Our Daily Spread for Mar. 14, 2011


Not thinking emotionally is the way for him to succeed

Page of Pentacles
Two of Swords, King of Cups, Chariot

Social Perspective:
He is not the calm affectionate emotional man but his intention is to be that.
He sees himself as an emotionally lovable man but has not yet achieved that.
He sees no cause to be ambitious, he is a laid-back affectionate man.
Young fellow doesn’t think about getting ahead, he is wishy-washy.
His focus is on getting ahead, not on being a government person.
He focuses on willpower, on not being weak.

He has not figured out this vehicle but is calm about it.
He knows it was not a government vehicle.
He has no affection in his heart for this car.
He has no heart, no drive to succeed at this.
He knows all about vehicles but is not a pencil-pusher.

He is going to get ahead without the government.
His goal is unemotional thinking.
He is the ambitious type, not lackadaisical.
He has no willpower, he is weak.
He focuses on his goal, not on his weakness.
Emotions you are not consciously aware of drive you.

Business Perspective:
He sees himself as an administrator, not a project manager.
Not thinking emotionally is the way for him to succeed.
He is not emotional; he is focused on his drive to succeed.

When you have one of the negating cards – in this case the Two of Swords – in the type of spread that isn’t labeling the positions or pairing them – then that can apply to each of the companion cards.  This is what allows a spread to mean diametrically opposite things.  It means ‘not’ and ‘no’ here.

The King of Cups in Rider Waite Tarot applies various ways.  Today he is emotional, calm, affectionate, laid-back, wishy-washy or lackadaisical, a pencil-pusher, weak, a government person.  King of Cups is a government or agency as well.

So, naturally, right after him comes the discipline, willpower and drive that he is famous for not embracing, the Chariot.  Chariot is managing his circumstances to achieve his purpose.  Chariot will arrive at destination.

The last card is one of thinking and identity.  “I think therefore I am” is an apt slogan for The Page of Pentacles.  (He is still miffed with me for calling him the Page of Cups twice?)

The first interpretation that hits me when I look at these is ‘not emotional’ of Two of Swords with King of Cups and the contrasting ‘driven to succeed’ of Chariot, the last Page of Pentacles pointing out that this spread is about ‘who he is.’  That is the easiest most likely interpretation, but others follow.

Advice suggests a balance between emotional and rational thinking, between being cool and being successful.  Advice is to be consciously aware of how you are thinking, to have a handle on that rather than letting it have a handle on you.

Meanings and Illustrations:

Two of Swords: Today Two of Swords is used only as a negating word.  You can run down the sentences and see the ‘nos’ and the ‘nots.’  Illustration shows a blindfolded female sitting on a stone bench with her back to a body of water, two heavy swords weighing down her crossed arms.

King of Cups: The King of Cups in Rider Waite Tarot applies various ways.  Today he is emotional, calm, affectionate, laid-back, wishy-washy or lackadaisical, a pencil-pusher, weak, a government person.  King of Cups is a government or agency as well.  Illustration shows that mild-mannered guy with symbols of ineffectuality and emotionality all around him:  his stone slab surrounded by water, and ships tossed in the background.  He looks as if he might have had a few, too.

Chariot: “Here come da judge.”  “He’s got it together” is Chariot’s slogan.  Two sphinxes hitched to his wagon, each of which will go in only its preferred direction, and it is up to him to get them to steer his vehicle forward.  So he is all aim, ambition, drive and success.

Page of Pentacles: This last card is one of thinking and identity.  “I think therefore I am” is an apt slogan for The Page of Pentacles.  He thinks.  He is.  He knows who he is.  He is focused.


Feeling good all over and having what you want beats depression

Five of Swords
Nine of Cups, Star, Devil

Feeling good all over and having what you want beats depression.
Sexual satisfaction with the bad boy makes you feel good all over.
Has a nasty attitude and jerks you around, then he confesses he loves you and wants you.
In love with a belligerent jerk, really wants him.
Want to be abused? – someone is happy to be abusive.

He can be as nasty as he wants to be: This girl enjoys his bad attitude.
Sexual satisfaction in the joy of combat.
The joy of revenge against the cheater can be ever so satisfying.
Tells everyone he/she enjoys sexual abuse.
Telling everyone about your suffering is saying you want to be hurt.

She wants to make the smart alec love her, it’s revenge.
He got what he wanted out of her, but she is warning everyone how evil he is.
Sweet revenge for the bullying is telling the tale/testifying.
Enjoys telling the tale of why she hates this guy who took advantage.

Hmmm, you just don’t see these cards in the company of one another, what’s up? Nine of Cups and Star is ‘the love you always wanted’ or ‘your wildest dream come true, you are thrilled.’ But then we have the Devil and the Bully, Five of Swords. Huh? Say whut? That’s a brutal mugging, a rape, Nevertheless, I can weave these into scenarios most of us have encountered … hopefully in other people’s lives.

Advice from this one? Oh, golly. It may be fun but don’t go there? Telling everyone about your suffering … would you really want to do that? The best is the sentence I chose for the title: Feeling good all over and having what you want beats depression.

Meaning and Illustrations:

Nine of Cups: Everyone calls this the ‘Wish is granted’ card. Here’s this fat fellow, he ate and drank the whole thing and is mighty satisfied (burp!). This card also means ‘wants’ and all forms of the word ‘satisfy.’

Star: To enjoy, to feel good all over, to tell all, telling everyone, testifying, loves you, is in love, is happy, enjoys, joy: Those are its Tarot Verbatim meanings today. It has some others, of course. The illustration shows a naked woman doing some kind of bath routine outdoors in a pond. She is supposed to be performing or singing.

Devil: This Rider Waite Tarot card means almost any bad feeling or deed or condition. It is one of the last cards you look to for the central meaning, it is so nonspecific. Today we have some bad feelings it embodies: Depression, nasty or bad attitude, belligerent, revenge, hates. The other meanings whose boxes are checked off for the Devil are sexual, abusive, brutal, suffering, bullying and how evil he is.

The illustration shows a potbellied hirsute ugly redneck bat-winged creature on a pedestal horned humans are chained naked to, with the chains loose around their necks.

Five of Swords: We all know this guy. He has the smirk of Mr. Cheney; he ruins everyone’s day and rips everyone off. He is the bully, the cocky bastard cop. Positive phrases for this in the Tarot Verbatim school are to beat something, to get revenge. Usually it is busy meaning bad boy, jerks you around, jerk, any form of the word ‘abuse,’ bad attitude, combat, cheater, being hurt, smart alec, got what he wanted out of (you), bully, and the guy who takes advantage.

The illustration shows a smirking fellow who took his friends’ swords as if they were seriously dueling when they were only sparring.

Our Daily Spread for Jan. 20, 2011

Tarot Reading 1-20-11

He isn’t married but feels he should be

Two of Swords
Four of Wands, Justice, Page of Pentacles

He cannot picture himself legally married.
He is not legally married.
He is the one who is putting a stop to his marriage, legally.
He contemplates ending his marriage legally.
He doesn’t think this marriage is right for him.
He sees himself legally married and that’s all.
He thinks of himself as a married man and that’s it.
He can’t think any farther than getting himself legally married.
He should marry, he knows he hasn’t done it.

Well, here we are. Marriage again. Legal marriage is Four of Wands with the Justice card. There it is, the first two! Justice means ‘should’ as well. The Page of Pentacles is ‘him’ and ‘he thinks’ and ‘he is.’ And then there is the brake, the 2 of swords, to stop him. The tone of this spread is his interest in marriage. Although it can easily read ‘He does not think of legally marrying,’ statistically speaking, this spread seldom would mean that. REMEMBER: We don’t have a question that limits and specifies the meanings, so we widely interpret what they COULD mean.
