Tarot Readings for You for January 30, 2015 Friday©

 GUIDANCE    Mass consciousness strongly but subtly influences members to conform to its profile, within reason. Today we look at the mechanisms within us (gut, heart, instinct, conscience, etc.) that keep us conforming to the specs of groups we are in – the ones we chose and the ones that chose us. We feel in our bones where that line is. And we feel just how far we can venture when we cross that line, and still be full-fledged members. We also have that feeling in the bones about how far we can venture to depart from the group. Even talk is policed by the mass consciousness entities: ‘Not mentioned in polite company’ is where the enforcement shows. The fact we feel awkward when others ‘go too far’ tells us where that line is. We silently and secretly assess one another’s performance re membership: And this secret assessment is one of those forbidden things to mention. Because the fact we are assessing reminds us that it is we who are enforcing.


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People love this place! Our site is divided into four sections: Guidance, Tarot Readings, Learn Tarot by Observation, and Learn Tarot by Pictures.
If you just want your daily look ahead, Guidance and Tarot Readings are all you need. ‘Guidance’ (above) is a summary of what the cards are telling visitors to be aware of this day.

‘Group Tarot Cards Reading’ (just below this) is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you.  They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself.

Did you come here for your predictions? – You are done now – See you tomorrow. The family of commenters here would love for you to join in (the very last thing, at the bottom).



Page of Cups – Four of Pentacles – Moon



Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.


Headings [So you can choose which belongs to you]

Tarot Readings: Dirty Secrets (Four of Pentacles and Moon)

Tarot Readings: What Are You Hiding? (Page of Cups and Four of Pentacles)

Tarot Readings: Could Be Wrong (Page of Cups and Moon)

Tarot Readings: Bad Feelings (Four of Pentacles and Moon)


Tarot Readings: Dirty Secrets (Four of Pentacles and Moon)

Keeping quiet about a foolish mistake.

Curious about a skeleton in the closet.

It’s a dirty secret, and will (you) keep it?

Not admitting I’m addicted; why should I?

Suppressing my curiosity about the scandal.


Tarot Readings: What Are You Hiding? (Page of Cups and Four of Pentacles)

Suffering in silence, aren’t you?

I suspect a hidden defect.

Why is the dangerous road unmarked?

Is it dirty money?

Can you be both cheap and greedy?


Tarot Readings: Could Be Wrong (Page of Cups and Moon)

I don’t want to admit I’m wrong so I’m looking awkward.

I feel deeply about things I could be wrong about.

I think it’s (my) fault, but (I’m) not admitting it.

Can I really keep myself from evildoing?

May be a sin by omission?

If it’s so cheap, there could be something wrong with it.

It’s questionable, it’s wrong, and I’m not getting involved.

It’s wrong to ask such personal questions.


Tarot Readings: Bad Feelings (Four of Pentacles and Moon)

This is personal: I wonder if I’m on the dark side, the wrong path.

A very strange inspiration is festering deep within.

Do I look funny? – I am suppressing freaking out.

In my deepest soul, I suspect I am doing wrong.

It is a crazy scene – it is a bad scene – I don’t wanna talk about it.

I’m warped and I’m weird and I’m in my shell.

You have a funny feeling in your gut that something’s very wrong.

I don’t know why I feel so bad deep down inside.


Now, Part Two,

Do you want to know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim™ thing works? If so,

*Go to Learn Tarot by Observing section below. This tells about the combined meanings of the three cards in the pictures in the Tarot Readings.  It explains how these cards get together in your mind to make the messages. HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS is a stream-of-consciousness bridge to your subconscious if you use it regularly – people report.

*Go to Learn Tarot by Pictures.  It is what each of the cards, by itself, has to say.  It shows you how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in today’s Spread. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.

You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim™ works.

This is a group reading, with no Questioner and no Question to limit what the cards say, so there’s more variety – even contradictions – than a personal reading would give you. Also, pronouns are flexible: If the sentence feels like it’s yours, and it says ‘he,’ but you’re a ‘she,’ well, it’s yours.

*AND if you write names of any two cards into the Google search bar, it will give you meanings of those!




Page of Cups – Four of Pentacles – Moon





……………….…………………… Strange bedfellows, these. Page of Cups and Moon both mean, and both are, strange. Four of Pentacles and Moon both mean, and both are, hidden. Page of Cups asks questions and Four of Pentacles is secrets. Moon can be an ominous, dark occult influence, and Four of Pentacles has something to hide deep down inside him. We have no action card, so we don’t have stories today, but a lot of speculation and rumination.

……………………….. Page of Cups is the fellow wearing women’s clothes who carries a fish around in a cup. When this card is the first Self card in a Celtic Cross spread, it is telling the reader: ‘This doesn’t make sense, but it is correct, okay?’ First, Page of Cups means any form of the word ‘question,’ and it puts your sentence into question form very often. Some words for Page of Cups are: questionable, weird, strange, curious, goofball, silly, awkward, maybe, suspect (verb), somehow, no idea, I suppose – and questions like ‘What if’ and ‘Why?’ and any other question.

Some other things Page of Cups means are: humor, joke, funny, funny-looking; a person who is goofy or confused; a cross-dresser, gay or bisexual, usually a male.

………………………..   Four of Pentacles’ illustration brings up several trunks of meanings. He sits outside of town, hugging himself and his money, staring straight ahead. He is not giving, not talking and it looks like he’s not welcome in town.

One trunk of meanings is the ‘not talking.’ His body language is saying that. Quite a few phrases arise from this.

One trunk of meanings is about secrecy, privacy, ‘deep down inside’ feelings, gut feelings, being blocked or ‘in my shell.’ Deeply felt and not expressed: Put those under Four of Pentacles’ umbrella. It can be a ‘my lips are sealed,’ it can just be private, it can be keeping a guilty secret … any kind of silence – even ‘suffering in silence.’

One trunk of meanings is about the money. This card is referred to in old Tarot books as the miser. So you have words like cheap and stingy. It is also about the budget, about being short of money. This ‘short’ meaning expands to being short of, deficient in, not enough, less than, isn’t good enough, didn’t get enough, not as much, etc.

One trunk of meanings is about ‘holding onto’ or holding. He is hugging himself, so a hug is Four of Pentacles territory.

One trunk of meanings is restraining oneself – ‘Don’t let myself’ and ‘Not going to admit’ or ‘Keep myself from.’

One trunk of meanings picks up on the ‘out of town’ factor. It translates literally that way, whether the out-of-town activity is illicit or just located there – even if it is a direction when you ask ‘Where is’ about anything (often a lost animal).

One trunk of meanings expands on the out of town thing to mean being left out, shut out, estranged from, blackballed, etc. Four of Pentacles can mean ‘in the closet’ about something.

Four of Pentacles and Moon suggest scandal, and keeping it secret.

..………………………. Moon is one of those cards you would just as soon not see in your spread. In excellent company, it can mean The Muse – that type of inspiration or being in the zone – and it can mean dream. It can pick up on the canines and answer a question regarding dogs or wild animals, for instance – or the moon itself. Other than that, Moon is usually bad news, since it means bad and worse and worst case scenario, and the road to hell, and dark-side occultism, not to mention evil itself in any plane. It is dirt and toxins and pollution and serious sickness (even malignancies and growths).

Today it is in company that calls attention to its dark nature: Page of Pentacles questions it, and Four of Pentacles is concealing it … something suspect, something to hide, they say. But neither of its companion Tarot citizens here activates anything: We are only thinking, feeling, and wondering about Moonish things.

Let’s face it: Some things you keep to yourself, and so does everyone else. ‘Not mentioned in polite company’ is a good rule: Things that, mentioned, make for awkwardness, include topics that are too personal, that are confessions of violating norms, and that are just plain weird – among others. Everyone has private thoughts that are outlandish: Did you know that? – everyone. That’s why we don’t freely talk about religion, politics, race or gender in ‘mixed company.’ But temptations, the awful things we know we did, our dreams of power, and our deep contempt for some things other people accept … those are other, more specific, examples of the hush-hush zone. We all signed an unwritten treaty about this when we were born into the human race.



resonates with your subconscious awareness!


……….………….  Page of Cups and Four of Pentacles x..

……….………… Page of Cups and Moon x..

……..…………Four of Pentacles and Moon x..





Page of Cups …….. Here’s this guy dressed like a girl, with this funny hat, carrying a fish around in a cup, his back to the big waves behind the seawall he stands upon. (The waves in Rider Waite are an indication of either/or emotional instability, or an unstable situation.) Is this goofy, or what? Page of Cups means inappropriate and dumb – things like that – and is an invitation to put his sentence into question form.


Four of Pentacles …………. Here’s a guy sitting outside of town holding onto his money, staring straight ahead, hugging himself. This illustration applies several ways. It is about withholding and holding onto, and about internal processes – gut level – often translating ‘deep down.’ It means privacy and guarding privacy, and it means ‘secret’ and keeping anything secret. It means not telling, not divulging, not talking, and ‘shut up.’ It means stifling, suppressing or blocking feelings or anything else. It means ‘insufficient,’ not enough, not very, and not much. It is being low key, quiet, keeping to yourself. It is about not having enough, or not spending enough, money: budget, thrifty, cheap, saving money, broke, stingy, holding onto the money, “Don’t spend” or ‘not worth it’ or not paid what you’re worth,’ as in ‘underpaid.’ Sometimes it’s a hug. Watch for it in medical questions; it means internal there too.


Moon …………. Moon is widely called ‘worst card in the deck’ despite the fact that many of its bad meanings are fairly tame. Its reputation is based on the illustration. Moon is ‘The Left-hand Path,’ of occultism. Those two towers are markers of the entrance to hell on the road to hell (I don’t know the story, aim to find it somewhere. I think its from mythology, not Christianity.). (Ace of Pentacles is ‘The Right-hand Path,’ or right path.) So Moon supports black magic and demonic themes. The dog and coyote consorting, and the lobster going on a land journey both express the out-of-control crazy side of things.

Moon means ‘wrong’ a lot. Moon is serious illness including malignancies; insanity; twisted, warped, hurtful, hateful, spiteful, malicious.

However, Moon can simply mean dream (as well as nightmare, of course). It can mean inspiration – The Muse, for instance. It can just describe a bad day – you know, a ‘day from hell.’

Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U. S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U. S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U. S. Games Systems, Inc.

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Our Daily Spread for Mar. 6, 2011


If you have to rush it, you could ruin it

Moon Ace of Swords, Knight of Wands, Page of Cups

You have to hurry, it could get/be worse. You have to question (it):  To hurry through (it) would be a mistake. Put that foolish mistake behind you! If you drive by fast, you will surely get lost. The ‘unlawful flight’ part has to be a question. Had to leave to avoid being questioned  about the crime/mistake. Have to get out of this hellhole someday. If you have to rush it, you could ruin it. Must inquire whether it’s fast getting worse. If I had to rush through, maybe I would make a mistake. Have to get out before the ridiculous extreme is the case. When you really mess up, you may have to leave. I guess I’m going to have to get out of town when the fit hits the shan. Is it so bad I have to leave? This is a warning to get out or hurry up, something bad may be happening, a mistake may be happening or some questions may be asked.  It isn’t every day that you have ‘Run!’ – Knight of Wands – and ‘Big Bad Mistake’ together, especially with the ‘have to’ of the Ace of Swords.  Then there’s a ‘what if,’ the Page of Cups, that tones down the heaviness of the Ace of Swords-Moon conjunction. Advice is to watch your step.

Meanings and Illustrations:

Ace of Swords: You have to, that’s an order.  Surely, you must.  There’s a hand with a big weapon that says you have to.

Knight of Wands: Hurry up, get moving, get out of the way, avoid, and put something behind you, or pursue.  Here is this fellow whose horse is in a lather and he’s movin’ on out. Page of Cups: Huh?  Duh?  Maybe it could or would be foolish, ask a question or speculate about what may happen ‘if.’  This fellow in a dress with a fish in a cup is a walking question mark. Moon: Here’s the big bad ugly worst case scenario, the mistake, mess, ruination or crime, expose of he the hellhole … the getting sooo lost.  The towers in the illustration have some occult significance, and the wolf and the dog, enemies, have joined forces as the lobster sets out on a land journey … craziness.


She is a talented manager of the company’s affairs regarding some secretive bookwork

Ten of Cups High Priestess, Queen of Pentacles, Queen of Wands

She is in the back room, in charge of keeping books for the people. She manages everybody’s money expertly. She is the expert on investing other people’s money, that’s her department. She fits in with the other women in the group. Three married women. Three happily married women. Three women in the family. She stays home and takes care of him and the household. She is making this a happy home by being there, taking care of her man and being the wife. The wife has her own money, and knows how to make other people happy. She keeps her own money in her name as a married woman. She, the wife, is secretive about the family money. This is one big happy family, and the women devote themselves to family matters. She has been with the company long enough for her talents to be recognized, she is a manager. She is a talented manager of the company’s affairs regarding some secretive bookwork. Well, should I have just put these back in the deck and drawn some more?  We simply have three cards in a row  that mean a woman and then one that means the (happy) family.  That card, with some stretch, can be a community or company.  This isn’t much to work with, but it means something to some people who read this blog.  I wonder what? Advice is to recognize the talent of a woman in a support role whose talent and contribution is to keep things straight, mind a budget and/or paperwork.  There must be something to ‘the three’ as well, the three individual women described below.  It is possible that the ‘witchy’ theme applies to someone, too:  That is a factor the three women cards have in common.

Meanings and Illustrations:

High Priestess: The quiet woman, which also means expert, keeping secrets and/or keeping books or some written records.  She stays in one place in some sense.  The illustration on the Rider Waite version of Tarot shows a quiet, seated woman holding a book, associated with deep knowledge of spiritual and occult things. Queen of Pentacles: The woman who takes care of her man and his money, who minds the fortunes of her family.  She superintends the money of the company or estate.  She also has her own money.  She is talent, she contributes.  The illustration shows a crowned woman with the money symbol in her possession and indications of fertility:  the verdant vegetation around her, and the bunny.  The goat head carved on her throne suggests she has some witchy talent as well. Queen of Wands: Wife, mother, manager of the place, whether ‘the place’ is a home or company.  Her black cat suggests witchy possibilities.  She is a very practical, competent person, reliable, ‘the mama.’ Ten of Cups: The happy family, happy group or community.  Prosperity in a good neighborhood.  The illustration shows the happy family outside their landed home, a rainbow of plenty overhead, the children dancing and the couple’s arms stretched up.  My, my, aren’t we happy and prosperous?

My, my has this day started out with a bang. First Emily makes a few interesting mistakes, managing to thoroughly insult the Page of Pentacles by mixing him up with the Page of Cups. I messed up and the computer ate today’s post.  Emily says it might be a good idea to stay in bed, and then you won’t have to spend the money on a call to her wondering  what the heck happened … -Stef
