How You Get Into Your Own Subconscious Where Your Secrets Are
Ever wonder why it’s subconscious? It’s about the filing system of the information that’s in your head. Let’s get into this concept.
One factor is: The longer you live, the more information is in your head. The more information is in your head, the harder it is to reach what is pertinent to you right now. Lots of files to search.
But a more basic factor is this: Your conscious is organized around language: It has words for things. It has headlines.
Not so the part you don’t access. It does not have the same filing system, and this is like trying to have a conversation with someone who does not speak your language.
The filing system of the part that doesn’t talk to the conscious ‘real world’ you – part of it anyway – is organized around images. People who are mechanically inclined are closer to it than those who are intellectually inclined.
The ‘other half’ of yourself is behind the language roadblock.
What to do? How to reach the innermost secret self whilst you and your body as still connected?
Well, how about a Rosetta Stone? Remember it? No one could read hieroglyphics until a stone was found that said the same thing in the languages of its day. Geniuses were called in to crack the code.
The Rosetta Stone for our purposes would be something that connected images to meaning in such a way it ‘talks to us.’
Here comes Tarot Verbatim. Tarot read according to meanings of its illustrations introduces you to the other side of your mind. Why? Well, of course: It connects images to meanings the conscious mind relates to. It succeeds at making the connection by providing information you seek – providing the answer to your inquiry.
Well, nobody rode up to the Rosetta stone and cracked its code on the spot immediately. No, it took a while.
So will it take a while for you to absorb the connections between images and meanings of the Rider Waite Tarot deck. But you will.
And ‘absorb’ is the word, because someone has already decoded the Tarot Rosetta. You will find it all laid out: language connected, literally, to image, at Tarot Verbatim.
I don’t know about you, but this is fascinating to me!
How You Get Into Your Own Subconscious Where Your Secrets Are
Ever wonder why it’s SUBconscious? It’s about the filing system of the information that’s in your head. Let’s get into this concept.
One factor is: The longer you live, the more infoformation is in your head. The more information is in your head, the harder it is to reach what is pertinent to you RIGHT NOW.
But a more basic factor is this: Your conscious is organized around language: It has words for things.
Not so the part you don’t access. It does not have the same filing system, and this is like trying to have a conversation with somone who does not speak your language.
The filing system of the part that doesn’t talk to the conscious ‘real world’ you – part of it anyway – is organized around images. People who are mechanically inclined are closer to it than those who are intellectually inclined.
The ‘other half’ of yourself is behind the language roadblock.
What to do? How to reach the innermost secret self whilst you and your body as still connected?
Well, how about a Rosetta Stone? Remember it? No one could read hieroglyphics until a stone was found that said the same thing in the languages of its day.
The Rosetta Stone for our purposes would be something that connected images to meaning in such a way it ‘talks to us.’
Here comes Tarot Verbatim. Tarot read according to meanings of its illustrations introduces you to the other side of your mind. Why? Well, of course: It connects images to meanings the conscious mind relates to.
Well, nobody rode up to the Rosetta stone and cracked its code on the spot immediately. No, it took a while.
So will it take a while for you to absorb the connections between images and meanings of the Rider Waite Tarot deck. But you will.
And ‘absorb’ is the word, because someone has already decoded the Tarot Rosetta. You will find it all laid out: language connected, literally, to image, at Tarot Verbatim.
I don’t know about you, but this is fascinating to me!