Tarot Readings for You for May 6-7, 2017 Weekend© 

GUIDANCE         We are looking around, and here’s the way it looks: We are betwixt and between – out of one thing and not into another yet (but almost), starting over or aborting course for something else. We occupy the change. One door closes (maybe I did that myself!) and my hand is on the doorknob of another … and there’s this pause before my wrist makes that turn.



Are YOU here for the first time? Come in!

People love this place! Our site is divided into three sections: Guidance; Group Tarot Cards Readings; Learn Tarot by Observing and Learn Tarot by Pictures.

So what do you want to do? –

Did you come here for YOUR PREDICTIONS? daily trends? –

*Then you read the summary above, titled GUIDANCE,

*Then you read the one-sentence readings below titled GROUP TAROT CARDS READINGand you’re done: See you tomorrow. Invite your friends. At the very bottom are comments. New! – the black boxes to the right as you scroll down allow you to comment right there.

GROUP TAROT CARDS READING is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you.  They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.


….…     …. . …..… ….…..

Judgment – Two of Swords – Eight of Cups




Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.


Tarot Readings: Judgment and Two of Swords

.. …..

Tell them not to interrupt.

Never again – I’m outta here.

Leave and don’t go back there.

Nothing changes until it changes.

Just walk away and don’t say a word.

I give up – I’m not telling them again.

It doesn’t change, so you give up on it.

Leave without notice and never come back.


Tarot Readings: Judgment and Eight of Cups

.. … ..

The change isn’t abrupt.

Canceled without warning.

I don’t wake up in the wee hours.

Tell (him) you’re leaving; it’s over.

Don’t quit just before you’re promoted.

There’s no escaping the next phase of life.

An awakening you do not go out of your way for.


Tarot Readings: Two of Swords and Eight of Cups


Recovery is not immediate.

Renew it before it’s canceled.

Quit cold-turkey and never speak of it.

Surpriseyou detour around a roadblock.

Don’t give up yet – there’s another round.

Don’t you give up – a new life is right here.

It’s a new life and you’re not going off the path.

Give notice that you’re not letting him off the hook.

….. …   .




Now, Part Two,

Did you come here to ACCESS YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS? –

*Then you read HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS – resonates with your subconscious awareness! – and you’re done.

Did you come here to RESEARCH CARD MEANINGS? –

*Then you go to LEARN TAROT BY OBSERVING and LEARN TAROT BY PICTURES for single card meanings and for what those cards say today as they get along with their companion cards, which is important for Tarot Verbatim™, whose expertise is combinations of Tarot cards’ meanings.

*Then you go to Now we show where each of the phrases in each of the sentences comes from: for phrases individual cards make in the day’s sentences. This applies the knowledge.

*Then you read HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS – resonates with your subconscious awareness! for language created by each pair of Rider Waite Tarot cards, in Tarot Verbatim™. Now you are done, if you chose to do it all. Comments are at the very bottom.

Did you come for combined meanings of other cards than these?

*Then you can put names of any two cards into Google, and get their combined meanings. You can also write in one card followed by ‘Tarot Verbatim,’ and get paragraphs of meanings for it.







Judgment – To change from one form, state or phase to another is Judgment’s core meaning. That includes (and emphasizes) returning to the way it was – rehashing, recovering, re- anythinging! It all springs from being alive again, of course.


Here are the words in today’s post that arise from this concept of changing to another phase: again, the next, renew, another round, new life, next phase; go back there, come back; recovery; you’re promoted.


The horn that wakes the dead also births some of Judgment’s phrases. Here are today’s: warning, wake up, awakening, surprise.


Judgment’s other meanings are not used here today. You can Google ‘Judgment Tarot Verbatim’ and get the whole archive.

Two of Swords Here’s an anchor card. It’s a walking negative modifier in Tarot Verbatim™. The illustration shows a blindfolded woman in night clothes or underwear in the middle of the night seated on a stone bench with arms crossed, each arm holding a heavy double-edged sword. She seems perched on the edge of a seawall, with her back to the water. Putting the swords down, she might get cut. The situation, whatever it is, is in stasis, gridlock, stuck – similar to the fix we see Eight of Swords in.


This is how Two of Swords means the whole dictionary of negative modifiers. Today’s grab bag of them is: not to, never, don’t, nothing, not, it doesn’t, never, isn’t, I don’t, there’s no, you do not is not, don’t you, you’re not, that you’re not.


Other meanings of Two of Swords also reflect the stasis: it’s over, canceled, roadblock. Two of Swords also says ‘without’ today, which is rare.

Eight of CupsA pilgrim has to detour, to change his direction and course, because of external circumstances. The external circumstances are mountains and a river. He will resume his course: That is implied in the full meaning of Eight of Cups by the fact that, as a pilgrim, he is determined to arrive.


Eight of Cups is betwixt and between (midway, neither one nor the other, has left but not arrived). Eight of Cups has unexpected meanings just as it pictures an unexpected disruption of progress.


To abort course is a core concept to Eight of Cups; it translates ‘abort’ or ‘abortion.’ To give up, to walk away, to leave, to quit, to detour, to go out of the way, go off the road or path, to escape, to be let off the hook, to quit just before, to leave without notice, to escape.


To interrupt or disrupt, abrupt, canceled, immediate, cold-turkey, until it changes, and ‘before.’ A related card will tell you ‘before WHAT.’





                   LEARN TAROT BY PICTURES..

. ….. .     .

Judgment and Eight of Cups: Both these cards’ major meaning are change, and abrupt change, sudden change, at that. Judgment even means ‘sudden’ all by itself.


Judgment can undo a change though, because Judgment means ‘ to go back’ and ‘ goes back to the way it was,’ and ‘to return to a former state.’ It’s the dead becoming alive again in the illustration that gives Judgment these meanings.


Eight of Cups, too, can undo a change – in a sense, and to a lesser extent. Implied in Eight of Cups is that, after this change which is a detour of some sort, the former direction (or whatever Eight of Cups is referring to in that spread) resumes. Eight of Cups’ basic illustration-meaning is having to go out of your way – an interruption or disruption to whatever is going on, and detouring around or accommodating that disruption. This implication (of resuming) applies once in a while; it’s not a constant.


So we have two cards about it ending and one about a restart.

Judgment is the restart, but it also commonly means these things: suddenly, again, a new phase or new life, and news, publicity or to speak/say/tell. It can also refer to an epiphany or revelation. Another once-in-a-while Judgment meaning is a loud noise.


By the way: Judgment also means a notice, which can combine with Eight of Cups to say ‘a notice of cancellation.’ That’s easy to miss in some spreads, especially if Lovers is there using its rare application as insurance (‘ covered from above’).


Eight of Cups too has several otherwise-unrelated meanings that are held together by having to change course and go around something to get where you’re going, which involves an ending and a beginning as well as a disruption. See the two moon phases glued together there? The two phases of the moon make this card compatible with ‘it’s over before it begins’ and ‘ out of one and into the other,’ a switch. That new-moon + full moon can actually mean a month’s duration once in a while; that can mean ‘ the wee hours’ or dawn; and that can mean the end of something and the beginning of another: outta here and onto something else.


Judgment means that ‘ out of one and into the other’ shift too, and also means to restart. (We are examining similarities of application of Judgment and Eight of Cups.)


You gotta watch Eight of Cups: Its meanings apply with a very broad brush, and it will take you a while to get used to applying some of them. Not to worry.

Two of Swords echoes Eight of Cups ‘end,’ and is a major negator (negative modifier). Two of Swords is roadblock. It sometimes indicates ‘no way in hell.’ Note that we have two negatives (which in the English language cancels one of them).

So we have change and ‘ no’ and some kind of switch or dropping out. And we have a few other similar things. They are all jumbled together in this spread – without a question and without any history to pin to. These three concepts can be arranged all sorts of ways and applied to all sorts of things here. In real Tarot life, in real practice, you would have a skeleton to put this flesh on.

Two of Swords and Eight of Cups are quite the combination. (Google them for the dizzying particulars.) I have fetched a few of them for you from another spread:

not immediate

don’t go out of your way

has not changed its ways

not changing

not giving up

don’t quit

not getting off the path

don’t drop out

don’t go anywhere

it doesn’t change

suddenly it’s over

don’t leave

don’t go out of your way

nothing changes

that’s not going to change

not going to leave

no immediate change

not leaving so abruptly

not over yet

doesn’t abandon course

don’t be a no-show

can’t get out of here

not disrupted.

Flux. That is what these three amount to, appearing together – changes of direction. We have stories.

. ….. .    . ..





Judgment and Eight of Cups: Both these cards’ major meaning is change, and abrupt change, sudden change, at that. Judgment even means ‘sudden’ all by itself.


Judgment can undo a change though, because Judgment means ‘to go back’ and ‘goes back to the way it was,’ and ‘to return to a former state.’ It’s the dead becoming alive again in the illustration that gives Judgment these meanings.


Eight of Cups, too, can undo a change – in a sense, and to a lesser extent. Implied in Eight of Cups is that, after this change which is a detour of some sort, the former direction (or whatever Eight of Cups is referring to in that spread) resumes. Eight of Cups’ basic illustration-meaning is having to go out of your way – an interruption or disruption to whatever is going on, and detouring around or accommodating that disruption. This implication (of resuming) applies once in a while; it’s not a constant.


So we have two cards about it ending and one about a restart.

Judgment is the restart, but it also commonly means these things: suddenly, again, a new phase or new life, and news, publicity or to speak/say/tell. It can also refer to an epiphany or revelation. Another once-in-a-while Judgment meaning is a loud noise.


By the way: Judgment also means a notice, which can combine with Eight of Cups to say ‘a notice of cancellation.’ That’s easy to miss in some spreads, especially if Lovers is there using its rare application as insurance (‘covered from above’).


Eight of Cups too has several otherwise-unrelated meanings that are held together by having to change course and go around something to get where you’re going, which involves an ending and a beginning as well as a disruption. See the two moon phases glued together there? The two phases of the moon make this card compatible with ‘it’s over before it begins’ and ‘out of one and into the other,’ a switch. That new-moon + full moon can actually mean a month’s duration once in a while; that can mean ‘the wee hours’ or dawn; and that can mean the end of something and the beginning of another: outta here and onto something else.


Judgment means that ‘out of one and into the other’ shift too, and also means to restart. (We are examining similarities of application of Judgment and Eight of Cups.)


You gotta watch Eight of Cups: Its meanings apply with a very broad brush, and it will take you a while to get used to applying some of them. Not to worry.

Two of Swords echoes Eight of Cups ‘end,’ and is a major negator (negative modifier). Two of Swords is roadblock. It sometimes indicates ‘no way in hell.’ Note that we have two negatives (which in the English language cancels one of them).

So we have change and ‘no’ and some kind of switch or dropping out. And we have a few other similar things. They are all jumbled together in this spread – without a question and without any history to pin to. These three concepts can be arranged all sorts of ways and applied to all sorts of things here. In real Tarot life, in real practice, you would have a skeleton to put this flesh on.

Two of Swords and Eight of Cups are quite the combination. (Google them for the dizzying particulars.) I have fetched a few of them for you from another spread:

don’t go out of your way

has not changed its ways

not changing

not giving up

don’t quit

not getting off the path

don’t drop out

don’t go anywhere

it doesn’t change

suddenly it’s over

don’t leave

don’t go out of your way

nothing changes

that’s not going to change

not going to leave

no immediate change

not leaving so abruptly

not over yet

doesn’t abandon course

don’t be a no-show

can’t get out of here

not disrupted.

Flux. That is what these three amount to, appearing together – changes of direction. We have stories.

. ….. .    .




He stalked out and slammed her door after she had the nerve to say that. And as the door slammed, it came to him: This is the dame that will never come crawling, never call you, never say she’s sorry … because she never is. NOW WHAT?! That ‘now what?’ is where today’s words are at. Out of one thing and the other isn’t here yet. This turf applies to a thousand stories, a thousand situations, and we mention a few of them here.







Tarot Readings: Judgment and Two of Swords

.. ….. Tell them JUDGMENT not to TWO OF SWORDS interrupt EIGHT OF CUPS .

Never TWO OF SWORDS again JUDGMENT – I’m outta here EIGHT OF CUPS .

Leave EIGHT OF CUPS and don’t TWO OF SWORDS go back there JUDGMENT.

Nothing TWO OF SWORDS changes JUDGMENT until it changes EIGHT OF CUPS .

Just walk away EIGHT OF CUPS and don’t TWO OF SWORDS say a word JUDGMENT.

I give up EIGHT OF CUPS – I’m not TWO OF SWORDS telling them again JUDGMENT.

It doesn’t TWO OF SWORDS change JUDGMENT, so you give up on it EIGHT OF CUPS .

Leave without notice EIGHT OF CUPS and never TWO OF SWORDS come back JUDGMENT.


Tarot Readings: Judgment and Eight of Cups

.. … ..

The change JUDGMENT isn’t TWO OF SWORDS abrupt.

Canceled without TWO OF SWORDS warning JUDGMENT.

I don’t TWO OF SWORDS wake up JUDGMENT in the wee hours.

Tell (him) JUDGMENT you’re leaving; it’s over TWO OF SWORDS.

Don’t TWO OF SWORDS quit just before you’re promoted JUDGMENT.

There’s no TWO OF SWORDS escaping the next phase of life JUDGMENT.

An awakening JUDGMENT you do not TWO OF SWORDS go out of your way for.


Tarot Readings: Two of Swords and Eight of Cups


Recovery JUDGMENT is not TWO OF SWORDS immediate EIGHT OF CUPS .

Renew it JUDGMENT before it’s EIGHT OF CUPS canceled TWO OF SWORDS.

Quit cold-turkey EIGHT OF CUPS and never TWO OF SWORDS speak of it JUDGMENT.

Surprise JUDGMENTyou detour around EIGHT OF CUPS a roadblock TWO OF SWORDS.

Don’t TWO OF SWORDS give up yet EIGHT OF CUPS – there’s another round JUDGMENT.

Don’t you TWO OF SWORDS give up EIGHT OF CUPS – a new life is right here JUDGMENT.

It’s a new life JUDGMENT and you’re not TWO OF SWORDS going off the path EIGHT OF CUPS.

Give notice JUDGMENT that you’re not TWO OF SWORDS letting him off the hook EIGHT OF CUPS.

.. ..    ….






resonates with your subconscious awareness!


.. …..      ….

…. Judgment and Two of Swords Tell them not to. Never again. Don’t go back there. Nothing changes. Don’t say a word. I’m not telling them again. It doesn’t change. Never come back. The change isn’t _. Without warning. I don’t wake up. Tell (him) it’s over. Don’t … you’re promoted. There’s no next phase of life. An awakening you do not …. Recovery is not …. Renew it … canceled. Never speak of it. Surprise – a roadblock. Don’t _ – there’s another round. Don’t you … – a new life is right here. It’s a new life and you’re not …. Give notice that you’re not ….x

.  . Judgment and Eight of Cups Tell them to interrupt. Again, I’m outta here. Leave, and go back there. … changes, until it changes. Just walk away and _ say a word. I give up telling them again. It doesn’t change. Leave without notice and come back. The change isn’t _. Canceled _ warning. Wake up in the wee hours. Tell him you’re leaving. Quit just before you’re promoted. Escape the next phase of life. An awakening you go out of your way for. Recovery is immediate. Renew it … canceled. Quit cold-turkey and speak of it. Surprise, you detour around. Give up yet – there’s another round. Give up a new life that is right here. It’s a new life and you’re going off the path. Give notice that you’re letting him off the hook. x

.. Two of Swords and Eight of Cups Not to interrupt. Never – I’m outta here. Leave, and don’t …. Nothing until it changes. Just walk away and don’t …. I give up – I’m not …. It doesn’t _, so you give up on it. Leave without notice and never …. Isn’t abrupt. Canceled warning. I don’t _ in the wee hours. You’re leaving; it’s over. Don’t quit just before …. There’s no escaping _. You do not go out of your way.*** Is not immediate. Before it’s canceled. Quit cold-turkey and never …. You detour around a roadblock. Don’t give up yet. Don’t you give up. You’re not going off the path. You’re not letting him off the hook. x

…. …    .




Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U. S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U. S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U. S. Games Systems, Inc.

The entire contents of this website are Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved. This site may not be copied in whole or in part except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review without the express written permission of the publisher. All violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

NOTICE – Anyone found copying Tarot Verbatim’s™ website or using Tarot Verbatim’s™ trademarked/copyrighted text and/or images without Tarot Verbatim’s™ express written consent by Emily Sandstrom will be reported to their billing company, their hosting company, and any other related companies or necessary parties for account closure. Tarot Verbatim™ will also follow with a copyright infringement lawsuit in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

Tarot Readings for you for January 22, 2015 Thursday©

GUIDANCE   The way … maybe the only way? … to get to the better life is to make a change, or to suffer an involuntary disruption that makes that change for you. Leaving people we teamed up with, for a better life for ourselves: That’s our topic. Abandon one course for a new course that provides you good company and a good life. Tear yourself away, or be torn away from the rut or path you were in … and be glad you did. We drink to that life-altering destination for you. Bon voyage in your new direction!


Are YOU here for the first time? Come in!

People love this place! Our site is divided into four sections: Guidance, Tarot Readings, Learn Tarot by Observation, and Learn Tarot by Pictures.
If you just want your daily look ahead, Guidance and Tarot Readings are all you need. ‘Guidance’ (above) is a summary of what the cards are telling visitors to be aware of this day.

‘Group Tarot Cards Reading’ (just below this) is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you.  They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself.

Did you come here for your predictions? – You are done now – See you tomorrow. The family of commenters here would love for you to join in (the very last thing, at the bottom).



Judgment – Eight of Cups – Three of Cups


Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.


Headings [So you can choose which belongs to you]

Tarot Readings: The Good Times Are Back (Judgment and Three of Cups)

Tarot Readings: That’s Over and We Are Happy (Eight of Cups and Three of Cups)

Tarot Readings: Told Them I Quit (Judgment and Eight of Cups)

Tarot Readings: Don’t Talk About It (Judgment and Eight of Cups)


Tarot Readings: The Good Times Are Back (Judgment and Three of Cups)

We celebrated and whooped it up into the wee hours.

A going-away party that was loud.

Missed the surprise party.

We are dating again after you left.

The good times we used to enjoy are back.

He suddenly turns into someone you are happy to be with.

All of a sudden we are getting along splendidly again.


Tarot Readings: That’s Over and We Are Happy (Eight of Cups and Three of Cups)

I got the news you are out of there, and I’m so happy for you.

You are glad that’s over, and you say so.

I dropped out but I recovered and am back in circulation.

You recover your good spirits after a life-altering event.

You are friends again after a disruption.

A notice of cancellation thrills you guys.

I left the team and have a better life in another place.

So glad I did not make the change.


Tarot Readings: Told Them I Quit (Judgment and Eight of Cups)

I’m out of there, it’s a whole new life with people I want to be with.

Told them I quit, and I’m glad I did.

I tell the team I am leaving.

Told the girls not to be there.

She says she isn’t sharing with you anymore.


Tarot Readings: Don’t Talk About It (Judgment and Eight of Cups)

It isn’t public that we are such good friends.

I don’t speak up around those fashionable women.

I don’t talk about who I share my life with.


Now, Part Two,

Do you want to know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim™ thing works? If so,

*Go to Learn Tarot by Observing section below. This tells about the combined three pictures in the Tarot Readings – the pictures above here.  It explains how these three cards get together in your mind to make the messages. HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS is a stream-of-consciousness bridge to your subconscious if you use it regularly – people report.

*Go to Learn Tarot by Pictures.  It is what each of the three cards, by itself, has to say.  It shows you how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in today’s Spread. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.

You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim™ works.

This is a group reading, with no Questioner and no Question to limit what the cards say, so there’s more variety – even contradictions – and also the pronouns are more flexible. If it feels like it’s yours, and it says ‘he,’ and you’re a ‘she,’ feel free to adopt it anyway.



Judgment – Eight of Cups – Three of Cups




……….………………… . Judgment and Eight of Cups are similar cards. Someday I will tell you why cards are similar; it is about the themes. Anyway, they both mean sudden change, unexpected, and a new course. Since we work with only three cards in this place, we look to number three. Number three is Three of Cups, and Three of Cups is ‘Everybody’s happy’ – is camaraderie and celebration. So our overall theme is leaving for a better place for ourselves, and being happy after a disruption of our lives. Life is disruption, you know?

………………………..  Judgment has so many divisions to its meanings … more than any other card in Rider Waite. I just inventoried its divisions, and came up with more than ten major ones. In Tarot Verbatim, it’s all about the picture, because it’s that picture that opens and releases your subconscious abilities (and your subconscious abilities are magical). Today, Judgment is influenced by Eight of Cups today because these two cards in Tarot Verbatim™ have so much in common. What do they have in common, you say? Well, Judgment is a change, a new life. The dead returning suddenly to life, right? Eight of Cups is a shift out of one direction and onto another. Judgment is a surprise (the angel’s horn wakes you from the dead, right?), and it means ‘sudden’ too. Eight of Cups is an unexpected (hence sudden) disruption or shift in your life, in your course or path. We are talking life-altering changes here.

………………………..  Eight of Cups shows a pilgrim who is forced to detour, to change his direction and course, because of external circumstances that force that upon him. The external circumstances are mountains and a river. He will resume his course: That is assumed in the meaning of the card, because he is a pilgrim determined to arrive at his intended destination. The two phases of the moon depicted make this card compatible with ‘it’s over before it begins’ and ‘out of one and into the other.’ Judgment means that ‘out of one and into the other’ shift too.


…….. ……….. …. Three of Cups, we would like to live there. It is camaraderie, dating, celebrating, partying, sharing good times, prosperity, getting along with team mates, and the Three Musketeers’ ‘All for one and one for all’ psychology. Two other cards talk about disruption and aborting the course, so we are happy to see you, Three of Cups, as the culmination of those processes.

Three of Cups’ illustration shows the three parties to the farm toasting one another’s successful harvest. The story is: They pooled their resources and their labors, and they made a profit selling those pumpkins, and they are all still friends and so happy about all of that.

………..………….. Judgment and Eight of Cups   Judgment and Eight of Cups Both these cards’ major meaning is change, and abrupt change, sudden change, at that. Judgment can undo a change though, because Judgment means ‘to go back’ and ‘to return to a former (whatever).’

Judgment also means a notice, which makes ‘a notice of cancellation.’

Judgment means ‘loud noise,’ so ‘We whooped it up’ and Eight of Cups, with the two phases of the moon there that pulls ‘out of one and into the other (phase),’ does show up to mean before and after midnight, so ‘We whooped it up into the wee hours.’

Judgment is a surprise, so we have ‘missed the surprise’ because Eight of Cups is to miss, to derail and not show up.

Judgment means again, and Eight of Cups is leaving, which obviously makes any tense of ‘leave again.’ However, today, these are saying ‘… again, after you left.’ Do watch for anomalies in the literal meanings like this. (You get used to them.) We also have ‘Again, after a disruption’ because Eight of Cups is a disruption.

So both these cards mean ‘suddenly.’ So either one can occupy that, and call forth ANOTHER meaning from the other one. Here we have ‘suddenly turns into’ because Judgment means a change, including a change of form or condition. Likewise we have ‘all of a sudden, again’ as Judgment means again, the second time around (via the switch from dead to living) and Eight of Cups to is a sudden event, like that abrupt turn the pilgrim is taking due to the terrain. So Judgment means the new life, of course, in the sentence ‘I left and have a better life in another place. Eight of Cups suggests a change of place since it is a change of course.

Judgment means ‘announcement,’ which brings it news and publicity too. So ‘I got the news you are out of here.’ Judgment simply means ‘say’ and similar words too, of course, so ‘It’s over (Eight of Cups) and you say so.’ Judgment means ‘a notice’ as well, which makes ‘notice of cancellation’ with Eight of Cups, because it means an unexpected end, hence cancellation. (Keep this in mind; it might refer to insurance policies.) Here’s a common phrase for Judgment and Eight of Cups: I told them I quit. An odd one is ‘I told (them) not to be there, with Eight of Cups being the no-show, the AWOL. ‘Don’t talk about it’ is Eight of Cups canceling out Judgment’s ‘talk.’ Which is what Eight of Cups does: aborts things. ‘I don’t speak up is the same thing.

Judgment means to recover, and to come back. That makes ‘I dropped out (Eight of Cups) and am back’ and ‘You recover from a life-altering event (Eight of Cups is a derailment).

Judgment means change, as we said in the beginning here. Eight of Cups is to not make it all the way, to veer away. So ‘I did not make the change.’ x….

………….. Judgment and Three of Cups   Judgment and Three of Cups is a happy change; they say ‘The good times (Three of Cups) are back (Judgment). ‘Turns into someone you are happy to be with.’ ‘All of a sudden (That sudden change of Judgment’s) we are getting along splendidly again (Three of Cups’ camaraderie).

Judgment is a loud noise, so ‘We celebrated (Three of Cups) and whooped it up (Judgment) and ‘The party (Three of Cups) was loud.

Judgment is a surprise, so Three of Cups makes it a surprise party.

Judgment is ‘again,’ so Three of Cups makes it ‘dating again’ because dating belongs to Three of Cups. Three of Cups are friends so ‘We are friends again.’

Judgment is news, so ‘I got the news and am so happy for you’ because Three of Cups are people who are happy with one another. Judgment is news which includes publicity of course, so we have ‘It’s public that we are such good friends’ because Three of Cups are friends.

Judgment is say, tell, speak, talk, etc. – all those words. So ‘You are glad (Three of Cups) and you say so’ and ‘I’m glad I told them’ because Three of Cups is an upbeat ‘gladness’ mood. Three of Cups is ‘the team,’ so we have ‘told the team.’ Three of Cups is ‘the girls’ so ‘Told the girls.’ Three of Cups is girls sharing so we have ‘She says she is sharing with you’ and ‘Talk about who I share my life with.’

Judgment means ‘to be back’ and Three of Cups is dating, so ‘I’m back in circulation.’

Judgment means ‘recover’ so you recover your good spirits, with Three of Cups obviously being in good spirits.

Judgment is a whole new life so ‘It’s a whole new life with people I want to be with,’ because of Three of Cups’ camaraderie meaning. x..

…………………… Eight of Cups and Three of Cups   Eight of Cups and Three of Cups can say ‘The party’s over’ because Three of Cups is the party and Eight of Cups is ‘it’s over with,’ or these two Rider Waite Tarot cards can say ‘We’re glad it’s over’ because Three of Cups are rejoicing. Being glad it’s over parallels being thrilled it’s canceled. ‘I’m glad I quit’ is a common form of the ‘glad it’s over’ theme.

Of course, ‘the party is going into the wee hours,’ what with the two phases of the moon in Eight of Cups calling down things like the end-and-beginning of midnight. Eight of Cups often says ‘over with before it got underway.’ Eight of Cups has different applications.

Eight of Cups means leaving and Three of Cups is a party, so we have a going-away party, of course. Three of Cups is the team too, so ‘I left the team.’ We also see ‘I’m out of there (Eight of Cups, leaving) to be with people I want to be with’ since Three of Cups is camaraderie.

Eight of Cups is a no-show so ‘missed the party’ with Three of Cups.

Eight of Cups is something that’s ended so ‘The good times we used to enjoy’ with Three of Cups, and ‘She isn’t sharing with you anymore.’ Three of Cups is sharing.

Eight of Cups is all of a sudden, and Three of Cups is ‘we are getting along splendidly.’

Eight of Cups drops out and Three of Cups is dating so ‘dropped out of circulation’ or in circulation after dropping out. (Keep an eye out for distinctions to be made like this one.) Three of Cups is glad and Eight of Cups ‘did not’ so ‘I’m glad I didn’t.’

Eight of Cups is a life-altering event (its derailment meaning), and Three of Cups is being in good spirits. Again the direction of this story can go either way: Seek other cards around them. In this case Judgment supplies the ‘new life’ and the ‘back’ meaning. So we are friends after a disruption, too. x….



Life is full of changes, shifts and surprises. Today we look at disruptions that put you on a much better course to a much better life, but are unwelcome at the time the hammer comes down. An ‘ouch’ so often puts us where we prefer to be. Coincidence appears to be that nasty hammer, but – especially when you are ‘right with your destiny’ – coincidence delivers you to where you are meant to re-root yourself into a satisfying situation. The ride is a roller coaster, but you are glad you got on it, in the end.



resonates with your subconscious awareness!


………..…………..   Judgment and Eight of Cups Whooped it up into the wee hours. A going-away _ that was loud. Missed the surprise _. … again, after you left.** … (we) used to _ are back. (He) suddenly turns into …. All of a sudden, we are __ again.** I got the news you are out of there. … it’s over, and you say so. I dropped out but am recovered and am back. You recover __ after a life-altering event. … again, after a disruption.** A notice of cancellation*** I left and have a better life in another place. I did not make the change.** TOLD THEM I QUIT I’m out of there, and it’s a whole new life …. Told them I quit.** I tell __ I am leaving.* Told __ not to be there. _ says (she) isn’t __ anymore. DON’T TALK ABOUT IT It isn’t public. I don’t speak up …. I don’t talk about …. x..

………..………….. Judgment and Three of Cups   THE GOOD TIMES ARE BACK We celebrated and whooped it up. A party that was loud. A loud party.** Surprise party.** We are dating again. The good times are back. Turns into someone you are happy to be with. All of a sudden we are getting along splendidly again. I got the news, and am so happy for you. You are glad, and you say so. Am back in circulation. You recover your good spirits. You are friends again. A notice of _ thrills you guys. … the team and have a better life …. So glad … the change. It’s a whole new life with people I want to be with. Told them, and I’m glad I did. Told the team. Told the girls. She says she is sharing with you. It’s public that we are such good friends. I speak up around these fashionable women. Talk about who I share my life with.x..

……………………  Eight of Cups and Three of Cups  We celebrate into the wee hours. A going-away party.** Missed the party.** We are dating after you left. The good times we used to enjoy.** Suddenly happy to be with. All of a sudden we are getting along splendidly. THAT’S OVER AND WE ARE HAPPY You are out of there, and I’m so happy for you. You are glad it’s over.** I dropped out and am in circulation. … your good spirits after a life-altering event. Friends after a disruption.* … cancellation thrills you guys. I left the team.** I left the team and _ in another place. So glad I did not ….** I’m out of there … with people I want to be with. I quit, and I’m glad I did.** … the team I am leaving. Leaving the team.** … the girls not to be there. She isn’t sharing with you anymore. It isn’t _ that we are such good friends. I don’t _ around those fashionable women. I don’t _ about who I share my life with.x..




Judgment ……… The dead, on Judgment Day (legal card alert!) are awakened (new life and new phase and new consciousness alert!) by the horn (awakening, alert, loud noise) of the angel (literal angel alert). A shift in consciousness, a surprise, a return to a former condition (death to life, right?), a change (to put it mildly). These are the parts of Judgment we are using today. Never mind the others; I will write a book on them later.)


Eight of Cups ………. Changes, shifts, and disruptions of course are Eight of Cups matters. You are determined to go one way, and the terrain of external circumstances dictates another way. Eight of Cups is neutral as to whether this is a good thing or not. You, however, are going to resume course, which is definitely considered a good thing, as the story of Eight of Cups goes. Why? – because Eight of Cups is a pilgrim determined to arrive at his intended destination, and the presumption, in the card’s story, is that, yes, he will arrive. (This card has no gender.)


Three of Cups………. The parties (shown as women) have pooled money, pooled labor, and put their resources, their heads and hearts, together for mutual benefit. That has proven to be a very good thing: They are still friends celebrating a profit! This card in Tarot Verbatim™ is a Three Musketeers camaraderie, is about partying and dating and sharing life and good times. Three of Cups is good feelings for the people you are dealing with – mutual trust! Three of Cups is also the socialites, the girl gang or girl clique, or even debutantes, as well as women who stick together, sisterhood … all of that.



Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U. S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U. S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U. S. Games Systems, Inc.

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Our Daily Spread for Feb. 27, 2011

Judgment Eight of Cups, Empress, Four of Pentacles

She will have a comfortable life suddenly, will suddenly not be broke anymore. He leaves his princess/spoiled woman broke for a new life. Abandons materialism then recovers from being broke. When he leaves the sexy lady, his secret is made public. Leaving the rich woman means going back to being broke. She disappeared and came back beautiful and won’t admit to anything. There’s a new introspective life to be had when you get over being glamorous. She quit being a Babe and went back to hiding who she is. Go back to where you left off and keep quiet about being such a sexy woman. It’s newsworthy that she suddenly looks so good, but she isn’t talking. Left there to luxuriate in a new privacy. The sexy lady tells his secrets when he leaves her. So we have two cards that mean an abrupt change, the Eight of Cups and Judgment.  The Eight of Cups is just to abandon one course for another, you know, give up something or give up on something; but Judgment, well, Judgment is a new life, news, to recover, to go back …  even a big announcement. After these two cards, we don’t have much content to hang on them.  There sits the sexy beautiful glamorous rich Empress, and next to her is insufficiency, the Four of Pentacles, which means things internal, being broke, privacy, repression and so on. I had to work to get these sentences.  The advice here?  Hmmm.  Mainly, that poor times are over and the good life is back.  Vaguely, it seems also that beauty is only skin deep?  Secrets get out when you make a change in your life or leave some woman behind.

Meanings and Illustrations:

Eight of Cups: Off on another tangent, outa there, drop out, abandon course, change course, end of one phase or thing and beginning of another.  The new and the full moon are joined together as the traveler has no other alternative but to set out in a different direction because the path goes that way. Empress: Thar she luxuriates on her fine cushion in her fine robe, the sign of ‘female’ set in a valentine (ancient sex symbol) next to her – a blonde, of course – with an elaborate tiara that we are to believe has real precious stones that size?  ‘Tis Spring and nature’s bounty surrounds her.  She is the fertility goddess.  This Rider Waite Tarot card means the good life, abundance, a beautiful woman, a slut, the ideal woman, luxury, wealth and so on. Four of Pentacles: To withhold or hold onto, to not admit, to suppress, to be quiet, to not have enough or be insufficient … and a secret to keep.  The illustration shows a miser hugging his coins and keeping them underfoot next to him. Judgment: (P. S.  It’s spelled wrong on the card.)  Several chapters to this Rider Waite card’s meanings.  Today it is newsworthy, a new phase or new life, recovery, a change, made public or publicity and a big announcement.  The illustration shows people coming out of their burials at the trumpeting of the angel.

Rider Waite Tarot-2-27-11b

Times are better for each of us now that we are in a relationship

Six of Swords Three of Pentacles, Empress, King of Cups

Romance Perspective: He is very loving – not like he was in the past – in his relationship with this good-looking woman. He will be doing his part, being affectionate, with this woman, from now on. She brings so much to their relationship it will make him a sweet guy. He doesn’t drink too much anymore so he can associate with the perfect woman. The gentleman leaves his relationship with the spoiled woman. Her past is behind her now that she is the old man’s darling. Her relationship with a good man makes her glamorous; she wasn’t always this way. When her honey leaves her, they settle in court and she is well off. While she was doing her part in their relationship, her honey was putting her behind. She is comfortable with the way the guys love and leave you – that’s the way relationships are. They – the good man and the good-looking woman – are better off now that they are together. Times are better for each of us and we are relaxed now that we are in a relationship. The bad times in our relationship are over, we are comfortable with one another. She isn’t a prostitute/hussy any more, she has a relationship with a man who loves her. She isn’t the (mayor’s) mistress anymore, that deal is over. Business Perspective: What she brings to the deal is glamour: The regulators will leave us alone. The glamour business is not what it used to be because of government. He is a polite man so he avoids dealing with the diva. The gentleman quits doing business with the spoiled woman. She isn’t in on the deals with the county anymore. She wasn’t always the rich glamorous woman you see, before the deals with her mentor/agent. With her in on the deal, better times are ahead for the silent partner. Doing business with the government can make life better, even make it luxurious. With her in the deal, problems are skirted: politicians love her. She is in the sex business, times are better because of the johns. She gets on with her life when she settles in court with the agency. He is the kind of lawyer who settles amicably, leaving his client better off than she was. He avoids going to court against beautiful women (settles instead). It’s almost always easier if you remove one card, to make sentences.  Today’s is the Empress.  Here she sits in the middle, literally, of putting problems in a deal with the government behind.  What’s SHE doing there?  It becomes the glamour business, or even prostitution, or she’s the girlfriend or mistress of a government person, or he, the King of Cups, is her agent.  Then the fact that both Empress and King of Cups are laid-back, relaxed, comfortable people counts.  Then she could be leaving him, or he her, since the Six of Swords means leaving as well a putting problems or bad times behind. Advice here is about calmly ironing out whatever the sticking points might be and prospering both financially and emotionally from that process.  A theme of dealing or settling up with the government applies, and that can be small things like a traffic ticket, you know.  We also bring up the fact that an attractive woman is likely to get a good deal with a regulator or any government form.  (So bring your beautiful wife to traffic court.) (I deliberately left out that the prostitution business gets ahead with politicians as clients because I feel that, realistically, any of you who are madams already know that.)

Meanings and Illustrations:

Three of Pentacles is almost always a relationship or deal, such as a settlement in court, a contract, doing business, coming to an agreement.  It shows an architect going through final inspection with his clients who are checking the blueprint. Empress: Here’s the glamorous sexy debutante, the laid-back lady with the comfortable life.  She can occupy a bar stool in a honky-tonk too, of course.  This is Zsa Zsa or the tennis player who married the busy doctor, too.  Depicted is the generic fertility goddess. King of Cups: The pluperfect gentleman, the good man, the affectionate man, the old(er) man, the drunk or drinking man, the mild-mannered vice presidential dude or middleman, the government or bureaucratic fella.  Some passive aggression can be involved, and he can be an outright weakling when aspected accordingly. Six of Swords: Happy days MAY not be here again, but at least the worst is over.  Putting some undesirable issue or entity behind and ‘getting on with your life.’  Some help getting out of there. With the Three of Pentacles, difficulties are being ironed out and we get on with the deal.  The illustration shows a woman and child like refugees from a bad scene leaving in a shallow paddle boat manned by a helper.