Tarot Readings for You for April 27-28, 2017 Thursday-Friday©
GUIDANCE Here I am incubating a change, like a chrysalis in a cocoon who doesn’t know that it’s wings that are pressing against him in the cramped space … yet. Then suddenly he bursts forth with new perspective, new abilities, even a new physical form. Nothing exciting about being a worm, and the next thing you know, you can flutter.
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People love this place! Our site is divided into three sections: Guidance; Group Tarot Cards Readings; Learn Tarot by Observing and Learn Tarot by Pictures.
So what do you want to do? –
Did you come here for YOUR PREDICTIONS? – daily trends? –
*Then you read the summary above, titled GUIDANCE,
*Then you read the one-sentence readings below titled GROUP TAROT CARDS READING – and you’re done: See you tomorrow. Invite your friends. At the very bottom are comments. New! – the black boxes to the right as you scroll down allow you to comment right there.
GROUP TAROT CARDS READING is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.
Eight of Swords – Judgment – Four of Swords
“Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.”
Tarot Readings: Eight of Swords and Judgment
Gets out of jail after serving time.
Is a new person after a stay in prison.
I change because I can’t stay the same.
Get used to people saying it can’t be done.
Meditate on change when you’re stuck in a rut.
You suppress a revelation, and here it comes in your sleep.
They tell you you can’t do that, when you wouldn’t anyway.
Oh, it’s just a resurrection of a dead thing, nothing to get excited about.
Tarot Readings: Eight of Swords and Four of Swords
Can’t sleep again.
Can’t retire, I get a whole new life.
You can’t sleep through this alarm.
I can’t sleep in when the alarm wakes me up.
That’s alarming; we cannot be indifferent to it!
Stuck in the status quo?: Your new life is here.
Meditate on what holds you back, and get over it.
‘Our hands are tied; we can’t do anything,’ they say.
Tarot Readings: Judgment and Four of Swords
Can’t go back to sleep.
Not going back to the rut.
Meditation to overcome limitations.
Stuck here just waiting for the word.
He isn’t calling you because he just can’t.
Nothing can stay the same and change too.
An invalid recovers from being incapacitated.
Resting up until you burst out of the cocoon.
Tell them: You’re not letting them fence you in.
Now, Part Two,
Did you come here to ACCESS YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS? –
*Then you read HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS – resonates with your subconscious awareness! – and you’re done.
Did you come here to RESEARCH CARD MEANINGS? –
*Then you go to LEARN TAROT BY OBSERVING and
LEARN TAROT BY PICTURES for single card meanings and for what those cards say today as they get along with their companion cards, which is important for Tarot Verbatim™, whose expertise is combinations of Tarot cards’ meanings.
*Then you go to Now we show where each of the phrases in each of the sentences comes from: for phrases individual cards make in the day’s sentences. This applies the knowledge.
*Then you read HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS – resonates with your subconscious awareness! for language created by each pair of Rider Waite Tarot cards, in Tarot Verbatim™. Now you are done, if you chose to do it all. Comments are at the very bottom.
Did you come for combined meanings of other cards than these?
*Then you can put names of any two cards into Google, and get their combined meanings. You can also write in one card followed by ‘Tarot Verbatim,’ and get paragraphs of meanings for it.
Eight of Swords – In Tarot Verbatim, Eight of Swords is the actual death card. On one hand, it means limitations, can’t and unable to and disabled, being stuck or being in a rut, locked up (jail, prison), or any sort of incapacity. Being locked up, as in jail or prison, or your items in a safe also is ruled by Eight of Swords.
Actually, ‘contained’ is the key word for this set of meanings, so you find Eight of Swords appearing when you ask where a lost item is, meaning it’s in a container (a glove box, drawer, etc.).
On the other hand, note that the victim (yes, Eight of Swords also means victim) is loosely tied, the swords are stuck in the mud by their tips, and no one is around. Eight of Swords is often the kind of ‘can’t’ that is an excuse and means ‘ain’t gonna.’
Use your imagination, because Eight of Swords expands to more miscellaneous related concepts like being in a rut, cocooning, being fenced in (a literal fence, or the one in the cowboy song), what holds you (or anyone or anything) back, what suppresses, or suppressing something, ‘hands are tied,’ when that is an excuse and when it isn’t.
This is rarer, but the woman is isolated from the house on the hill, which gives Eight of Swords a category about being marginalized, the glass ceiling, a helpless feeling, self-imposed limitations and blocks, and even being shunned or untouchable in some way.
Judgment – Judgment is one of the cards that has a lot of meanings related only by the illustration – so it’s not an anchor card. Usually, you identify the subject of your Tarot talk, and then fit Judgment in.
You see people who were dead coming alive, getting out of the coffins (from whence come all the confinement and containment meanings). The recovery from death brings Judgment a whole kingdom of words beginning in ‘re-’ which mean ‘again’ in some way – like recover, resurrect and resurrection of, re-do, remind or reminder, regenerate, regain, repeat, reinstate … and so on forever. Keep in mind that Judgment is one of many cards that translate ‘again.’
Recovery from death also brings various concepts that mean ‘a return to the former state or condition,’ and also, by extension, to go back to a place. (More on this later.) Obviously, Judgment is your go-to card for near-death experience.
Coming up out of the coffins brings Judgment phrases like: get over it, gets out of, bursts out of, pops up, release, launch, unexpected appearance.
Being alive after being dead is a change, so Judgment is one of many cards that translates ‘change.’ Since it means a big announcement as well, these two concepts combine to also mean: an instantaneous change of perspective, as in epiphany, revelation, realization, and ‘getting it’ – in which case you may very well see Hanged Man hanging around because he means these things too, more than Judgment does.
The people who are no longer dead but alive also have a whole new life, a new level of experience, are a whole new person, and Judgment is the lead card for conversion, revelation, epiphany, and changing your mind or your ways. This can combine with recovering from something that held you (or whoever) back – or not.
Then there’s the horn. It’s the big announcement. It brings three main trunks of meanings to Judgment. First, Judgment is a member in very good standing of the large speak/tell/say Tarot tribe. Today Judgment translates: people saying, they tell you, they say, the word, calling you, and tell them. In the military, you may see Judgment saying the ‘Now Hear This.’ And of course, the ‘big announcement’ can be a proposal of marriage or a declaration of love when romance is the subject.
The second class of meanings that arise from the horn is ‘alarm.’ The noise wakes the dead, so Judgment is about waking up, about the alarm or loud noise that woke you up. So it means ‘loud.’ This includes ‘alarming,’ anything alarming, anything that immediately gets your attention. Not only the alarm that wakes you up from sleep, but a car horn, fire alarm, siren, etc. These may very well bring Judgment to your spread.
The third class of meanings that arise from the horn refers to musical instruments (especially horns, of course). Since we don’t have pictures of other instruments on other cards, Judgment covers all of these when you ask. Especially with Star (who is singing), Judgment will refer to a performance of any sort of music.
Judgment is also a new thing, the start of something, the first time. That’s because of the new life, of course. But note that the new life Judgment refers to is the second time around – so Judgment also means the second time, or going back to the old way or the old thing … or the old love interest. These meanings conflict potentially – the first time or the second time.
Judgment is also a legal card, which we are not referring to today.
Four of Swords – Meditating on the purpose of his future life as a knight is what the fellow lying upon the stone container of a coffin is doing; he isn’t dead. But Four of Swords can be a support card for death, especially if Eight of Swords (Tarot Verbatim’s™ actual death card), or sometimes the card labeled ‘Death,’ which isn’t a death card, is present. Four of Swords also is a funeral, and means phrases that have ‘death’ or ‘dead’ in them but refer to something else: dead to the world, dead drunk. Four of Swords is also the deceased.
Four of Swords is the main card for coma, being bed-ridden, getting a good night’s rest, being a ‘couch potato,’ the dormant phase of anything, and of course meditation. It also means ‘time out’ and detaching or cocooning.
Four of Swords is staying in one place, isn’t participating, isn’t doing (whatever the subject is), isn’t doing anything, can’t do anything. ‘Let the world turn without me tonight’ mood. Although he isn’t strictly a negator card, Four of Swords can act as an ‘isn’t’ or a ‘not’ at times.
Four of Swords also is staying the same, and things are as they usually are, status quo, what you’re used to (all true of Hierophant too). Sometimes he is just waiting, and sometimes he is serving time.
Four of Swords is indifferent, turned off, not interested, isn’t responding (including the medical term ‘unresponsive’) and definitely not excited about it.
He meditates in the town cathedral or church, so Four of Swords also belongs to the church theme as well as the meditation theme. It is the main card for vision quest, of course.
Eight of Swords and
Four of Swords both refer to death, and to limitations.
Judgment is recovery, right there between them.
Eight of Swords means
can’t, and
Four of Swords can mean that in just the right settings. You can think of
Eight of Swords as being prevented from or unable to, and
Four of Swords as simply
not doing, or
refraining from action by choice.
Judgment has a wardrobe of meanings, loosely related. Both ‘
again’ and ‘
say’ belong to
Judgment, which allows our spread variety.
Judgment is to
get free, or
get out of, and
Eight of Swords is
prison, or
being locked into anything (like a contract, for instance).
Judgment is to change, and
Four of Swords is to
remain the same. You can see ‘
change’ in
Judgment and
Eight of Swords. On the other hand,
Eight of Swords is
fenced in, and
Four of Swords is
not going to participate in that.
Judgment is the
big announcement, and
Four of Swords is
waiting for it.
The main theme is found in Judgment’s
getting out of the
confinement of
Eight of Swords, or getting free of its
limitations. That story is hampered some by
Four of Swords
not doing anything, or
having nothing to do with the
big change there.
Eight of Swords and Four of Swords both refer to death, and to limitations. Judgment is recovery, right there between them. Eight of Swords means can’t, and Four of Swords can mean that in just the right settings. You can think of Eight of Swords as being prevented from or unable to, and Four of Swords as simply not doing, or refraining from action by choice.
Judgment has a wardrobe of meanings, loosely related. Both ‘again’ and ‘say’ belong to Judgment, which allows our spread variety.
Judgment is to get free, or get out of, and Eight of Swords is jail, prison, or being locked into anything (like a contract, for instance). Judgment is to change, and Four of Swords is to remain the same. You can see ‘can’t change’ in Judgment and Eight of Swords. On the other hand, Eight of Swords is fenced in, and Four of Swords is not going to participate in that.
Judgment is the big announcement, and Four of Swords is waiting for it.
The main theme is found in Judgment’s getting out of the confinement of Eight of Swords, or getting free of its limitations. The story is hampered some by Four of Swords not doing anything, or having nothing to do with the big change there.
I’m thinking how people change for the better without their participation, even without being able to change. It’s called growing up. The passage of time mysteriously matures us into a new life, new perspective.
Tarot Readings: Eight of Swords and Judgment
Gets out of JUDGMENT jail EIGHT OF SWORDS after serving time FOUR OF SWORDS.
Is a new person JUDGMENT after a stay in FOUR OF SWORDS prison EIGHT OF SWORDS–.
I change JUDGMENT because I can’t EIGHT OF SWORDS stay the same FOUR OF SWORDS.
Get used to FOUR OF SWORDS people saying JUDGMENT it can’t be done EIGHT OF SWORDS.
Meditate on FOUR OF SWORDS change JUDGMENT when you’re stuck in a rut EIGHT OF SWORDS.
You suppress EIGHT OF SWORDS a revelation JUDGMENT, and here it comes JUDGMENT in your sleep FOUR OF SWORDS.
They tell you JUDGMENT you can’t do that EIGHT OF SWORDS, when you wouldn’t anyway FOUR OF SWORDS.
Oh, it’s just a resurrection of JUDGMENT a dead thing EIGHT OF SWORDS, nothing to get excited about FOUR OF SWORDS.
Tarot Readings: Eight of Swords and Four of Swords
Can’t EIGHT OF SWORDS retire FOUR OF SWORDS, I get a whole new life JUDGMENT.
You can’t EIGHT OF SWORDS sleep through FOUR OF SWORDS this alarm JUDGMENT.
I can’t EIGHT OF SWORDS sleep in when the alarm FOUR OF SWORDS wakes me up JUDGMENT.
That’s alarming JUDGMENT; we cannot EIGHT OF SWORDS be indifferent to it FOUR OF SWORDS!
Stuck EIGHT OF SWORDS in the status quo FOUR OF SWORDS?: Your new life is here JUDGMENT.
Meditate on FOUR OF SWORDS what holds you back EIGHT OF SWORDS, and get over it JUDGMENT.
‘Our hands are tied EIGHT OF SWORDS; we can’t do anything FOUR OF SWORDS,’ they say JUDGMENT.
Tarot Readings: Judgment and Four of Swords
Meditation to FOUR OF SWORDS overcome JUDGMENT limitations EIGHT OF SWORDS.
Stuck here EIGHT OF SWORDS just waiting for FOUR OF SWORDS the word JUDGMENT.
He isn’t FOUR OF SWORDS calling you JUDGMENT because he just can’t EIGHT OF SWORDS.
Nothing can EIGHT OF SWORDS stay the same FOUR OF SWORDS and change too JUDGMENT.
An invalid FOUR OF SWORDS recovers from JUDGMENT being incapacitated EIGHT OF SWORDS.
Resting up until FOUR OF SWORDS you burst out of JUDGMENT the cocoon EIGHT OF SWORDS.
Tell them JUDGMENT: You’re not letting them FOUR OF SWORDS fence you in EIGHT OF SWORDS.
resonates with your subconscious awareness!
Eight of Swords and Judgment – Gets out of jail. Is a new person in prison. I change because I can’t …. People say it can’t be done. Change when you’re stuck in a rut. You suppress a revelation. They tell you you can’t do that. Oh, it’s just a resurrection of a dead thing. Can’t _ again. Can’t …, I get a whole new life. You can’t … this alarm. I can’t … when the alarm wakes me up. That’s alarming; we cannot …. Stuck …: Your new life is here. … what holds you back, and get over it. ‘Our hands are tied,’ they say. Can’t go back. Back to the rut. Overcome limitations. Stuck here … the word. … calling you because he just can’t. Nothing can _ and change too. Recovers from being incapacitated. You burst out of the cocoon. Tell them … fence you in. x
Eight of Swords and Four of Swords – Serving time in jail. A stay in prison.*** I can’t stay the same. Get used to ‘it can’t be done.’ Meditate on _ when you’re stuck in a rut. You suppress _, and here … in your sleep. ‘You can’t do that,’ when you wouldn’t anyway. A dead thing, nothing to get excited about. Can’t sleep.*** Can’t retire.*** I can’t sleep in. We cannot be indifferent to it.*** Stuck in the status quo. Meditate on what holds you back. ‘Our hands are tied, we can’t do anything.’ Can’t sleep. Not going … the rut. Meditation limitations. Stuck here just waiting.*** He isn’t because he just can’t. Nothing can stay the same. An invalid is incapacitated. Resting up in the cocoon. You’re not letting them fence you in. x
Judgment and Four of Swords – Gets out after serving time. Is a new person after a stay in _. I change … stay the same. Get used to people saying …. Meditate on change. A revelation, and here it comes in your sleep. They tell you you can’t do that. Oh, it’s just a resurrection of a _, nothing to get excited about. Sleep again.*** … retire, I get a whole new life. Sleep through this alarm. Sleep in when the alarm wakes me up. That’s alarming; be indifferent to it. The status quo: Your new life is here. Meditate on _, and get over it. We can’t do anything, they say. Go back to sleep.*** Not going back. Meditation to overcome. Just waiting for the word. He isn’t calling you. Stay the same and change too. An invalid recovers. Resting up until you burst out. Tell them: … fence you in. x
my favorite flower
I have 17 acres of these!
Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U. S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U. S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U. S. Games Systems, Inc.
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