Two Card Combinations For Two of Swords


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Rare Combinations Two of Swords



Two of Swords has one simple job: To say ‘no’ and ‘not’ and ‘don’t’ and ‘don’t be’ and other frank negatives like those that cancel out the meaning of a neighboring card, especially one Two of Swords is paired with. She knows a few other words, not many – words like ‘closed’ and ‘end’ and ‘stop’ and ‘dead end’ and even ‘The buck stops here.’

This is one of the negative modifiers, a key concept in Tarot Verbatim which has the amazing ability to identify something that won’t actually happen.

Watch for Death to overlap most of Two of Swords negative words. Four of Cups does that with the same negative words also.

Since their main job is to cancel out another card, the lists for negative modifier cards – called ‘negators’ in Tarot Verbatim – tend to be simpler and clearer.



Two of Swords and Major Arcana

Two of Swords Magician

Two of Swords Emperor

Two of Swords Chariot

Two of Swords Wheel of Fortune

Two of Swords Justice

Two of Swords Hanged Man

Two of Swords Death

Two of Swords Temperance

Two of Swords Devil

Two of Swords Star

Two of Swords Moon

Two of Swords Judgement


Two of Swords and Cups

Two of Swords Two of Cups

Two of Swords Four of Cups

Two of Swords Six of Cups

Two of Swords Seven of Cups

Two of Swords Eight of Cups

Two of Swords Nine of Cups

Two of Swords Page of Cups

Two of Swords Knight of Cups

Two of Swords King of Cups



Two of Swords and Pentacles

Two of Swords Three of Pentacles

Two of Swords Five of Pentacles

Two of Swords Seven of Pentacles

Two of Swords Eight of Pentacles

Two of Swords Nine of Pentacles

Two of Swords Page of Pentacles

Two of Swords Knight of Pentacles


Two of Swords and Swords

Two of Swords Four of Swords

Two of Swords Nine of Swords

Two of Swords Page of Swords

Two of Swords Knight of Swords


Two of Swords and Wands

Two of Swords Two of Wands

Two of Swords Three of Wands

Two of Swords Four of Wands

Two of Swords Five of Wands

Two of Swords Nine of Wands

Two of Swords Page of Wands


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Rare Combinations Two of Swords

