Our Daily Spread October 30, 2012 Tuesday©
Guidance Oh, the drama of our love lives, and oh, the upheavals we experience in that department. Here is where we risk our mortal sanity, and sometimes our physical lives, as events take on a rhythm of their own, it seems. Escape from its drama is quite the trick. We feel the stings and comforts of love episodes years later.
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Guidance and the Tarot Readings are for you if you just want your daily look ahead. “Guidance” is the summary, followed by your word for word Tarot Readings from the four Rider Waite Tarot cards you see pictured here. Pick the sentences that you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them. Sentences contradict one another because negative cards, in this group reading with no question, can attach to any of the other three cards.
Want more? – keep going to Learn Tarot by Observing, and Learn Tarot by Pictures.
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Seven of Swords – Two of Pentacles – Eight of Cups
Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.
Headings: [So you can pick what’s yours]
Tarot Readings: Love, Love, Love (Two of Pentacles + Lovers)
Tarot Readings: Love Does Me Dirt (Seven of Swords + Lovers)
Tarot Readings: Avoiding or Dodging Love (Eight of Cups + Lovers)
Tarot Readings: Cut off Contact (Eight of Cups + Lovers)
Miscellaneous Tarot Reading
Tarot Readings: No longer in the Partnership (Eight of Cups + Lovers)
Tarot Readings: Love, Love, Love (Two of Pentacles + Lovers)
Going out of my way to take another chance on love.
Partner quits taking one risk after another.
I quit the dangerous fun when I fell in love with you.
No more back and forth taking my chances: I’m in love with you.
After he loves you and leaves you, maybe he can take a chance on coming back?
The cycle of ‘one damn thing after another’ ends in your love life.
Knock off the silly stuff; you are putting your relationship at risk.
Abruptly contacts you … maybe there’s a chance (he) could come back?
Break the cycle of cheating lovers right now.
Am in the process of taking another chance at love.
Love has got the best of me as it comes and goes.
Tarot Readings: Love Does Me Dirt (Seven of Swords + Lovers)
Lover feels ‘You cheated me back’ when you walk away.
He is ever the bad-boy acting up, so it’s too late for that love relationship – he missed the boat.
Sleazes out over and over until a loving person feels abandoned.
After one too many double-crosses, I no longer love him/her.
Fooling around on both sides is the way our love relationship dead-ends.
My unfaithful lover keeps leaving and coming back.
Plays dirty in love relationship … round and round and getting nowhere.
Next time, I’m going to get out before another lover does me dirt.
Tarot Readings: Avoiding or Dodging Love (Eight of Cups + Lovers)
Dodging taking a chance on love one more time.
Fooling around just once more before I leave my lover.
Avoid hooking up with that person, it could be risky.
One lover after another until I no longer fool around with anyone.
We aren’t together any more, and he is in the process of becoming a criminal.
Tarot Readings: Cut off Contact (Eight of Cups + Lovers)
Avoid direct contact when someone keeps trying to trick you.
You got one more chance to get away before you get ripped off by someone you are in contact with.
The person you cut off contact with may be a part-time criminal.
You cut off contact with someone over foolhardy risky behavior.
When they have no ties, no connections with anyone, they may be suspect.
Miscellaneous Tarot Reading
Short-circuiting a connection can be dangerous.
Tarot Readings: No longer in the Partnership (Eight of Cups + Lovers)
He doesn’t quite make partner because he was violating some rules.
He is on his way out of the partnership involuntarily.
We are no longer affiliated with the habitual criminal.
Seven of Swords – Two of Pentacles – Eight of Cups
Frankie and Johnny here (but I left the murder part out of our daily group readings). Today Lovers mostly means lovers, with a sprinkling of ‘partner’ and contact or connection. It is the star card, the one the others center around in our story.
Seven of Swords makes Lovers ‘cheating lover(s).’ It is also about criminal, danger, risk and risky, taking a chance, betrayal or double-cross. It would be the assault and murder card too, which, as I said, I have disregarded here. (It is not a card of death, strangely.)
Two of Pentacles is going back and forth, going through a process or routine, repeated action or behavior, a cycle, comes and goes, and silliness. The silliness picks up the recklessness and ‘taking a chance’ of Seven of Swords.
Eight of Cups is to leave, quit, ‘knock it off,’ abandon, drop out, no longer, avoid, and so on. With Two of Pentacles being a process, we have ‘not quite leave,’ and ‘avoid (whatever) before’ – in other words, incomplete action, incomplete leaving.
So this is the drama of what can happen and does happen in our love lives.
Seven of Swords shows a daring fellow carrying off the enemies’ weapons in broad daylight … with the blades in his bare hands. A special ops fellow. This Rider Waite Tarot card in Tarot Verbatim (TM) speaks of risky (and possibly self-defeating) behavior, double-cross, thievery and assault and murder and other criminal behaviors. It is about taking a chance. | |
Two of Pentacles Here is a juggler doing his routine, dancing while he keeps the plates moving, wearing a goofy costume. Ships are tossing on mountainous waves behind him. This Tarot card in Tarot Verbatim(TM) means: going back and forth, going through a process or routine, repeated action or behavior, a cycle, comes and goes, and silliness. | |
Eight of Cups Abrupt anything. Off of one and onto another, possibly to return to the abandoned path. The pilgrim is forced, in the illustration, to follow the terrain that takes him off course. Eight of Cups embraces: to leave, quit, ‘knock it off,’ abandon, drop out, no longer, avoid, and so on. | |
Lovers has several branches of meaning, normally. Today, not so much. It shows Adam and Eve, the couple of lovers. The only meanings that aren’t about lovers that we use today are: affiliated, partnership, connection, contact, and together. |
I N S T R U C T I O N S & Explanations
(Comments are below this.)
Did you come here just for your predictions? – If so, you are done when you finish reading the sentences of Group Analytical Tarot Cards Reading.
Each Tarot sentence is a literal-interpretation reading of the scenes pictured on the four cards you see. Only what each of the cards says – phrase by phrase – no fillers – no psychic ability used. The readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. Tarot, all by itself, talks to you. This is a demonstration of that .
Tarot will address any group flexibly, as it does here of ‘all the visitors.’ (It can address ‘all the people at work who have a say in my raise,’ for instance, without you knowing who or where those people are.)
Horoscopes are group readings too.
Astrology has to be based on someone else’s birth data, though, so it does not solidly apply to you just because of where the sun was when you were born. (Astrologers know this.)
Emily wants to know whether these sentences are more accurate for regular visitors than for people who have come only a few times. Would you help with a comment, if that is who you are? Please?
Without a question to focus the answer, four cards can mean contradictory things, especially when the Spread has a card that means ‘no, never or not.’ That negative modifier can apply to any one of the cards.
Without a question also the pronouns (you, him, her, me, us, them, they, etc.) in a group reading are more flexible, especially in some of these Rider Waite Tarot spreads. When a pronoun is in parentheses, feel very free to substitute. Notice how, as much as possible, we drop pronouns, which makes for some awkward phrasing.
The question in a ‘real’ individual reading supplies at least half the information! In a ‘real’ reading, the parties are identified (including the gender of the questioner!), and so is the time frame if there is one. In this group reading, we cannot do that, so we have variety.
Do you want to know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim ™ thing works? If so,
*Go to Learn Tarot by Observing. This tells the thinking regarding the combined four pictures in the Daily Spread – the pictures above here. It explains how these four cards get together in your mind to make the message.
*Go to Learn Tarot by the Pictures. This is the meaning of each separate card. This is how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in this Spread.
You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim ™ works. Regular visitors actually learn to read Tarot without trying. The Tarot Talks tab has some examples for students.
P. S. Call Emily for your personal live reading at 800 99 3 6 9 12 (from Eastern 1 p. m. to Eastern 1 a. m. at least, every day). Emily analyzes relationships in business situations and personal situations accurately from *Tarot, *intuitive, and *practical perspectives. She tells you what is happening and what to do about it to make it happen best. (Testimonials about this are on the web site https://EmilysInsight.com and here under its Tab, and in Comments.)
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