Ace of Wands

Two Card Combinations For Ace of Wands

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Rare Ace of Wands Combinations

A hand-in-the-sky holds a club. The club is sprouting, the hand is manicured, and not grasping the club in strike mode. Plain gray background. (That focuses the meaning on a central theme – no details to attend to.) The club is drawn to resemble a penis. I sometimes refer to it as the Ace of Penis, and other people use similar names for it. You get the idea of generating – the new life of sprouts plus the penis-looking shape. This makes Ace of Wands, to some people, mean ‘start’ or beginning.’ (Some people say all the aces mean these things.)

And a hand holding a club also brings up all sorts of force-based ideas, as well as threat and intimidation. The impersonal hand-in-the-sky with no other elements to the picture opens Ace of Wands to any and all pronouns. ‘Make (you) (myself) (him/her) (it) do it’ is a common phrase here. Ace of Wands also can talk about a weapon, but Ace of Swords moreso. Sometimes Ace of Wands is the ‘blunt instrument’ of legal and police parlance (language). Ace of Swords is more for the sharp pointed ones – for firearms and weapons generally. Both Ace of Wands and Ace of Swords can be about confrontation and intimidation.

Ace of Wands is such a macho card it means ‘the most’ and similar phrases, which includes suffixes that mean that: -er, -ier, -est, -iest, etc.

And of course, this must be the card for male gender, for sex-related topics, and for sex, especially intercourse with or by a male. If you ask the gender of a coming baby or animal, Ace of Wands says it’s a boy. (Ace of Cups, it’s a girl.) Ace of Wands and Ace of Cups are the main gender Tarot cards.



Ace of Wands and Major Arcana


Ace of Wands and Cups



Ace of Wands and Pentacles


Ace of Wands and Swords


Ace of Wands and Wands



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Rare Ace of Wands Combinations