Our Daily Spread, April 29, 2011


HOW TO USE THE MATERIAL WE HAVE FOR YOU HERE. Read the sentences, and pick out the ones that seem to apply to you, to the people around you. They are a Tarot analysis of your day’s circumstances. As the day (or several days) unfolds, you may find the information is relevant. The question is: “Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.” Often, your adopting the attitude you feel in the blog works for your day!

Without a question to focus the answer, four cards can mean even contradictory things. Without a question also the pronouns in a group reading are less specific, more flexible, especially in some of these Rider Waite Tarot spreads. Especially when a pronoun is in parentheses, feel free to substitute.

The Advice section sums up a general meaning of all the sentences.


Here’s another spoiler configuration. Two of Swords, the road block, “No way!” is the party-pooper today. As party-poopers go, not so bad. Especially when we have not one but two “I love you” cards, Knight of Cups and Star. Both mean to express love. Knight of Cups means the dude takes the romantic initiative, and Star means to be wildly enthusiastic, to adore gushingly.

The remaining Rider Waite Tarot card is familiar. It shows up here often. Three of Wands means coming, ships coming in, cash flow. It is about the future and about continuity, ‘continues.’

You just have to watch where you out that ‘not.’ Otherwise, it’s paradise for the lovers.


Advice is there is a stopper in the wine bottle, an impediment to bliss, a roadblock on the highway of feeling good about one another … but it’s coming, and when it gets here, it will feel sooo good.


Meanings and Illustrations:

Three of Wands: Everything is gonna be all right. Your ships are coming in … see them? Money is on its way to you, but, yes, you will be waiting. Illustration is simple, it shows ships coming in and the merchant standing there to receive them when they get there. But the artist, and the company that makes the cards, never got around to coloring the water blue … it’s yellow, but it’s supposed to be water.

Knight of Cups: For he’s a jolly good fellow. He is. He is the troubadour, the romantic boyfriend who takes the initiative in expressing affection. His horse is a horsey, and he is relaxed as he offers the cup of friendship/love. He gives as well as accepts friendship, love and agreement. This fellow cuddles. He is young at heart and cute. He is a Great Pyrenees.

Star: We gush adoration, we pour our guts out, we feel good all over. The cheerleader. She pours something into the bath pool. Bet it smells good.

Two of Swords: It doesn’t go any farther. Nope. In the end, ____. Impasse. A blindfolded female sits on a bench, arms crossed, with two heavy swords in them.


In the end, he is going to come to her and declare his love.

He does not continue with it because he falls wildly in love.

He is in love but he isn’t going to be over the top (ostentatious) about it.

There’s no explanation for his still being the warm puppy.

He isn’t young and cute but oh, how he is going to love you.

Don’t let yourself gush about how cute he is going to be.

He tells you politely that it is not going to be happening.

There is no way he can be that enthusiastic, but he does accept it.

There will be a lot of talk but the suggestion isn’t accepted.

The motion will be tabled after some discussion.

The presentation will not be that long-winded.

He isn’t going to explain the suggestion.

He does not say that he will be happy with that salary.

He isn’t going to talk like the softie he is.

There are no words to express what a sweet guy he will be.

He accepts when he is told that is not happening.
