Our Daily Spread November 1, 2012 Thursday©

Guidance    Oh, the phases and cycles of love, and oh the upheavals the ups and downs of love life make in our lives. Acceptance of this reality is a mindset that saves us some of those upheavals. Mostly today is about being or having a boyfriend … or not.


Are YOU here for the first time? Come in! People love this place! Full instructions are at the bottom.

Guidance and the Tarot Readings are for you if you just want your daily look ahead. “Guidance” is the summary, followed by your word for word Tarot Readings from the four Rider Waite Tarot cards you see pictured here. Pick the sentences that you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them. Sentences contradict one another because negative cards, in this group reading with no question, can attach to any of the other three cards.

Want more? – keep going to Learn Tarot by Observing, and Learn Tarot by Pictures.

Want even more? – call Emily at 800 993-6912 to get yourself a detailed accurate live Tarot Reading, no information from you, or choose an email reading. There’s a tab for that on this page. You support 500 acres of animal sanctuary in the wilderness where Emily lives.

The Community of Users in the Comment section, which is the very last thing, would *love*to hear from you.






Six of Swords

Two of Pentacles – Knight of Cups – Hanged Man



Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.


Headings [So you can choose which belongs to you]

Tarot Readings: Phasing into Being a Loving Boyfriend (Knight of Cups)

Tarot Readings: Phasing into Having a Loving Boyfriend (Knight of Cups)

Tarot Readings: Phasing Out of Being a Loving Boyfriend (Knight of Cups + Six of Swords)

Tarot Readings: Phasing Out of Having Loving Boyfriend (Knight of Cups + Six of Swords)

Tarot Readings: The Idea of Leaving, or Being Away (Hanged Man + Six of Swords)

Tarot Readings: In Acceptance Mode (Two of Pentacles + Knight of Cups)

Tarot Readings: Phase Out, Avoid (Two of Pentacles + Six of Swords)


Tarot Readings: Phasing into Being a Loving Boyfriend (Knight of Cups)

He instinctively knows how to connect lovingly: That is the direction he is heading.

As he is in the process of leaving, it hits him that he is being affectionate.

Let’s recognize I’m your boyfriend, and avoid being on iffy ground.

When the intense phase is over, I get around to being the nice relaxed boyfriend.

Love at first sight for him, and he was on his way, leaving all else behind.

Alternates between the idea of getting over it and expressing affection.

My idea of being a boyfriend is: leaving and returning over and over.

He keeps coming back to what he left behind, and that is his concept or idea of being a boyfriend.

Dawns on him that it is not one-thing-after-another in his love life anymore.

He realizes he is really in love as he keeps coming back to what he left behind.

Feels he is a friend but it may be headed in another direction.

He wants her to know he loves her either way – whatever happens – as he withdraws.

Don’t know where I’m headed but I send you my love.

Sending her the message, the thought that he loves her, as he goes back over the water.

Now that I’m on my way out of the situation, I feel relaxed and ready for romance.

Realize she might be avoiding you because she has a boyfriend.

Mentally departing from the whole idea of being the devoted loving guy.

Putting the past behind and getting into thinking like a guy in love.

It strikes him that the times he is affectionate have been when she is leaving.


Tarot Readings: Phasing into Having a Loving Boyfriend (Knight of Cups)

In the mood for a loving guy and getting out of doing the same things over and over.

An intense hunch that this is Mr. Right but I don’t know where it’s going.

Now that I’m on my way out of the situation, I feel relaxed and ready for romance.

It seems he is getting the idea of being the sweet guy as time goes by.

Putting it all behind, realizing the next boy who loves me will be better.


Tarot Readings: Phasing Out of Being a Loving Boyfriend (Knight of Cups + Six of Swords)

I keep trying to put thoughts of being a Boyfriend out of my head.

It strikes him that he is getting out of the phase of being sweet on her.

Realizing that your being nice is the reason they keep leaving you.


Tarot Readings: Phasing Out of Having Loving Boyfriend (Knight of Cups + Six of Swords)

I see him as a good guy, but he keeps going away.

Intensely feel you are going ’round and ’round with this boyfriend, you gotta get out of here.

Suddenly realize her boyfriends leave as soon as they introduce themselves (a revolving door).

I keep trying to get over Loverboy and put these flashbacks of him behind me.

Mentally departing from the whole idea of having a devoted loving guy.

Realize you had one affectionate man-friend after another back then, but that’s over now.

Realizing that your being nice is the reason they keep leaving you.


Tarot Readings: The Idea of Leaving, or Being Away (Hanged Man + Six of Swords)

Something-or-another gives me the idea to get out of here.

I am going around in circles to get out of this when a helpful inspiration occurs to me.

As he is in the process of leaving, we realize he was just being polite.

I see him putting distance between us but continuing to help.

The suggestion to ‘leave whatever is going on behind’ is illuminating.

He is aware, while he is away, of what is going on because a friend lets him know.

Friends get the idea to leave here, one after the other.

I get the idea we may be able to leave this place with the help of a friend.



Tarot Readings: In Acceptance Mode (Two of Pentacles + Knight of Cups)

Accept the idea that bad times are not quite yet over, but we are headed in that direction.

You avoid the upheavals when your mentality is acceptance.

Accept the idea that things that kept happening are not happening anymore.

In ‘acceptance mode’ now, realizing ‘that was then.’

I get over one thing after another as I see things clearly and accept them.


Tarot Readings: Phase Out, Avoid (Two of Pentacles + Six of Swords)

His idea or concept of being polite is to avoid rocking the boat.

Get the idea to just phase out of this cycle of being the nice guy.

He has no clear idea why he avoids helping.

Foolishly avoiding friends who know you so well.

I can see I am on my way out of this scene, with my friend.

A psychic friend sees past the phase you are in and the better times ahead.



My friend realizes I am going through a goofy phase.



Six of Swords

Two of Pentacles – Knight of Cups – Hanged Man




Two of Pentacles is a cycle or phase – either phasing in or phasing out, but more the in-out cycle. Six of Swords is phasing out and leaving. It usually means things are not as bad as they were, that times are better; and Two of Pentacles is a light card that can mean, say, entertainment or silliness.

The star card today is Knight of Cups, the boyfriend, the nice polite agreeable romantic fellow who puts his hand out in love or friendship.

Hanged Man is intense feeling, realization, seeing and knowing, getting the idea … illuminating.

Our story is phasing in or phasing out of love. It is also about accepting ups and downs which avoids upheaval.



Two of Pentacles Two of Pentacles is a cycle or phase – either phasing in or phasing out, but more the in-out cycle. It means one time after another, going through, foolishness, rocking the boat, upheaval or ups and downs. The juggler’s plates go up and down with the waves that toss the boats behind him, and he is dressed in a dunce cap.
Knight of Cups is the boyfriend, the nice polite agreeable romantic fellow who puts his hand out in love or friendship. He is the friend who accepts an offer, gives a suggestion, and puts you at ease. He communicates – wings of Mercury are there on his helmet.
Hanged Man Several Gods got illumination hanging on a tree, including Odin of Norse lore. Hanged Man illustrates that upside-down feeling you get (hair on fire) when an idea upends your reality temporarily as you ‘get it.’ The rush of inspiration as the muse brushes your subconscious into your mundane mindset.
Six of Swords Heading on out to better times ahead, leaving the scene. Avoiding the worst. Going in a direction; having departed; putting distance between; being away. A woman and child’s bent figures huddle in a small boat as a friend paddles them away. ‘Only the clothes on their back.’















I N S T R U C T I O N S & Explanations (Comments are below this.)


Did you come here just for your predictions? – If so, you are done when you finish reading the sentences of Group Analytical Tarot Cards Reading.

Each Tarot sentence is a literal-interpretation reading of the scenes pictured on the four cards you see. Only what each of the cards says – phrase by phrase – no fillers – no psychic ability used. The readings are about you and the people around you.  They are about today and the days around it. Tarot, all by itself, talks to you. This is a demonstration of that .

Tarot will address any group flexibly, as it does here of ‘all the visitors.’ (It can address ‘all the people at work who have a say in my raise,’ for instance, without you knowing who or where those people are.)

Horoscopes are group readings too.

Astrology has to be based on someone else’s birth data, though, so it does not solidly apply to you just because of where the sun was when you were born. (Astrologers know this.)

Emily wants to know whether these sentences are more accurate for regular visitors than for people who have come only a few times. Would you help with a comment, if that is who you are? Please?

Without a question to focus the answer, four cards can mean contradictory things,  especially when the Spread has a card that means ‘no, never or not.’ That negative modifier can apply to any one of the cards.

Without a question also the pronouns (you, him, her, me, us, them, they, etc.) in a group reading are more flexible,  especially in some of these Rider Waite Tarot spreads.  When a pronoun is in parentheses, feel very free to substitute.  Notice how, as much as possible, we drop pronouns, which makes for some awkward phrasing.

The question in a ‘real’ individual reading supplies at least half the information! In a ‘real’ reading, the parties are identified (including the gender of the questioner!), and so is the time frame if there is one. In this group reading, we cannot do that, so we have variety.

Do you want to know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim ™ thing works? If so,

*Go to Learn Tarot by Observing. This tells the thinking regarding the combined four pictures in the Daily Spread –  the pictures above here.  It explains how these four cards get together in your mind to make the message.

*Go to Learn Tarot by the Pictures.  This is the meaning of each separate card.  This is how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in this Spread.

You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim ™ works. Regular visitors actually learn to read Tarot without trying. The Tarot Talks tab has some examples for students.

P. S. Call Emily for your personal live reading at 800 99 3 6 9 12 (from Eastern 1 p. m. to Eastern 1 a. m. at least, every day). Emily analyzes relationships in business situations and personal situations accurately from *Tarot, *intuitive, and *practical perspectives. She tells you what is happening and what to do about it to make it happen best. (Testimonials about this are on the web site https://EmilysInsight.com and here under its Tab, and in Comments.)

Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

 The entire contents of this website are Copyright © 2012. All rights reserved. This site may not be copied in whole or in part except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review without the express written permission of the publisher. All violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

 NOTICE – Anyone found copying Tarot Verbatim’s (TM) website or using Tarot Verbatim’s (TM) trademarked/copyrighted text and/or images without Tarot Verbatim’s (TM) express written consent by Emily Sandstrom will be reported to their billing company, their hosting company, and any other related companies or necessary parties for account closure. Tarot Verbatim (TM) will also follow with a copyright infringement lawsuit in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act

Our Daily Spread for December 9, 2011 Friday ©

Advice We here equate having it all physically with having it all mentally,  focusing on the mental processes that might lead a person to the dream life.  Sometimes that mental life is the dream life,  an end in itself.  Ask Mr. Einstein,  who had no shoes.  Enlightenment comes before satisfaction with life.  If you keep doing the same thing,  realize that must be what you really want to do.  A silly idea can make you rich. (At the time of production,  there’s no way to correct the lack of spaces after punctuation.  I am writing around it now!) Is this the first time you come here?  Well … what to do:

*Go to Advice above which is a summary of the Messages.  (Advice is everyone’s favorite part.)

*Go to Group Analytical Tarot Reading below.  One or more of those sentences has something to say to you.  Intuitively pick those out.  They are about you and the people around you.  They are about today and the days around it.  (It is a group message like a horoscope,  except Tarot isn’t based on someone else’s birth data,  so it can be specific,  accurate,  detailed and direct.  Our experiment here is  “How much more accurate is it?”)

Did you come here for your predictions? –  You are done now –  See you tomorrow.

Without a question to focus the answer, f our cards can mean contradictory things especially when the Spread has a card that negates other cards.  Without a question also the pronouns in a group reading are more flexible,  especially in some of these Rider Waite Tarot spreads.  When a pronoun is in parentheses,  feel very free to substitute.  The question in a  ‘real’  individual reading supplies at least half the information!

Hanged Man Seven of Pentacles –  Nine of Cups –  Two of Pentacles GROUP ANALYTICAL TAROT READING Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.  Do you really want to know?  Doubts.  (Seven of Pentacles + Hanged Man) By golly,  I have been thinking about what it is I really want,  and I think I know now. There must be a process of enlightenment before you have satisfaction with life? Could not quite figure it out because I wasn’t so sure I wanted to. Not so sure I want to be enlightened … who knows what happens in the process? In the process of realizing you have doubts about what the good life really is. I might or might not want to know. In the Process of Dream Come True (Nine of Cups + Two of Pentacles) Hey,  I am in the process of getting rich,  but don’t understand it at all. It’s sure a silly idea that is making him rich. Recognize this is exactly what I dreamed of,  so why am I feeling queasy about it. What if I had it all figured out in a flash;  it might not be the life I want. Realizes that,  more than anything,  he/she just wants to rock the boat. Suddenly you know you will have it all,  you just don’t know the process. What does he know that I don’t?  –  he gets each and every thing that he wants. He seems to have one vision of the good life after another come true. If you keep doing the same thing,  realize that must be what you really want to do. Having the mental life you dream of means constantly questioning. Wondering is All I Really Wanna Do (Seven of Pentacles + Nine of Cups) Somehow or another,  what I want to know will come into my head. One vision after another must be all I really want. What if I had it all figured out?  –  I might or might not like that. I keep wondering about enlightenment:  I want that! I doubt my inspirations but I am glad they are continuing. That may be a brilliant idea;  I want to keep pondering it. Got the vision I want,  now what do I do with it? Is there anything so satisfying as a never-ending mental life? In the process of a major realization,  but why are you so pleased with it? Why are these mental gyrations so satisfying to me? Why does this mental turbulence make (me) so happy? Not sure what it is that I want but will keep at it until it occurs to me. Could not quite figure it out and then what I wanted to know struck me suddenly. What satisfies me is to keep pondering something until I get my answer. It strikes me that what I really want to do is just keep thinking about it. Suppose having one visionary inspiration after another is all I want? Miscellaneous Yeah,  he is accomplishing it,  but I think it is a goofy idea. It keeps occurring to you that this may not be the dream life after all. Realize I am doing the same thing over and over supposing it will pay off big. I have all one bright idea after another,  but somehow doubt they will make me rich. Now,  Part Two,

Do you want to know a little,  or a lot,  about how this Tarot Verbatim ™ thing works?  If so,

*Go to Meanings and Illustrations:  Observation of the Spread section below.  This tells about the combined four pictures in the Daily Spread –  the pictures above here.  It explains how these four cards get together to mean things.

*Go to Meanings and Illustrations:  Individual Rider Waite Tarot Cards.  It is what each of the four cards,  by itself,  has to say.  It describes how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in this Spread.

You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim ™ works.

Say hello back!  Comment!  I spend two hours a day or more writing these to you.  Remember to share your experience about our experiment here if you have words for it.  Read others’ comments.

And you can call me at the 800 99 3 6 9 12 number from Eastern 1 p. m. to Eastern 1 a. m. at least, every day.  (3-6-9-12 like a clock.  It makes a pattern on the phone as well –  easy to remember.)  I analyze business situations and personal relationships accurately from both Tarot and practical perspectives,  and even make it fun.  (Testimonials are on the web site.  https://emilysinsight.com.)

Hanged Man Seven of Pentacles –  Nine of Cups –  Two of Pentacles MEANINGS AND ILLUSTRATIONS:  OBSERVATION OF THE SPREAD Three of our four Rider Waite Tarot cards refer to mental activity,  two meaning wondering and casting about,  and one meaning  ‘getting it.’  The other is Your Wish is Granted,  having it all.  Wealth seeking comes to mind immediately,  and so does really wanting to know or really wanting enlightenment.  “Realizing all I really wanna do is think about it forever”  was the very first thing I heard this spread say. So we are equating having it all physically with having it all mentally,  focusing on how it is a process.   MEANINGS AND ILLUSTRATIONS:  INDIVIDUAL RIDER WAITE TAROT CARDS Seven of Pentacles  “I wonder,  therefore I am,”  says Seven of Pentacles.  A grower ponders his cucumber patch speculating on whether both genders of the plant are here to produce cucumbers.  Musing like this suggests The Muse in this spread.   Nine of Cups You get whatever it is you want,  your wish is granted,  what you want,  the dream come true,  the good life,  wealth … illustrated by a chubby dude with a goofy grin and ten empty cups behind him on the mantel.   Two of Pentacles goes on and on,  whatever it is.  The motion may be in and out,  up and down,  ’round and  ’round … any old gyration will do.  The juggler’s plates have the math sign for eternal repetition connecting them,  and ships in the background are tossed on giant waves.  He is dressed in a comedic costume with a dunce cap.     Hanged Man In the process of catching on,  of getting it,   of realization and recognition,  we are temporarily out of it.  The eureka experience includes temporary disorientation.  So a fellow hung upside-down is the signature,  in all decks,  of Hanged Man. All the material on this blog is copyrighted.  No use or copying of any part of this material is permitted without written permission of Emily,  its author.  ©

Our Daily Spread for April 23, 2011

HOW TO USE THE MATERIAL WE HAVE FOR YOU HERE. Read the sentences, and pick out the ones that seem to apply to you, to the people around you. They are a Tarot analysis of your day’s circumstances. As the day (or several days) unfolds, you may find the information is relevant. The question is: “Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.” Often, your adopting the attitude you feel in the blog works for your day!

Without a question to focus the answer, four cards can mean even contradictory things. Without a question also the pronouns in a group reading are less specific, more flexible, especially in some of these Rider Waite Tarot spreads. Especially when a pronoun is in parentheses, feel free to substitute. The Advice section sums up a general meaning of all the sentences.

Learn Tarot


Now that I am sober, I realize I was only seeing things.

Seven of Cups
Hermit, Two of Pentacles, Hanged Man

The pattern here is two cards that mean ‘to understand’, each followed by a card that means something out of control or unstable. So we are saying something twice.

What advice are we saying? To take a good look, an intuitive look, at the loose cannons in our personal lives, understand and be aware of them. Those loose cannons are not presented here as problems but more as some underfoot stuff that gets in the way that you have to step around. A time of flux demands attention, analysis and intuitive sensing because fluxes are easy turning points, whether the turn is accidental or intended.

Look around and see the fog.
See the same thing over and over and realize it makes no sense.
Analyzing the instabilities and seeing each separate unrelated instance.
You keep looking and see all sorts of things.
Now that I am sober, I realize I was only seeing things.

Knowing how silly all these things are makes you realize.
To know both factually and intuitively that it’s one damn-fool thing after another.
When you see how indecisive he/she is, you realize the shit has hit the fan.
When a wise man is being foolish, he realizes he is out of control.
Examining its erratic movement, (you) realize it’s disintegrating.

Keep looking for individual pieces that you relate to.
The old man is unsteady, he feels himself losing control.
Sometimes a sensible man’s imagination runs wild.
Seeing things, you realize you may or may not be sober.
He realizes that sometimes being kind and helpful makes a mess of things.

Meanings and Illustrations:

Hermit: The kind monk is looking at night with a lantern for travelers he can help. He is old, sensible and sober and wise. This Rider Waite Tarot card calls for words like: see, analyzing, knowing,examining, and ‘take a good look.’

Two of Pentacles: You see the back and forth movements of the juggler, the ships tossed up and down on wave s behind him. This Rider Waite Tarot card refers to such words as: around, over and over, instabilities, keep ___ing, now that, how silly, one thing after another, indecisive, foolishk, erratic movement, unsteady, may or may not, and sometimes.

Hanged Man: ‘To realize’ is the most frequent word Hanged Man calls for, along with ‘see’, relate to, intuitively, feels or senses, and imagination. The illustration depicts how you feel when you experience eureka, when you realize what you already know but never quite fully grasped. It depicts the very different view of the world you have when you have been spiritual for a while, and are becoming a citizen of other dimensions.

Seven of Cups: Illustration of the strange objects in the cloud is about either Pandora’s Box or the Sorcerer’s Apprentice. It is about spiritual things invading physical reality … which reminds you of what I just said about the Hanged Man. It brings forth many different phrases but they are pretty much on the same target. Here are the words we find for it in this spread: fog, makes no sense, each separate unrelated instance, all sorts of things, only seeing things, all these things, damn-fool thing, shit has hit the fan, out of control, disintegrating, individual pieces, losing control, runs wild, imagination runs wild, seeing things and makes a mess of things.


Our Daily Spread for Jan. 7, 2011

Tarot spread 01-07-11

Two of Pentacles, Justice, Four of Pentacles

Sometimes things happen not quite the way there were supposed to, but happen OK.

The intuitive realization that things are going to be the way they should persists but hasn’t quite reached the eureka awareness stage yet. It keeps trying to burst into your head.

Realize the court action is proceeding but it is being kept a secret from you.

Haven’t quite let yourself realize things are in the process of straightening themselves out.

Keep suppressing an instinct that things are in the process of straightening out.

This is about “I feel for it but I can’t quite reach it.”  About not quite realizing but knowing.  About “knowing without knowing.”
