GUIDANCE What’s right conflicts with what’s legal. Being penalized for doing the right thing is normal these days, and police have a right to do you damage. But we can have a mostly normal life in spite of our aggravatin’ way of life, you know? Personally, I justify being a perfectionist, and I prefer the straight-and narrow in spite of its rigors. ‘The right way pays off in spite of its rigors’ is our subject here.
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*Then you read the one-sentence readings below titled GROUP TAROT CARDS READING – and you’re done: See you tomorrow. Invite your friends. At the very bottom are comments. New! – the black boxes to the right as you scroll down allow you to comment right there.
GROUP TAROT CARDS READING is the actual word-for-word messages from the pictures of the three cards you see – to everyone. These readings are about you and the people around you. They are about today and the days around it. So, go ahead and pick the sentences you feel are yours and decide whether to encourage or reject them for yourself. All the words of each Tarot card reading you see here are a phrase-by-phrase translation of the scene pictured on those cards: no filler, no psychic impressions, no spirit guide. Word-for-word Tarot Verbatim™.
Ace of Pentacles – Justice – Three of Swords
“Tell the visitors here something useful and meaningful to them.”
Tarot Readings: Ace of Pentacles and Justice
Having a normal life in spite of the pain.
You get paid a fair amount for the damage.
As difficult as it is, I justify being a perfectionist.
As difficult as it is, the straight-and-narrow is right for me.
For an infraction, you pay a fine in court.
Sue for the benefits you deserve.
Have/Has a right to be mad.
Police have a right to do damage.
Everything is against a well-deserved success.
Tarot Readings: Ace of Pentacles and Three of Swords
The perfect storm of enforcement.
Deserve combat pay.
A legal dispute about possession.
Deserve that so-against-the-odds success.
With all this pain should come some kind of gain.
Road hazards are normal around here.
Compensated in court for an injury.
Tarot Readings: Justice and Three of Swords
The way is paved for a legal divorce.
Win a nasty lawsuit.
Win a fair fight.
There’s a law against what’s right.
A contested divorce will cost you.
It’s worth the aggravation to win when you’re right.
Have/Has a right to revenge.
A lawsuit for money damages.
I have a right to be mad when you’re right.
Firing that lawyer is the right thing to do.
Now, Part Two,
Did you come here to ACCESS YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS? –
*Then you read HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS – resonates with your subconscious awareness! – and you’re done.
Did you come here to RESEARCH CARD MEANINGS? –
*Then you go to LEARN TAROT BY OBSERVING and
LEARN TAROT BY PICTURES for single card meanings and for what those cards say today as they get along with their companion cards, which is important for Tarot Verbatim™, whose expertise is combinations of Tarot cards’ meanings.
*Then you go to Now we show where each of the phrases in each of the sentences comes from: for phrases individual cards make in the day’s sentences. This applies the knowledge.
*Then you read HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS – resonates with your subconscious awareness! for language created by each pair of Rider Waite Tarot cards, in Tarot Verbatim™. Now you are done, if you chose to do it all. Comments are at the very bottom.
Did you come for combined meanings of other cards than these?
*Then you can put names of any two cards into Google, and get their combined meanings. You can also write in one card followed by ‘Tarot Verbatim,’ and get paragraphs of meanings for it.
Ace of Pentacles – A hand holds the gold over the golden road. In front, white lilies for purity, and at the end an arched trellis of roses for victory. This is a diagram of the idea that success and money accompany being on the right track or right path. Ace of Pentacles’ meanings are far-flung but stick close to this concept.
First is possessing – to have, to benefit, gain. Next is to pay out, the price, to be paid, money.
Next is winning or success, assets and benefits.
Ace of Pentacles means ‘right’ in any of its applications, and also its synonym of ‘correct.’
Then there’s perfection, being straight … you know, the straight and narrow. Most religions have some form of this ‘right path’ concept.
The right path includes a road, of course, and Ace of Pentacles often talks about a plain old road or street.
Justice – The title gives you many of the meanings for Justice of course. Justice owns the court house and the legal systems, as well as the law enforcement systems and agencies. If it’s litigation or lawsuit or proceedings, it involves this justice card (and its support cards, of course).
That’s the initial pebble in the pond. The ripples expand very logically to: fairness, right, justify – and even ‘deserve’ and ‘entitled to,’ all all their similar phrases.
As the ripple gets bigger and a little less obvious, Justice expands to: should, ought, sane, balanced, normal, okay, straight, going straight, and even sometimes words like ‘fine’ or ‘all right,’ as synonyms for the ‘okay’ slice of Justice’s meanings.
Three of Swords – Three of Swords you know is not good at first glance. But like all cards that make us squirm, it has its not-so-terrible meanings. First of all you can see it means heartache, heart trouble, hurt, pain, storm, bad times. One more little step, you can see it means damage.
Three of Swords has a huge hostility dictionary. It simply means ‘against’ very often, and it means litigation, to sue, and ‘divorce.’ It also means to quit or be fired. It means ‘fight.’ It covers the waterfront when it comes to ‘combative,’ even meaning revenge.
Today we see several of its, shall we say, off-label uses, words and phrases like these: as difficult as it is, infraction, mad, storm, nasty, hazards, aggravation. ‘Difficulty’ is a nice general word to remember for Three of Swords.
Tarot Verbatim™ operates around ‘theme cards,’ cards that in a larger (Celtic Cross, etc.) spread establish the subject of the message. Three of Swords and Tower are the two divorce cards, and also the two cards that signify quitting or getting fired – which, yes, is a kind of divorce.
Here we have two cards that mean many of the same things,
Ace of Pentacles and
Justice. They both mean ‘right’ in all sorts of ways, and they both mean being straight, going straight.
Justice means entitlement, and
Ace of Pentacles means
benefit, and
Two cards that mean similar things in a three-card spread tend to ‘bump into one another’ when it comes to phrasing. You can watch for that as you read the breakdown of the sentences here in NOW WE SHOW WHERE EACH PHRASE IN EACH SENTENCE COMES FROM and HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS. If you want to. You will see how sometimes Ace of Pentacles is the one that says ‘right’ and sometimes it’s
Justice. They switch off, and the other one uses another of its meanings. This can take some getting used to as you learn.
The other card is … difficulty,
adverse environment,
pain …
Three of Swords. I saw the aphorism or cliché or saying ‘No
pain, no
gain’ in
Three of Swords with
Ace of Pentacles.
divorce is one of the most well-established phrases in Tarot Verbatim™ as
Justice with
Three of Swords (or
Tower). I also saw, and giggled, ‘
storm’ in
Ace of Pentacles as
perfect and
Three of Swords as
Three of Swords – joining with
two cards that talk about things as they should be, right, having, and getting paid (fairly) – make stories about
doing what’s right
despite its
price. These three cards also say ‘
the suffering
that’s deserved,’ but I did not go there when I wrote out the sentences, so that’s not today’s message. These three cards contrast
what’s right, as
Ace of Pentacles, with
what’s legal, as
Justice, and how that
distinction is painful.
Our main talk today is really about how it pays (Ace of Pentacles) to be a
just person (Justice),
some pain, some
hurtful experiences.
Here we have two cards that mean many of the same things, Ace of Pentacles and Justice. They both mean ‘right’ in all sorts of ways, and they both mean being straight, going straight. Justice means entitlement, and Ace of Pentacles means reward, benefit, and receive.
Two cards that mean similar things in a three-card spread tend to ‘bump into one another’ when it comes to phrasing. You can watch for that as you read the breakdown of the sentences here in NOW WE SHOW WHERE EACH PHRASE IN EACH SENTENCE COMES FROM and HERE ARE PHRASES FOR ALL THREE 2-CARD COMBINATIONS. If you want to. You will see how sometimes Ace of Pentacles is the one that says ‘right’ and sometimes it’s Justice. They switch off, and the other one uses another of its meanings. This can take some getting used to as you learn.
The other card is … difficulty, hurt, adverse environment, pain … Three of Swords. I saw the aphorism or cliché or saying ‘No pain, no gain’ in Three of Swords with Ace of Pentacles. Legal divorce is one of the most well-established phrases in Tarot Verbatim™ as Justice with Three of Swords (or Tower). I also saw, and giggled, ‘perfect storm’ in Ace of Pentacles as perfect and Three of Swords as storm.
Three of Swords – joining with two cards that talk about things as they should be, right, having, and getting paid (fairly) – make stories about doing what’s right despite its price. These three cards also say ‘Get the suffering that’s deserved,’ but I did not go there when I wrote out the sentences, so that’s not today’s message. These three cards contrast what’s right, as Ace of Pentacles, with what’s legal, as Justice, and how that distinction is painful.
Our main talk today is really about how it pays (Ace of Pentacles) to be a just person (Justice), despite some pain, some hurtful experiences.
‘It was worth it,’ we say, when we have been through some saga and emerged with some booty from it. I graduated. I learned my lesson. I got over it and now I can prevent it. Whatever. Sometimes you win, and you have the scars to prove it. Deserved success is like that – you earn your stripes, as they say in the military. That’s how you get promoted, you know.
Tarot Readings: Ace of Pentacles and Justice
Having a ACE OF PENTACLES normal life JUSTICE in spite of THREE OF SWORDS the pain THREE OF SWORDS.
You get paid ACE OF PENTACLES a fair amount JUSTICE for the damage THREE OF SWORDS.
As difficult as it is THREE OF SWORDS, I justify JUSTICE being a perfectionist ACE OF PENTACLES.
As difficult as it is THREE OF SWORDS, the straight-and-narrow ACE OF PENTACLES is right for me JUSTICE.
For an infraction THREE OF SWORDS, you pay a fine ACE OF PENTACLES in court JUSTICE.
Sue THREE OF SWORDS for the benefits ACE OF PENTACLES you deserve JUSTICE.
Police JUSTICE have a right to ACE OF PENTACLES do damage THREE OF SWORDS.
Everything is against THREE OF SWORDS a well-deserved JUSTICE success ACE OF PENTACLES.
Tarot Readings: Ace of Pentacles and Three of Swords
The perfect ACE OF PENTACLES storm THREE OF SWORDS of enforcement JUSTICE.
A legal JUSTICE dispute THREE OF SWORDS about possession ACE OF PENTACLES.
Deserve JUSTICE that so-against-the-odds THREE OF SWORDS success ACE OF PENTACLES.
With all this pain THREE OF SWORDS should JUSTICE come some kind of gain ACE OF PENTACLES.
Road ACE OF PENTACLES hazards THREE OF SWORDS are normal around here JUSTICE.
Compensated ACE OF PENTACLES in court JUSTICE for an injury THREE OF SWORDS.
Tarot Readings: Justice and Three of Swords
The way is paved for ACE OF PENTACLES a legal JUSTICE divorce THREE OF SWORDS.
Win ACE OF PENTACLES a nasty lawsuit JUSTICE.
There’s a law JUSTICE against THREE OF SWORDS what’s right ACE OF PENTACLES.
A contested divorce JUSTICE and THREE OF SWORDS will cost you ACE OF PENTACLES.
It’s worth ACE OF PENTACLES the aggravation THREE OF SWORDS to win ACE OF PENTACLES when you’re right JUSTICE.
I have a right to JUSTICE be mad THREE OF SWORDS when you’re right ACE OF PENTACLES.
Firing THREE OF SWORDS that lawyer JUSTICE is the right thing to do ACE OF PENTACLES.
resonates with your subconscious awareness!
Ace of Pentacles and Justice – Having a normal life. You get paid a fair amount. I justify being a perfectionist. The straight-and-narrow is right for me. You pay a fine in court. The benefits you deserve. Have/Has a right to. Police have a right to. A well-deserved success. Perfect enforcement. Deserve pay. A legal possession. A legal _ about possession. Deserve success. Some kind of gain should come. Road _ are normal around here. A normal road. Compensated in court. The way is paved for a legal _. Win a lawsuit.** Win a fair _. There’s a law _ what’s right. Win when you’re right. Have/Has a right to. A lawsuit for money. I have a right to … when you’re right. That lawyer is right. _ that lawyer is the right thing to do. x
… Ace of Pentacles and Three of Swords – Having _ in spite of the pain. You get paid for the damage. As difficult as it is, I’m being a perfectionist. As difficult as it is, the straight-and-narrow …. For an infraction, you pay a fine. Sue for the benefits. Have/Has to be mad. A right to do damage. Everything is against success. The perfect storm.*** Combat pay.*** That so-against-the-odds success. With all this pain, some kind of gain. Road hazards. Compensated for an injury. The way is paved for a divorce. Win a nasty _. Win a fight. Against what’s right. A divorce will cost you. It’s worth the aggravation. Have/Has revenge. Money damages.*** Mad when you’re right. Firing is the right thing to do. x
. .
Justice and Three of Swords – Normal life in spite of the pain. A fair _ for the damages. As difficult as it is, _ is right for me. For an infraction, in court. Sue for the _ you deserve. A right to be mad. Police do damage. Everything is against a well-deserved _. … storm of enforcement. Deserve combat _. A legal dispute.*** Deserve that so-against-the-odds _. With all this pain, there should be …. Hazards are normal around here.* In court for an injury. Legal divorce. A nasty lawsuit. A fair fight. There’s a law against _.*** Contested divorce. … the aggravation to _ when you’re right. A right to revenge. A lawsuit for damages.*** I have a right to be mad. Firing that lawyer. x
Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck®, known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U. S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright ©1971 by U. S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck® is a registered trademark of U. S. Games Systems, Inc.
The entire contents of this website are Copyright © 2016. All rights reserved. This site may not be copied in whole or in part except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review without the express written permission of the publisher. All violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
NOTICE – Anyone found copying Tarot Verbatim’s™ website or using Tarot Verbatim’s™ trademarked/copyrighted text and/or images without Tarot Verbatim’s™ express written consent by Emily Sandstrom will be reported to their billing company, their hosting company, and any other related companies or necessary parties for account closure. Tarot Verbatim™ will also follow with a copyright infringement lawsuit in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).