly accurate to answering my question each and everytime. I subscribe to both of her sites and her personal readings help provide so much clarity when I need it most.


I think your insight into the tarot is amazing. I have been reading tarot for around 25 years and you provide a different take on some of the card combinations or stories.


I recommend you to anyone that’s interested. Tarot verbatim is such a relief from “psychics” online that just repeat what you say and mention generic heart warming things! Brutal truth is the best truth!


Thanks Emily! Thanks for discovering Tarot Verbatim and sharing it. It’s the only way of interpreting the cards that seems to work. I’m having fun playing with it. My favourite is when I’ve been asking too much and tarot literally says “why are you asking so much??”


I usually call Emily when I am anxious about something and need clarity, she pinpoints the issue and shift my energy every time. Her accuracy is on another level. I asked her if I was making the right choice hiring a person, I was very nervous because I would have to use the majority of my savings during this pandemic to hire him. I also asked if I would break even, lose what I invested or somehow make money in the long run.

She said (verbatim), You are making the right choice hiring him. Do not worry, he will fix everything AND you will be very happy with the end result. He is taking care of it and you will end up in a better place because of this.




I signed up for Tarot Easy Pieces on the new site and the two card combos. The simplicity of the easy pieces sticks in my mind. Queen of Cups understands her man. 9 of Pentacles doesn’t need him. I love opening my Tarot Easy Piece and reading it while I have my coffee in the morning.

Mrs. Ung

This is a great for interpreting the general meaning and situation, of tarot cards! And suprise the cards seem very true for my love situation! I love TarotVerbatim! All of the articles, on this website are very insightfull indeed! And my skills at reading the cards have greatly improved!


Thanks for the reading you gave me Wednesday on my work situation. The big meeting was held today in my absence. I had the conversations you recommended before I left . . . so my boss was happy and the stage was set for all to go well.


With gratitude


It’s good to know the right time to push and the right time to let things happen. Glad you’re here to advise us on the currents. Pictures flash through my head: whales following the pod leader, elephants following the oldest female, Eskimos learning when and where to hunt, then there’s us and Emily.

First of all, thank you so much for your website. It’s changed my life and guided me to many blessings through your readings and trusting the messages.

I love your site so much I accidentally created two memberships,


Emily gives good solid advice that works. Even when what she tells you something you don’t want to hear, she says it in a way that you start to laugh at yourself and move on.


I can’t say enough good things about Emily and Tarot Verbatim. I have been studying tarot since I was 12 years old. 20+ years later, tarot verbatim is the first method that taught me to make sentences out of the cards. I reference Emily’s blog and tarot card spreads daily. They help me to use tarot as a tool of self reflection; it’s like a second language to me.

I also appreciate the diversity in meanings as opposed to other interpretations. For example, I never knew the six of wands as anything other than a card of victory. Tarot Verbatim taught me that the six of wands is actually the bullshit card; an agenda. This meaning shows up now and there’s bullshit at hand — it’s just a more accurate interpretation.

Bottom line, Tarot Verbatim is an accurate, effective system.

I highly recommend a phone reading too for a more in-depth study of what’s going on with you. I always end the call feeling like I got what I needed.

Thank you Emily!


Hi Emily, I just wanted to let you know that you were right. The boyfriend was lied to about future work. Thank you so much!

L. L.

I actually sent you a question for an email reading instead as I was just keen to hear a second opinion. I read tarot and have been deriving a lot of insight from your site, it’s an amazing way to approach tarot and I can see how much sense it makes. You’ve really opened my eyes to a new dimension in my relationship with tarot. So thank you so much for that.

I find it hard to be objective with my own readings, especially when it’s related to matters of the heart, hence why I decided to send you an email question. I could see from your site that you are skilled and I trust your ability to be objective. Whatever the answer may be, I’d rather hear it straight rather than allow my subconscious mind to kid itself!

So hopefully you have that question, it was essentially, ‘How does he view/feel about me/our relationship’.

Thank you Emily

C.E. Jones

If you only knew how relevant this was to what’s been showing up. There are a lot of things I still can’t put in words, thank you. I’m going back and re-examining the day in light of your readings. The patterns show up on many levels. It’s very helpful, like listening to the commentary on the nature channel.

I like seeing the same day in the light of other days readings as well. You’re showing us the important patterns in the world. Thank you for everything.

Anonymously provided

This is exactly what happened today with my ‘friend’:

Being intensely aware of mass consciousness pays off in all sorts of ways. You clearly see what is going on, and what will be going on, with the people around you when you can feel what they are thinking, feel it in your gut. Just tuning in to the ongoing process is developing psychic awareness in yourself. Try it.

I always like to read this at the end of the day to see if it ‘matches’ and it seems it always does in some form or another.

Tina Gagnon

Emily Saves Lives!
When my youngest son was a baby, he was going “coding” & requiring cpr several times each day. The docs could not figure out what was happening. The Native Americans at a local pueblo did a sweat for my son. They were able to tell me something that would happen to his health, but we’re not able to tell what was going on with my son’s heart. Emily was able to tell me exactly what was wrong with my son’s heart & that he needed a pacemaker . I spoke to the docs about what she said. One doctor at the hospital was open to what Emily had told me & talked to the other docs to get a test ordered. The information showed up on the test to determine that my child did indeed need a pacemaker. At 4 months old, my son received the pacemaker. Today he is 9! Emily was right & because of her, my child is alive. Thank you so much, Emily! I can never express enough the gratitude in my heart for you.


I had a phone reading with Emily on 10/15/17 and she was very kind. She did not need any background information from me in order to read the situation and she did not waste a lot of time. She was very thorough and insightful. Emily confirmed some things for me that I did not even mention or ask about, right from the start. I am curious to see what happens in the future and I have confidence that Emily’s reading was right on the nose. Thank You Emily!


A big heartfelt thank you to Emily and the tarot reading she did for me. Emily gave me the clarity and confirmation that I needed. I now will take the next step which is a big step but will resolve a fraught personal situation. I would definitely recommend Emily. Thank you again Emily…..


My work situation was a mess, the office politics really got me down, but after reading your daily guidances I am learning a lot about human nature and it is making me more effective and less anxious. Now that I know about the “herd mentality,” I can rise above it!

Anonymously provided

Thank you for your insights in my recent divorce/custody saga. You were able to see the big picture, as well as the issues going on behind the scenes. Your readings were better than therapy


Wow Emily! Right on, and more than I thought you’d come up with.
don’t know why, I’ve been calling you for about 12 years).

Thanks so much and talk to you soon.


Emily, Today’s Tarot was spot-on for a woman I know who is dealing with a bully. I am going to send her links to your website. Your amazing accuracy with Tarot is so much appreciated.

Love always,

Ava Goldman

When using Tarot Verbatim for work as a tarot professional my readings have come to life. I’m no longer “reading” cards but interpreting a dialogue between tarot and the querent. The amount of information that can be extracted from a ten card spread is almost as impressive as its accuracy! Clients are stunned to finally get answers that they have been seeking for years because the flat one-sided interpretations only scratch the surface when the tarot is seen as just a bunch of cardboard images – it has spirit!Emily says that “Tarot wants to talk to you” and that is the truth, Tarot literally means “truth” and the answers one can deduce using her system are like nothing I have ever seen before. The “Tarot Verbatim” system can aid in making one wiser and more productive when it comes to being a tarot professional. I have never seen anything like it, and though I will always be a lifelong seeker of tarot wisdom, I truly doubt I will ever find anything as useful and profound ever again.

Diana Black

Honestly Emily,

Do you do these readings JUST for me? We had this conversation last time I called you . . and you gave me the fantastic guidance of course. Sometimes I feel like I have to check under my bed to see if you are there listening in on my conversation . . you are so right on.

[comment on site]

I knew someone had been using my intellectual property for themselves but I wasn’t sure who the culprit was or why. Emily told me that it was my husband who was stealing the work and giving it to a business partner to whom he owed money. I didn’t know what to say, but she was dead right!

I asked Emily why my attorney wasn’t doing her job and getting me what I needed, she told me instantly that the lawyer was being bribed by my ex-husband, and she was right

I always check with Emily about everything before acting. It doesn’t matter if it love, money or family she always gets it right


Emily read for me over the phone today. I had one very important question and was so relieved to hear what she had to say. She is a very caring and intelligent lady and I recommend her!

Connie Marcantel

Emily read for me tonight for the first time. I wanted to know about the big 6 questions on her site. As she read, it was hard for me to keep quiet. I didn’t want to feel I was giving her any information to feed on. Once she finished, I told her how accurate the reading was and why.

I’ve had readings before and have found most to be lacking. There was always something that wasn’t right. However, this reading was amazing. There were things I knew to be true and others she told me about. She gave a lot of details. Everything she said was true.

Her predictions, I am waiting to see happen. I look forward to future readings. I am glad I found her.


Emily is absolutely awesome as a person and as a reader. She cares, but as a no nonsense attitude that makes for a great tarot reading. She has helped me a lot in all areas. As a client and reader myself I highly recommend Emily!

The Tarot Verbatim system is the best way to learn and read tarot! It is straightforward and easy to use. It saves a lot of time and headaches, especially when reading for yourself. It makes answers very clear. I have been reading tarot professionally for 14 years and this is the best system I have ever seen.

Diana Black Satori Nation

Emily is my favorite Tarot reader. I’ve purchased three email readings from her and will definitely be a lifetime customer. Her readings are clear, memorable, and easy to apply to the challenges I’ve asked about. I love that I can google any of the cards, or a pair and look at them in greater detail on her site. I highly recommend Emily as a resource should you find yourself feeling stuck and searching for a new perspective on what may be an old question.


Emily did a reading for me when I was questioning the intentions of a man I had met four months earlier who was coming on strong, but who left me with a feeling of knots in my stomach. All four spreads she presented said that he loved me and was thinking of marriage – every single card. However, at the bottom of the reading Emily wrote something like

“Be careful, he might be draining your energy.”

I had not told her what I was feeling. Sure enough, a few weeks later his true colors showed themselves. Turns out, he only stays with a woman for a few months, draining her, and then dumps her for another woman he has come to “love.” Thankfully, I was watching him carefully and when he started devaluing me and another woman seemed to be lurking about, I left him cold. Two weeks later this woman was declaring her love for him and he for her on the Internet. That little note at the bottom of a seemingly sterling reading was the kernel of truth I needed to be aware. Sometimes things can appear too perfect.”

Thanks Emily.

Deborah Lovelace

Emily I am fascinated with your work. You remind of the Oracle from the Matrix movie, but with the sarcastic humor added. That makes your readings all the more engaging.


I received some exciting news! It was on point! I enjoy my readings! It be just what she said! Thanks Emily!^_^



I love your style of reading. It’s like it taps into universal consciousness and is so rational at the same time. Congratulations on your most unique take on tarot.


Ok, I have to let everyone that reads these spreads and the testimonials to let you know that this spread happened almost to the letter today, 5/6. He finally revealed to me his feelings and he kissed me 2x this morning after I asked him to fix my car. I am so excited beyond measure. Thank you Emily for showing me a glimpse of the future in these spreads and how they match my life.


This spread got me thinking all weekend as many of your postings do. Your insight and guidance have become very helpful to me. Often it is so spot on and accurate, i feel i have a secret weapon to deal with what life is throwing at me, both good and bad. Thank you!


I’m loving these spreads…. I am so not the patient type but I better learn to take it easy and relax…. I take a 30 minute lunch so I will try giving u a call then and hopefully ur not busy.. Thanks Emily!!!

I am the woman in Emily’s “Psychic Emergency: Life-saving Message”article. I was on the phone with Emily. My husband came home with a pizza. I hung up with Emily. I wasn’t hungry, and my husband ate half. I was running around doing things in my house. Emily called several times, and I was not able to answer the phone. Emily called again and yelled into my answering machine “I am trying to get your attention.” I finally called her back. Emily told me not to touch the pizza; that he had poisoned it. Emily gave me the idea of taking it to his mother’s house, who had a live in nurse; and to make sure that I told my husband, as soon as he got out of the bath, what I had done.

Upon his finding out what I had done, the blood drained from his face. He ran out of the house in, shall we say, his bath skirt. He ran into the front door of the mother’s house, grabbed the box of pizza, asked whether Mother had eaten any, and ran out the back door, box in his hands. The next day the nurse called and said “There is something wrong with his head. He ran over here half naked.” To this day, they still can’t figure out whatever made him do that.

When I first met Emily in l997 I was–I refuse to call myself stupid–naive. Thanks to Emily! She raised an already middle-aged woman. Due to her persistent effort, I benefited in many ways. Where do I begin telling you? Would you consider having your life saved as important? Well, Emily has saved mine several times. While I was on the telephone with Emily, all of a sudden there was a person on my roof! I was at a loss. I was angry. I was going out there.. Who are these people? Emily told me. “Just stay indoors! ” That was an order.. “The weather will take care of it.” The day had been very peaceful, quiet, sunny. The night, no threat of storms. Suddenly, very suddenly, there was a thunder Storm, and lightning struck the roof of my house. My house did not go on fire. But there was the sound of something sliding down the front of my pitched roof. There was a man whose shirt was on fire, when I looked out to see what dropped off of my roof. He then got on a bicycle and pedaled away very quickly. I am keeping this stuff short.

Emily told me late at night in a blizzard to go to a house I was afraid to be in, and take original papers that left me money out of the safe, copy them at Kinko’s, and put the copies back in the safe. She said my sister was going to forge the originals, to cheat me, which did happen. She forged copies! (LOL) Long story short, that one trip netted me $180,000, half of my parents’ house, after my father died, which my sister was going to claim he left all to her.

Then my father left me a money inheritance. For over a year I was trying to get it from the sister’s lawyer, who had it in trust for me…no success. Thanks to Emily’s knowledge and “gift,” I saw immediate results (to the tune of a $144,000 check) after Emily gave me the words “Writ of Bodily Attachment” –to give the head of the law firm’s secretary those words in a message. That was on a Friday.

Saturday morning there was just one envelope in my mailbox. The glue was still wet. A uncancelled stamp was on it. So not only has she saved my life several times,but I also gained $144,000, a total of $324,000 which I would have been robbed of.Emily lives in a mixed kingdom; Emily has many different animals and is able to have them live happily. Do you know I thought Emily’s geese were in her house?. Then I was told they were outdoors. Have you ever heard a bull elk bugle! The animals appreciate their lives thanks to Emily. She knows, she has a gut knowledge of what is needed. I take care of many birds, and I should have known I had a problem and I couldn’t figure it out. Emily did cards for me and told me to move one particular bird to a diferent place. The problem was resolved. Emily knows the potential of people. She asked me what my credentials were. I told her. She kept it up, for me not to waste my education.

How would being employed as a professor in a very prestigious university teaching microbiology and DNA research sound. nice salary.

thanks, Emily.


I have been getting readings from Emily for a long time and to say that she is accurate is a gross understatement. Whether matters of the heart, business or just to get a read from a person.. try her you will be glad you did

Samuel Fennell

You are a true inspiration Emily ! Your ability to integrate your insight with the spreads of your magical Tarot cards is admirable !I recommend you to any one who needs a more clear understanding about their lives and the choices they might have !Thank you for being a part of my life journey !

Jacob D


thank you so much for a wonderful reading,today.You helped me to have a better understanding of my relationship once I knew the purpose for it.This means so much to me.You see,I’ve learned over time that “it’s usually about the story, instead of the happily ever afters” this is where I have learned to keep my gratitude for my relationships, instead of placing expectations on anybody.I couldn’t help but laugh when you were describing the other person’s thoughts/feelings.You nailed it to a tee.It was exactly the same way he expresses himself with the same words,so it kind caught me by surprise. Again,it was a pleasure to talk with you today,along with the extra perks you told me about,too.

Thank you!


Emily is special. She changed the course of my life. Her advice about bite guards and lozenges was spot on too.

You were able to answer all his questions and bring him the peace that he so desperately needed to hold him together. I recommend only those that want the same…. call Emily. You wont be disappointed. Thank you, Emily

I have known Emily since 1993


What can I say about this remarkably intelligent woman accept her ability to connect with any person or situation through tarot has never been any- thing short of spectacular.

I have read with other psychics but there has never been or ever will be someone who has mastered the art of tarot reading like her.

She taught me years ago that, in tarot, one needs to be aware that there are two different plains from which predictions surface in a layout. The subconscious which may never make it to the reality of a true prediction coming to fruition and an earthly prediction which is what is supposed to come to pass but may not be as “glamorous” as the subconscious prediction because the person being read isn’t in tuned with the subconscious. No psychic I have met has ever figured out this formula while reading tarot and this makes her readings as authentic and accurate as I have ever seen!

Emily has become a true master of this craft and reads the card lay outs as sentences that are precisely what the person is being read about at the moment is thinking. Even more astonishing is that I have heard them voice those exact thoughts or words just hours after I have spoken with Emily! She is absolutely amazing at defining the identity of the connection with relationships and even more so at being able to instantly define the personality of the person being read as if she knows them!

She has an extremely unique way of reading and I will say that not she has never wavered on one prediction in all of these years and every single thing has come to pass for me! She has really saved me from making some bad decisions through the years regarding love relationships. I would like to add that she is magnificent at reading business situations. Very accurate there too. I appreciate you and your talents Emily, you have been a wonderful mentor through these years!


Hey Emily ,
I’d like to start by thanking you for many accurate and informative readings . You’ve always been right on point in each situation.
I’d also like to say I am a member of your site and purchase your lessons. They have added accuracy and new dimensions to the readings I was already doing. Each lesson explains the card in a way that allows you to build an intimate relationship with it . It almost feels like you know each card personally by the end of the lesson. The keywords help you to put together the story in a meaningful way. I highly recommend anyone who does tarot ,regardless of experience, to give the lessons of try. THANKS AGAIN.


I am a member of Tarot Verbatim and have learned a lot from you. I came across it in 2016 and a year later began working in the Psychic world. I taught myself Tarot mostly from using your site.


OMI Goodness Emily,

I just downloaded your e-book “What Tarot Can Do For You.” It’s exquisite. Why did I wait so long? I thought I knew so much after having you as a consultant for the past 6 years . . . there is sooo much more. Thank you for this wonderful gift.

Emily . . you are a great teacher . . .


I have been getting readings from Emily for over 15 years. She is always right and always makes me feel so much better after speaking with her. I highly recommend her for any questions you have about anything. She is a very nice and honest woman.


I do my own daily reading and tarot diary to compare. All of the choices of meanings you present are awesome – I can get very linear and only see things a certain way, but that doesn’t seem to happen to you. Your descriptions help me think ‘outside the box.’ Thank you.


I do my own daily reading and tarot diary to compare. All of the choices of meanings you present are awesome – I can get very linear and only see things a certain way, but that doesn’t seem to happen to you. Your descriptions help me think ‘outside the box.’ Thank you.


Emily is the best! Not only could she give me details, she was able to pick up on my personal feelings and emotions. I have been using her for 5 years and she has always been right on the money in reards to predictions.

Sometimes situations are not as bad as we think.

What I like about her most is that she is caring. She offers great advice when she feels that you are stuck in a tough situation.

Shes great at what she does and I’ll tell you that you’ll never found another like her.


Talking to Emily has changed my life for the better. I first began speaking to her a few years ago after an extremely stressful time when all of the logic, analysis, and planning in the world did NOTHING to fix the problem.

I consider myself to be a reasonably intelligent, rational person so I was a bit skeptical about psychics, but my intuition said, “Just do it!” and I’m glad I did. I first found out about Emily from reading her stellar reviews online and over the years she’s really helped me come up with problem solving strategies to deal with complex situations.

What makes Emily different from other psychic professionals is, she gives solution oriented advice, rather than a vague description of what the future holds. She puts the power back into your hands by giving you the insight and information you need in order to change the course of your life if you decide that the current future outlook is unsatisfactory.

Every time, I’ve followed her suggestions verbatim…they worked! I absolutely love Tarot Verbatim and appreciate the instructional tools she offers free on her blog that help readers get in touch with their own intuition and sharpen their skills for themselves.


Oh Emily!!!! You won’t believe it!! Upon the arrival of this email…I was invited by a friend to assist as a guest to an introductory course of brokers and realtors!!! I accepted her invitation unknowingly of your incoming tarot verbatim reading!! Oh God…I got goosebumps while reading this email!!!

I have a B.Sc. in Chemistry and through the years I went back to college and finished an M.A. in I/O Psychology but haven’t had the chance to work as a chemist neither as an industrial/org psych here in my country. I kept struggling for years in order to become employed as a chemist (because I LOVE science) but the dream never came to be. I do not like what I do for a living now and was considering to make a radical change in my life but didn’t know what else to do. I’m a mature woman searching for my own economical stability and security. And while doing so…I want to give back to my country…to my people! I want to be of service to them.

Of course you can post this reading!! And THANK YOU Emily for your marvelous tarot verbatim!!. Love and Light for you and your family.


Emily has been giving me guidance for years. She was right on when she told me that my boyfriend was lied to about more work. He was told that this week. Thank you Emily.

Lisa Smith

Emily is very thoughtful, insightful and brings a welcome sense of humor and reality to her readings. I highly recommend them!


Emily helped me so much tonight!
I was feeling anxious about my relationship and had a hard time concentrating on anything else. She read my cards and told me the story of the cow and the bull. It made so much sense. By the end of our call I had a new perspective, an attitude of humor, and was a 0 on a 10 scale for anxiety. That phone call was worth every penny. Emily is remarkably gifted and is such a resource. I’m so grateful for her! Thank you Emily!!!


I got 2 email readings from you about 2 years ago..each about a month apart and everything that you predicted would happen did happen! In it’s own time of course..I would say roughly a year and a half later things came to fruition. I finally got rid of that grumpy “King of Wands” that I was holding onto. I even was introduced to that cheating “King of Pentacles” that you said I would meet. I had no idea who he was at the time of the reading lol. I wanted to share my back story with you, because I’m about to head over to your website for another email reading. And I just wanted you to know this before I submitted it, so be looking out for my email :)

Thank you so much for your gift, Emily Please Feel free to share this testimonial if you’d like

Morgan Goodnight

Hi, I have found Emily’s help invaluable in navigating the shoals of a meaningful but difficult love relationship. She has done readings for me as well as interpreted my own in a way that has helped me better understand not only the man involved but myself. I found peace with her help and a better interpretation of what happened. Really excellent tarot reader and lovely human being. Not to mention smart!!


I have been getting readings from Emily for over 15 years. She is always right and always makes me feel so much better after speaking with her. I highly recommend her for any questions you have about anything. She is a very nice and honest woman.

Anonymously provided

Brutally honest and often uncannily accurate. She has helped me with some major league litigation. Once she told me a court did not have jurisdiction which made no sense because the case was actually before them, it turned out on discovery that, the judge had not been properly appointed and so indeed had no jurisdiction and his verdict was set aside on appeal. Once I was concerned about the defamatory things a witness, one of my former employees, was saying in his written statement. Emily said his testimony would be disregarded except for some technical part which seemed unbelievable when she said it, but indeed, his witness statement was simply excluded as not relevant, and he was orally cross examined on his technical knowledge of how a web site worked. In litigation matters, I have not actually known her to be wrong..as for matters of the heart, these are not angel cards and they are of course filtered through emily’s own take on people. I never actually believed in Tarot before I found emily. Now I believe, though I would not always use Tarot. Sometimes I just prefer to rely on my own intuition, some times I want to double check what I am thinking and find it is reflected back to me

Anonymously provided

Emily, I love your blog! Not only am I learning Tarot, my consciousness is being raised, thank you for your work

I asked Emily about a custody case I was going through, she said that the case would take longer than usual as there was a backlog and an investigation behind the scenes. Her insights into the hold up in the situation truly kept me from making a scene out of frustration.

Emily told me that a new, but low-paying job, that I took on would provide me with what I really needed. She was absolutely right! I met the right people and fell into the right opportunities even though I was skeptical at first.

I would never have survived a horrible separation if it weren’t for Emily’s guidance. Her advice and tarot readings were priceless and her personal and professional experience gave me the information I needed to make it through.

I was amazed and delighted when I stumbled upon the Tarot Verbatim website one day. After twenty years of study and practice I thought that I knew everything about “these cards”, but after reading Emily’s insights about the tarot and her daily spreads a whole new world opened up for me. Tarot is more than a deck of cards that one “reads”, it is has an identity and can “talk” to you if you engage it. Tarot Verbatim brings the language of the cards to light using phrases instead of “key words”, which can be useful in some cases, but don’t make sentences that can answer far more than one ever knew.


Emily is a wonderful reader and is nearly always available for emergency readings when you need an ear and some insight. Her readings are highly accurate and very helpful whenever I find myself in a bind! She is also great at relationship readings and very good at accurately determining what the other person is thinking/feeling. Good, Solid & Reliable.

Kay G.

Best 37.50 I’ve spent in a long time!!

Emily is quick, professional and thorough. Her explanations make sense. She is great at what she does!

I highly recommend calling her.

Don’t waste time with those other “psychic” call lines. Just call Emily.

I just wanted to let you know that I received a payout in January. I sat tight, asked for an increase in the settlement figure and it was accepted.

The cards and your interpretation were accurate. The reading encouraged me at a difficult turning point in the proceedings.

If you would like to use this testimonial on your website, please do so!

Reflecting on the Tower – I think that is the final separation of the working relationship under dramatic circumstances.

Temperance – yes, negotiating. Successfully.

Many thanks. I am looking for work. I’d be interested in a phone reading with you. How much would that be?


I have been recieiving readings with Emily for over a year. She is highly accurate and is able to successfully pick up outcomes as well as read other peoples motives, thoughts and emotions thru the tarot. Emily is my go to reader and I highly recommend her, I’m always amazed at her accuracy even when things seem far fetched and hopeless she sees the truth of the situation. She is very gifted reader.


Emily you are always so accurate on what’s going on in my life. I especially enjoy my ONE ON ONE with you. What an amazing experience!!!You can bet Ill be talking to you very often.

Terrific visit last week. I only wish many others coud find how your advice helps in the everyday adventures in life!!!

Ron Davidson

Thank you so much for the quick and prompt email reading the other day regarding my father’s car accident and settlement. I want to validate that the first 2 spreads of the reading were actually validating the first settlement that he received back in 2014, He only received 22,500 and that was not enough.

Now he has been waiting for his tort Settlement which is the big one and the cards in the last 2 spreads validated that its shocking how long it takes because he has been waiting for 3 years since October that just passed. So I assume that since the cards are pointing towards him wining big he is getting at least 100,000 and up. They are asking for 110,000 on the tort.

J. D. B.

This is amazing. The last two questions I asked you, I also did a reading on and came back with most of the same cards. I’m not very good at putting them into a sentence, but this does make me believe even more than ever that there is something wonderfully logical about tarot. Thanks.

D. L.

Two years ago, you did a reading for a friend. She wanted me to tell you it came true yesterday. She wrote down your reading and went back over it. You told her the guy would come back, but by then she wouldn’t want him anymore. Presto. Exactly as you said.


Thank you for the last night’s reading. Not what I wanted to hear, but what I needed. You helped me feel better, too. I appreciate it.


Hey Emily! My mom and I talked to you last night- I’m tammys daughter (from NC) Your blog is great! I came on here to write a testimonial about the great reading you gave me about my missing cat last thanksgiving, who you predicted would come back….and a month later he did. It was probably the happiest reading and outcome out of the many great questions you’ve answered for my mom and I over the years. I tried to write a testimonial and I couldn’t find where you click to fill out the form? Maybe I’m just confused. Thanks again Emily.



I believe you are completely, and poetically, correct. I’m not sure if your advice comes from readings or from your common sense, but either way, it is the truth. If you don’t mind, I’m going to stay in contact. I’m going through a major restructuring of my life and priorities, possibly the greatest redirection of my life, and I find solace and truth in your readings and methods that I do not find elsewhere. As a professional writer, I also delight in your highly creative, humorous yet precise writing.

Thank you.


Great Emily! Thank you again ! I am very excited for this program , I have been studying and working on the cards and this system all this time, Making some progress! I am looking forward to getting ahead with tarot verbatim ! Thanks again for all the amazing work you do Emily ! xoxo hugs !


To me Emily is just the BEST BUSINESS ADVISOR ever. Her knowledge helped me to overcome huge crisis and win very difficult situation at work. She gave me the courage and power to make life changing decisions that I have a feeling will pay off for years. So, here is my story.

I have to warn you that it might look so fake as a testimony that people a paid for to sell whatever fast weight losing revolutionary shit, but actually mine story is 100% true and I have been given all the details of it by Emily before the events took place. Today I can hardly recall how I found Emily. I just remember it was some google and tarot word combination. Have been reading the blog for about 3 months, got hooked, than had 2 e-mail readings that cased real and empathetic contact with Emily and her wisdom so I felt welcome to come closer and try reading over the phone.

I did call when I was really desperate and stuck with extremely dangerous business situation. I had some project to be done. Had a partner Tom co-owner of the project on it. It occurred that he did secretly team up with other 2 people man and woman and wants to take over the project from me. What?! That was truly scary. The betrayal, I should, but I did not see coming. Being in debts, having no other projects, job proposals I felt like I am in danger of loosing everything. Have no clue how I did manage to ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS to Emily to find solution. This has saved me. During the process I had 3 readings with Emily.

During first one she confirmed that this very powerful people think what I have is a precious, unique thing and want to seal it by bullying me, trying to destroy me, dominate me. That they are not legible partners but just bad money people with ugly behavior. The problem is that I owe the project but they have money to make it happen. Big letters saying FRAUD where in the air.

Emily instructed me that If they see I ignore their tricky proposal, I do not talk to them, they will feel forced to found my project without overtaking, which I can make happen keeping the mantra: YOU DO NOT MAKE MY DECISION and are you ready to found my project with me being the boss? But even if I would do that ,when the project will be under way they will try to attack me again. Case they think of me as a little girl. The actual phrase Emily used was: They will fuck me over at the time when I have no choice to escape they will just wait for the opportunity – pretext. She warned me that I will become a victim of a situation and have a lawsuit with them, would have to use a lawyer and fight hard to enforce my contract. Here I panicked and thanks God I did ask the key question: Will I manage to get project finished without those invaders? The answer was absolutely clear – 9 of cups!!! Yes!!! YOUR WISH IS GRANTED! You will get what you want out of it.

I will be calm, cool and ready to be a partner with… 3 of cups meaning 3 parties – 3 musketeers. I will have the money and control over the money. I will be home owner. 3 musketeers will be helping me and putting a lot of effort to make it happen. The ex-partners will be out of the deal and very upset about that case they loose a very successful thing that has something unique that will sell. Next question was how will I find new partners. Emily said: networking among people form the business and that I WILL BE APPROACHED by somebody who is very polite. The guy, gentleman sweet and softy.

Assistant of someone who has the money. Those new people will meet my demands and I WILL BE SEDUCED by them. So I did hell of networking just having faith that it will work and as Emily said this people will come out of nowhere and find me. Nearly a month later after not talking much to first partners I got a written offer from them and started a series of meetings where they tried to force me to their vision of making business. After two meetings there was to be the key one – confrontation I was afraid of case I had to say no to very powerful people. Called Emily again and got her advice. She told me interesting detail: YOU WILL BE THE ONLY WOMAN IN THE ROOM. Why, is the other one already out? Very unexpected.

Emily was right again. She also predicted I will be threatened money cut of but it will be a BLUFF!!! Case they want it go ahead and make big money on it they already realized the project guarantees. Than I will have 3 more stages of negotiations ( yes, they took place 100% accordingly to details Emily described) and if I stick to my NO! I WOULD RATHER DIE THAN MAKE IT WITH YOU attitude GREAT STROKE OF LUCK because of it will happen ( Wheel of fortune). Those new partners will come to me. This will be a financial group entity with lost of connections and not the one I think of. Also not only them will approach me as I will become the talk of the town that gets people interested case “little people like me do not sand up to the big bulls like I had to deal with”. Emily said that it will be a big spiritual lesson a mile stone for me.

I would have to STAND UP AGAINST THE WORLD and have nerves of steel to achieve my goal and to grow as a person. So after the second reading I was first approached and than seduced by people I did not know before but they are the best and financially most influential professionals in my business and they are 3 of them – as 3 of Cups card said before. Also there are more people calling me giving the job, offering money case I become famous. Finally my third reading was on big task – splitting with Tom.

Emily calmed me down again saying MY WISH IS GRANTED and it is gonna be so quick and easy that I will even not think, nor remember about the guy. He would want to meet my demand and will loose everything. I will be IN CHARGE FREE & HAPPY. Yes, we seen each other only once: He wanted to be paid off, that I already knew from Emily and now we are done.

She told me I will be so glad at the result of the whole process and I can tell you I am already but have a feeling that this is just the beginning of a extreme change of my life, THANKS TO EMILY!


I like to read the daily blog at the end of the day. At first I read them in the morning and too many coincidences would throw me off balance. I modified my reading to the evening to reflect on the events on the day. Some like to know before it happens. I like to reflect with confidence.


Emily . . . you ROCK!

The reading(s) you did for me the other night were amazing. I asked questions regarding 5 different people in under 25 minutes . . and you told me the WHOLE story. You nailed their histories, personalities, circumstance and past behaviors without me telling you any of that. Now I now know how to proceed to get a much more satisfying outcome in each situation.


Nice website and great “philosophy”, it’s been a long time since I practiced “Tarot” in the fashion you describe, it brings back memories to see your method illustrated and explained.

Happy “spring equinox” to you and yours…

Eso Man

The first two sections make sense for me.

The next few weeks will tell. Nice and light today. phew.

Interesting and helpful, thank you Emily.

“I got over the pain with that cute fellow I wanted even more.”

That one line says it all for me today!

Thanks Emily!


I think what u are doing is amazing .. your writing is impeccable. You are a very strong and inspiring person ..

Nicole from e p.I


Two of Wands – Judgment

Two of Wands - Judgment a good solid future in her new life, her life after death a good solid future - Two of Wands in her new life, her life after...

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What People Are Saying?


Emily helped me so much tonight!
I was feeling anxious about my relationship and had a hard time concentrating on anything else. She read my cards and told me the story of the cow and the bull. It made so much sense. By the end of our call I had a new perspective, an attitude of humor, and was a 0 on a 10 scale for anxiety. That phone call was worth every penny. Emily is remarkably gifted and is such a resource. I’m so grateful for her! Thank you Emily!!!

- K


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What People Are Saying?


Emily helped me so much tonight!
I was feeling anxious about my relationship and had a hard time concentrating on anything else. She read my cards and told me the story of the cow and the bull. It made so much sense. By the end of our call I had a new perspective, an attitude of humor, and was a 0 on a 10 scale for anxiety. That phone call was worth every penny. Emily is remarkably gifted and is such a resource. I’m so grateful for her! Thank you Emily!!!

- K


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