Our Daily Spread for Feb. 3, 2011

Rider-Waite Tarot 2-3-11

She knows she is being taken advantage of but isn’t worried

Death Five of Swords, Queen of Cups, Nine of Wands

She knows she is being taken advantage of but is not worried about it. She sees the end of her abuser making her uncomfortable or putting her in fear. She is going to take advantage and she isn’t anxious about that. She doesn’t know how to beat what is threatening her. She knows not to be anxious about the smart alec. She knows this punk is no threat to her. This spread is about a woman who isn’t going to be taken advantage of:  She knows how that is done, and she isn’t going to let it happen to her.  We suspect this is not her first time, but that is not mentioned in the cards.

Meanings and Illustrations:

First is the Five of Swords, that smart alec.  His smirk always reminds me of Cheney who used to be a vice president.  He takes advantage; he is the abuser.  This Rider Waite Tarot card also means to ‘beat’ something, as in  beating an addiction or turning the tables on your tormenter. Second is the Queen of Cups, the nice lady who knows or knows her man.  She is also considered the impractical dreamer, the poor sap who believes in goodness.  Yup, she is pictured as blond! Nine of Wands, the third occupant of our spread, is about worry –  being still on guard despite having lost a battle in that place.   Next to it is the card that negates, the Death card.  Love it when a negative shows up next to your bad dream, don’t you?  It shows someone who can’t relax, is tense.  The phrases it expresses here are:  worried, in fear, anxious, what is threatening. Death: not, the end, isn’t, doesn’t, not to be, no … to her.  The illustration shows the end of a king’s reign:  He is dead.  Other systems have different meanings than Tarot Verbatim’s for this Rider Waite Tarot card. Next spread.  (I did another because I thought this spread might not represent many of the visitors.  Comment, please, on this?

Rider-Waite Tarot Reading for 2-3-11

These women work together for the health of sufferers

Star Ten of Swords, Eight of Pentacles, Three of Cups

The team that works on the fiasco has a lot to say about it. A happy bunch of girls work together in Trauma. Celebrating and toasting the failure of this guy’s efforts. Kept trying when they failed and now they are celebrating together. Disappointment on the job, but morale makes them happy together. It crashes just when the employees are having the most fun A tale to tell, of when it crashed and those workers gave it their all. The girls work on news of the disasters. He keeps being crushed by news of his girl out partying with her friends. His job is to put a positive spin on the crash so they will all be happy. The report says the girls jointly fail to do this job. Steady effort under disastrous conditions give the workers cause to tell everyone We tell the world we are all happy at work on this wreck. In this job, failure is something to celebrate, is newsworthy. News of people who are happy to work together on this disaster. This team gets together at a disaster and works enthusiastically. The girls’ performance on the job was disastrous but they are happy. Well, well, we have two Tarot cards that mean to be happy and celebrate both of which show women, one card of work or steady effort, and one that means failure, disaster or crash.  Hmm.  How does this go together?  Let me count the ways.  I would love to know if one of these sentences applies to someone’s day or life.

Meanings and Illustrations:

Ten of  Swords means crash, suffering, a disaster:  It shows a person on the ground with ten swords in his back, so it means betrayal (stabbed in the back) too. Eight of Pentacles: This Rider Waite Tarot card gets around.  It is one of the cards that show up most frequently.  It mainly applies to work and workers and workplace, and to steady effort at one thing, or repetitively doing one thing.  It shows a carpenter making the same item over and over, one after the other. Three of Cups: The girls celebrate together.  They have pooled their resources and made a profit that they are happy together about, sharing it.  They are a team.  In this case they are a team at work, right next to the card that means work. Star: This is good news, enthusiasm, good health, telling all, feeling good.  It can be a performer – especially a singer. Note: Late once again. I would say that the second layout that Emily did in the very wee hours of the morning has validity here. LOL. While waiting, I went to a site I probably should  have thought twice about – Al Jazeera English. Don’t really know what happened  but it crashed my firefox big time. I spent about an hour trying to fix it and at some point fell asleep. Woke up with my glasses still on, sitting up in front of the computer with a cat in my lap. LOL!  I sure am glad this does not happen often. However, since the day is well under way, it would be interesting to see what applies to our visitors here – in retrospect – so post up!  :)  Stef
