Our Daily Spread for Jan. 31, 2011
Six of Pentacles
Ace of Wands, Chariot, World
Making money, being successful, is the main reason to be a superior person.
Do what you get paid for and the heck with the rest: Aim for that.
*A fellow must treat her right or she has nothing to do with him.
Have to make car payments to have superior standing.
She aims to make the most money and be the top person.
*People are responsible to respect her: They must, because she won’t put up with anything less.
*He is the top earner, his woman is the top woman.
He keeps the knowledge from her of what he will do to be paid top dollar.
She is not privy to the price he has to pay for his success.
He makes them put money into what gets him ahead
*He has to be successful to pay for the dame with the Body.
*He has to be attentive to the woman with the gorgeous body if he is to succeed.
He is immune from prosecution for how he made the program’s success.
Have to give immunity to accomplish justice.
She has no connections, she has to be the most highly paid to be successful.
Here our four cards’ main meanings are (1) to have to or be/do the most (Ace of Wands) – (2) success (Chariot) – (3) to be superior and/or above reproach (World) – (4) to be paid or to pay, or justice (Six of Pentacles). Today we are about the drive to succeed and keep the ‘nose clean,’ keep out of trouble.. Since our question does not identify parties, action or time – just a faceless ‘Tell the day’s visitors about their day, their life today’ – we have a few scenarios these ideas cover. Making money and being successful (Six of Pentacles and Chariot) are featured. The Ace expresses the drive and the World card expresses the various forms of denial that occur when one is driven to succeed and make money.
The meanings that are about romance, which are marked with an asterisk, are about a woman who feels only the best and most successful man is worthy of her.