Our Daily Spread for Jan. 27, 2011

Rider-Waite tarot reading

He pulls off a totally amazing miracle

Wheel of Fortune
Seven of Cups, Ten of Wands, Magician

A chance to take on doing all those different things at once.
He is making a wonderful thing happen under very difficult, chaotic conditions.
A huge mess that he got himself into is happening.
He is doing something about an overwhelming out-of-control event.
To make the best thing happen any way you can under the most difficult circumstances.
Too many things, all kinds of things to do when this happens.
There’s a lot of confusion about what happens to him.
He did that when he was very confused, and this happened.
Gambling, one chance in a million that you eventually do what hits the jackpot.
All sorts of opportunities if you act on them long term.
It takes a long time and many different ways of doing it, but you win big.
To do (or to have done) all these things is miraculous.
Difficult to do all these things at once so that the best happens.
The odds are extremely long – one chance in a million – of actually doing what you are doing.
Things are so messed up for so long, and he pulls off a miracle.

Two cards here refer to gambling when taken together: The Seven of Cups and the Wheel of Fortune. Sooo … we’re still in lottery country. Now, I am not a gambler, so this isn’t my theme a’tall. Plus, we have the Magician, which is a man pulling it off, making it happen – or the act of pulling it off and making it happen.

Illustrations and Meanings:

Seven of Cups: The sorcerer’s apprentice and/or Pandora’s box stories are reflected in this card. The idea of things being out of control, mixed up, chaotic, confusing, bizarre and shocking. The phrases we pick up in today’s message from this Rider Waite Tarot card are:

All those different things at once; chaotic conditions; a mess; out of control event; any way you can; all kinds of things; confusion; confused; one chance in a million; all sorts of; many different ways; all these things; all these things; one chance in a million; messed up.

Ten of Wands: Fairly simple card: He is overloaded. Too much, too much all at once. Difficult, slow going … but going.Today’s phrases for this one are:

Take on all those things at once; very difficult conditions; A huge; overwhelming; under the most difficult circumstances; Too many; A lot of; very; eventually; long term; long time; all these things; difficult, all these things at once; extremely; so long.

Magician: Well this card conjugates the verb ‘to do,’ And means any ‘male’ term. To do, did, done, doing, doing it himself, to pull it off, to perform an act. Action. To bring about. Illustration shows a man with his hand raised up make something happen … so this card in this spread also echos the ‘happen’ of the Wheel of Fortune.  Today’s phrases for it are:

Doing; He is making; he got himself into; He is doing; To make the thing happen; to do; to him; He did that …; you do; act on; doing it; To do (or to have done); do; actually doing what you are doing; he pulls off a …

Wheel of Fortune: The common meanings (as opposed to philosophical ones) for this Rider Waite Tarot card are a happening, a miracle, the optimum result, the best thing happens, to score, to win big, to hit the jackpot. A chance or opportunity as well. It suggests destiny and karma. Usually it reflects positive good events. Here its phrases are:

A chance to; wonderful thing happens; is happening; an event; the best thing happens; when this happens; what happens; this happened; hits the jackpot; opportunities; win big; miraculous; the best happens; The odds; a miracle.

At last, he is doing something about it — wonderful!  Can you assign cards to the words here, after all the examples above?
