Tarot Verbatim
GUIDANCE You come out of your shell cleanly. Limited by who you now are, you change that abruptly (finally!). Getting stuck rebirths you a new life, in different ways, large and small ways. A promotion results from a dead-end job, enabling you to be a different person. Getting sick enough leads to recovery and you feel at your best. Things change to a new scene when you blurt out something you were stifling. Happy New One
Are YOU here for the first time? Come in!
People love this place! Our site is divided into three sections: Guidance; Group Tarot Cards Readings; Learn Tarot by Observing and Learn Tarot by Pictures.
So what do you want to do? –
Did you come here for YOUR PREDICTIONS? – daily trends? –
*Then you read the summary above, titled
*Then you read the one-sentence readings below titled
GROUP TAROT CARDS READING – and you’re done: See you tomorrow. Invite your friends. At the very bottom are comments. New! – the black boxes to the right as you scroll down allow you to comment right there.
GROUP TAROT CARDS READING is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.
“Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.”
Tarot Readings: Eight of Swords and Judgment
They say you can’t say that!
Life after death for a standup guy.
Gets out of jail and cleans up his act.
Out of my shell like you told me to be.
Realizes there’s no way out of what he said.
After being shut in, you are out showing your face.
Nothing’s happening, and then there’s a new good-looking guy.
Hatching out of the box now and into a new life as your best self.
Tarot Readings: Eight of Swords and Page of Wands
Dead to myself and alive again.
Stifle yourself until you blurt it out.
A dead body is brought back to life.
Can’t be that young optimistic self again.
Limited by who you are, you change that.
He is stuck for something to say for a change.
The deceased speaks to you from his afterlife.
A disabled person is in fine shape all of a sudden.
Tarot Readings: Judgment and Page of Wands
You change an image that limits you.
Once again, he says he can’t do that.
He talks loud enough to wake the dead.
A young fellow is not helpless anymore.
Say it just one more time and then shut up.
You blurt it out and say ‘You can’t do that to me.’
Eureka! What holds me back is being the good-guy.
The best person to be promoted out of a dead-end job.
… .. …..
… .
Now, Part Two,
Did you come here to ACCESS YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS? –
*Then you read HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS – resonates with your subconscious awareness! – and you’re done.
Did you come here to RESEARCH CARD MEANINGS? –
*Then you go to
LEARN TAROT BY PICTURES for single card meanings and for what those cards say today as they get along with their companion cards, which is important for Tarot Verbatim™, whose expertise is combinations of Tarot cards’ meanings.
*Then you go to Now we show where each of the phrases in each of the sentences comes from: for phrases individual cards make in the day’s sentences. This applies the knowledge.
*Then you read HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS – resonates with your subconscious awareness! for language created by each pair of Rider Waite Tarot cards, in Tarot Verbatim™. Now you are done, if you chose to do it all. Comments are at the very bottom.
Did you come for combined meanings of other cards than these?
*Then you can put names of any two cards into Google, and get their combined meanings. You can also write in one card followed by ‘Tarot Verbatim,’ and get paragraphs of meanings for it.
Eight of Swords – Limitations, self-imposed limitations, being helpless or feeling helpless. Tied up or ‘tied up.’ Can’t or can’t-itis. The loose binding on the gal, and the heavy swords stuck tip-deep in the mud, and the fact no one is around, express the self-imposed part of Eight of Swords’ meanings – like the proverbial elephant chained with twine.
The most frequent word for Eight of Swords is ‘can’t.’ That includes the excuse-making ‘can’t.’
But in Tarot Verbatim™ Eight of Swords is the lead death card, with some others being mere support for that theme. So Eight of Swords is your card for words like: death, dead, dead to, dead body, deceased, dead-end.
Eight of Swords is all about limitations (whether real or made-up, or imagined). Today these limitations are expressed in these ways: my shell; after being shut in; the box; jail; there’s no way; stifle; He is stuck for; shut up; what holds me back is; a disabled person; that limits you; limited by.
Once in a while this Eight of Swords card expresses the doldrums, the way we feel when ‘nothing’s happening.’ Today is one of those instances.
Judgment – Today Judgment is in the company of Eight of Swords which means death, as Judgment means life after death. Judgment also is getting loose from the limitations of Eight of Swords. So today we have life after death, alive again, brought back to life, getting out of – or hatching out of – or being promoted out of. Today we are not using some of Judgment’s other meanings. You can Google ‘Judgment Tarot Verbatim’ to get other meanings of Judgment from the archives of Tarot Verbatim™.
Judgment means ‘change’ and means ‘again’ because those coffinated folks are alive again, and that’s a change – a sudden change, as Judgment also means sudden. It’s a promotion to be alive again, and Judgment means promotion today. The new life also prompts Judgment to translate ‘new’ in various ways too.
The horn makes this big announcement, which brings Judgment into the speak/tell/say Tarot tribe. It also brings Judgment all sorts of ‘loud noise’ meanings because, well, that horn is loud enough to wake the dead.
Judgment also is a revelation. That translates ‘Eureka’ today.
Page of Wands – Page of Wands’ two main meanings are the speak/tell/say Tarot family (a big family, that!) and ‘identity’: It’s an identity card. Identity cards represent people (or person) individually – often as pronouns; they represent being personally present; and they represent an image, a type of person. Page of Wands can even translate ‘type of person’ after another card that identifies which type. Page of Wands is the young well-dressed well-spoken clean-cut upstanding good guy. Today we have all these identity words: standup guy; good-looking guy; young fellow; your best self; myself; yourself; young optimistic self; who you are; an image; the best person; being the good guy.
Page of Wands is the physical self; it even translates ‘physical.’ It also translates ‘body.’ Today, with Eight of Swords, it is a dead body. (But don’t worry, recovery in Judgment is right at hand).
… .. …..
… .
Judgment and
Page of Wands are both
speaking up. Both are card-carrying Tarot members of the
speak/tell/say clan. They come from very different perspectives, though.
Judgment can be a
big announcement, can be a
public declaration or
Page of Wands is
a person
having something to say, or
speaking up.
Eight of Swords is
stuck in a box of something;
Judgment is
getting out of the box and having a
new lease on life;
Page of Wands is
being the best person one can. So our main story is that
getting out of, or
getting away from,
what hinders and
limits us gets us into a
new phase of
We also have, in our Tarot story here,
death and
Eight of Swords is the main card that means
death in Tarot Verbatim™, and
Judgment, of course, is
life after death. (And
Page of Wands can be the body!)
Judgment and
Eight of Swords tell of
recovery from anything that
holds back, or
limits, tell of a
new life and a
new phase after being
shut in,
locked up, or anything like those.
Other stories, yes.
Judgment means ‘
again’ as well as
speak. So
Judgment with
Eight of Swords say ‘
Can’t (whatever)
again,’ and also say ‘
Get out of
jail’ is also in
Judgment and
Eight of Swords because
Eight of Swords is
locked up (referring to anything) and
Judgment is getting out of being
confined (in those coffins).
. ……. …..
…… . ..
Judgment and Page of Wands are both speaking up. Both are card-carrying Tarot members of the speak/tell/say clan. They come from very different perspectives, though. Judgment can be a big announcement, can be a public declaration or publicity; Page of Wands is a person having something to say, or speaking up.
Eight of Swords is stuck in a box of something; Judgment is getting out of the box and having a new lease on life; Page of Wands is being the best person one can. So our main story is that getting out of, or getting away from, what hinders and limits us gets us into a new phase of well-being.
We also have, in our Tarot story here, death and rebirth. Eight of Swords is the main card that means death in Tarot Verbatim™, and Judgment, of course, is life after death. (And Page of Wands can be the body!) Judgment and Eight of Swords tell of recovery from anything that suppresses, hinders, holds back, or limits, tell of a new life and a new phase after being unable, disabled, shut in, locked up, or anything like those.
Other stories, yes. Judgment means ‘again’ as well as speak. So Judgment with Eight of Swords say ‘Can’t (whatever) again,’ and also say ‘Can’t say.’ Get out of jail’ is also in Judgment and Eight of Swords because Eight of Swords is locked up (referring to anything) and Judgment is getting out of being confined (in those coffins).
. ……. …..
… …. ..
I’m the only one who can change the image I project of who I am, and I was stuck with it until I did make the change. I knew *who I was acting like* was what held me back, and that wasn’t really who I was anymore. But I was limited until I actually made the change myself.
Tarot Readings: Eight of Swords and Judgment
They say you can’t say that!
Life after death for a standup guy.
Gets out of jail and cleans up his act.
Out of my shell like you told me to be.
Realizes there’s no way out of what he said.
After being shut in, you are out showing your face.
Nothing’s happening, and then there’s a new good-looking guy.
Hatching out of the box now and into a new life as your best self.
Tarot Readings: Eight of Swords and Page of Wands
Dead to myself and alive again.
Stifle yourself until you blurt it out.
A dead body is brought back to life.
Can’t be that young optimistic self again.
Limited by who you are, you change that.
He is stuck for something to say for a change.
The deceased speaks to you from his afterlife.
A disabled person is in fine shape all of a sudden.
Tarot Readings: Judgment and Page of Wands
You change an image that limits you.
Once again, he says he can’t do that.
He talks loud enough to wake the dead.
A young fellow is not helpless anymore.
Say it just one more time and then shut up.
You blurt it out and say ‘You can’t do that to me.’
Eureka! What holds me back is being the good-guy.
The best person to be promoted out of a dead-end job.
… .. …..
… .
resonates with your subconscious awareness!
Tarot Readings: Eight of Swords and Judgment
you can’t say that!
Life after death.
Gets out of jail.
Out of my shell.
there’s no way out.
After being shut in, you are out.
Nothing’s happening, and then there’s a new _.
Hatching out of the box now and into a new life.
Dead and alive again.
Stifle _until you blurt it out.
A dead _ is brought back to life.
Can’t be _again.
Limited, you change that.
He is stuck for a change.
The deceased speaks to you.
A disabled person all of a sudden.
You change _ that limits you.
Once again, he can’t do that.
loud enough to wake the dead.
is not helpless anymore.
just one more time and shut up.
You blurt out ‘You can’t do that.’
What holds me back is _.
to be promoted out of a dead-end job.
Tarot Readings: Eight of Swords and Page of Wands
They say you can’t!
death for a standup guy.
jail and cleans up his act.
__ my shell like you told me to be.
there’s no way __what he said.
After being shut in, showing your face.
Nothing’s happening, good-looking guy.
the box __ as your best self.
Dead to myself.
Stifle yourself.
A dead body.
Can’t be that young optimistic self.
Limited by who you are.
He is stuck for something to say.
The deceased _ from his afterlife.
A disabled person is in fine shape.
an image that limits you.
he says he can’t do that._
He talks to the dead.
A young fellow is helpless.
Say it and shut up.
say ‘You can’t do that to me.’
What holds me back is being the good-guy.
The best person in a dead-end job.
Tarot Readings: Judgment and Page of Wands
They say _ say that!
Life after death for a standup guy.
Gets out and cleans up his act.
Out of _ like you told me to be.
Realizes _ out of what he said.
you are out showing your face.
and then there’s a new good-looking guy.
Hatching out now and into a new life as your best self.
myself alive again.
yourself until you blurt it out.
body is brought back to life.
that young optimistic self again.
who you are, you change that.
something to say for a change.
speaks to you from his afterlife.
is in fine shape all of a sudden.
You change your image.
Once again, he says _.
He talks loud enough to wake _.
A young fellow is not _ anymore.
Say it just one more time.
You blurt it out and say _.
Eureka! _ being the good-guy.
The best person to be promoted.
… .. …..


newborn elk child
Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U. S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U. S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U. S. Games Systems, Inc.
The entire contents of this website are Copyright © 2018. All rights reserved. This site may not be copied in whole or in part except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review without the express written permission of the publisher. All violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
NOTICE – Anyone found copying Tarot Verbatim’s™ website or using Tarot Verbatim’s™ trademarked/copyrighted text and/or images without Tarot Verbatim’s™ express written consent by Emily Sandstrom will be reported to their billing company, their hosting company, and any other related companies or necessary parties for account closure. Tarot Verbatim™ will also follow with a copyright infringement lawsuit in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
Tarot Verbatim
GUIDANCE You know those times when a word, or a mention, becomes an epiphany? – and you go on from there. You follow the long strings of that one thought. It roots and grows in your psyche, and you are liking the trip and the result. The same process happens when you decide within yourself you want to purchase a certain trait, or be a certain way, and you set your intention in that direction, and accomplish the desired result. The first way is more fun, I think – inspiration is always a good vehicle to enjoy life. So Who do you want to be next? – and how would you like to get there? We are ALL about that today!
Are YOU here for the first time? Come in!
People love this place! Our site is divided into four sections: Guidance, Tarot Readings, Learn Tarot by Observation, and Learn Tarot by Pictures.
If you just want your daily look ahead, Guidance and Tarot Readings are all you need. ‘Guidance’ (above) is a summary of what the cards are telling visitors to be aware of this day.
‘Group Tarot Cards Reading’ (just below this) is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself.
Did you come here for your predictions? – You are done now – See you tomorrow. The family of commenters here would love for you to join in (the very last thing, at the bottom).
Judgment – Page of Wands – Nine of Cups
“Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.”
Headings [So you can choose which belongs to you]
Tarot Readings: The New You (Judgment and Page of Wands)
Tarot Readings: Told the News, An Epiphany (Judgment and Page of Wands)
Tarot Readings: Enjoyable Changes (Judgment and Nine of Cups)
Tarot Readings: Dream Man (Page of Wands and Nine of Cups)
Tarot Readings: The New You (Judgment and Page of Wands)
Who do you want to be next?
We reinvent ourselves as we choose.
A new perspective: being content with me.
Here to tell you that you are as young as you want to be.
Tell them what you want – speak up.
I want to be young again.
You want to start over with a new image.
Suddenly I just want to be who I am.
This is your reminder to be who you want to be.
Your body wants to recover – talk to it.
To be an honest person, you want to change.
Changing the way you talk is a good thing.
Talking myself into being the better person I want to be.
I want to make a difference; I stand for that.
Tarot Readings: Told the News, An Epiphany (Judgment and Page of Wands)
You are told the good news, and you are pleased.
Grateful you were told something – it is an epiphany.
Tell them about how to have the new life we all want.
Tarot Readings: Enjoyable Changes (Judgment and Nine of Cups)
So glad to be in good shape again.
Making myself the different life I want.
So glad I changed myself.
Grateful for my recovery – I am well now.
Suddenly he is that good attractive man you want him to be.
A new way of presenting yourself brings a greater reward.
Suddenly he gets his dream come true when he flirts.
Someone to talk to makes life enjoyable again.
Tarot Readings: Dream Man (Page of Wands and Nine of Cups)
Suddenly says exactly what you want (him) to.
Another young good-looking guy would be just right.
Your dream man is here, now.
Tells you (he) wants to change.
Now, Part Two,
Do you want to know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim™ thing works? If so,
*Go to Learn Tarot by Observing section below. This tells about the combined meanings of the three cards in the pictures in the Tarot Readings. It explains how these cards get together in your mind to make the messages. HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS is a stream-of-consciousness bridge to your subconscious if you use it regularly – people report.
*Go to Learn Tarot by Pictures. It is what each of the cards, by itself, has to say. It shows you how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in today’s Spread. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.
You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim™ works.
This is a group reading, with no Questioner and no Question to limit what the cards say, so there’s more variety – even contradictions – than a personal reading would give you. Also, pronouns are flexible: If the sentence feels like it’s yours, and it says ‘he,’ but you’re a ‘she,’ well, it’s yours.
*AND if you write names of any two cards into the Google search bar, it will give you meanings of those!
Judgment – Page of Wands – Nine of Cups
Judgment is change, and Judgment is New. Page of Wands is the person and the image. Talk, speak up, say and announce are meanings of both Judgment and Page of Wands too. The other card is Nine of Cups: getting what you want. So we are talking ourselves into being the new person we want to be.
………….. Judgment There’s an angel doing his job waking my ashes up with the big noise of his horn. This is about big changes, changes for the better, returning to what was (being alive), big news, waking up, epiphany and revelation – and most of all about new life. Today we concentrate on the change for the better, the new life, the new self, and the new image because Page of Wands is self and image, and because Nine of Cups definitely means ‘for the best,’ not just the better. Today Judgment offers us new and better life, new and better usses.
………….. Page of Wands is The Good Guy. Page of Wands is ‘best foot forward.’ Page of Wands, therefore, is the best you, your best self. With Nine of Cups, the best self you want to be. With Judgment, the new and better self. Chapter Two: Page of Wands is speaking, words, language, presentation, spokesperson and identity. Page of Wands is who you are too. Besides all that, there’s an ideal (well-dressed, well-spoken handsome good guy) to Page of Wands that makes him, ta-DA, Prince Charming – or makes you the very best version of yourself you can be right now. Stereotype, when Page of Wands represents an individual, is a young man who is doing his best to impress others with his worth.
Well, Page of Wands also is the physical body. Pay attention to this: This card appears for ‘being in good shape’ and being, of course, in good health. Judgment and Page of Wands actually suggest telling your body to rejuvenate, to be at its best.
………….. Nine of Cups has had a few and is feelin’ pretty good … got a buzz on, and you can feel that in its meanings. Enjoying life, being happy and content, got everything I want, everything’s all right. Nine of Cups often brings forth phrases about what a person wants, but even then there’s an implication that it’s not only reachable but is low-hanging fruit on the tree of life.
We reinvent ourselves as and if we choose. This morphing happens with or without our volition. So we can use a template, choose a model, or dream of who we want to be next … and get there … or we can let nature take its course. Either way, we are content with who we are right now. You can be as young as you want to be, and as honest as you want to be – you just have to talk to your real self, your subconscious self, about the whole thing. Pick up the phone now.
Now we show where each of the phrases in each of the sentences comes from:
Tarot Readings: The New You (Judgment and Page of Wands)
Who do you Page of Wands want to be Nine of Cups next Judgment?
A new perspective Judgment: being content with Nine of Cups me Page of Wands.
Here to tell you Judgment that you are as young Page of Wands as you want to be Nine of Cups.
Tell them Judgment what you want Nine of Cups – speak up Page of Wands.
I want to Nine of Cups be young Page of Wands again Judgment.
You want to Nine of Cups start over Judgment with a new Judgment image Page of Wands.
Suddenly Judgment I just want to be Nine of Cups who I am Page of Wands.
This is your reminder Judgment to be who Page of Wands you want to be Nine of Cups.
Your body Page of Wands wants to Nine of Cups recover Judgment – talk to it.
To be an honest person Page of Wands, you want to Nine of Cups change Judgment.
Changing Judgment the way you talk Page of Wands is a good thing Nine of Cups.
Talking Judgment myself into being the better Judgment person I Page of Wands want to be Nine of Cups.
I want to Nine of Cups make a difference Judgment; I stand for that Page of Wands.
Tarot Readings: Told the News, An Epiphany (Judgment and Page of Wands)
You are told Page of Wands the good news Judgment, and you are pleased Nine of Cups.
Grateful Nine of Cups you were told something Page of Wands – it is an epiphany Judgment.
Tell them Page of Wands about how to have the new life Judgment we all want Nine of Cups.
Tarot Readings: Enjoyable Changes (Judgment and Nine of Cups)
So glad Nine of Cups to be in good shape Page of Wands again Judgment.
Making myself Page of Wands the different life Judgment I want Nine of Cups.
So glad Nine of Cups I changed Judgment myself Page of Wands.
Grateful Nine of Cups for my recovery Judgment – I am well Page of Wands now.
Suddenly Judgment he is that good attractive man Page of Wands you want him to be Nine of Cups.
A new way Judgment of presenting yourself Page of Wands brings a greater reward Nine of Cups.
Suddenly Judgment he gets his dream come true Nine of Cups when he flirts Page of Wands.
Someone to talk to Page of Wands makes life enjoyable Nine of Cups again Judgment.
Tarot Readings: Dream Man (Page of Wands and Nine of Cups)
Suddenly Judgment says Page of Wands exactly what you want Nine of Cups (him Page of Wands) to.
Another Judgment young good-looking guy Page of Wands would be just right Nine of Cups.
Your dream Nine of Cups man Page of Wands is here, now Judgment.
Tells you Page of Wands (he Page of Wands) wants to Nine of Cups change Judgment.
resonates with your subconscious awareness!
Judgment and Page of Wands THE NEW YOU Who are you next? Who do you … next? A new perspective: … with me. Here to tell you that you are as young …. Tell them … speak up. Be young again. Start over with a new image. Suddenly who I am. This is your reminder to be who …. Your body: Talk to it. To be an honest person, change. Changing the way you talk. Talking myself into being the person …. Making a difference: I stand for that. TOLD THE NEWS, AN EPIPHANY You are told the good news. You were told something: It is an epiphany. Tell them about how to have the new life. Tell them about the new life. To be in good shape again. Making myself the different life. I changed myself. … for my recovery – I am well. Suddenly he is that good attractive man. A new way of presenting yourself. Suddenly … when he flirts. Someone to talk to again. Suddenly says …. Another young good-looking guy. Your _ man is here, now. Tells you he … to change. x
Judgment and Nine of Cups … want to be next? A new perspective: being content. Here to tell you that you are as young …. Tell them what you want. I want to be young. You want a new image. Suddenly I just want to be …. This is your reminder you want to be. _ wants to recover. You want change.*** Changing is a good thing. Talking myself into … I want. I want to make a difference. … the good news, and you are pleased. You are told the good news, and you are pleased. Grateful … it is an epiphany. The new life we all want. ENJOYABLE CHANGES Go glad to … again. The different life I want. So glad I changed.*** Grateful for my recovery. Suddenly … you want …. A new way brings a greater reward. Suddenly gets (his) dream come true. _ makes life enjoyable again. Suddenly exactly what you want. Another _ would be just right. Your dream _ is here now. … wants change. x
Page of Wands and Nine of Cups Who do you want to be? Who you want to be. Being content with me. You are as young as you want to be. Tell them what you want. … what you want: Speak up. I want to be young. You want a _ image. I just want to be who I am.*** Be who you want to be.*** Your body wants … To be an honest person, you want …. The way you talk is good. _ the way you talk is a good thing. Talking myself into the person I want to be. I want to … I stand for that. You are told _, and you are pleased. Grateful you were told something. Tell them … we all want. So glad to be in good shape. Making myself the life I want. So glad I _ myself. Grateful I am well. He is that good attractive man you want him to be. Presenting yourself brings a greater good. He gets his dream come true when he flirts. Someone to talk to makes life enjoyable. He says exactly what you want him to. A young good-looking guy would be just right. Your dream man. Tells you he wants to _. x

Judgment .………. Judgment is one of those totally welcome, totally positive cards whose key meaning is new life, awakening, and good news. It has other less important applications, like the loud noise, but today, in its present company, those meanings are what Judgment is saying … and, it does mean ‘saying.’

Page of Wands …………. Page of Wands is your best self, and is a handsome young man (if that is different). Page of Wands is talking, or being the one who speaks for, or being the one who speaks up. He is famous for being well-dressed, well-spoken, well-mannered, and well. Page of Wands is being in good shape (which could refer to your car, by the way – doesn’t have to be a person, or even be a living thing).

Nine of Cups …………. Nine of Cups, we put the welcome mat out for. Nine of Cups is having it your way and having what you want; is being content, satisfied, glad and happy. It is what you want. And even when it means ‘want,’ the fact this is the card that said that infers you will be satisfied with whatever it is.
Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U. S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U. S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U. S. Games Systems, Inc.
The entire contents of this website are Copyright © 2015. All rights reserved. This site may not be copied in whole or in part except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review without the express written permission of the publisher. All violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
NOTICE – Anyone found copying Tarot Verbatim’s™ website or using Tarot Verbatim’s™ trademarked/copyrighted text and/or images without Tarot Verbatim’s™ express written consent by Emily Sandstrom will be reported to their billing company, their hosting company, and any other related companies or necessary parties for account closure. Tarot Verbatim™ will also follow with a copyright infringement lawsuit in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
Tarot Verbatim
GUIDANCE Have you ever walked out of your house a different, changed, person? A culmination of *shifts within* cascades ‘overnight’ into a new image, a new self, when the shifts finally gel into place like ice cubes *first getting all the way solid* and not being fragile sheets anymore. Even you notice this, and you feel a little unsure in your own skin for a little while. A spiritual growth spurt has erupted like a hibiscus blossoming into the morning. This new person has your name.
Are YOU here for the first time? Come in!
People love this place! Our site is divided into four sections: Guidance, Tarot Readings, Learn Tarot by Observation, and Learn Tarot by Pictures.
If you just want your daily look ahead, Guidance and Tarot Readings are all you need. ‘Guidance’ (above) is a summary of what the cards are telling visitors to be aware of this day.
‘Group Tarot Cards Reading’ (just below this) is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself.
Did you come here for your predictions? – You are done now – See you tomorrow. The family of commenters here would love for you to join in (the very last thing, at the bottom).
Sun – Judgment – Page of Wands
Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.
Headings [So you can choose which belongs to you]
Tarot Readings: A New Me, A New Person (Judgment and Page of Wands)
Tarot Readings: Liberated from Being Yourself (Sun and Page of Wands)
Tarot Readings: Being Told Good News (Judgment and Page of Wands)
Miscellaneous Tarot Readings:
Tarot Readings: New Kid (Sun and Judgment)
Tarot Readings: A New Me, A New Person (Judgment and Page of Wands)
Happy days are here again, you are looking so good.
Quit saying you are anything – free your image.
I change my image to young and exuberant.
Turning into a new fun version of yourself.
Suddenly is a good-looking fellow with boyish charm.
A new younger-looking self.
In such good shape – what a change! – I’m not limited anymore.
He’s a kid again all of a sudden.
He is happy again.
I am happy again.
A whole new phase of life for an adventuresome fellow.
Tarot Readings: Liberated from Being Yourself (Sun and Page of Wands)
Getting out of there is going back to being myself.
There’s nothing to hold you back from being your best self anymore.
New developments free you from being a certain type of person.
Liberated from who he was and out of that scene.
No more physical limitation – you recover!
He is back to being playful again.
A new me emerges from the house.
Playboy turns into an honest man.
Tarot Readings: Being Told Good News (Judgment and Page of Wands)
Such happy news I am being told now.
He says the right word to make you so happy.
Something you are told liberates you on the spot.
Miscellaneous Tarot Readings: Miscellaneous
What he says about himself gets him out of something.
You have to tell the boy again – speak to him.
Tarot Readings: New Kid (Sun and Judgment)
He is changing from a brat to a nice young man.
A new baby looks just like him.
A new baby boy.
Now, Part Two,
Do you want to know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim™ thing works? If so,
*Go to Learn Tarot by Observing section below. This tells about the combined three pictures in the Tarot Readings – the pictures above here. It explains how these three cards get together in your mind to make the messages. HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS is a stream-of-consciousness bridge to your subconscious if you use it regularly – people report.
*Go to Learn Tarot by Pictures. It is what each of the three cards, by itself, has to say. It shows you how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in today’s Spread. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.
You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim™ works.
This is a group reading, with no Questioner and no Question to limit what the cards say, so there’s more variety – even contradictions – and also the pronouns are more flexible. If it feels like it’s yours, and it says ‘he,’ and you’re a ‘she,’ feel free to adopt it anyway.
Sun – Judgment – Page of Wands
………… Sun and Judgment each are change and new phase of life. Sun and Page of Wands are each young males – a boy-child and a young man. Since Page of Wands is also self, image and identity, the change (Judgment) is becoming a new self – a better self since Sun means liberation and since Judgment is recovering and rejuvenating, not to mention rising from the dead. Our theme is unequivocally about a new you emerging from the restrictions (Sun) of where you were. Since Page of Wands means self, it translates ‘I’ and ‘me’ as well as ‘he’ and ‘him,’ so our messages is unisex.
………….. Sun’s picture provides quite a spread of meanings! We have all the young-boy, youthful, kid meanings, charming-brat or playboy ones, closely followed by all the ‘fun’ meanings (like enjoying life), which unfold into the ‘freedom’ and ‘getting free of restriction’ meanings – with a dollop of a sunny day, vacation, breaking the rules, reckless heedless behavior, uninhibited and spontaneous acts – or that type of person – and leaving the house meanings. I may even have missed a few, but you get the vibe here, of this card. And the vibe of the card is what we get here at Learn Tarot By Observing.
The picture story is the child (considered a boy, I wonder why …) is cooped up in the house with its rules and restrictions. The adventurous tyke sneaks out to play bareback and nude on a wicked pony, on this beautiful sunny day, and is having a wonderful … reckless … time.
Strangely enough, the mishap or disaster Baby Boy is about to experience is not part of the application (applied meaning) of this Tarot card.
………….. Judgment is another Rider Waite Tarot card whose picture spawns otherwise-unrelated meanings. The main divisions of Judgment’s applications are: Change; awakening; again or the second time, etc.; going back to or reverting to a former place or status; announcement or saying anything; loud noise; legal phrases. And the angel can apply, as well. The picture shows a change from dead to alive; an awakening to life; being alive again; going back to the state of being alive, back to the self the dead were; the angel making a big announcement; the angel saying or communicating; the loud noise of the horn, which also translates as alarm, or even the ringing of your alarm clock, by the way; and ‘judgment’ literally, or any legal pronouncement, decree or published decision. Judgment occasionally means to broadcast or publish, and sometimes says ‘angel,’ usually when that is the question or a theme. When a word beginning in the prefix ‘re’ means ‘again,’ Judgment is likely to own that word, to have that word in its dictionary.
…………… We all like the boy, that Page of Wands guy. He talks nicely to us, he dresses nicely, and he looks nice … such a nice guy. He has that boyish look, and he is all about looks and image. As a matter of fact, Page of Wands is one of the cards that stands for identity itself, for being a given type of person, even for ‘name’ or a person’s name. Page of Wands means to speak, talk, say, stand for, stand up for, be the spokesperson or speak up for… he is all about verbal communication. And don’t forget, this is a handsome fellow. (Fellow, yes, in Tarot Verbatim™, although in theory Pages can be girls, they don’t seem to be that in practice in this system.
Sun and Judgment Sun and Judgment each are change and new phase of life, and each are upbeat (despite Sun’s probable fate, which seems irrelevant in Tarot Verbatim™). Both Sun and Judgment are newly free of restrictions – Sun, from house rules; Judgment from the grave. “Happy days are here again,” they say: Sun is happy days, and Judgment is a return to a better status. “What a change! – I’m not limited anymore.” – because Judgment is, of course, change, and Sun is newly free of restrictions or limitations. New developments (Judgment) free you (Sun). Back to being playful again: Judgment is back again, and Sun is being playful. A new (Judgment) baby (Sun).………..
Sun and Page of Wands Sun and Page of Wands are each young males – a boy-child and a young man. Since Page of Wands is also self, image and identity, the change (Judgment) is becoming a new self – a better self since Sun means liberation and since Judgment is recovering and rejuvenating, not to mention rising from the dead. ‘There is nothing to hold you back,’ (Sun) from being your best self (Page of Wands). An adventuresome (Sun) fellow (Page of Wands). These two say ‘No more physical limitation,’ since Sun has no more limitation, and Page of Wands means physical and physical body. He, Page of Wands (as ‘identity’) is being playful, Sun. From a brat (Sun) to a nice young man (Page of Wands). Baby (Sun) looks like him (Page of Wands).………..
Judgment and Page of Wands Judgment and Page of Wands Our theme is unequivocally about a new you (Judgment) emerging from the restrictions (Sun) of where you were. These two cards could represent a change (Judgment) of name, since Page of Wands is identity. They could represent being called (Judgment) by name (Page of Wands), or your name being called out. See how they also say ‘rejuvenating (Judgment) your looks (Page of Wands),’ which could be about losing weight, plastic surgery, exercise, makeup – whatever? That would also say ‘physically (Page of Wands) recover (Judgment). …………
New life, new looks, new phase, new you! – a new younger you! You are free of who you used to be, where you used to be. A newborn baby is in somebody’s picture, and it’s a boy. A change of name is here for someone too. Take a deep breath and look around; ask yourself ‘Is this where I was?’ – because, with this message, maybe not.
resonates with your subconscious awareness!
Sun and Judgment Happy days are here again. Quit saying __ – free your __. I change to young and exuberant. Turning into a new fun version …. Suddenly is __ with boyish charm. A new younger-looking _. A new _, free of past restrictions. What a change! – I’m not limited anymore. … a kid all of a sudden. _ is happy again. I am happy again. A whole new phase of life for an adventuresome _. Getting out of there is going back to __. There’s nothing to hold you back from being __ anymore. New developments free you from …. Liberated out of that scene. No more … – you recover. Back to being playful again. A new _ emerges from the house. Playboy turns into …. Such happy news! _ says the right word to make you so happy. Something _ are told liberates _ on the spot. What he says gets him out of something. You have to tell the boy again. He is changing from a brat …. A new baby. A new or newborn baby. x
Sun and Page of Wands Happy days – you are looking so good. Free your image. My image _ young and exuberant. A new fun version of yourself. A good-looking fellow with boyish charm. A younger-looking self. A person free of the past restrictions. In such good shape – I’m not limited anymore. He’s a kid. He is happy. I am happy. An adventuresome fellow. LIBERATED FROM BEING YOURSELF Getting out of there is being myself. There is nothing to hold you back from being your best self __. __ free you from being a certain type of person. Liberated from who he was …. Out of that scene from who he was. No more physical limitation. He is being playful. A _ me emerges from the house. Playboy _ an honest man. Such happy _ I am being told now. He says the right word to make you so happy. Something you are told liberates you. … about himself gets him out of something. What he says gets him out of something. What he says about himself gets himself out of something. You have to tell the boy. Speak to the boy. … from a brat to a nice young man. A baby looks just like him. A baby boy. x
Judgment and Page of Wands A NEW ME, A NEW PERSON __ are here again – you are looking so good. You are looking so good again. … saying you are anything – __ your image. I change my image. I change my image to young. Turning into a new version of yourself. Suddenly is a good-looking fellow. A new __-looking self. A new person. In such good shape – what a change! – …. He’s a kid all of a sudden. He’s a kid again. He’s a kid again all of a sudden. He is __ again. I am __ again. A whole new phase of life for a _ fellow. Going back to being yourself.* … from being your best self anymore. New developments … you, a certain type of person. … who he was, and out of that _. You physically recover. _ physical … you recover! He is back to being __ again. A new me. A new me emerges from __. … turns into an honest man. BEING TOLD GOOD NEWS Such _ news I am being told now. He says the right word to …. Something you are told _ you on the spot. What he says about himself. Tell the boy again – speak to him. Tell him again. Speak to him again. He is changing from __ to a nice young man. A new __ looks just like him. A new baby boy. x

Sun ………… Sun is the new adventurous kid on the block. If Sun could talk, it would say “Par-tay!” Its mood is one of release, relief, breaking free, ‘to hell with the rules.’ We see a drawing of a summer day in which a naked reckless tyke has sneaked out of the safe house and mounted a very annoyed pony, waving his flag and his little hand which is not holding on. This story gives rise to these otherwise-unrelated meanings: young kid, boy, baby boy, charming brat, playboy; fun, enjoy life; freedom, breaking free, free of restrictions, free of rules; reckless heedless behavior; sunny day, vacation; breaking the rules; uninhibited spontaneous person or moment; leaving the house. Sun sometimes translates ‘young.’

Judgment …………. The dead wake up, return to life, when the loud noise of the horn speaks to them on Judgment Day: That’s the picture, of course, Look at all the meanings this one scene makes: The change, the awakening, the second time around, a new life or phase of life, going back to the way you were, returning, announcement, communicating, a loud noise or hollering, rejuvenate or recover, relive or reminder, ‘judgment’ literally, an angel.

Page of Wands ………. What you see is what you get with Page of Wands’ meanings: a well-dressed good-looking fellow who is talking. He is the son every mother wants and the Prince Charming every gal eyes. He has polished his image to fit into his scene. He is upright, says what he means and means what he says, states his position up front. We all like Page of Wands.
Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U. S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U. S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U. S. Games Systems, Inc.
The entire contents of this website are Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. This site may not be copied in whole or in part except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review without the express written permission of the publisher. All violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
NOTICE – Anyone found copying Tarot Verbatim’s™ website or using Tarot Verbatim’s™ trademarked/copyrighted text and/or images without Tarot Verbatim’s™ express written consent by Emily Sandstrom will be reported to their billing company, their hosting company, and any other related companies or necessary parties for account closure. Tarot Verbatim™ will also follow with a copyright infringement lawsuit in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
Four Card Spreads, Our Daily Spread
Guidance We celebrate good intentions – both the speaking of them and the doing of them. He says he is going straight, sobering up, turning over a new leaf and having a new life … and he does. Encounters with the police may be involved, and being a good man to his woman as well. Declaring oneself openly helps one to make the change of identity.
Are YOU here for the first time? Come in! People love this place! Full instructions are at the bottom. Guidance and the Tarot Readings are for you if you just want your daily look ahead. “Guidance” is the summary, followed by your word for word Tarot Readings from the four Rider Waite Tarot cards you see pictured here. Pick the sentences that you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them. Sentences contradict one another because negative cards, in this group reading with no question, can attach to any of the other three cards. Want more? – keep going to Learn Tarot by Observation, and Learn Tarot by Pictures. Want even more? – call Emily at 800 993-6912 to get yourself a detailed accurate live Tarot Reading, no information from you, or choose an email reading. There’s a tab for that on this page. You support 500 acres of animal sanctuary in the wilderness where Emily lives. The Community of Users in the Comment section, which is the very last thing, would *love*to hear from you.
Justice Page of Wands – King of Cups – Judgment
. GROUP ANALYTICAL TAROT CARDS READING Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them. Headings [So you can choose what applies] Tarot Readings: He Says Words of Affection (Page of Wands + King of Cups) Tarot Readings: Taking a Stand for What is Right Tarot Readings: He is Sobering Up, He is Going Straight Page of Wands + Justice) Tarot Readings: Physical Body, or Health (Page of Wands) Tarot Talks: Law, Police, Lawyers (Justice) Tarot Readings: Said in the Courtroom (Judgment + Justice) Readings: Emotional Blathering (King of Cups + Judgment) Tarot Readings: He Says Words of Affection (Page of Wands + King of Cups) It occurs to the boy to ask her to marry him, since he does love her. He talks about how he feels and he is a warmhearted goodlooking man: He remarries. He is proud to renew his vows. Hey, this is a good looking man who can confess his feelings: Marry him. This very moment is the right time to say you are proud to be her affectionate guy. His new identify – as the good man who loves her – is as it should be. You get your loving man back again, you deserve him. He says those affectionate words you deserve to hear. Prince Charming loves you and is telling you all the right things. The man you love is back when he sobers up. He says all the right words to be your boyfriend again. Tarot Readings: Taking a Stand for What is Right He isn’t wishy-washy anymore; he has taken a stand for what is right. I am proud to be a decent man who speaks the truth (loudly). Honest gentleman gives it to ’em straight. The right words come when we are emotional. He talks like a gentleman, and what he says is right. He speaks with his heart when he stands for common sense. Tarot Readings: He is Sobering Up, He is Going Straight Page of Wands + Justice) The drinking man makes the declaration that he is going straight. He goes back to being the good guy who talks sense. A whole new life as a calm good man who cleans up his act. The man you love is back when he sobers up. Tarot Readings: Physical Body, or Health (Page of Wands) The man’s body is weak but he will recover to normal. When he was in the physical body, he was one of those emotional men, but after death he is sane and balanced. He recovers his emotional balance. Tarot Talks: Law, Police, Lawyers (Justice) An agency changes its legal name. Words he tells the police when he is emotional come back to him. The bureaucrats in law enforcement dictate to the guys. The police bust an upstanding citizen or politician. There is a legal decree that says he is an innocent person. Agency says it changed the law. Lawyer represents police when there’s an expose. There is a legal writ or judgment with the man’s name on it. The police were good-enough guys to have told him his rights when he was arrested. Legal pubication to that person is done by the lawyer. The lawyers talk to personnel again. A legal change of name because of the man who is your honey. Alarming confessions to a counselor at a police agency. Have a lawyer there when the boy talks to the police. Tarot Readings: Said in the Courtroom (Judgment + Justice) What is said in court is a surprise to the lawyer. The police testify to what he told them, to his lawyer. THIS is the lawyer who says the right words. A young lawyer speaks emotionally. Readings: Emotional Blathering King of Cups + Judgment) Emotional talk from him again about his rights and entitlements. That’s ‘government speak’ for a second chance to do right. “I am Mr. Clean, I’ll have you know, the well-mannered man who does what’s right.”
Justice Page of Wands – King of Cups – Judgment
When I first looked at these four, I thought to myself, “I’m not going to get many sentences from these.” Two good-guy cards and two justice cards. But I did.
Page of Wands and King of Cups are both mild-mannered guys. The Page is younger, handsomer, means ‘to stand up for’ and to speak or speak up, as well as to be well-dressed (even foppish or vain).
King of Cups has a spectrum. At one end he is the affectionate sweetheart of a guy, the mild-mannered paper pusher type, the feeling, emotional, man. At the other, he is the weak man, the drinker, the passive-aggressive type, or tired and resigned Walter Mitty type. King of Cups means government generally, or bureaucrat, as well.
Both Page of Wands and Judgment mean to speak up. Page is more to speak what you believe, to make a stand for or against something. Judgment is more the announcement, or to speak loudly as in “Now, hear this.”
Both Judgment and Justice are of course cards that mean things like police, courts, legal papers, legal proceedings, lawyers, judges and other court players.
Judgment also means ‘to revert’ or return, sudden, surprising, recovery, even a loud noise or announcement. Justice also goes into ‘deserve’ and ‘entitled.’ Justice also means ‘should’ a lot. Not today, though.
Page of Wands Prince Charming, the ‘isn’t he cuuute?’ kind of fellow. A well-dressed and well-mannered (young) man. He is speaking, speaking up, standing up for or against some things. He is the tennis pro or personal trainer. |
King of Cups The main thing about Mr. King of Cups is that he is the ‘mild-mannered man.’ The gentleman, your sweetheart. He can have a paper-type bureaucratic or corporate job, be diplomatic. But King of Cups also covers the weak man, the drinking man, the emotionally strained quietly neurotic fellow – even the passive-aggressive sniper. King of Cups means government generally, or bureaucrat, as well.
Judgment “Now hear this.” That horn wakes you from the dead, and you’re off to Judgment Day newly alive again. Judgment brings in the whole legal, police, courts, lawyers and judges, even regulators who can give tickets. It is about sudden surprises, loud noises, announcements, anything restored or revived, and sometimes just talk or ‘speak.’ Oh, angels sometimes too.
Justice Should. Deserve. Entitled. Right. Correct. And all things legal like law, courts, judges and lawyers, fines and zoning regulations, etc.
I N S T R U C T I O N S & Explanations (Comments are below this.) Did you come here just for your predictions? – If so, you are done when you finish reading the sentences of Group Analytical Tarot Cards Reading. Each Tarot sentence is a literal-interpretation reading of the scenes pictured on the four cards you see. Only what each of the cards says – phrase by phrase – no fillers – no psychic ability used. The readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. Tarot, all by itself, talks to you. This is a demonstration of that . Tarot will address any group flexibly, as it does here of ‘all the visitors.’ (It can address ‘all the people at work who have a say in my raise,’ for instance, without you knowing who or where those people are.) Horoscopes are group readings too. Astrology has to be based on someone else’s birth data, though, so it does not solidly apply to you just because of where the sun was when you were born. (Astrologers know this.) Emily wants to know whether these sentences are more accurate for regular visitors than for people who have come only a few times. Would you help with a comment, if that is who you are? Please? Without a question to focus the answer, four cards can mean contradictory things, especially when the Spread has a card that means ‘no, never or not.’ That negative modifier can apply to any one of the cards. Without a question also the pronouns (you, him, her, me, us, them, they, etc.) in a group reading are more flexible, especially in some of these Rider Waite Tarot spreads. When a pronoun is in parentheses, feel very free to substitute. Notice how, as much as possible, we drop pronouns, which makes for some awkward phrasing. The question in a ‘real’ individual reading supplies at least half the information! In a ‘real’ reading, the parties are identified (including the gender of the questioner!), and so is the time frame if there is one. In this group reading, we cannot do that, so we have variety. Do you want to know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim ™ thing works? If so, *Go to Learn Tarot by Observing. This tells the thinking regarding the combined four pictures in the Daily Spread – the pictures above here. It explains how these four cards get together in your mind to make the message. *Go to Learn Tarot by the Pictures. This is the meaning of each separate card. This is how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in this Spread. You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim ™ works. Regular visitors actually learn to read Tarot without trying. The Tarot Talks tab has some examples for students. P. S. Call Emily for your personal live reading at 800 99 3 6 9 12 (from Eastern 1 p. m. to Eastern 1 a. m. at least, every day). Emily analyzes relationships in business situations and personal situations accurately from *Tarot, *intuitive, and *practical perspectives. She tells you what is happening and what to do about it to make it happen best. (Testimonials about this are on the web site https://EmilysInsight.com and here under its Tab, and in Comments.)
The entire contents of this website are Copyright © 2012. All rights reserved. This site may not be copied in whole or in part except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review without the express written permission of the publisher. All violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
NOTICE – Anyone found copying Tarot Verbatim’s (TM) website or using Tarot Verbatim’s (TM) trademarked/copyrighted text and/or images without Tarot Verbatim’s (TM) express written consent by Emily Sandstrom will be reported to their billing company, their hosting company, and any other related companies or necessary parties for account closure. Tarot Verbatim (TM) will also follow with a copyright infringement lawsuit in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
Four Card Spreads, Our Daily Spread
Advice When we are told a truth, or when the news is scary, we get upset; but we also calm down … or are calmed down by a caring friend … and we look for ways to change our situation, or to change ourselves. An older friend tells him something about himself that upsets him. A handsome young man who is celibate realizes this is getting on his last nerve. The good-looking fellow comes to you; he is back and you are nervous.
…… ……..
Nine of Swords
Hermit – Page of Wands – Judgment

Is this the first time you come here? Well … what to do:
*Go to Advice above which is a summary of the Messages. (Advice is everyone’s favorite part.)
*Go to Daily Message Tarot Analysis below. One or more of those sentences has something to say to you. Intuitively pick those out. They are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. (It is a group message like a horoscope, except Tarot isn’t based on someone else’s birth data, so it can be specific, accurate, detailed and direct. Our experiment here is “How much more accurate is it?”)
Did you come here for your predictions? – You are done now – See you tomorrow.
Without a question to focus the answer, four cards can mean contradictory things especially when the Spread has a card that negates other cards. Without a question also the pronouns in a group reading are more flexible, especially in some of these Rider Waite Tarot spreads. When a pronoun is in parentheses, feel very free to substitute. The question in a ‘real’ individual reading supplies at least half the information!

“Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.”
Friends Perspective
A friend who cares tells (you) he is worried about (you).
Tells a friend who cares (he) is upset about (him)self.
A friend who is a good person says he/she can’t sleep.
So devoted to this good person, he goes back to staying up late.
This good person is so devoted to you, (he) goes back to staying up late.
A reminder to go talk to someone who is grieving.
A friend comes and talks (you) out of (your) anxiety.
Worries and Fears Perspective
Is told something that worries (him), so (he) changes the trip.
Goes back to (his) real name, afraid ‘they’ are looking for (him).
A handsome young man who is celibate realizes this is getting on his last nerve.
It is scary when the dead speak the truth.
With this healer, you recover your good health that you worry about.
Gets over being stressed out when a friends comes over to talk.
It’s alarming when a doctor tells you he is worried.
His older and wiser friend brings distressing news.
Calm down by talking yourself out of being scared or stressed out.
Is upset about her appearance and seeks to have it changed.
Optimist gets the message when he is older, and worries.
The good-looking fellow comes to you; he is back and you are nervous.
Identity, Real Name
Afraid to say who he is or say his real name.
Searching the name, an upsetting revelation occurs.
Can’t Sleep/Insomnia Perspective
Helps his clean-cut friend who can’t sleep recover.
Helps his friend who is fearful or nervous to change.
Goes back to (his) real name, afraid ‘they’ are looking for (him).
Wakes up from a bad dream and inspects his body.
A doctor’s advice about recovering from insomnia.
When your body gets old, you dread waking up.
News, the Facts or Truth
The awful truth is told and repeated.
It is scary when the dead speak the truth.
When you discover the facts, you are embarrassed about what you said.
When you are told some bad news, investigate.
He/She tells us the awful alarming truth.
Brings him the bad news personally.
What I said was true, but what a headache when someone repeated it.
The Dead Speak
Old man comes back from the dead to speak with the bereaved.
It is scary when the dead speak the truth.

Now, Part Two,
Do you want to know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim ™ thing works? If so,
*Go to Meanings and Illustrations: Observation of the Spread section below. This tells about the combined four pictures in the Daily Spread – the pictures above here. It explains how these four cards get together to mean things.
*Go to Meanings and Illustrations: Individual Rider Waite Tarot Cards. It is what each of the four cards, by itself, has to say. It describes how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in this Spread.
You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim ™ works.
Say hello back! Comment! I spend two hours a day or more writing these to you. Remember to share your experience about our experiment here if you have words for it. Read others’ comments.
And you can call me at the 800 99 3 6 9 12 number from Eastern 1 p. m. to Eastern 1 a. m. at least, every day. (3-6-9-12 like a clock. It makes a pattern on the phone as well – easy to remember.) I analyze business situations and personal relationships accurately from both Tarot and practical perspectives, and even make it fun. (Testimonials are on the web site. https://emilysinsight.com.)

Two of these Rider Waite citizens refer to speaking or an announcement – Page of Wands and Judgment. And they each also mean a good person. Page of Wands is to speak or tell, simply. Judgment means a formal announcement, speak loudly, news, to sound an alarm.
(Page of Wands also means young, good-looking or handsome, well-dressed, a good-guy or good reputation and to ‘speak up’ or ‘stand up,’ as well as name or identity.)
(Judgment also means change, to return to a former state or condition, new life, realization, wakes up, to appear unexpectedly (pop up), sudden, to go back to, and “re” words: resume, recover, restore.)
100 sentences could be written in a jiffy here. This is a good spread for learners of Tarot. Here are some examples of common phrases and concepts from two-card combinations contained in this spread (and these are just a few):
Hermit is old and wise, Page of Wands is young and immature: “his friend who is older and wiser.” Hermit is wise and Page of Wands is words: words of wisdom. Hermit is a friend who helps and Page of Wands is tells; so this means a wise friend talks to you, or you tell your wise friend something. (Since Page of Wands is self and one’s image, the conversation could be personal.)
Judgment is change and Nine of Swords is something to worry about or that is scary (so ‘afraid of change’ or a scary change). Judgment is news and Nine of Swords is scary (really bad news announcement). Judgment means recover and Nine of Swords is stress or insomnia (recover from stress or insomnia). Judgment is to wake up, and Nine of Swords is a bad dream. (I could go on!)

Hermit shows the old monk out looking for people to help on the road at night. The meanings for him include friend, friend who cares, healer or physician or counselor, trip, friendly, search, truth, help, sincere, devoted, celibate, healer, to go to (another), honest, elderly or older, devotee, being true.

Page of Wands A nice young man, well-dressed and well-spoken – the ‘fair-haired boy,’ if you please – speaks up. The meanings for him include self, speak, good person, name, identity, handsome or good-looking, young, to stand up, to be yourself, optimist, honest.

Judgment depicts resurrection day (one of the cards inserted in the Middle Ages to keep the deck from being something evil) with the angel blowing the trumpet to wake the dead. The meanings for him include to speak, change, announcement or declaration, verdict, return to a former state or condition, new life, realization, sudden, speak to the dead, resume, recover, restore, unexpected appearance, goes back to, alarm, awakes.

Nine of Swords You don’t need to be told; the illustration says it all: A person in a nightgown sits up holding his/her face in the classic ‘What am I going to do?’ stance. The meanings for him include nightmare, worry, up nights or can’t sleep, crying, fear or afraid, insomnia, anxiety, upset, grief, gets on (his) nerves, wake up in the middle of the night, stays up late, scary.
Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U. S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U. S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U. S. Games Systems, Inc.
The entire contents of this website are Copyright © 2011. All rights reserved. This site may not be copied in whole or in part except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review without the express written permission of the publisher. All violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
NOTICE – Anyone found copying Tarot Verbatim’s™ website or using Tarot Verbatim’s™ trademarked/copyrighted text and/or images without Tarot Verbatim’s™ express written consent by Emily Sandstrom will be reported to their billing company, their hosting company, and any other related companies or necessary parties for account closure. Tarot Verbatim™ will also follow with a copyright infringement lawsuit in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
Four Card Spreads, Our Daily Spread
Advice Today it’s about how authority – whether in the form of old people, tradition, governments, orthodoxy or just inertia – is against change and says ‘You can’t do that.’ And the changed Self says ‘I did it already.’ New realities are spawned by this process, and often it’s not a pretty one! Controlling entities talk and don’t listen. Change happens under the covers anyway, and next thing you know there’s a baby reality you have to deal with … hopefully not slaughter? ========================================================================= Is this the first time you come here? Well … what to do:
*Go to Advice (above ) which is a summary of the Messages. (Advice is everyone’s favorite part.)
*Go to Group Analytical Tarot Reading below. One or more of those sentences has something to say to you. Intuitively pick those out and decide whether to encourage or suppress them. They are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. (It is a group message like a horoscope, except Tarot isn’t based on someone else’s birth data, so it can be specific, accurate, detailed and direct. Our experiment here is “How much more accurate is it?”)
Did you come here for your predictions? – You are done now – See you tomorrow.
Without a question to focus the answer, four cards can mean contradictory things, especially when the Spread has a card that negates other cards. Without a question also the pronouns in a group reading are more flexible, especially in some of these Rider Waite Tarot spreads. When a pronoun is in parentheses, feel very free to substitute. The question in a ‘real’ individual reading supplies at least half the information!
=========================================================== Two of Swords Page of Wands – Judgment – Emperor GROUP ANALYTICAL TAROT READING Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them. Spiritual: Being a New Person (Page of Wands + Judgment) This is not your father’s new life (new year), it is yours as who you are. He makes a resolution that he is not going to be like the old man. He declares he is a changed cleaned-up person, not controlled or controlling. I’m not old, I am young again. Say it loud and clear: I AM NOT OLD! You can’t be your old self again. I am not going to change when I am old. When you change you aren’t conforming. A new lease on life means I am a new self, with no template. I am a changed person, things are not the way they have always been. Spiritual: Out with the Old (Emperor + Two of Swords) I do not acknowledge the established order; I declare a new way. Say no to the controllers in a big way. You tell a federal agency ‘No way.’ The word is a government can’t do that again. Just say no to the changes in established tradition. The young are saying no to the old again. The Establishment can’t tell you who to be. Tell the old man you’re not going to change. We say government can’t change that. The Old Man Says You Can’t (Judgment + Emperor + Two of Swords) Governments announce you can’t talk that way. Old people tell you you can’t. You change things, and some old guy says you can’t. The power people say no to youth. Old people hinder change for the better. Government tells you we can’t change. Government won’t let you be in good shape; it says so. Government puts an end to people changing things. Talking won’t change entrenched bedrock things. Speaking of change is considered anti-establishment. The Establishment tells you who not to be. Miscellaneous News federal governments don’t tell you. Doesn’t speak with ultimate authority, but reminds you. A mature person does not repeat himself. News is, the young are not going to get old. Young man, when you’re old, you don’t change. ============================================================= Now, Part Two, Do you want to know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim ™ thing works? If so,
*Go to Learn Tarot by Observing section below. This tells about the combined four pictures in the Daily Spread – the pictures above here. It explains how these four cards get together in your mind to make the message.
*Go to Learn Tarot by the Pictures. It is what each of the four cards, by itself, has to say. It shows you how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in this Spread.
You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim ™ works.
Say hello back! Comment! I spend two hours a day or more writing these to you. Remember to share your experience about our experiment here if you have words for it. Read others’ comments.
And you can call me at the 800 99 3 6 9 12 number from Eastern 1 p. m. to Eastern 1 a. m. at least, every day. (3-6-9-12 like a clock. It makes a pattern on the phone as well – easy to remember.) I analyze business situations and personal relationships accurately from both Tarot and practical perspectives, and even make it fun. (Testimonials are on the web site. https://EmilysInsight.com.)
================================================================ Two of Swords Page of Wands – Judgment – Emperor MEANINGS AND ILLUSTRATIONS: LEARN TAROT BY OBSERVING I could go on forever: These four say almost everything both ways! Judgment is change, a new phase, a new order, and it’s the New Year’s card: You know, the old year is dead, blow the horn, Happy New Year. There it is in the middle. Page of Wands to the left is a cleaned-up person (the new man), being your best self, the young (even naïve or vain) person, the person who is in good shape (in any way), to stand up for who you are, and to speak, tell, talk. Emperor to the right is the old man, the rigid hidebound soul, the powermonger or federal government or God or dictator or Establishment, tradition, the old order, orthodoxy and tyranny. Things that don’t change, that are entrenched, that are bedrock. See what I mean? You can make anything of these! And that’s before Two of Swords, a negator, joins the discussion. Two of Swords is ‘no.’ No way. Block. Can’t do that. This would be a fun spread for you to play with if you are intrigued by reading Rider Waite Tarot verbatim (or TarotVerbatim™). MEANINGS AND ILLUSTRATIONS: LEARN TAROT BY THE PICTURES Page of Wands As I said up there: A cleaned-up person (the new man), being your best self, the young (even naïve or vain) person, the person who is in good shape (in any way), to stand up for who you are, and to speak, tell, talk. You can see the earnest well dressed young man proudly speaking up. Judgment As I said up there: Change, a new phase, a new order, and it’s the New Year’s card: You know, the old year is dead, blow the horn like the angel on Judgment Day, Happy New Year. Judgment usually means a change for the better, since we assume it is better to be alive than dead. Emperor Still repeating myself as above: Here we have the old man, the rigid hidebound soul, the powermonger or federal government or God or dictator or Establishment, tradition, the old order, orthodoxy and tyranny. Things that don’t change, that are entrenched, that are bedrock. It can mean both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ things, but since we tend to resent power structures and bossy old people/men, it’s often somewhat pejorative. Its illustration is a rigid bearded stern-looking old man who should be paired more with Queen of Swords than Empress … kind of like Prince Charles? Two of Swords One of the negator cards, the most emphatic, it shows a blindfolded seated woman holding heavy crossed swords in such a way it isn’t safe to put them down. Her back is to a lake or ocean and she is sitting on a stone bench, all alone. “No way.” Forbidden, you can’t, won’t happen … roadblock. Cannot proceed. All the material on this blog is copyrighted. No use or copying of any part of this material is permitted without written permission of Emily, its author. ©