Tarot Readings for you for November 3, 2014 Monday©

GUIDANCE      There’s privacy, and there’s socializing – whether socializing is business or pleasure – and there’s private time, alone time. Some of us want more of one, and some of us want more of the other. We tend not to think about this factor, but too much or too little makes for a constant uncomfortable feeling. The underlying suggestion here is to associate with people who give you pleasure, and do in business the things that also give you pleasure. We acknowledge the challenge this is.


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People love this place! Our site is divided into four sections: Guidance, Tarot Readings, Learn Tarot by Observation, and Learn Tarot by Pictures.
If you just want your daily look ahead, Guidance and Tarot Readings are all you need. ‘Guidance’ (above) is a summary of what the cards are telling visitors to be aware of this day.

‘Group Tarot Cards Reading’ (just below this) is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you.  They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself.

Did you come here for your predictions? – You are done now – See you tomorrow. The family of commenters here would love for you to join in (the very last thing, at the bottom).


World – Three of Pentacles – Ace of Wands



Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.


Headings [So you can choose which belongs to you]

Tarot Readings: Our Relationship is First Priority (Three of Pentacles and Ace of Wands)

Tarot Readings: Have to Live Up to Agreements (Three of Pentacles and Ace of Wands)

Tarot Readings: One Thing to the Exclusion of Others (World and Ace of Wands)

Tarot Readings: Her Victory (World and Ace of Wands)

Tarot Readings: Don’t Have Anything to Do with Them (World and Three of Pentacles)


Tarot Readings: Our Relationship is First Priority (Three of Pentacles and Ace of Wands)

Got to meet that shapely lady.

She’s hard to get so she is the one to have a relationship with.

We meet for sex in privacy.

We have to shut the world out and get along with one another.

Our relationship is first priority: No one interferes with it.


Tarot Readings: Have to Live Up to Agreements (Three of Pentacles and Ace of Wands)

You have to have some alone time if you are going to be fair to people.

People who have spiritual power invariably live up to agreements.

To keep out of trouble, I have to live up to what we agreed to.

You have to do your part in your deal with her, or she ignores you.

There’s a time to go it alone and a time you have to hang together.

You are required to be at a meeting that has nothing to do with you.


Tarot Readings: One Thing to the Exclusion of Others (World and Ace of Wands)

Tune out the environment when you have to get down to business.

We meet to accomplish one transaction, and only that one.

Get this one point across at the meeting to the exclusion of everything else.

Very important business no one else is let in on.


Tarot Readings: Her Victory (World and Ace of Wands)

The girl has no problem with a victory in a lawsuit.

She has no fault, so she wins in court.

You will have no problem in this very important meeting.


Tarot Readings: Don’t Have Anything to Do with Them (World and Three of Pentacles)

You have to do business with people you have nothing in common with.

A good immune system is required when you meet with them.

We have absolutely no mutual interests.

The main thing is: Don’t get involved with the three of them.

Being shut out from the team is really a victory.


Now, Part Two,

Do you want to know a little, or a lot, about how this Tarot Verbatim™ thing works? If so,

*Go to Learn Tarot by Observing section below. This tells about the combined three pictures in the Tarot Readings – the pictures above here.  It explains how these three cards get together in your mind to make the messages. HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS is a stream-of-consciousness bridge to your subconscious if you use it regularly – people report.

*Go to Learn Tarot by Pictures.  It is what each of the three cards, by itself, has to say.  It shows you how that illustration makes that card’s meanings in today’s Spread. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.

You can put all this together and intuitively see yourself how Tarot Verbatim™ works.

This is a group reading, with no Questioner and no Question to limit what the cards say, so there’s more variety – even contradictions – and also the pronouns are more flexible. If it feels like it’s yours, and it says ‘he,’ and you’re a ‘she,’ feel free to adopt it anyway.



World – Three of Pentacles – Ace of Wands




……………….……………………   World has no part, is unavailable, unapproachable and very much alone and not interested – has better things to do. And Three of Pentacles is a team, is people meeting, is transacting business together or doing something together – even meeting up for a personal occasion. Ace of Wands is an imperative – is must, and only, and priority, and being required. It is also sex. These three Tarot cards get in one another’s way and limit one another. Three of Pentacles, with all its general meanings, is the star card – as it often is.

………………………..     World’s illustration is the esoteric concept of being Master of Both Worlds, meaning being capable of operating in both the dark and the light sides, and therefore unassailable from either. She has magic wands, and the circle of protection around her that keeps the problems out, keeps the spirits from even noticing her.

    The application of the concepts in this illustration give World meanings like: not interested, protected, unavailable, superior, shapely, dancer (because she is dancing), privacy (the wall around her), defenses, excluded and exclusive, keeping (whatever) out, being out of the loop, having no fault, having no problems or troubles, immune system, repelling, not letting (it) get to you, no one’s going to interfere, nothing ruffles (her) feathers, (she) is surrounded, preventing (usually trouble), nothing gets to her – and other such things.

………………………..     Three of Pentacles depicts a builder-architect demonstrating, with the blueprint, that the building of his clients is done per the specifications in it. This entitles him to be paid the rest of his money, a large sum. This picture show a meeting; it is about a deal, a negotiation, a meeting of minds, a settlement, a legal contract or legal matter; about cooperation between three parties (often this applies!); about getting together for some mutual purpose; about a team; and about real estate. Lots of other things, too – these are the tip of the iceberg.

…………..……………     Ace of Wands shows a hand with a board in it that has sprouts on it. The hand with the board is dominance and first priority – being number one, associated with males; and the sprouts represent fertility. Common phrases for Ace of Wands are: must, have to, the main one, total or totally, clout, confront, sole, challenge, issue, ‘make’ in the sense of force or forcing or being forced to, get the point across, punishment, blunt or brutal, hit or strike – and big or biggest or ‘most’ anything.

………..…………..    World and Three of Pentacles    World and Three of Pentacles are at odds with one another along the lines of World not meeting with anyone or anything, being engrossed in her own private interests, and Three of Pentacles being about getting together to accomplish something the parties agree upon. You can be at a meeting that does not concern you at all, here. You can deal with her in some particular way (another card) or she ignores you. You meet (Three of Pentacles) a shapely lady (World). You can tune out the environment (World) to get down to business (Three of Pentacles). The girl has no problem with (World) a lawsuit (Three of Pentacles). Or, there’s a time to go it alone and there’s a time to hang together.……..…………..

………..…………..       World and Ace of Wands   World and Ace of Wands is having sex (Ace of Wands) with the shapely lady. Or something is first priority (Ace of Wands) and no one dares interfere (World). You tune out the environment (World) when you have to do something (Ace of Wands). Get the point across (Ace of Wands) to the exclusion of everything else (World). She has no fault (World) so she wins (Ace of Wands). You have no problem (World) at a very important (whatever). You have to (Ace of Wands) be with people you have nothing in common with (World). …...……

……………………     Three of Pentacles and Ace of Wands    Three of Pentacles and Ace of Wands, you immediately see sexual (Ace of Wands) relationship (Three of Pentacles) and our relationship being first priority; have to (Ace of Wands) meet (Three of Pentacles); first order (Ace of Wands) of business (Three of Pentacles); get down to business; you have to (Ace of Wands) do your part (Three of Pentacles); very important (Ace of Wands) business (Three of Pentacles); we have to (Ace of Wands) hang together (Three of Pentacles, and we have to do business. ………………………



There are things we have to do, people we have to see, and there are things we need not be any part of. We cover both these waterfronts at the same time here, making the point that sometimes we have to do things that are on our ten-foot-pole department, and sometimes we have to be with people who are on our ten-foot-pole department. The main focus is priority. There are relationships that come first and no one must intrude upon, and there is business that comes first, that only parties who are involved may participate in. This same message reassures us that we don’t have a problem with any of it.



resonates with your subconscious awareness!


………..…………..    World and Three of Pentacles    Meet that shapely lady.** She’s hard to get, to have a relationship with. We meet in privacy.** We shut the world out and get along with one another. No one interferes with our relationship. You have alone time if you are going to be fair to people. People who have spiritual power live up to agreements. To keep out of trouble, I live up to what we agreed to. You do your part in your deal with her, or she ignores you. There’s a time to go it alone, and a time you hang together. Be at a meeting that has nothing to do with you. Tune out the environment and get down to business. We meet for one transaction, and only that one. … at the meeting, to the exclusion of everything else. Business no one else is let in on. The girl has no problem in the lawsuit. She has no fault, so she _ in court. You will have no problem in this meeting. DON’T HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THEM Do business with people you have nothing else in common with. A good immune system when you meet with them. We have no mutual interests. Don’t get involved with the three of them. Being shut out from the team. x..

………..…………..    World and Ace of Wands   Got to _ that shapely lady. She’s hard to get so she’s the one. Sex in privacy. Have to shut the world out. _ is first priority: No one interferes with it. You have to have some alone time. People who have spiritual power invariably …. To keep out of trouble, I have to …. You have to … or she ignores you. There’s a time to go it alone, and a time you have to …. You are required to … that has nothing to do with you. ONE THING TO THE EXCLUSION OF OTHERS Tune out the environment when you have to …. That one, and only that one. Get this one point across to the exclusion of everything else. Very important _ that no one else is let in on. HER VICTORY The girl has no problem with a victory. She has no fault, so she wins. You will have no problem in this very important __. You have to … people you have nothing in common with. A good immune system is required. Absolutely no interest. The main thing is: Don’t get involved. Being shut out is really a victory. x..

……………………    Three of Pentacles and Ace of Wands   OUR RELATIONSHIP IS FIRST PRIORITY Got to meet. __ is the one to have a relationship with. We meet for sex. We have to get along with one another. Our relationship is first priority. HAVE TO LIVE UP TO AGREEMENTS You have to __ if you are going to be fair to people. People who __ invariably live up to agreements. I have to live up to what we agreed to. You have to do your part in your deal. There’s a time you have to hang together. You are required to be at a meeting. You have to get down to business. We meet to accomplish one transaction. Get this one point across at the meeting to the exclusion of anything else. Very important business. Victory in a lawsuit. Wins in court. This very important meeting.** You have to do business with people. __ is required when you meet with them. Absolutely mutual interests. The main thing is: Get involved with the three of them. … the team is really a victory. x..



   World ……... The key thing to remember, to keep World’s dictionary in your head, is that wall, the wreath, the circle around the human figure. Most of World’s meanings are about excluding or being excluded. You find such phrases as: does not belong; nothing in common with; no connection to, or no contact with; is not a problem; tune out the environment, not invade or not intrude; in a world of your own; will not put up with; unruffled or unflappable or unperturbed; well-defended; gives no offense; no fault of your own; denied access; immune system; not let it get to you; repel; she is surrounded; don’t get involved; her defenses.

The other main trunk of World’s meaning tree is about being a shapely woman, a dancer, being the trophy woman – that sort of thing – and nudity.

No one challenges a champion court reporter to play Scrabble. No one challenges you on what you are master of – they just don’t. And World is the master of, well, everything – that’s the idea. It’s an esoteric concept explained fully above.


Three of Pentacles …………. Three of Pentacles not only shows up more often than most cards, it also, in its spreads, is more related to than its spread-mates. It gets around – it socializes and meets others, just like its meaning. The pictures shows three people in a business meeting to settle up a contract about the building. The architect and builder shows his clients he followed the blueprint, so he can get paid the bulk of his income.

Three of Pentacles is a deal, a negotiation, a meeting of minds, a settlement, a legal contract or legal matter; about cooperation between three parties (often this applies!); about getting together for some mutual purpose; about a team; and about real estate.


Ace of Wands.……… Ace of Wands surely does resemble a penis, and the meanings grow out of maleness: number one, dominance (orders, force or make, enforce, male gender, challenge, confront, clout, etc.); first priority or most important; the one and only; total or totally; punishment, big and biggest and most important; boss; hit or strike. It means ‘very’ and the suffix ‘est for ‘most.’



Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U. S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U. S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U. S. Games Systems, Inc.

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Our Daily Spread for October 10, 2011 Monday©


Advice     Emphatically here we point out that, by living ‘out there’ – by being adept spiritually – you insulate yourself from all the aggressors in your whole environment, all the infections agents and all the predators … that you “Don’t have to take it anymore.” It’s spiritual living to not feed the smart alec attention. Dancing to the tune of your different drummer – being in your own world, not theirs – is holding intruders beneath contempt.


Ace of Wands

World – Five of Swords – King of Wands


Tarot Readings: Insulate Yourself from Intruders (World and Five of Swords)


Insulate yourself from ill-tempered assertive types who take advantage.


A place for you in the midst of your enemies.


They don’t think of attacking if you ‘aren’t in their world.’


We have to mind our own business when the predatory types are around.


Spiritual abilities can make you invisible to physical intimidation.


No one disturbs your peace when you are in a world of your own.


A great defense against oneupsmanship is to not give it attention.


She is invisible to muggers and lowlife types.


He is going to make her have sex … not.


A good immune system seals you from even aggressive infections.


There are bullies with big sticks out there, but not in your world.


Her mentality keeps her from socializing with those low-class pushy commoners.


Fellows who are not worthy of her – those crass ruffians – don’t know her.


Her dissociation forces her husband to make his point sarcastically.


Her daddy is such a rough guy that she is sheltered from contact with rough guys.


He is not impressing us with his snarly macho attitudes.



Five of Swords and King of Wands and Ace of Wands all refer to aggression. These are the main bully cards of the deck.

World means to be insulated from any harm the environment contains, to be superior, to be a spiritual master who is adept in the dark side as well. World is also a shapely woman.

Five of Swords is the bully, the robber or mugger, a person who takes advantage of friends, who harasses. This is the punk with the chip on his shoulder and the smirk on his face.

King of Wands tends to be the ill-tempered lout, the redneck or macho man, the frustrated or irritated workingclass man who can be combative. The Tarot company he is with today brings out the worst in him.

Then there’s Ace of Wands, the hand that grasps the club. Of course it is aggressive and combative.

Spiritual expertise makes you immune to threats of all kinds: That is World’s main meaning. Being the kind of person potential muggers see as a fellow predator, and disregard. World can be a filter or buffer – a seawall, for instance. It is the immune system that shuts out or blocks pathogens. World suggests that living ‘out there’ confers invisibility upon you – invisibility to things that would intrude.





World The illustration reminds us of phrases like ‘dancing to a different drummer,’ ‘in his own world,’ ‘being in the world but not of the world.’  Dancing with two wands is being ‘master of both worlds,’ a concept in occultism that means a person can use forces from the dark side if he or she chooses. The bad spirits avoid that person the same way muggers avoid martial artists, which is expressed by the wreath, the wall, around the figure. World is considered both genders by reason of all this superiority.


Five of Swords is the wise guy, bully, the one with Mr. Cheney’s famous smirk who eats your lunch and expects you to thank him for it. We all know these guys, they come in all ages as sizes. The card shows a fellow who was playing at swords with friends, and, when he won, pretended it was a for-real duel – which would mean that he took all their lands and their noble titles. So he is the predator.



King of Wands is often the ill-tempered lout who has status. He is the abusive relative, husband or manager that you feel you have to deal with.  Pictured as a red-head clutching his big stick and making a fist on his throne there.



Ace of Wands is a hand with a board in it like the King of Wands has.  Often, it says ‘absolute’ or ‘absolutely.’ Just as often, it is about ‘must.’ Its most obvious meaning today is about forcing or being forced, about aggression or assertion.

Our Daily Spread for April 8, 2011


Having a blissful sense of freedom deep down inside you repels aggressors and blocks interference

Fool, Four of Pentacles, Ace of Wands

Being Short of Money Perspective:
When you are short of money, you have to ignore enticements and stay away from temptations.
Don’t let having to be on a budget get to you: Be happy to just take a walk.
Person is so cheap, people totally ignore (him) and don’t associate with (him).
Just prize the one thing you do have and never mind all the things that are beyond reach.

Sexual Perspective:
She really doesn’t care, she has no interest in sex with that lowlife, and he can do without.
A superior woman does not have sex mindlessly.
Not enough sex, the shapely women don’t even notice him.
That one woman acts as if he isn’t even there, so he is not getting any sex.
She won’t even talk about sex, she is so into her privacy.
She has to be squeaky clean as if she has nothing to hide.
No one knows the sexual secrets about the shapely lady.

Spiritual Perspective:
Clear your mind of all but that one thing, go inside yourself and shut everything else out.
No bad spirit is aggressive enough to get through your defenses against distractions: You are free.
Bad spirits aren’t aggressive enough to break through her defenses against them: She is free of them.
You are free of the influence of bad spirits when they aren’t aggressive enough to break through your defenses.
Having a blissful sense of freedom deep down inside you repels aggressors and blocks interference.
You have to shut out distractions, and quieten yourself, to be free of it all.
To limit yourself to subconscious awareness, you have to shut everything else out.
Keeping your consciousness free of all contamination is the secret to power.
Don’t even think you can make her be quiet and sit in a corner: She is Teflon Lady.

Privacy or Secrecy Perspective:
Keeping that one thing very quiet and acting as if you have nothing at all to do with it.
It’s a deep dark secret no one must know about, and keep it from her most of all.
Privacy is paramount; act as if there’s nothing to hide.
You have to be quiet about this one thing, just forget it and block it out.
Act as if it is not much of a threat, as if there’s no connection to her.
You have to keep a lid on it as if there is no possible scandal (re that lady).
What if you keep the most important fact a secret from (everyone)?
You have to not admit and to keep to yourself the things that would be harmful.

These four play well with one another, don’t you think? They bring out one another’s rarer phrases too. Three of these Rider Waite Tarot cards refer to ignoring or shutting out: We begin with the Fool meaning to ignore, be free of, to shut out, followed by the Four of Pentacles who means to keep something to yourself and be quiet about it, a secret, and then the World shuts everything out and has no association at all with … usually some bad influence or bad spiritual entity. The ‘leftover’ card is the famous Ace of Wands meaning ‘the most important,’ sex, having to, totally … that one thing.

Advice is to choose your battles, to focus on what is important to you to the exclusion of other things which amount to distractions if you have one interest. There is also an emphasis on keeping your mouth shut about things you don’t want known. Being short of money is not so bad, we say here. And, yes, (he) is doing without sex.

Meanings and Illustrations:

Fool: to be free of, to be free, to ignore, to not know, never mind, mindlessly, doesn’t even notice, ‘don’t even think,’ be happy, doesn’t care, acts as if, won’t even … And, no, he isn’t noticing and doesn’t care that he is about to step off into the wild blue yonder and take his equally blissfully unaware doggie with him.

Four of Pentacles: To be short of, to keep to yourself, to have a secret, deep down inside, to be miserly, to do without, not enough, isn’t getting enough and has something to hide – illustrated in Rider Waite by the fellow clutching his money outside the city on a gray day.

Ace of Wands: ‘Do not let’ is one of today’s phrases for the Ace of Wands. Also, ‘the most important,’ sex, having to, totally … that one thing. The hand with the board in it that means ‘you have to’ or ‘must,’ and the board is sprouting which means fertility in case you didn’t see how much like a penis the board looks.

World: This card is about spiritual superiority. The illustration depicts being so strong spiritually that the monsters don’t see you and you have no connection to them, so that you are ‘Master of Both Worlds,’ the highest rank of occult or magical practice. That wreath is a wall of separation between the human figure and the world. And that rank is considered androgynous (vocabulary word alert: both genders in one body). So the main meaning of World is to shut out or repel unwanted things, influences, factors, ideas … anything, any application. This card can stand for a seawall, for instance.


He says the right words and does the right things, and she still isn’t pleased

Ace of Pentacles
Magician, Queen of Swords, Eight of Wands

Business Perspective:
She is expecting him to do all these things for that amount of money.
She expects him to do it quickly for that amount of money.
She expects/demands more money to do all those things.
She expects more money to do it quickly.
He is making more money because she wants things.

He starts a dialog about how much money she wants.
She is doing things fast to get money because she doesn’t have enough.
She is paid more money to do that.
She needs more money to get that done.

Do It Right Perspective:
She expects all these things to be done the best way.
The old lady talks about him doing things right, she is not satisfied.
She has a list of things that she needs to be done right.
Stern woman wants all these things done right.
She expects it to be done right and quickly.
She expects him to do it right and quickly.
Stern mama tells him to act right.
He says the right words and does the right things, and she still isn’t pleased.
She doesn’t have the right words to get him to do things.

She is doing all the right things, she wants what is fair.
She doesn’t have enough money to get all the things done.
Act right, or you will hear her criticism.
She is a stickler for things being done to suit her … the right way.

Man who does, or to do: That is the Magician. Then, here comes the woman who expects and demands, in a critical manner. Then a list of things, all these things … and it also means quickly. And then we have the payment, the money in hand. As you can see, the story is set – no ambiguity.

Advice emphasizes getting paid more for doing more, and refers to a woman in that respect. Ask more to do more, it says.

Meanings and Illustrations:

Magician: Man who does. You can conjugate the verb ‘do’ for this Rider Waite Tarot card, and it is emphatically a male. It also means to start, to take initiative, to act. Illustration shows a man with the tools of the magician trade, arm upraised with his wand in it. Magicians really do have wands, okay?

Four of Pentacles: Not having enough, being short of, especially, money. Keeping it quiet, keeping to yourself, being a miser, holding something precious. A fellow is pictured holding onto his coins, out of town, hugging himself, keeping it all in. Deep down inside.

Eight of Wands: Here come a whole lot of things fast. A list. “All these things.” The illustration is one stick after another flying in the wind fast like arrows shot rapidly.

Ace of Pentacles: The right way, money in hand, getting paid. It shows a hand holding the money over ‘the right path,’ or ‘right-hand path,’ with white lillies in front and a vine-draped entryway the right path leads to, suggesting a reward or victory.

Our Daily Spread for Jan. 31, 2011

Rider-Waite Tarot reading

She aims to make the most money and be the top person

Six of Pentacles

Ace of Wands, Chariot, World

Making money, being successful, is the main reason to be a superior person.

Do what you get paid for and the heck with the rest:  Aim for that.

*A fellow must treat her right or she has nothing to do with him.

Have to make car payments to have superior standing.

She aims to make the most money and be the top person.

*People are responsible to respect her:  They must, because she won’t put up with anything less.

*He is the top earner, his woman is the top woman.

He keeps the knowledge from her of what he will do to be paid top dollar.

She is not privy to the price he has to pay for his success.

He makes them put money into what gets him ahead

*He has to be successful to pay for the dame with the Body.

*He has to be attentive to the woman with the gorgeous body if he is to succeed.

He is immune from prosecution for how he made the program’s success.

Have to give immunity to accomplish justice.

She has no connections, she has to be the most highly paid to be successful.

Here our four cards’ main meanings are (1) to have to or be/do the most (Ace of Wands) – (2) success  (Chariot) –  (3) to be superior and/or above reproach (World) – (4) to be paid or to pay, or justice (Six of Pentacles). Today we are about the drive to succeed and keep the ‘nose clean,’ keep out of trouble..  Since our question does not identify parties, action or time – just a faceless ‘Tell the day’s visitors about their day, their life today’ – we have a few scenarios these ideas cover.  Making money and being successful (Six of Pentacles and Chariot) are featured.  The Ace expresses the drive and the World card expresses the various forms of denial that occur when one is driven to succeed and make money.

The meanings that are about romance, which are marked with an asterisk, are about a woman who feels only the best and most successful man is worthy of her.
