

Two Card Combinations

The Swords

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FoolAce of Swords

Fool and Ace of Swords

Have _ to clear the air.

Mainly, be free.

He is most _ about the young ones.

Number one: Don’t worry. ‘I don’t know’ when I’m confronted.

That subconscious _ that gives me orders.

Either _ or forget about it, one or the other.

They are the most emphatic when they don’t know.

Never mind the fighting.

I have _ I’m not interested. He assumes ___ goes.

Threats don’t mean a thing.

I have to, but I forgot.

Certain that I have no idea.

Things just have to turn out well.

He just has to _ when he doesn’t know anything.

I gotta be free.

You have to ignore _.

Absolutely forgettable.

I completely forget.

Confronted that you forgot.

You must not forget.

Don’t be there to defend yourself.

Not paying attention to high pressure.



FoolTwo of Swords

Fool and Two of Swords

Don’t forget.

May as well; there’s no alternative.

I don’t care if I never __.

Forgot I was not about to ….

… not a __; I am a free agent.

I assume __ isn’t for me.

Mavericks are barred from ….

Freedom is when you don’t ….

I’m a devout outsider.

When you don’t __ to anything and everything.

I have no affiliation, and I never will.

Not one of those optimistic lighthearted ….

No free thinkers allowed.

There’s no __ for free spirits.

I’m not … I forgot …. I don’t … I’m out.


… assumes … don’t.

We can’t be free.

Nothing can stop __.

Young __ block things out.

I just shut down. None … totally free.

That’s not __ and I don’t know why.



FoolThree of Swords

Fool and Three of Swords

There Doesn’t Have to Be Heartache

Somehow dismiss the heartache.

Not being part of the hostilities.

… be free but it hurts.

Not being part of the hostilities.

… be free, but it hurts.

Isn’t a heartache.

It isn’t __ if it is painful.

I forgot why you hate me.

Animosity … to not be there.

I guess you broke my heart?

I know nothing about the war.

Free of heart trouble.

Don’t worry about heart __.

Part and go on our merry way.

To be free … split.

No way are you going to fight.

Ambivalent about conflict.

There’s no __ in a war.

There’s no war.

What enemy?



FoolFour of Swords

Fool and Four of Swords

If only I had not.

Hasn’t begun yet.

Let sleeping dogs lie.

Just a couch potato.

Still youthful.

Just play dead.

Open your mind and meditate.

Clear my mind and leave it that way.

Don’t pay attention; mind your own business.

Doesn’t know he isn’t an active participant.

Just let them, but don’t you do it.

Just let them; don’t be there.

Just let them, you keep out of it.

in the groove after a good rest

Just don’t do it: It’s that easy.

Wasn’t there, and did not play an active part.

No way are they going to desist.

Forget about it; give it a rest.

Forget about getting any sleep.

Lazy and doesn’t listen.

Slept through it, oblivious to it.

Just let it be; don’t do anything about it.

Nothing is being done because no one noticed it.

May as well take a breather.

Overlooked a rest stop.

Don’t think about it – relax.

Subconscious, when you are asleep

Hands off – forget that.

Got used to forgetting things.

It’s a turnoff and you’re ignoring it.

I’m not in, so count me out.

I don’t care; I’m not doing it.

Lie here and zone out.

unknown cause of a coma

It’s just boring.

an uneventful life doesn’t mean anything

not paying attention and have nothing to do with

I went to sleep without knowing it.

May as well sleep in.

Remain open-minded.

Used to not thinking.

Here I am living with a youngster.

Nothing matters so nothing’s doing

Clear your mind and meditate on it.



FoolFive of Swords

Fool and Five of Swords

Immune to Persecution

I am so upbeat … take that away from me.

Don’t ever think you can be pushed around.

… push people around if they don’t notice you.

… forget: YOU are free to kick ass or at least assert yourself.

No matter how uphill your battle is ….

Nobody can intimidate you … you let them.

Your subconscious is _ out to get you.

If you don’t belong anywhere, you _ have enemies.

No one can rob you.

If you don’t know how you are being bullied ….

I have no ties so __ tells me what to do.

No one knows I am cheating.

He has no idea, with his defiant attitude ….

Opportunists assume …. … a wise-guy’s career, without even realizing it.

Beat It, Free of It If you can’t beat them, just _ be there.

I beat it; I am free of it.

You are free to be involved in this person’s conflicts.

I’m _ young, but I am putting up a hell of a fight.

He doesn’t have you under his thumb.

There’s no _ to having to defend what’s yours.

There’s no __ to the taxman.

Winning an argument does not _ the war.

That bad-boy just doesn’t know.

_ get rough, powder puff.

Whether to get even.

Letting yourself be intimidated, you are _ really free.

When someone is out to get you _ be making assumptions.

Your freedom … where you are infringing on (or taking) ours.

Get rough with someone you know nothing about.



FoolSix of Swords

Fool and Six of Swords

I just don’t anymore, and I don’t know why.

… anymore, because I don’t care anymore.

I’m not … anymore, I assume.

He easily forgets and gets over ….

Getting some optimism in me, and not so _ anymore.

I had no idea I was _ all the time, but I’m over it now.

Unconsciously, I avoid …. I’m a free _ who avoids the whole thing.

I just forget about it: It will pass.

It made you mad – you’re free. _ left me and set me free.

You didn’t know until (he) had left.

Higher consciousness slowly puts _ behind.

Leaving _ me for freespirited me.

May as well … before you move on to the next phase.

Your days of ‘footloose and fancy free’ are over.

Doesn’t even think of _, who is on his way out anyway.

He isn’t a _ anymore; he is something else entirely.

His faith is taking him to calmer waters.

Putting his _ life behind for whatever else is out there for (him).

Moving to a better place, wherever that may be.

_ doesn’t live here anymore – don’t know where (he) went.

… is optimistic about his future being better.

Living down his past, his future is wide open.

Feeling no pain, I am getting over ….

… is no longer taking _ seriously.

Free of the past … about a leap into the unknown.

Let your subconscious steer you out of ….

I assume life is going to be better.

_ left to be a free (man).

He gets carried away before he knows it.

I forget myself, and then it passes.

_ comes as natural as instinct, and then it goes.

May as well go along with it.

Moving on our, migrating by instinct.

He is just going to let himself be his … from now on.

He believes in … ‘ and be sorry later.’

To hell with avoiding a bad scene.

I am coming into my uncensored self.

‘I may as well just get out of here.’

Before he knows it, he is drifting into ….



FoolSeven of Swords

Fool and Seven of Swords

Damn the torpedoes.

It’s a long shot, but may as well.

I’m up for the adventure.

I guess it was risky.

I outfox _ without even knowing I did.

You may as well take a chance.

Subconscious adventure.

There’s no danger.

… where no one knows me, for an adventure.

… through a back door somehow.


I wasn’t there when he got his comeuppance.

Let lobbyists do the dirty work.

I seem to be a risk-taker.

… before anyone knows he is a thief.

Somehow or another, you get that troublemaker outta here.

The guilty party … before you know it.

Is not at the scene of the crime.

Just forget the whole thing and sneak out of there.

People are oblivious to this bad boy.

Far be it from me to _ revenge.

You don’t know the risks.

It’s tricky, and there’s no way

Not paying attention, so the man cheats.

When you ignore, there’s something in it for them.

I assume he was up to something. Oblivious to __ being dangerous.

I didn’t know he was fooling around.

You don’t know the shortcuts.

You had no idea that is illegal.



FoolEight of Swords

Fool and Eight of Swords

can’t forget

no damper

no barrier

ain’t helpless

no restrictions

What dead end?

Disability – WHAT disability?

When you die, you are free.

An open mind, or one that’s shut down?

there’s no stifling _

free from that trap

disregard what I’m unable to

free and clear of encumbrances

assume it can’t happen

escape is prevented

assume he/she can’t

if you can’t

can’t forget

can’t ignore

no way to forget

not in my shell – free

assume (he/she) is unable

I guess it just can’t

not acknowledging it’s impossible

You do the impossible without thinking about it.

freed from jail

may as well just go die

no way to be free

could not get this done without

of course it’s impossible

no idea we can’t

hindered by not being there

disengage from whatever holds you back

I don’t know why he/she can’t

I don’t know why I can’t

no reason why you can’t

forgetful person can’t be a

he died so she doesn’t have

can’t do when you don’t know

refuses to acknowledge a disability

disability doesn’t matter

we did not know he was handicapped

isn’t disabled

to heck with being disabled

is so disabled (he) is unaware of

never thought _ would be in a prison

This is the first day of the rest of my life after death.

isn’t dead

death freed (him/her/them/us)

isn’t helpless

isn’t hopeless

isn’t stuck

assume it can’t

didn’t know (he) was dead

heedless of a fatal

freed from the crippling

you are not held back

escapes being killed

freedom is suppressed

assume it will just _

when _ factors are suppressed, one is free to

can’t – don’t even think about it

it just happens, and you can’t

nothing that would keep it from happening/being

It doesn’t matter that you have no choice.

out of the pen


no reason for a shutdown



FoolNine of Swords

Fool and Nine of Swords

Why worry?

Be free of fear [fearless].

I am not afraid.

Not up nights anymore.

__ get on his nerves, she is just not __.

What, me worry?

You have no worries.

They don’t worry … not to stress, not to think …

No baggage for me – you worry about ….

Nothing gets to you.

No worries, ya know?

Being fearless ….

To hell with being stressed out.

Disengage to what you fear.

I just … that is what I worry about.

Scary thought: … you don’t have it.

I don’t know … so I worry ….

… you have stress – to not think about all that.

… to have only _ to worry about.

… to ditch my anxieties.

Won’t bother anybody.

I don’t know what you are afraid of .

Would only get on my nerves.

Free of angst.

She mourns, doesn’t _ with anyone.

The grief of not having ….

The grief of not having ….

Are you letting concern …?



FoolTen of Swords

Fool and Ten of Swords

… in my subconscious … the worst of it.

Subconscious disasters.

… my natural … downtimes.

Unconsciously crashing.

Subconscious failures.

Free of pain and suffering.

… to just _ the bad part and not think about it.

Optimistic about the pain.

I am no victim.

Damn the torpedoes.


Assume the worst.

Just let me … feel pain.

Without even thinking about the fiasco.

I just know … hurting me.

Forget about hurting

Ignore feeling sorry for yourself.

Forget about suffering.

It hurts … but you do forget and be happy.

Don’t dwell on feeling sorry.

… the tragedy, is unaffected, and forgets.

Assume the worst.

Wasn’t aware I was screwed.

You forget the pain.

Just skip the victimization.

… to not think of it as a humiliation.

I lost, I failed? – Oh well ….

His suffering is over.

… that’s all … devastated.

Ignore a _ that is painful. … for no reason, feel bad.

… for no reason makes you feel bad.

Don’t worry about failing.



FoolPage of Swords

Fool and Page of Swords

Jealous over nothing

no reason to be anxious

not under surveillance

stress doesn’t get to you

ignore his panic

nothing to get excited about

excited about nothing

hysterical kid

Something’s up … I dunno what.

A threat to himself.

Looking out for whatever’s out there.

Umbrage unleashed.

Perceived threat where there is none.

Never mind the paranoia.

Nothing to worry about but am lookin’ for it.

Nothing but that alert feeling.

Just a teenager.

Mad at the world for no particular reason.

Frantic over nothing.

Got mad and forgot why.

Nerve-wracking to not know.

Smell the excitgement in the air.

I panic when I have nothing to worry about

It drives him crazy that you don’t care.

don’t know what you’re looking for

no need to defend

blissfully disengaged from the unnerving environment

Oh, it’s just sugar jitters

take it personally when it’s nothing

pay no attention to touchy people

has a chip on his shoulder but isn’t aware of that

all riled up and they are not listening

my hyperalert subconscious

excitable young person

Oh, it’s just adrenaline

damn the torpedoes



FoolKnight of Swords

Fool and Knight of Swords

free again

forgot again

free and clear again

not looking where he’s going in such a hurry

just assume (he) is coming back

an exciting turnaround

you never know when it will strike

in a rush for no reason

leaving for no reason

rush into new things without thinking

forgot it was a rush

Off we go into the wild blue yonder.

such a sudden reversal I forgot it

out with the old and in, fast, with whatever’s next

commuting back and forth in autopilot

inattentive fast driving

whiz by so fast you don’t see (him)

gone so fast before you know it

I never thought he could come flying back

act as if you don’t know he’s baling out on you

act as if things have changed

optimistic for a change

Act as if you will be right back.

Don’t worry about how to turn it around.

there’s no emergency

of course there’s a recovery

you left, and you don’t give a damn

young and in a hurry



FoolQueen of Swords

Fool and Queen of Swords

A victim just _ to be free.

_ the demand? – no sweat!

Demanding: Ignore them! Feel like griping but lighthearted.

Bitches … somehow or other.

things she never had, and it doesn’t matter.

When you ignore her, she whines.

she makes no demand.

Why that critical woman is _, I have no idea.

This demanding dame … – who’d a thunk it?

No complaints.

My squeaky wheel isn’t getting any.

She raises a fuss, and nothing _.

Having no one to nag me.

Her standards are so high, there’s no ….

To hell with feeling deprived.

When you demand, forget about _.

No idea how demanding she is.

Not getting what she wants, she doesn’t care about ….

You don’t have what you want since you don’t know.

Ignore the bitch.


to be free of the ex.

to be free of his mama.

No more do I _ what I was craving.

not to be where someone is whining.

Don’t know … I’m not getting it.

Not having it all, or _ – why worry?

when she isn’t criticizing you.

Don’t know why … whenever she is mad with me.



FoolKing of Swords

Fool and King of Swords

a new leader

you don’t know you are a leader

laissez faire leadership

Let him be the boss.

Is young to be the boss

in the absence of the commanding officer

Daddy doesn’t know.

manly man with the flirty little filly

a leader without any restrictions or rules

law enforcement frees people from

I am free now from the judge

He’s the unbending type; don’t let it get to you

a man’s man, that’s all

man up and disregard

I assume he’s the leader of the pack

of course he is the role model

Let him be a father figure.

young military man

military ESP

never mind the dictator

I’m open for a tall dark and handsome man

a manly man who’s the silent type

assume he is a man of his word

They do not suspect he is a powerful man.

no problem with the military

act like a man or forget it

I’m a free agent, the captain of my soul/

Just go about your business and be a great guy.


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