Our Daily Spread for Feb. 20, 2011

Rider Waite Tarot-2-20-11a You have things under control, you just have to not do anything until the money comes in

Three of Wands Emperor, Four of Pentacles, Four of Swords

Feel strong when you get the rest/sleep you are short of. You are strong enough to go without some sleep to get money coming in. Going without sleep so long ages you. The old man is not getting enough sleep, but will be. When not enough money is coming in, you just don’t do the things you always have done. You are mature enough to hold onto your money and just passively let in come in. You have things under control, you just have to not do anything until the money comes in. You don’t have to do anything, just budget and wait, and money will come in. You are not old enough, so you don’t do some things until the money comes in later. Things will get better, just you wait Withdraw from traditional life, keep to yourself and meditate on internal stuff, and your future will be stable. Being rigid, you will fall short, just accept whatever comes. Government hoards money to keep your income away from you. Save money for your old age, your retirement income. Things are happening without your participation that you don’t have enough control over. Meditate on the old established ways when there was very little income. Budgeting and passive income puts you in control of your kingdom. Keep some income where the federal government does not do anything with it. Just hold on, give it a rest: Stable times will be coming. Have as little to do with federal government as you can, for your own future. The old ways are no longer sufficient, and the future ones are not here yet. Meditation on Creator God/God the Father, deeply and privately, is your future. Well! Amazing that the same four Rider Waite Tarot cards say all these things, isn’t it? They do. I do not make this up! The message here is that a time of money shortage is coming, to plan a future of not doing the way of life you are used to now, but that there is a future out there of stability. Advice to withdraw from life, meditate on your own internal stuff and on Divinity for a good future to come. Advice to get enough sleep, going without if that brings income. Advice to save on taxes, to budget stringently for your own future.

Meanings and Illustrations:

Emperor: The ultimate authority, obviously, so federal government, God, authorities, being in control, being senior or older or old, the establishment/established, the old ways, things as they have always been done, rigidity. The illustration is the old man on the throne staring straight ahead, rigid posture. Four of Pentacles: This illustration is of the miser, the person who holds onto what is his and isolates himself from town life, the “mine” girl or guy, the constipated personality, even the narcissist. The meaning, of course is way beyond that. Any kind of shortage, insufficiency, of not-enough – including money – is how to apply this Rider Waite Tarot card. Advice to hold on. A budget. To keep yourself from … anything. Not let yourself, restrain yourself. Advice to keep some for yourself, to save. It also frequently means ‘deep down inside,’ internal stuff, and even internal organs if you ask a medical question. Four of Swords: Illustration is of the meditation that a candidate for knighthood has to do in the cathedral, a vision quest, before he can become a knight. So, meditation, sleep, rest, retirement, to be sidelined, to not participate, time out, just wait and don’t do anything – all those sorts of ideas. Have you noticed we have three fours in a row – and would have had four if the Three of Wands had been the Four of Wands? Just a thought! Three of Wands: He stands on a high point waiting for his ships to come in, his profit to arrive. They will. This is about a good future, money coming in, and an instruction to put the other cards in future tense. It’s comforting that this spread which contains these warnings, ends with this kind of reassurance.

Rider Waite Tarot-2-20-11b

Your dreams come true when, while on the wrong track, you connect with the right track

Ace of Pentacles Nine of Cups, Moon, Lovers

Other Perspectives: Your dreams come true when, while on the wrong track, you connect with the right track. Great wealth is attained by great risk, hazardous connections. You can get all the money you want through criminal/crooked connections. The right amount protects you, too much kills you. When you get a bellyful and hit bottom is when you connect with someone who sets you straight. Too much of the wrong path connects to the right path. Protection from the dark side is granted you to achieve a victory. Romance Perspectives: A life of excess and craziness until he/she has the right partner. Really want the right love partner, at all costs. All that money was given by a criminal lover. Dirty money gives all the loving this person could want. Too much has gone wrong with the right partner. In a crazy time, you got the right love partner. You want the right love partner in the wrong way/time. It’s baaack: First, we have three marvelously positive cards and one ‘spoiler.’ Second: The Moon (the wrong/left-hand) path and the Ace of Pentacles (right path). These meanings are set in Rider Waite stone, and may not apply in other decks. In only a four-card spread, these two limit the scope of the other cards’ meanings. Here, our other cards are ‘your wish is granted,’ the Nine of Cups, and the Lovers card which means connection, protection, Divine contact, Divine protection and, of course anything to do with loving. Once again, I invite you to play these one against the other and come up with your own sentences. Remember, for the interpretation to be valid, each of the cards must be represented. So don’t cheat. In addition to those factors, both the Nine of Cups and the Ace of Pentacles refer to a lot of money. And both the Lovers and the Ace of Pentacles refer to being on the side of Good. To a lesser extent the Nine of Cups pairs with the Moon through the idea of excess being a bad thing. The advice here is to pay attention to good and evil, and to the rewards of each. There’s a suggestion that you reach a ‘yuk point’ when things are wrong, you get ‘a bellyful,’ which is a Southern-ism I rather enjoy. There is a suggestion of Divine protection to get yourself right, as well as to be on the right path for you. “You get what you want, everything is all right,” says Nine of Cups with Ace of Pentacles.

Meanings and Illustrations:

Nine of Cups: Your dream come true, your wish is granted, what you want, get what you want, excess, great wealth, all the money you want, too much (a bellyful), and so on. The illustration is an “I et the whole thing” concept. Suggestion is the dude with the big belly drank all those cups on the mantle. Moon: ‘Worst card in the deck’ often brings forth the word ‘worst.’ Maximum f*ckedupness. Pictured is the wrong/left-hand path and chaos of the lobster going on a land journey and the wolf and dog hanging out together. This is Bad Stuff. Lovers: In the illustration on the Rider Waite Tarot version, the guardian angel oversees the naked man and woman, the trees of the Garden of Eden behind them, and a volcano behind and between them. Its most frequent phrases are connection, protection, Divine contact, Divine protection and, of course anything to do with loving. Ace of Pentacles: ‘The right path’ is emphasized here because of the Moon’s presence. It suggests a hefty sum of money, achievement, victory, reward, attainment.
