Tarot Readings for You for February 12, 2014 Wednesday©
Queen of Swords
Five of Pentacles – King of Cups – Star
Guidance |
Today we visit a duo we all encounter: The patient quiet affectionate man and his vocal female counterpart, the critical complaining whining nag who is sometimes also known as the Ex or Mama-Bat, a woman who drains the energy of others with her pity party and her righteous indignations and accusations. Emphasis is on the constant talk that exhausts. We also describe a couple whose mutual love gets them through the dark night … and the weariness of missing a departed love.
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GUIDANCE Did you come here for Your Daily Predictions? Good! Guidance provides your predictions in a summary. It is the Guidance received for you through three Rider Waite Tarot™ cards, using Tarot Verbatim™.
GROUP TAROT READINGS Here are several one-sentence readings that are predictions for you and the people around you for today and the days around it. Here Tarot is talking to you: These sentences express word-for-word, verbatim, the meanings of those three Tarot cards. You choose which sentences apply to you, and you choose whether to encourage them or not.
LEARN TAROT CARDS BY PICTURES Are you ready to begin learning Tarot Verbatim™? Here your in-depth meanings come alive for each of the three cards! In Tarot Verbatim™, pictures make the meaning, so each card is like a person you know and remember.
WITHOUT THE PICTURES For the true seeker of Tarot knowledge, here is what you need to know about how the three cards in today’s spread affect one another, and how to apply Tarot Verbatim™. Here too the cards come alive, together.
PHRASES FOR ALL THREE TWO CARD COMBINATIONS Are you ready for the final step of this revolutionary Tarot Verbatim™ technique? Now to make it exceedingly plain and simple, we list the expressions each pair of cards makes. We list them in paragraph form rather than itemized so that they flow, and your subconscious clicks into place and ‘gets it.’ You may even find flashes of dreams or intuitive realities as you read these, at times.
The Rider Waite Tarot™ deck is a data bank in mass consciousness that your subconscious can communicate with. Tarot Verbatim™ is the Rosetta Stone that makes that communication easy because it is a bridge between conscious and subconscious thought. When both your levels of awareness focus together, you think intuitively in real time in ‘the real world.’
Bon voyage!
Group Tarot Card Readings |
Here is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.
“Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.”
Queen of Swords
Five of Pentacles – King of Cups – Star
Headings [So you can choose which belongs to you]
Tarot Readings: Love of a Good Man (King of Cups and Star)
Tarot Readings: Nags the Quiet Man (King of Cups and Queen of Swords)
Tarot Readings: Her Needs Are Not Met (Five of Pentacles and Queen of Swords)
Tarot Readings: Love of a Good Man (King of Cups and Star)
She misses the sweet guy who says ‘I love you’ but she is angry.
She is doing without her good man, she misses his love talk.
He has no money, he drinks, and the old lady adores him.
The widow of an affectionate man misses the good feeling.
He and she are so poor and they love one another so much.
He loves her and tells her she is beautiful, which makes the old lady feel inferior.
He is happy being broke but she complains she is doing without.
He drinks and feels sorry for himself but loves his elderly mother.
I feel so bad when mama talks about how daddy loved her, how she misses him.
Tarot Readings: Nags the Quiet Man (King of Cups and Queen of Swords)
I was feeling so good until she regaled me with how bad she felt.
She talks too much, she nags the quiet man until he feels inferior.
She mourns her losses and talks a lot bitterly to this patient guy.
He lost every dime but is so happy he lost the ex too.
She is so negative she drains all the positive energy out of a well-meaning fellow.
Her constant bitching drains his energy and drives him to drink.
Mama-Bat drains every last dram of energy from an emotionally healthy man.
He speaks so well of her, and she is so critical of him, she runs him down.
Tarot Readings: Her Needs Are Not Met (Five of Pentacles and Queen of Swords)
He does not meet her expectations, he fails to be the optimistic gentleman.
Tell the man sweetly how he doesn’t measure up to what you need.
Learn Single Tarot Cards By Pictures |
Five of Pentacles
Dark night of the soul, bums on the street with bleeding feet passing by a church that would be their refuge if they weren’t so numb they didn’t see it. To be so down you are there to stay. To miss what you have lost, to do without, to have no money, be poor and feel inferior, to feel bad, to drain energy or have your energy drained, to lose everything. To do without, and what you are doing without. To feel sorry for yourself. To have a pity party, ‘poor poor pitiful me.’ “I’ve been down so long it looks like up to me.”
King of Cups
No shoulders hath he, and the fish around his neck tells you he is the softer man, the emotional man, the quiet man, maybe the weaker man, the bureaucratic type. He is the sweet guy, the good man, the affectionate man, he loves you, he is your honey, he is happy and content with his lot. He is the gentleman, the patient guy, and the drinking man. Aspected that way, he can be a neurotic type.
Star feels good all over, is singing in the shower, is healthy and optimistic and has positive energy. Star is one who says ‘I love you’ and stands for love talk or adoring and being adored. He tells her she is beautiful. It is also constant talk (chatter, confession, spilling guts … any kind of talk). That is what we are using of Star today. Illustration shows a happy ritual bath.
Queen of Swords
Queen of Swords today is negatively aspected and shows up in her worst light. She is an angry unpleasant complaining bitter wench, ex or Mama-Bat, the woman who drones and whines on vampirizing your energy. The elderly mother, the critical wife. That’s all she is today. The illustration is of a woman who lost a baby or babies, and she is the widow card in Rider Waite as well.
Now Without The Pictures |
Today we again have a pair of cards having the opposite tone of another pair:
Five of Pentacles and Queen of Swords are miserable about a loss and/or are miserable losers. Both of these describe doing without and missing. Queen of Swords is often missing someone and Five of Pentacles people are often missing their life – but both cards refer to both cases. They tend to translate as the same phrases along this vein of being deprived.
Queen of Swords is bitter, (nag – whiner – complainer – demanding) and she is also a reliable ‘bitch’ card, and feels very entitled to what she is doing without. Her outstretched hand is saying “NOW would be good.” She represents Mama-Bat or the ex. She can be a widow or a woman who lost a baby.
But sometimes Queen of Swords is a strong woman, is holding someone up to her standards. This card can be advice to be more demanding, more the bitch.
King of Cups and Star are emotionally healthy, especially star. King of Cups is the calm type but he can be neurotic in the right company … can’t we all? Both King of Cups and Star are about positive emotional love. King of Cups is the quiet, patient, affectionate man who can also be a drinker – the bureaucratic type, I call it.
King of Cups and Star When you put King of Cups and Star together, an affectionate man is saying ‘I love you’ because Star means to talk, and specifically to say ‘I love you’ and ‘You’re beautiful.’ These two cards in Tarot Verbatim™ say ’emotionally healthy.
Star and Queen of Swords When you put Star and Queen of Swords together, you have a complaining, nagging, unpleasant (old?) woman chattering away, regaling you with her gripes. Queen of Swords is lacking the joy Star has.
Five of Pentacles and Star Five of Pentacles is poor health but Star is vibrant health. Five of Pentacles is miserable, and Star is joy. Together, these two can say ’emotionally sick’ or emotionally drained.
Five of Pentacles and King of Cups is an emotional drain, whereas, King of Cups and Star is emotionally healthy.
Here Are Phrases For All Six 2-Card Combinations |
Resonates with your subconscious awareness!
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Five of Pentacles and King of Cups
Misses the sweet guy. __ is doing without the sweet man. He has no money, he drinks, …. __ of an affectionate man misses __. He is so poor, and he loves …. He loves __ which makes __ feel inferior. He is __ being broke. *He drinks and feels sorry for himself. I feel so bad when … daddy …. … the quiet man until he feels inferior. Mourns her losses … this patient guy. He lost every dime. __ is so negative … a well-meaning fellow. … drains his energy and drives him to drink. __ drains every last dram __ from an emotional man. … runs him down.
Five of Pentacles and Star
Misses the ‘I love you.’ __ is doing without the love talk. He has no money, and she adores him. Misses the good feeling. … so poor and (they) love …. Tells her she is beautiful … feel inferior. *Happy being broke. _ feels sorry for (him)self but loves …. Feel so bad when __ talks about how __ loved her …. I was feeling so good … regaled me with how bad (she) felt. She talks too much … feels inferior. Mourns her losses and talks a lot. He lost every dime but is so happy …. Drains the positive energy out of …. __ constant … drains his energy. __ drains every last dram of energy from an emotionally healthy _. Speaks so well of her … runs him down.
Five of Pentacles and Queen of Swords
She misses __ but she is angry. __ is doing without and misses …. __ has no money, and the old lady __. *The widow misses …. She is so poor. … the old lady feel inferior. *She complains she is doing without. … feels sorry for himself but __ his elderly mother. I feel so bad when mama …. How bad she felt. She nags until __ feels inferior. Mourns her losses bitterly. … lost every dime but lost the ex too. She is so negative she drains all the _ energy out of …. Her bitching drains his energy. *Mama-Bat drains every last dram of energy from …. She is so critical … runs him down. x
King of Cups and Star
LOVE OF A GOOD MAN The sweet guy who says ‘I love you.’ … her good man, his love talk. He drinks, and she adores him. An affectionate man … the good feeling. He loves __ so much. He loves her and tells her she is beautiful. He is happy. He drinks __ and loves …. Talks about how daddy loved her. I was feeling so good. She talks too much, __ the quiet man …. … talks a lot to this patient guy. He is so happy. All the positive energy out of a well-meaning fellow. __ constant __ to drink. An emotionally healthy man. He speaks so well of her.
King of Cups and Queen of Swords
She misses the sweet guy but she is angry. She misses her good man. He drinks, and the old lady __. *The widow of an affectionate man. He loves her, which __ the old lady …. He is __ but she complains …. He drinks and __ his elderly mother. Mama … how Daddy … how she misses him. NAGS THE QUIET MAN Nags the quiet man until he …. She mourns her losses bitterly to this patient guy. He … the ex too. She is so negative she … a well-meaning fellow. Her _ bitching _ him to drink. Mama-Bat _ an emotional man. She is so critical of him.
Star and Queen of Swords
… says ‘I love you’ but she is angry. She misses his love talk. *The old lady adores him. The widow misses the good feeling. She loves __ so much. __ tells her she is beautiful, which makes the old lady …. __ is happy, but she complains …. *Loves his elderly mother. Mama talks about how __ loved her. __ was feeling so good … regaled me with how bad she felt. *She talks too much, she nags. She talks a lot bitterly …. … is so happy … the ex too. She is so negative … positive energy. *Her constant bitching. Mama-Bat _ an emotionally healthy _. speaks so well of her, and she is so critical ….