Our Daily Spread for Feb. 16, 2011


Rider Waite Tarot 2-16-11a

He patiently works on a happy committed marriage

Hermit, Eight of Pentacles, Ten of Cups

Romance and Marriage Perspective:
Monogamous spouse who is always true.
He is looking for a happy committed marriage and doing what it takes.
He is an honest working man, the right man to marry.
He patiently works on a happy committed marriage.
He is devoted and committed to his spouse/family consistently.
A warm and caring decent man who keeps the family together.
Married on paper, he keeps looking.
He keeps looking for a normal home life.
He is devout enough to work at being married in the church/faith.
He is devoted to his family to keep them safe.
The day-to-day routine of life as a couple is healing/helpful.

Business and Other Perspectives:
A counselor’s job is to make everyone normal.
Look for respectable work at home.
This contractor knows how to make a home safe.
Inspect the home to see what work will bring it up to par.
Look for a midrange place to live close to work.
Look for a home in a working class neighborhood.
Old man lives and has his routines in a safe neighborhood.
The investigation shows a well-behaved man who gets along with everyone at work.
The fact is, he behaves himself with everyone at work.
Everyone who works there is helpful
This is a good workplace: People there are happy and honest.
Be one of the good people who do honest work.
Take comfort in church routines and church people.
A safe, inspected, workplace for all.
See to it the family attends church regularly.
Supervises what everybody is doing
Supervises everybody’s work, that it is acceptable.
Keep looking for a circle of sane normal friends.
Helps people get a decent job.
The day-to-day routine of life with your people is helpful.
Working for the church, being a devout member.

This spread immediately suggested the Moral Majority to me! even the Tea Party people! No ‘spoiler’ cards here! Both the Hermit and the Hierophant (pope) are churchy cards, and the Ten of Cups is the good people of the community, the happy marriage. The other card’s main meanings are work/workers/workplace and consistently doing something. So, are we on the straight and narrow or WHAT, here?

Today’s messages tell us there are good people around us and we can find and join them; tell us that life is or can be nice and normal; tell us that the workplace can be peaceful. No nasty surprises to look out for today!

Meanings and Illustrations:

Hermit: The story of this Rider Waite Tarot card is about monks who would search for travelers to help them at night. Its common meanings are to seek, to look for, to search or search for, to look out for, to be out at night, to be monogamous or celibate, to be honest, kind, considerate, helpful, and also the truth, the facts. It means ‘to look into’ or an investigation as well. Here, the phrases arising from the Rider Waite Hermit card are: monogamous, looking for/looking, honest/honest man, patiently, devoted/devout, warm and caring, helps/helpful, counselor, knows how, inspect, old man, investigation, the fact is, comfort, see to it, and supervises.

Eight of Pentacles: Here is the carpenter working consistently turning out one identical item after another on his work bench. This card consistently refers to work, repetitious movements, repeated action, workplace, profession/professional, construction work, the actual doing of something. It is one of the anchor cards since it is an ‘old faithful’ in these meanings.

Ten of Cups: This refers to a group of people, in a positive way. Your circle, your family (or someone else’s whom you are asking about) the people, community, the good people, and so on. It also means happy and ‘happily after, and – best of all – a happy marriage or family.

Hierophant: First of all ‘Hierophant’ means ‘pope.’ I read a Tarot book by a (black) magic-oriented person that instructed: When you pull this card, just quit for the day. Really. The full main meaning of the Hierophant is about the difference between what the common folk are taught and the actual church teachings for the cognoscenti (ones in the know). Anyway, as you might expect, in Rider Waite this card is about such things as normal, everyday, behaving yourself, ‘correct’ and ‘right,’ harmless, safe and playing it safe, ordinary, the official story, the ‘on paper’ or ‘fit to print’ version. It means commit and commitment, and ‘true to.’ You can fill in much of the rest, can’t you?

Rider Waite Tarot 2-16-11b

He gives her lots of gifts when she isn’t sweet

Six of Pentacles, Eight of Wands, Six of Cups

Business/Other Perspectives:
An increase in pay, not (just) for being good.
More money being paid (to you), not as a gift.
A lot of attention, not (just) because you are nice.
He is paid to not talk about what used to be.
No increase in the pay you actually receive.
More attention when he/she isn’t being good.
No more children to spend money on.
Too many bills to pay: No more kids!
No more bills than in the past.
Lots more attention, not like it used to be.
Not spending all that money like you used to.
Making more money, not like in the past!
Romantic Perspective:
When he isn’t sweet to her, he gets a lot of attention.
More and more romantic attention in the end.
He gives her lots of gifts when she isn’t sweet.
She ends up with him giving her a lot of money regularly.
He doesn’t talk romantically but gives her money/gifts.
When she isn’t sweet to him, she gets a lot of attention.
When he is giving her more loving attention, he ends it.
She does not get all the romantic attention she deserves.
He sends her a lot of romantic messages/texts, and stops.
Does not spend that much money on gifts.
Ends the love affair by sending texts.
He doesn’t pay child support regularly.
Says it is not his child in court.
No increase in child support payments.
Don’t talk about loving or pay any attention.

Someone is giving and someone is receiving (Six of Cups suggests a girl) and it’s sweet/romantic and/or relates to the past, and there is more of it. The different scenarios are from putting the cards together in different ways. This spread is a good exercise for that, actually. I invite you to make four lists of the words – one for each of the individual cards, below – and creatively weave sentences together in different ways yourself.

Meanings and Illustrations:

Six of Pentacles: To pay. To receive. Wages, bills, to spend. Fair, fairly, a fair price. Court proceedings. To pay attention to someone, or receive that. The illustration shows an employer measuring exactly the wages of employees.

Eight of Wands: The wands are flying in the air, a lot of them, looking like lines of writing. Meanings related to this Rider Waite Tarot illustration are things like: increase, more, a lot of, talk/says/words, attention, spend money on, texts, regularly.

Six of Cups: Well, there it is again. You would think there were several of these in the deck. I check for that, okay!? Little boy gives little girl flowers in the courtyard of a picturesque old home. It speaks of romance, sweetness, home, gifts, children, trust, loving feeling.

Death: In this spread, the Death card does not work well as a negator for some of the meanings, due to the interlocked meanings of the other cards which have to talk about receiving – receiving love, gifts, money, attention, etc. So it means things like stop, in the end, and commands of ‘don’t’ and ‘isn’t’ and so on.

