Two Card Combinations For Ace of Swords

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Rare Ace of Swords Combinations

A drawn double-bladed weapon, crowned for victory, in the grip of a hand: You can expect some rough meanings. With certain other sword cards, you can expect some violence and intimidation. But Ace of Swords also is overcoming, means ‘for sure,’ and means victory. (Of course a victory for one side is a defeat for another. The oracle at Delphi told King Croesus that if he made war on the Persians, he would destroy a mighty empire. It was his own empire they referred to.)

Pairs like this don’t link up with one another in a spread; they instead attach to the other cards, and may reflect the meanings they share to whatever meaning those other cards have. Watch for this as you read these Ace of Swords pairs, because that’s true for most of them. Reading through all the Ace of Swords entries is a downer. (Remember I told you.)


Ace of Swords and Major Arcana


Ace of Swords and Cups



Ace of Swords and Pentacles


Ace of Swords and Swords


Ace of Swords and Wands



Rare Ace of Swords Combinations


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