Tarot Readings for You for December 19, 2014 Friday©
GUIDANCE Being a member of some groups comes with just being alive, comes automatically – no way around it no matter how much of a hermit a human hankers to be. Relations with other people and relations with the groups you find yourself part of invariably involve struggle, discord, fighting together as a team, and fighting over internal issues. We lift the cover on all these struggles, and take a peek, and have our wise say today, comparing the struggles couples have with struggles work teams have with struggles for ideology with the wars we have to be a part of. May the best fighter win?
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People love this place! Our site is divided into four sections: Guidance, Tarot Readings, Learn Tarot by Observation, and Learn Tarot by Pictures.
If you just want your daily look ahead, Guidance and Tarot Readings are all you need. ‘Guidance’ (above) is a summary of what the cards are telling visitors to be aware of this day.
‘Group Tarot Cards Reading’ (just below this) is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself.
Did you come here for your predictions? – You are done now – See you tomorrow. The family of commenters here would love for you to join in (the very last thing, at the bottom).
Judgment – Three of Pentacles – Five of Wands
Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.
Headings [So you can choose which belongs to you]
Tarot Readings: Relationships Make Changes (Judgment and Three of Pentacles)
Tarot Readings: Group Efforts (Three of Pentacles and Five of Wands)
Tarot Readings: Struggle re a New Phase (Judgment and Five of Wands)
Tarot Readings: What’s Going Against Us (Three of Pentacles and Five of Wands)
Tarot Readings: Relationships Make Changes (Judgment and Three of Pentacles)
We are trying hard to renew our relationship.
We are getting back together and fighting too.
We create change and we are changed by interactions.
The second time around is harder in a relationship.
I am a whole new person after a combative relationship.
A relationship with a combative person enlightens me.
Fighting on the same side together makes for a new life.
Tarot Readings: Group Efforts (Three of Pentacles and Five of Wands)
After this conference, we are competitive again.
It’s at the second session they thrash out a settlement.
It takes cooperation to be competitive: News flash!
We find ourselves in a whole new ball game.
Uniting in a struggle to make a change.
Coming to agreement through expressing our disagreements.
An announcement is made, and those at the meeting oppose it vehemently.
Such aggressive promotion for new members of their group.
A pep rally: Rah-rah, fight for the team.
The meeting is a word battle.
Tarot Readings: Struggle re a New Phase (Judgment and Five of Wands)
We’ve got a bright new idea worth fighting for.
Here’s a change that is worth your effort.
Suddenly I realize we are in this struggle together.
We are struggling together for a new better life.
They are against the new phase.
Tarot Readings: What’s Going Against Us (Three of Pentacles and Five of Wands)
We are involved in yet another war.
Everybody who is against this speaks up loudly.
The propaganda is against us getting along together.
Now, Part Two,
Do you want to know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim™ thing works? If so,
*Go to Learn Tarot by Observing section below. This tells about the combined three pictures in the Tarot Readings – the pictures above here. It explains how these three cards get together in your mind to make the messages. HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS is a stream-of-consciousness bridge to your subconscious if you use it regularly – people report.
*Go to Learn Tarot by Pictures. It is what each of the three cards, by itself, has to say. It shows you how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in today’s Spread. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.
You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim™ works.
This is a group reading, with no Questioner and no Question to limit what the cards say, so there’s more variety – even contradictions – and also the pronouns are more flexible. If it feels like it’s yours, and it says ‘he,’ and you’re a ‘she,’ feel free to adopt it anyway.
Judgment – Three of Pentacles – Five of Wands
………… Three of Pentacles is a relationship and a group. Five of Wands is fight, competition, exertion. Judgment is a new phase, a change, speaking up or announcing and enlightenment. We have stories. These stories are about relationships and struggles, both struggles together as a team and disagreements between members. With Three of Pentacles meaning any relationship, our story embraces stories about relations between couples, teams at work, teams who have some agreement in common, and even nations. The point of this spread is that struggle is struggle, it’s all the same story whatever level it’s on at the moment.
………………………….. Judgment‘s otherwise-unrelated meanings come from the illustration of the angel on Judgment Day waking the dead with his horn, the dead who are standing naked on the sea of consciousness (because that is what a large body of water means symbolically). Change is a chief ingredient in Judgment’s stew of meanings – a new phase, a shift, an enlightening realization or whole new concept or whole new idea. The change can be a return to a former state (or former anything) because, of course, those now-alive people used to be dead and were, before that, alive. We tend to think being alive is better than being dead, so Judgment’s change is usually one for the better. This return-to-a-former-state class of meanings opens the door to lots of ‘re-‘ words like renew, re-live, revive, restore, reminder (and remember too).
Judgment’s horn blast is a ‘Now hear this’ kind of event, so we have announcement, speak up (or any ‘say/tell’ word or phrase), publicity, publication, propaganda and even ‘holler’ or ‘shout’ as its translates.
………………………….. Three of Pentacles tends to show up more often than other cards, and its meanings come in handy quite often too – the variety of them. Relationship (any kind at all) is the main one, along with agreement, people meeting together as a team, or a meeting to come to a settlement, including legal proceedings. Three of Pentacles is getting along together, and it can be people who have some particular thing in common, like ‘the ones who are for it.’ It’s about business, commercial transactions, getting paid, contracts and deals. These meanings arise from the story in the picture. The supervising architect (contractor-architect) has finished the building, and is proving to his clients (nun and priest) that he followed the blueprints accurately. The blueprint is in the illustration (which sometimes can be translated literally). The architect is living up to his end of the contract, which brings in not just ‘contract,’ but also ‘doing your part in the relationship as agreed. Remember that coming to agreement is a frequent meaning of Three of Pentacles.
………………………….. Five of Wands shows five fellows whacking one another with huge boards. This could be a fight (including combat and war), sports, exercise, or competition (fighting to see who’s the best at it) and it could be about struggle, or even interaction or exertion (something that takes a lot of energy). Once in a while it means melee, riot, or a bunch of low-class overactive dudes. Once in a while it means mere involvement in something, which really seems like overkill, but there you are. It means ‘active involvement’ too, which makes more sense.
Five of Wands represents the word ‘energy’ in all its applications, including mechanics and science questions.
Five of Wands also means to be opposed or against something. The picture directly suggests these things, most of them anyway. Naturally it applies to a combative or competitive person as well. Easy to remember card, an anchor card – which means that those cards with few and clear meanings are a shortcut to determining what your spread is about.
Judgment and Three of Pentacles both have a lot of meanings and applications, so they have even more combined meanings.
Trunk meanings for Three of Pentacles are: relationship, fair deal and dealing with, meeting, negotiation, commercial exchanges, doing your part, contract and legal proceedings.
Trunk meanings for Judgment are: change, announcement, returning, new life or phase, noise, legal matters.
Both of these cards can be about a lawsuit. Together, both in their legal senses, they could say ‘another hearing.’ They could say ‘re-negotiate.’ They could say ‘decision at the hearing’ or ‘decision in the lawsuit.’ At the second session (Judgment), they reach a settlement (Three of Pentacles).
Broadly, you can use ‘Relationships make changes’ as the headline for these two cards.
Judgment means renew, so Judgment and Three of Pentacles say ‘renew our relationship’ or ‘the second time around.’ Three of Pentacles means together, and Judgment means going back, return, or coming back, so ‘We are getting back together.’
We are also changed (Judgment) by interactions (Three of Pentacles).
Judgment is being a whole new person and Three of Pentacles is relationship, so ‘A whole new person after that relationship.’
Now we go into Judgment’s ‘enlightenment’ phase of meanings. A relationship (Three of Pentacles) enlightens me (Judgment). In the same sense of being invigorated, Judgment and Three of Pentacles is a pep rally (loud words about us as a team). You could add ‘Suddenly I realize (Judgment) we are in this together (Three of Pentacles)’ to this.
Three of Pentacles is people who are on the same side, who are together in heart.
Judgment and Three of Pentacles is about ‘on the same side together makes for a new life’ because Judgment is the new life. So these two Tarot cards in Tarot Verbatim™ translate ‘United to make a change’ or ‘Coming to agreement through expressing.’ In the same way ‘Suddenly I realize’ is Judgment, and ‘we are in this together’ is Three of Pentacles.
Along the same lines, these two Tarot cards can talk about a promotion for new members of a group (promotion and ‘new’ being Judgment’ and members of the group being Three of Pentacles.
Judgment and Five of Wands Judgment and Five of Wands actually say ‘renewal of hostilities,’ or ‘another phase of the war.’ Scary.
They also say common ordinary things like ‘Trying hard’ (Five of Wands) ‘to renew’ (Judgment). ‘Changed (Judgment) by interactions (Five of Wands).’ ‘The second time around (Judgment) is harder (Five of Wands). ‘ ‘I’m a whole new person (Judgment) after a combative (Five of Wands) ….’
‘We are competitive (Five of Wands) again (Judgment).’ ‘It’s a struggle (Five of Wands) to change (Judgment).’ ‘A whole new (Judgment) ball game (Five of Wands).’ ‘A struggle (Five of Wands) to make a change (Judgment).’ ‘We express (Judgment) our disagreements (Five of Wands).’ Word battle (Judgment is ‘word’ and Five of Wands is a battle).’
‘Struggle (Five of Wands) re a new phase (Judgment).’ ‘We are struggling (Five of Wands) for a new and better life (Judgment).’
Three of Pentacles and Five of Wands Three of Pentacles and Five of Wands is a combative relationship or a relationship with a combative person (Five of Wands is combative, and Three of Pentacles is a relationship). Since Five of Wands means both ‘combat’ and ‘trying hard,’ these two Rider Waite Tarot cards also say ‘Trying hard in our relationship.’ Go figure! – and look to surrounding cards.
You also see ‘fighting (Five of Wands) on the same side together (Three of Pentacles)’ and ‘Thrashing out (Five of Wands) a settlement (Three of Pentacles).’
‘After this conference, our group is (Three of Pentacles) competitive (Five of Wands).’
‘It takes cooperation (Three of Pentacles) to be competitive (Five of Wands).’
‘Uniting (Three of Pentacles) in a struggle) Five of Wands.’
‘The people who were at the meeting (Three of Pentacles) oppose it (Five of Wands).’
‘Fight for (Five of Wands) the team (Three of Pentacles).’
‘The meeting (Three of Pentacles) is a battle (Five of Wands).’
‘Worth fighting for’ and ‘Worth your effort’ are Three of Pentacles as ‘Worth’ and Five of Wands as the battle and/or the effort.
‘We are in this struggle together’ is Three of Pentacles as ‘We in this together’ and Five of Wands as the struggle. These two also say ‘We are struggling together.’ We are also in a war together, with these two cards.
We come to new phases of awareness – Shall we say new attitude? – through interactions with other people, including group activity we are included in like it or not. The interactions include both struggling for something as a team or as an individual, and struggling against something as a team or an individual – for or against, jointly or singly. We create change by our actions, and we are changed by actions in a process. Coming to agreement often involves expressing disagreement. Sometimes people who oppose us enlighten us, just as sometimes we get insight from combative people we associate with.
resonates with your subconscious awareness!
Judgment and Three of Pentacles RELATIONSHIPS MAKE CHANGES Renew our relationship. We are getting back together. We are changed by interactions. The second time around. Whole new person after a relationship. A relationship enlightens me. __ on the same side together makes for a new life. After this conference, we are _ again. It’s at the second session they … a settlement. News flash! – It takes cooperation to …. We find ourselves in a whole new …. Uniting to make a change. Coming to agreement through expressing …. An announcement is made, and those at the meeting …. Such promotion for new members of their group. A pep rally: Rah-rah …. The meeting is a word …. We’ve got a bright new idea worth …. Here’s a change that is worth your __. Suddenly I realize we are in this together. We are _ together for a better life. They are __ the new phase. We are involved in yet another _. Everybody who is __ speaks up loudly. The propaganda is _ us getting along together. x
Judgment and Five of Wands _ trying hard to renew _. Getting back together and fighting too. Create change, and changed by interactions. The second time around, is harder. I’m a whole new person after a combative _. A _ with a combative person enlightens me. Fighting makes for a new life. **We are competitive again.** It’s at the second _ they thrash out a _. … to be competitive: News flash! A whole new ball game.*** A struggle to make a change. Expressing our disagreements. An announcement is made and __ oppose it vehemently. Such aggressive promotion. A pep rally: Rah-rah …. Word battle. STRUGGLE RE A NEW PHASE A bright new idea … fighting for. Here’s a change … your effort. Suddenly I realize … this struggle …. We are struggling for a new better life. __ against the new phase. We are involved in yet another _. … against this speaks up loudly. The propaganda is against …. x
Three of Pentacles and Five of Wands We are trying hard to _ our relationship. We are together and fighting. We create _, and we are _ by interactions. __ is harder in a relationship. Combative relationship. A relationship with a combative person. Fighting on the same side together. GROUP EFFORTS After this conference, we are competitive. At the _ session, they thrash out a settlement. It takes cooperation to be competitive. We find ourselves in a ball game. Uniting in a struggle. Coming to agreement by … our disagreements. Those at the meeting oppose it vehemently.
Such aggressive _ for _ members of their group. Fight for the team. The meeting is a battle. Worth fighting for. Worth your effort. We are in this struggle together. We are struggling together. They are up against …. WHAT’S GOING AGAINST US We are involved in a war. Everybody who is against this. … is against us getting along together. x..
Judgment ……… Judgment shows newly alive people standing in their old coffins upon the sea (which represents consciousness – hence new consciousness), people who are awakened by the message of the angel’s horn. A cross symbol is attached to the horn, a symbol which represents where the physical and the spiritual intersect. This picture contributes a huge variety of potential applications to a spread; it is not an anchor card.
Judgment means change, new life, new phase, an awakening or enlightenment. The change can be going back to the (better) way it was, which brings in so many ‘re-‘ words like recover, revive, re-live, repeat, etc. It brings in ‘again,’ and ‘the second time.’
Judgment is about an announcement (the horn of course) which brings in publicity, news, propaganda, a statement or any oral communication, and ‘word’ or ‘words.’
Judgment is also about a loud noise, which can be an alarm, a shout, loud machinery or weather, etc.
Three of Pentacles …………. Three of Pentacles shows the culmination of the building of a cathedral or part of it. The architect demonstrates with the blueprint – in a negotiation meeting with his clients – that the building is finished per contract. When they agree with him, this entitles him to his final payment, the big one. Every element of this story is a theme, or a class of meanings, for Three of Pentacles.
So Three of Pentacles means meeting, agreement, dealing with (someone, people, something), commercial exchange, getting paid, living up to your part in a deal or relationship, getting together, teamwork, and fairness.
The contract introduces Three of Pentacles as a legal card. It is a legal proceeding or hearing, a negotiation, a settlement
You can think of Three of Pentacles as ‘deal or relationship’ and ‘meeting,’ and recognize most of its contributions to your spreads. It is very very often a meeting of three people (and so is Three of Cups, for that matter, but not as often). In a business question, watch for Three of Pentacles to say ‘team.’
Five of Wands …………. Five of Wands Since all of what I wrote in ‘Observing’ is specifically about Five of Wands itself, I shall simply quote that here: “Five of Wands shows five fellows whacking one another with huge boards. This could be a fight (including combat and war), sports, exercise, or competition (fighting to see who’s the best at it) and it could be about struggle, or even interaction or exertion (something that takes a lot of energy).
Five of Wands represents the word ‘energy’ in all its applications, including mechanics and science questions.
Five of Wands also means to be opposed or against something. The picture directly suggests these things, most of them anyway. Easy to remember card, an anchor card – which means that those cards with few and clear meanings are a shortcut to determining what your spread is about.”
Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U. S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U. S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U. S. Games Systems, Inc.
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