Our Daily Spread for November 16, 2011 Wednesday ©
Advice examines the process of civilization: Coming together and making a deal or relationship that is in the mutual interest of the parties. It also examines the problem of civilization: the self-interested hell-raising vandal with the big mouth who wants to be in on the deal without participating. So it reads as a heads-up that, in getting your relationship or transaction finished, you will have to deal with a ruffian of some sort. (“Don’t agree to Plan A.”) You will: The deal closes amicably. (At the time of production, there’s no way to correct the lack of spaces after punctuation. I am writing around it now!) Is this the first time you come here? Well … what to do:
*Go to Advice above which is a summary of the Messages. (Advice is everyone’s favorite part.)
*Go to Daily Message Tarot Analysis below. One or more of those sentences has something to say to you. Intuitively pick those out. They are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. (It is a group message like a horoscope, except Tarot isn’t based on someone else’s birth data, so it can be specific, accurate, detailed and direct. Our experiment here is “How much more accurate is it?”)
Did you come here for your predictions? – You are done now – See you tomorrow.
Without a question to focus the answer, four cards can mean contradictory things especially when the Spread has a card that negates other cards. Without a question also the pronouns in a group reading are more flexible, especially in some of these Rider Waite Tarot spreads. When a pronoun is in parentheses, feel very free to substitute. The question in a ‘real’ individual reading supplies at least half the information!
Three of Pentacles Seven of Wands – Knight of Pentacles – Two of Wands DAILY MESSAGE TAROT ANALYSIS Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them. Business Perspective (Two of Wands + Three of Pentacles) Forced to (Seven of Wands) Forced to consider meeting with bankers. He knows he will be forced to settle. Have to settle up: Security is threatened. Forced to consider meeting about the agreement/settlement. The main thing, One focus, Pressure, Obsession (Knight of Pentacles) Interested in just one sure thing, and will beat your door down to do business with you. He intends to get himself included in the meeting about a financial plan. The main thing is to defend the settlement/agreement/contract that is his financial security. He is sure to be at that meeting, is sure to pressure you. He disrupts the meeting. He has one focus: to be mouthy and important. Locked out of the deal, he will become obsessed. He aims to get in on the deal: You will be pressured. He will become obsessed and break into the meeting. His self-serving plan is to stand up and protest at the real estate closing. This transaction is all-important to him. Expect him to get in your face and accuse you. Important Meeting (Three of Pentacles) An important meeting to plan a defense. You’ve got to meet with him; all his investments are real estate. In his struggle for financial security, this is his biggest deal, his biggest real estate closing. Other A bank intends to take (your) land; it is tough to deal with them. This is an important meeting: The bank is trying to take the land. Make him do his part as agreed: Focus on the future. It is vital to have a plan when a contract puts you under pressure. Don’t agree to Plan A. Pay attention to funding/monetizing: There’s no way you can perform your part in this contract. Make them get together and keep an eye on the bank/banker. Romantic Perspective (Two of Wands + Three of Pentacles) Long Term Relationship (Two of Wands + Three of Pentacles) Strongly opposed to a long term relationship. He knows he is not ready for a long term relationship. He knows this is a long term relationship, and that is his challenge. Any relationship with this surly pushy punk will last forever. First order of the day is to get this long term relationship out of your hair. It is his choice, but he isn’t ready (Knight of Pentacles + Seven of Wands) Forced to consider that he will be having a relationship. It is his, and only his, plan to have a relationship no matter what gets in the way. He has a plan for this relationship that he is forcing himself to do. A plan to make himself do his part in our relationship. This hell-raising ruffian plans to do his part fair and square in this relationship. Raise hell, Strongly objects, Gets in the way of, Stand up for (Seven of Wands) Strongly objects to the three of you having a meeting about what is going to be. He is out to raise as much hell as he can about the finances in this relationship. He is going to get in the way of any relationship you are going to have if it’s the last thing he does. Not ready for a future relationship with a very physical pig-headed guy. Going to have a relationship for sure with this hell-raising ruffian. He is a tough guy to deal with: Plan to stand up for yourself. Plan to stand up for yourself and convince him to do his part in the relationship. He is going to be a mouthy, pushy aggravation; this relationship is very important to him. This relationship is very important to him: He will get in your face and accuse you. Obsessive Relationship (Knight of Pentacles + Three of Pentacles Obsessive about the relationship, he is going to be a mouthy, pushy aggravation. Obsessive about the relationship – will be a showdown for sure. General Perspective Mutual defense where security is the main concern. Now, Part Two,
Do you want to know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim ™ thing works? If so,
*Go to Meanings and Illustrations: Observation of the Spread section below. This tells about the combined four pictures in the Daily Spread – the pictures above here. It explains how these four cards get together to mean things.
*Go to Meanings and Illustrations: Individual Rider Waite Tarot Cards. It is what each of the four cards, by itself, has to say. It describes how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in this Spread.
You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim ™ works.
Say hello back! Comment! I spend two hours a day or more writing these to you. Remember to share your experience about our experiment here if you have words for it. Read others’ comments.
And you can call me at the 800 99 3 6 9 12 number from Eastern 1 p. m. to Eastern 1 a. m. at least, every day. (3-6-9-12 like a clock. It makes a pattern on the phone as well – easy to remember.) I analyze business situations and personal relationships accurately from both Tarot and practical perspectives, and even make it fun. (Testimonials are on the web site. https://emilysinsight.com.)
Three of Pentacles Seven of Wands – Knight of Pentacles – Two of Wands MEANINGS AND ILLUSTRATIONS: OBSERVATION OF THE SPREAD Seven of Wands and Knight of Pentacles contrast with Two of Wands and Three of Wands. Seven of Wands and Knight of Pentacles are aggressive opinionated (pigheaded) men who can be punk types. Seven of Wands is the mouthy protesting demanding (whining) in-your-face adolescent of any age; Knight of Pentacles is a very physical, strong fella who is focused on one priority or is obsessed. These two make a bad combination, whether they refer to two different men together, or to an individual who both cards describe. Two of Wands and Three of Pentacles, on the other hand, are getting together on a mutual matter that they agree on the plan for, or on the future of. Three of Pentacles is a mutual relationship, deal, contract, agreement or settlement – also a meeting, usually of three people. It refers to a real estate closing, the final inspection before the architect is paid. Two of Wands is the future, finances, planning, financial planning, and security – including the security of wealth, particularly real estate. So we have a deal that both sides want, but one side is uncivilized. The deal is going to be agreed upon and closed but there’s a hell-raising factor, a tough customer to deal with. MEANINGS AND ILLUSTRATIONS: INDIVIDUAL RIDER WAITE TAROT CARDS Seven of Wands All of us are like this some of the time, but some of us are like this all the time. “I’m mad as hell and I won’t take it anymore.” “Gimme the keys, and, no, I won’t pick up after myself.” It can be standing up for yourself or for what’s right, or it can be the mouthy adolescent’s way of getting his way. The illustration shows intrusion: Neighbors have come against a landowner to take what belongs to him, and he is defending against greater numbers on very short notice – did not have time to get dressed, get his shoes on – is in his nightshirt. Knight of Pentacles A good man to know when you need something done that the law won’t handle, he is. This is the very physical tough and though-minded guy who is gonna get his. The difference between him and Seven of Wands is his determination: He knows what he wants and he is going to get it, because it is his only priority. The illustration shows a short dark intense fellow staring at the pentacle (money) and mounted on his short dark intense steed who is standing still. Two of Wands Things are looking good, but you have a plan to make them even better. He has princely money, he has – for God’s sake – the world in his hands. Atop his castle by the sea, he is planning his real estate empire below. Security, money, banker/bank, a good solid future. His money power is as strong as the Knight of Pentacles’ physical power. Three of Pentacles Let’s get together and get something done. You do this part, and I’ll do that, and we will all get something out of it. Coming to agreement, doing a transaction, making a deal, each of us doing our part in a relationship. We meet together for this purpose (usually the three of us). This is closing a deal, clinching a relationship. This is civilization. All the material on this blog is copyrighted. No use or copying of any part of this material is permitted without written permission of Emily, its author. ©