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How You Read Tarot
Professional Tarot Training Lesson: The ‘relief card’
The 'relief card' is a major thing to learn as one becomes sophisticated in the use of the Tarot. That is the card that you look for when 'bad' cards show up - the one that limits or negates or modifies the 'bad' card. Eventually you learn that nightmares are really...
Top 4 Tarot Tips On How to Read Tarot Cards Like a Professional
Tip #1 Like there are 'good hair days' there are good Tarot days. Sometimes it's not a good Tarot day and the cards may be talking using different cards than they would on the good day. You accommodate, and you learn your 'bad Tarot days' ways of Tarot speak. Over...
How To Speak With Tarot For The Best Result
Read the pictures as words directly. Tarot is a bridge between your regular ol' conscious mind and your subconscious or even superconscious mind. You talk with your subconscious when you use Tarot, and the longer you stay on the bridge there between consciousnesses,...
About Your Private Meanings Outside of Tarot Verbatim
It's kind of like the distinction of whether you are 'Observant' or 'Orthodox' in your religion: You have your own version of some of the Tarot cards. Yeah, you emerged from a distinct background that the rest of us did not arise from. Your taste buds differ from mine...
How a Subject Determines a Tarot Card’s Meaning
Being Aware Early On In Your Tarot Journey Of How One Subject Calls For A Different Set Of Meanings Than Another Subject Does Suggestion: Especially if you are a beginner, ask questions about as many things as you can think of, and ask questions you know the answers...